Enough with the "pissed off that Hillary lost" narrative.

Your reading comprehension is fucked. They complain that America only saw the bad side of Trump because the media portrayed him as a fascist leading the fucktards, there may even be some truth to that, so why are you all acting the stereotype? America thinks Trump leads the hateful because you are all being hateful. You are the problem you nasty little creature and all the mean-ass bastards like you. When you people quit being perfect stereotypes I will treat you otherwise.

America correctly dismissed the media as lying assholes, and elected Trump.

The only people who insist of using the world "fascist" in this context are people trying to smear Trump and the good people who support him.

We are not hateful. We are righteously angry.
"Righteously angry" oh lord the fascist states that started because a bunch of sheep finally got righteously angry and thought it would be a good thing to surrender their will to the one guy deluded enough think he has all the answers.

I said we are angry, and you dismiss that and call me a "fascist", and a "sheep".

You are the problem.

YOu are so reflexively and unthinkingly insulting and rude, that you don't even realize you are doing it.

You THINK you are posting something reasonably critical, and then you wonder why are they so mean, while being completely obvious to how fucking rude you are.

Newsflash. We are not your father's republicans, to try to engage is civil debate while you are engaged in smear campaigns.

You are the assholes here.
You think I am being rude? Troll you have ain't seen nothing if I finally come to the conclusion that there is nothing worthy to salvage from this board. I have been a constant advocate of civility but the problem here is that many of you see criticism as hateful only because you hate what is being said. We have all always been terribly critical and partisan but you Trumpbots just totally quit talking about issues and ideas altogether at a time you really need to show America that you are capable of getting your shit straight.

During the campaign I was CONSTANTLY struggling to get you lefties to talk issues, when all you guys wanted to do was panic monger and race bait.

Yes, it is rude to call people "fascist", or "sheep" or a "Trumpbot".

YOur complaints about US being mean, become less credible with every insult you can't HELP but make.

You and yours are the problem here.

Trump was a valid candidate who won fair and square. It was wrong of your side to Godwin. Time to check your panic mongering and get real.
You people went down a political path that Americans used to find terribly distasteful. We have never really had to struggle with Fascism but it seems America has forgotten. If it seems I am alarmed by this unprecedented kind of cancer on American politics it's because I have not forgotten where this kind of thing leads.
America correctly dismissed the media as lying assholes, and elected Trump.

The only people who insist of using the world "fascist" in this context are people trying to smear Trump and the good people who support him.

We are not hateful. We are righteously angry.
"Righteously angry" oh lord the fascist states that started because a bunch of sheep finally got righteously angry and thought it would be a good thing to surrender their will to the one guy deluded enough think he has all the answers.

I said we are angry, and you dismiss that and call me a "fascist", and a "sheep".

You are the problem.

YOu are so reflexively and unthinkingly insulting and rude, that you don't even realize you are doing it.

You THINK you are posting something reasonably critical, and then you wonder why are they so mean, while being completely obvious to how fucking rude you are.

Newsflash. We are not your father's republicans, to try to engage is civil debate while you are engaged in smear campaigns.

You are the assholes here.
You think I am being rude? Troll you have ain't seen nothing if I finally come to the conclusion that there is nothing worthy to salvage from this board. I have been a constant advocate of civility but the problem here is that many of you see criticism as hateful only because you hate what is being said. We have all always been terribly critical and partisan but you Trumpbots just totally quit talking about issues and ideas altogether at a time you really need to show America that you are capable of getting your shit straight.

During the campaign I was CONSTANTLY struggling to get you lefties to talk issues, when all you guys wanted to do was panic monger and race bait.

Yes, it is rude to call people "fascist", or "sheep" or a "Trumpbot".

YOur complaints about US being mean, become less credible with every insult you can't HELP but make.

You and yours are the problem here.

Trump was a valid candidate who won fair and square. It was wrong of your side to Godwin. Time to check your panic mongering and get real.
You people went down a political path that Americans used to find terribly distasteful. We have never really had to struggle with Fascism but it seems America has forgotten. If it seems I am alarmed by this unprecedented kind of cancer on American politics it's because I have not forgotten where this kind of thing leads.

It is absurd of you to accuse me of fascism in a thread where your op complains that we are not responding to serious criticism, seriously.

YOur GOdwin panic mongering is noted. Your post is invalid.
All across this board we have all the Trump supporters answering criticism of Trump with something like "Trump won, get over it, you are just pissed <insert insulting name for Clinton>lost.

For the record I am pissed she lost but I am also pissed she was nominated to begin with. I have a whole list of axes to grind with the democrats but right now I have much larger concerns, namely the impending presidency of Donald Trump.

Using the past template of the Bush presidency and the cabinet he has assembled there are many questions people have about his intentions, polices, loyalties and even his mental state. I can tell all of you right now that accusing someone of being a sore loser does nothing answer these concerns.

So take a few minutes to collect your thoughts and reflect on where we now stand in history. You think Trump is capable of great things that will "Make America Great Again", that's awesome, now sell this turkey to a skeptical public who only saw a hateful man and his hateful followers. Blame it on the media if you must but the main thing I am saying is that by simply dismissing criticism you are perpetuating the perception that neither you or Trump has a clue how to run a nation. Put the sore loser meme out to pasture because now it is the republicans holding the bag.

In case none of you actually thought about your present place in history I will tell you. Republicans will now have full responsibility for what happens. Accept the responsibility you wanted so badly and quit telling people to shut up and get over it. Defend your man on his merits or admit you have no idea how to defend such a reckless individual as Trump. Remember how frustrating it was as a kid to hear "Because I said so"? That sort of answer is unacceptable to three year-olds, quit using it on grown up people and start having grown-up discussions about this crazy man you think is so damned awesome.

Boy you are really pissed off that Hillary lost. She will even loose again this very day. The Americans were more pissed off with the failed policies of the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party. That is the very reason Republicans now hold the majority in BOTH Houses of Congress, the Presidency, most state governorships, and most state legislatures. It is YOU who are out of step with American voters.
You are talking about EC votes. I agree that Trump won and will preside in the Oval Office..by law. But you forget that the popular vote should not be discounted as insignificant either. So maybe you should be thinking about how to make peace with your fellow Americans thru good governance, which few believe is possible with Trump, and stop thinking like victors over some evil. Crowing over a victory by technicality is a mistake.

Enough with the popular vote. Hillary may have gotten that and it was from southern California, where there is an extraordinarily high population of illegal aliens and their families. Obama did indeed tell them they could vote. We also saw evidence in Michigan that votes for Hillary were counted as many as six times each.

No way in hell should one area in California have the ability to dictate who gets elected. The electoral exists for a reason.
America correctly dismissed the media as lying assholes, and elected Trump.

The only people who insist of using the world "fascist" in this context are people trying to smear Trump and the good people who support him.

We are not hateful. We are righteously angry.
"Righteously angry" oh lord the fascist states that started because a bunch of sheep finally got righteously angry and thought it would be a good thing to surrender their will to the one guy deluded enough think he has all the answers.

I said we are angry, and you dismiss that and call me a "fascist", and a "sheep".

You are the problem.

YOu are so reflexively and unthinkingly insulting and rude, that you don't even realize you are doing it.

You THINK you are posting something reasonably critical, and then you wonder why are they so mean, while being completely obvious to how fucking rude you are.

Newsflash. We are not your father's republicans, to try to engage is civil debate while you are engaged in smear campaigns.

You are the assholes here.
You think I am being rude? Troll you have ain't seen nothing if I finally come to the conclusion that there is nothing worthy to salvage from this board. I have been a constant advocate of civility but the problem here is that many of you see criticism as hateful only because you hate what is being said. We have all always been terribly critical and partisan but you Trumpbots just totally quit talking about issues and ideas altogether at a time you really need to show America that you are capable of getting your shit straight.

During the campaign I was CONSTANTLY struggling to get you lefties to talk issues, when all you guys wanted to do was panic monger and race bait.

Yes, it is rude to call people "fascist", or "sheep" or a "Trumpbot".

YOur complaints about US being mean, become less credible with every insult you can't HELP but make.

You and yours are the problem here.

Trump was a valid candidate who won fair and square. It was wrong of your side to Godwin. Time to check your panic mongering and get real.
You people went down a political path that Americans used to find terribly distasteful. We have never really had to struggle with Fascism but it seems America has forgotten. If it seems I am alarmed by this unprecedented kind of cancer on American politics it's because I have not forgotten where this kind of thing leads.

Please stop using words that you do not understand.
"Righteously angry" oh lord the fascist states that started because a bunch of sheep finally got righteously angry and thought it would be a good thing to surrender their will to the one guy deluded enough think he has all the answers.

I said we are angry, and you dismiss that and call me a "fascist", and a "sheep".

You are the problem.

YOu are so reflexively and unthinkingly insulting and rude, that you don't even realize you are doing it.

You THINK you are posting something reasonably critical, and then you wonder why are they so mean, while being completely obvious to how fucking rude you are.

Newsflash. We are not your father's republicans, to try to engage is civil debate while you are engaged in smear campaigns.

You are the assholes here.
You think I am being rude? Troll you have ain't seen nothing if I finally come to the conclusion that there is nothing worthy to salvage from this board. I have been a constant advocate of civility but the problem here is that many of you see criticism as hateful only because you hate what is being said. We have all always been terribly critical and partisan but you Trumpbots just totally quit talking about issues and ideas altogether at a time you really need to show America that you are capable of getting your shit straight.

During the campaign I was CONSTANTLY struggling to get you lefties to talk issues, when all you guys wanted to do was panic monger and race bait.

Yes, it is rude to call people "fascist", or "sheep" or a "Trumpbot".

YOur complaints about US being mean, become less credible with every insult you can't HELP but make.

You and yours are the problem here.

Trump was a valid candidate who won fair and square. It was wrong of your side to Godwin. Time to check your panic mongering and get real.
You people went down a political path that Americans used to find terribly distasteful. We have never really had to struggle with Fascism but it seems America has forgotten. If it seems I am alarmed by this unprecedented kind of cancer on American politics it's because I have not forgotten where this kind of thing leads.

It is absurd of you to accuse me of fascism in a thread where your op complains that we are not responding to serious criticism, seriously.

YOur GOdwin panic mongering is noted. Your post is invalid.
If you think Fascism simply means Hitler it's no wonder you let Trump lead you to the dark side.
America correctly dismissed the media as lying assholes, and elected Trump.

The only people who insist of using the world "fascist" in this context are people trying to smear Trump and the good people who support him.

We are not hateful. We are righteously angry.
"Righteously angry" oh lord the fascist states that started because a bunch of sheep finally got righteously angry and thought it would be a good thing to surrender their will to the one guy deluded enough think he has all the answers.

Someone who voted for a corrupt, lying criminal and can't figure out why she lost is referring to others as a "bunch of sheep."

Let's just say you're not clicking with reality ...
They built an outrageous cult of personality around a "reality" TV personality and you say I am not "clicking with reality"? You really need to take a step back and look at how easily these Trumpbots could be led down the wrong road taking the rest of America with them. Look at them already wanting to gut the CIA because Putin and Trump do not like what they say.

No, you can't. I'm a libertarian you fucking dick wad, not a Republican and I didn't vote for Trump.

But you try to be civil, yeah. Fuck you and the fart that blew you in
You would not know civility if it fell out of sky and landed on your face. I am not attempting civility on this thread because I have lost my patience with such futile gestures today. all though this election I had hoped that things would get better after it was over but damned if it didn't get worse. You want to disavow Trump at the beginning, that's awesome, but you still sound just like the rest of them.

Yes, as soon as Trump won, you idiot moon bat leftists ratcheted up the hysteria. What did you expect would happen?
All across this board we have all the Trump supporters answering criticism of Trump with something like "Trump won, get over it, you are just pissed <insert insulting name for Clinton>lost.

For the record I am pissed she lost but I am also pissed she was nominated to begin with. I have a whole list of axes to grind with the democrats but right now I have much larger concerns, namely the impending presidency of Donald Trump.

Using the past template of the Bush presidency and the cabinet he has assembled there are many questions people have about his intentions, polices, loyalties and even his mental state. I can tell all of you right now that accusing someone of being a sore loser does nothing answer these concerns.

So take a few minutes to collect your thoughts and reflect on where we now stand in history. You think Trump is capable of great things that will "Make America Great Again", that's awesome, now sell this turkey to a skeptical public who only saw a hateful man and his hateful followers. Blame it on the media if you must but the main thing I am saying is that by simply dismissing criticism you are perpetuating the perception that neither you or Trump has a clue how to run a nation. Put the sore loser meme out to pasture because now it is the republicans holding the bag.

In case none of you actually thought about your present place in history I will tell you. Republicans will now have full responsibility for what happens. Accept the responsibility you wanted so badly and quit telling people to shut up and get over it. Defend your man on his merits or admit you have no idea how to defend such a reckless individual as Trump. Remember how frustrating it was as a kid to hear "Because I said so"? That sort of answer is unacceptable to three year-olds, quit using it on grown up people and start having grown-up discussions about this crazy man you think is so damned awesome.

We'll get right on that as soon as you all retract your years of "Obama Inherited blah blah blah BOOOOOSSSSH" excuses.
I said we are angry, and you dismiss that and call me a "fascist", and a "sheep".

You are the problem.

YOu are so reflexively and unthinkingly insulting and rude, that you don't even realize you are doing it.

You THINK you are posting something reasonably critical, and then you wonder why are they so mean, while being completely obvious to how fucking rude you are.

Newsflash. We are not your father's republicans, to try to engage is civil debate while you are engaged in smear campaigns.

You are the assholes here.
You think I am being rude? Troll you have ain't seen nothing if I finally come to the conclusion that there is nothing worthy to salvage from this board. I have been a constant advocate of civility but the problem here is that many of you see criticism as hateful only because you hate what is being said. We have all always been terribly critical and partisan but you Trumpbots just totally quit talking about issues and ideas altogether at a time you really need to show America that you are capable of getting your shit straight.

During the campaign I was CONSTANTLY struggling to get you lefties to talk issues, when all you guys wanted to do was panic monger and race bait.

Yes, it is rude to call people "fascist", or "sheep" or a "Trumpbot".

YOur complaints about US being mean, become less credible with every insult you can't HELP but make.

You and yours are the problem here.

Trump was a valid candidate who won fair and square. It was wrong of your side to Godwin. Time to check your panic mongering and get real.
You people went down a political path that Americans used to find terribly distasteful. We have never really had to struggle with Fascism but it seems America has forgotten. If it seems I am alarmed by this unprecedented kind of cancer on American politics it's because I have not forgotten where this kind of thing leads.

It is absurd of you to accuse me of fascism in a thread where your op complains that we are not responding to serious criticism, seriously.

YOur GOdwin panic mongering is noted. Your post is invalid.
If you think Fascism simply means Hitler it's no wonder you let Trump lead you to the dark side.

If you know what fascism actually is, explain how W and Obama were two of the most pure fascists in modern times
I said we are angry, and you dismiss that and call me a "fascist", and a "sheep".

You are the problem.

YOu are so reflexively and unthinkingly insulting and rude, that you don't even realize you are doing it.

You THINK you are posting something reasonably critical, and then you wonder why are they so mean, while being completely obvious to how fucking rude you are.

Newsflash. We are not your father's republicans, to try to engage is civil debate while you are engaged in smear campaigns.

You are the assholes here.
You think I am being rude? Troll you have ain't seen nothing if I finally come to the conclusion that there is nothing worthy to salvage from this board. I have been a constant advocate of civility but the problem here is that many of you see criticism as hateful only because you hate what is being said. We have all always been terribly critical and partisan but you Trumpbots just totally quit talking about issues and ideas altogether at a time you really need to show America that you are capable of getting your shit straight.

During the campaign I was CONSTANTLY struggling to get you lefties to talk issues, when all you guys wanted to do was panic monger and race bait.

Yes, it is rude to call people "fascist", or "sheep" or a "Trumpbot".

YOur complaints about US being mean, become less credible with every insult you can't HELP but make.

You and yours are the problem here.

Trump was a valid candidate who won fair and square. It was wrong of your side to Godwin. Time to check your panic mongering and get real.
You people went down a political path that Americans used to find terribly distasteful. We have never really had to struggle with Fascism but it seems America has forgotten. If it seems I am alarmed by this unprecedented kind of cancer on American politics it's because I have not forgotten where this kind of thing leads.

It is absurd of you to accuse me of fascism in a thread where your op complains that we are not responding to serious criticism, seriously.

YOur GOdwin panic mongering is noted. Your post is invalid.
If you think Fascism simply means Hitler it's no wonder you let Trump lead you to the dark side.

Thanks for seriously responding to my point.

All across this board we have all the Trump supporters answering criticism of Trump with something like "Trump won, get over it, you are just pissed <insert insulting name for Clinton>lost.

For the record I am pissed she lost but I am also pissed she was nominated to begin with. I have a whole list of axes to grind with the democrats but right now I have much larger concerns, namely the impending presidency of Donald Trump.

Using the past template of the Bush presidency and the cabinet he has assembled there are many questions people have about his intentions, polices, loyalties and even his mental state. I can tell all of you right now that accusing someone of being a sore loser does nothing answer these concerns.

So take a few minutes to collect your thoughts and reflect on where we now stand in history. You think Trump is capable of great things that will "Make America Great Again", that's awesome, now sell this turkey to a skeptical public who only saw a hateful man and his hateful followers. Blame it on the media if you must but the main thing I am saying is that by simply dismissing criticism you are perpetuating the perception that neither you or Trump has a clue how to run a nation. Put the sore loser meme out to pasture because now it is the republicans holding the bag.

In case none of you actually thought about your present place in history I will tell you. Republicans will now have full responsibility for what happens. Accept the responsibility you wanted so badly and quit telling people to shut up and get over it. Defend your man on his merits or admit you have no idea how to defend such a reckless individual as Trump. Remember how frustrating it was as a kid to hear "Because I said so"? That sort of answer is unacceptable to three year-olds, quit using it on grown up people and start having grown-up discussions about this crazy man you think is so damned awesome.

Boy you are really pissed off that Hillary lost. She will even loose again this very day. The Americans were more pissed off with the failed policies of the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party. That is the very reason Republicans now hold the majority in BOTH Houses of Congress, the Presidency, most state governorships, and most state legislatures. It is YOU who are out of step with American voters.
You are talking about EC votes. I agree that Trump won and will preside in the Oval Office..by law. But you forget that the popular vote should not be discounted as insignificant either. So maybe you should be thinking about how to make peace with your fellow Americans thru good governance, which few believe is possible with Trump, and stop thinking like victors over some evil. Crowing over a victory by technicality is a mistake.

he didn't win by a technicality, which implies a loophole or some illegitimacy. he won, period.

a good start to making peace between the parties would be to sideline these talking points that the left is using in a naked attempt to undercut Trump, as that is a large part of the problem

until then, there's no reason to think, or expect, that anyone will stop accusing the left of whining as it is clearly still going on.
Last edited:
Your reading comprehension is fucked. They complain that America only saw the bad side of Trump because the media portrayed him as a fascist leading the fucktards, there may even be some truth to that, so why are you all acting the stereotype? America thinks Trump leads the hateful because you are all being hateful. You are the problem you nasty little creature and all the mean-ass bastards like you. When you people quit being perfect stereotypes I will treat you otherwise.

America correctly dismissed the media as lying assholes, and elected Trump.

The only people who insist of using the world "fascist" in this context are people trying to smear Trump and the good people who support him.

We are not hateful. We are righteously angry.
"Righteously angry" oh lord the fascist states that started because a bunch of sheep finally got righteously angry and thought it would be a good thing to surrender their will to the one guy deluded enough think he has all the answers.

Someone who voted for a corrupt, lying criminal and can't figure out why she lost is referring to others as a "bunch of sheep."

Let's just say you're not clicking with reality ...
They built an outrageous cult of personality around a "reality" TV personality and you say I am not "clicking with reality"? You really need to take a step back and look at how easily these Trumpbots could be led down the wrong road taking the rest of America with them. Look at them already wanting to gut the CIA because Putin and Trump do not like what they say.

It was not a cult of personality. It was an issue heavy campaign.

Your refusal to respect the opinion of people who disagree with you, and to minimize and ridicule their beliefs, makes you the troll.

Occupied believes that to disagree with him can only mean you're in a cult. No one but him is honest, reasonable and just makes their decisions on the issues except him. So if you disagree with him ... well ... cult ... It has to be. Did I mention he's also certain that he's not a dick?
"Righteously angry" oh lord the fascist states that started because a bunch of sheep finally got righteously angry and thought it would be a good thing to surrender their will to the one guy deluded enough think he has all the answers.

Someone who voted for a corrupt, lying criminal and can't figure out why she lost is referring to others as a "bunch of sheep."

Let's just say you're not clicking with reality ...
They built an outrageous cult of personality around a "reality" TV personality and you say I am not "clicking with reality"? You really need to take a step back and look at how easily these Trumpbots could be led down the wrong road taking the rest of America with them. Look at them already wanting to gut the CIA because Putin and Trump do not like what they say.

No, you can't. I'm a libertarian you fucking dick wad, not a Republican and I didn't vote for Trump.

But you try to be civil, yeah. Fuck you and the fart that blew you in
You would not know civility if it fell out of sky and landed on your face. I am not attempting civility on this thread because I have lost my patience with such futile gestures today. all though this election I had hoped that things would get better after it was over but damned if it didn't get worse. You want to disavow Trump at the beginning, that's awesome, but you still sound just like the rest of them.

Yes, as soon as Trump won, you idiot moon bat leftists ratcheted up the hysteria. What did you expect would happen?
Did you used to to do the "stop hitting yourself" torture on the smaller/smarter kids at school?
All across this board we have all the Trump supporters answering criticism of Trump with something like "Trump won, get over it, you are just pissed <insert insulting name for Clinton>lost.

For the record I am pissed she lost but I am also pissed she was nominated to begin with. I have a whole list of axes to grind with the democrats but right now I have much larger concerns, namely the impending presidency of Donald Trump.

Using the past template of the Bush presidency and the cabinet he has assembled there are many questions people have about his intentions, polices, loyalties and even his mental state. I can tell all of you right now that accusing someone of being a sore loser does nothing answer these concerns.

So take a few minutes to collect your thoughts and reflect on where we now stand in history. You think Trump is capable of great things that will "Make America Great Again", that's awesome, now sell this turkey to a skeptical public who only saw a hateful man and his hateful followers. Blame it on the media if you must but the main thing I am saying is that by simply dismissing criticism you are perpetuating the perception that neither you or Trump has a clue how to run a nation. Put the sore loser meme out to pasture because now it is the republicans holding the bag.

In case none of you actually thought about your present place in history I will tell you. Republicans will now have full responsibility for what happens. Accept the responsibility you wanted so badly and quit telling people to shut up and get over it. Defend your man on his merits or admit you have no idea how to defend such a reckless individual as Trump. Remember how frustrating it was as a kid to hear "Because I said so"? That sort of answer is unacceptable to three year-olds, quit using it on grown up people and start having grown-up discussions about this crazy man you think is so damned awesome.

Boy you are really pissed off that Hillary lost. She will even loose again this very day. The Americans were more pissed off with the failed policies of the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party. That is the very reason Republicans now hold the majority in BOTH Houses of Congress, the Presidency, most state governorships, and most state legislatures. It is YOU who are out of step with American voters.
You are talking about EC votes. I agree that Trump won and will preside in the Oval Office..by law. But you forget that the popular vote should not be discounted as insignificant either. So maybe you should be thinking about how to make peace with your fellow Americans thru good governance, which few believe is possible with Trump, and stop thinking like victors over some evil. Crowing over a victory by technicality is a mistake.

If the popular vote was used, California would select our presidents. Is that what you want?

That's why we have the EC, so the residents of every state have a voice.

You libs rant about "democracy". The USA is NOT a pure democracy. It is a representative republic.

If it was a pure democracy, gay marriage would be illegal, abortion would be illegal. obamacare would never have passed, male perverts would not be allowed in female restrooms, etc etc etc.
America correctly dismissed the media as lying assholes, and elected Trump.

The only people who insist of using the world "fascist" in this context are people trying to smear Trump and the good people who support him.

We are not hateful. We are righteously angry.
"Righteously angry" oh lord the fascist states that started because a bunch of sheep finally got righteously angry and thought it would be a good thing to surrender their will to the one guy deluded enough think he has all the answers.

Someone who voted for a corrupt, lying criminal and can't figure out why she lost is referring to others as a "bunch of sheep."

Let's just say you're not clicking with reality ...
They built an outrageous cult of personality around a "reality" TV personality and you say I am not "clicking with reality"? You really need to take a step back and look at how easily these Trumpbots could be led down the wrong road taking the rest of America with them. Look at them already wanting to gut the CIA because Putin and Trump do not like what they say.

It was not a cult of personality. It was an issue heavy campaign.

Your refusal to respect the opinion of people who disagree with you, and to minimize and ridicule their beliefs, makes you the troll.

Occupied believes that to disagree with him can only mean you're in a cult. No one but him is honest, reasonable and just makes their decisions on the issues except him. So if you disagree with him ... well ... cult ... It has to be. Did I mention he's also certain that he's not a dick?

you just described the liberal movement in the USA.
  • Thanks
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America correctly dismissed the media as lying assholes, and elected Trump.

The only people who insist of using the world "fascist" in this context are people trying to smear Trump and the good people who support him.

We are not hateful. We are righteously angry.
"Righteously angry" oh lord the fascist states that started because a bunch of sheep finally got righteously angry and thought it would be a good thing to surrender their will to the one guy deluded enough think he has all the answers.

Someone who voted for a corrupt, lying criminal and can't figure out why she lost is referring to others as a "bunch of sheep."

Let's just say you're not clicking with reality ...
They built an outrageous cult of personality around a "reality" TV personality and you say I am not "clicking with reality"? You really need to take a step back and look at how easily these Trumpbots could be led down the wrong road taking the rest of America with them. Look at them already wanting to gut the CIA because Putin and Trump do not like what they say.

It was not a cult of personality. It was an issue heavy campaign.

Your refusal to respect the opinion of people who disagree with you, and to minimize and ridicule their beliefs, makes you the troll.

Occupied believes that to disagree with him can only mean you're in a cult. No one but him is honest, reasonable and just makes their decisions on the issues except him. So if you disagree with him ... well ... cult ... It has to be. Did I mention he's also certain that he's not a dick?
For someone who does not like Trump you sure do like to hang with his cult.
I said we are angry, and you dismiss that and call me a "fascist", and a "sheep".

You are the problem.

YOu are so reflexively and unthinkingly insulting and rude, that you don't even realize you are doing it.

You THINK you are posting something reasonably critical, and then you wonder why are they so mean, while being completely obvious to how fucking rude you are.

Newsflash. We are not your father's republicans, to try to engage is civil debate while you are engaged in smear campaigns.

You are the assholes here.
You think I am being rude? Troll you have ain't seen nothing if I finally come to the conclusion that there is nothing worthy to salvage from this board. I have been a constant advocate of civility but the problem here is that many of you see criticism as hateful only because you hate what is being said. We have all always been terribly critical and partisan but you Trumpbots just totally quit talking about issues and ideas altogether at a time you really need to show America that you are capable of getting your shit straight.

During the campaign I was CONSTANTLY struggling to get you lefties to talk issues, when all you guys wanted to do was panic monger and race bait.

Yes, it is rude to call people "fascist", or "sheep" or a "Trumpbot".

YOur complaints about US being mean, become less credible with every insult you can't HELP but make.

You and yours are the problem here.

Trump was a valid candidate who won fair and square. It was wrong of your side to Godwin. Time to check your panic mongering and get real.
You people went down a political path that Americans used to find terribly distasteful. We have never really had to struggle with Fascism but it seems America has forgotten. If it seems I am alarmed by this unprecedented kind of cancer on American politics it's because I have not forgotten where this kind of thing leads.

It is absurd of you to accuse me of fascism in a thread where your op complains that we are not responding to serious criticism, seriously.

YOur GOdwin panic mongering is noted. Your post is invalid.
If you think Fascism simply means Hitler it's no wonder you let Trump lead you to the dark side.

Waiting on the Texas vote to put Trump over the 270 mark. You idiots can't even throw an election unless it is Bernie's.
"Righteously angry" oh lord the fascist states that started because a bunch of sheep finally got righteously angry and thought it would be a good thing to surrender their will to the one guy deluded enough think he has all the answers.

Someone who voted for a corrupt, lying criminal and can't figure out why she lost is referring to others as a "bunch of sheep."

Let's just say you're not clicking with reality ...
They built an outrageous cult of personality around a "reality" TV personality and you say I am not "clicking with reality"? You really need to take a step back and look at how easily these Trumpbots could be led down the wrong road taking the rest of America with them. Look at them already wanting to gut the CIA because Putin and Trump do not like what they say.

It was not a cult of personality. It was an issue heavy campaign.

Your refusal to respect the opinion of people who disagree with you, and to minimize and ridicule their beliefs, makes you the troll.

Occupied believes that to disagree with him can only mean you're in a cult. No one but him is honest, reasonable and just makes their decisions on the issues except him. So if you disagree with him ... well ... cult ... It has to be. Did I mention he's also certain that he's not a dick?
For someone who does not like Trump you sure do like to hang with his cult.

Most decent people and patriots do hang with us. It's just the trash that doesn't.
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All across this board we have all the Trump supporters answering criticism of Trump with something like "Trump won, get over it, you are just pissed <insert insulting name for Clinton>lost.

For the record I am pissed she lost but I am also pissed she was nominated to begin with. I have a whole list of axes to grind with the democrats but right now I have much larger concerns, namely the impending presidency of Donald Trump.

Using the past template of the Bush presidency and the cabinet he has assembled there are many questions people have about his intentions, polices, loyalties and even his mental state. I can tell all of you right now that accusing someone of being a sore loser does nothing answer these concerns.

So take a few minutes to collect your thoughts and reflect on where we now stand in history. You think Trump is capable of great things that will "Make America Great Again", that's awesome, now sell this turkey to a skeptical public who only saw a hateful man and his hateful followers. Blame it on the media if you must but the main thing I am saying is that by simply dismissing criticism you are perpetuating the perception that neither you or Trump has a clue how to run a nation. Put the sore loser meme out to pasture because now it is the republicans holding the bag.

In case none of you actually thought about your present place in history I will tell you. Republicans will now have full responsibility for what happens. Accept the responsibility you wanted so badly and quit telling people to shut up and get over it. Defend your man on his merits or admit you have no idea how to defend such a reckless individual as Trump. Remember how frustrating it was as a kid to hear "Because I said so"? That sort of answer is unacceptable to three year-olds, quit using it on grown up people and start having grown-up discussions about this crazy man you think is so damned awesome.
fair enough, I think most people that even voted for Trump have to have just a little concern over what his plans are.
But the fact remains that we knew what hillarys plans were and Trump was a chance.
congress would have bent over to kiss hillarys ass no matter what she wanted, first female you know... Congress is not going to be as charitable when it comes to Trump so we have a better level of protection with him in office.
Someone who voted for a corrupt, lying criminal and can't figure out why she lost is referring to others as a "bunch of sheep."

Let's just say you're not clicking with reality ...
They built an outrageous cult of personality around a "reality" TV personality and you say I am not "clicking with reality"? You really need to take a step back and look at how easily these Trumpbots could be led down the wrong road taking the rest of America with them. Look at them already wanting to gut the CIA because Putin and Trump do not like what they say.

No, you can't. I'm a libertarian you fucking dick wad, not a Republican and I didn't vote for Trump.

But you try to be civil, yeah. Fuck you and the fart that blew you in
You would not know civility if it fell out of sky and landed on your face. I am not attempting civility on this thread because I have lost my patience with such futile gestures today. all though this election I had hoped that things would get better after it was over but damned if it didn't get worse. You want to disavow Trump at the beginning, that's awesome, but you still sound just like the rest of them.

Yes, as soon as Trump won, you idiot moon bat leftists ratcheted up the hysteria. What did you expect would happen?
Did you used to to do the "stop hitting yourself" torture on the smaller/smarter kids at school?

I did it to the jocks when they picked on nerds. Then I did it to get out of trouble when they turned to me.

I know you're not going to believe this, but I had a mouth on me ...
"Righteously angry" oh lord the fascist states that started because a bunch of sheep finally got righteously angry and thought it would be a good thing to surrender their will to the one guy deluded enough think he has all the answers.

Someone who voted for a corrupt, lying criminal and can't figure out why she lost is referring to others as a "bunch of sheep."

Let's just say you're not clicking with reality ...
They built an outrageous cult of personality around a "reality" TV personality and you say I am not "clicking with reality"? You really need to take a step back and look at how easily these Trumpbots could be led down the wrong road taking the rest of America with them. Look at them already wanting to gut the CIA because Putin and Trump do not like what they say.

It was not a cult of personality. It was an issue heavy campaign.

Your refusal to respect the opinion of people who disagree with you, and to minimize and ridicule their beliefs, makes you the troll.

Occupied believes that to disagree with him can only mean you're in a cult. No one but him is honest, reasonable and just makes their decisions on the issues except him. So if you disagree with him ... well ... cult ... It has to be. Did I mention he's also certain that he's not a dick?
For someone who does not like Trump you sure do like to hang with his cult.

I said after the election, I would give Trump a chance. If you don't remember me bashing him all year before the election, you have serious issues. You don't grasp giving him a chance because you're a dick who's oozing with butt hurt and you're a troll who keeps insisting on telling everyone that

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