Entire Top of the Republican Party Has Been Exposed to COVID

The courts allowed US citizens traveling to those place to come back carrying the virus, and the courts allowed those with green cards to travel to the US.
That was Trumps call, he even said so.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America

The entry into the United States, as immigrants or nonimmigrants, of all aliens who were physically present within the People’s Republic of China, excluding the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau, during the 14-day period preceding their entry or attempted entry into the United States is hereby suspended and limited subject to section 2 of this proclamation.

Section 1 of this proclamation shall not apply to:

(i) any lawful permanent resident of the United States;

(ii) any alien who is the spouse of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident;

(iii) any alien who is the parent or legal guardian of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident, provided that the U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident is unmarried and under the age of 21;

(iv) any alien who is the sibling of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident, provided that both are unmarried and under the age of 21;

(v) any alien who is the child, foster child, or ward of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident, or who is a prospective adoptee seeking to enter the United States pursuant to the IR-4 or IH-4 visa classifications;

Why did you LIE, and claim the courts forced the exceptions.

Because these exceptions were the RESULT of the court rulings.
Previously Trump has blocked all travel back to the US, except through quarantine.
And US citizens wishing to return home took it to court and won, forcing Trump to add these exceptions.
And it was these court forced exceptions that allowed the virus to enter the US in volume.
And Trump had them quarantined.. So it was not a free flow into the US.
Another LIE. Trump put them under 14 day "voluntary" quarantine. They did not keep tabs on anybody they let back in. Or prevent any of them from mixing with the general population.

Hence, they were NOT quarantined.
Try again... If they were symptomatic they were quarantined in the Navy barracks in NY and in Fl.. those without symptoms we allowed to self quarantine.
As Rigby posted 90% of infected people are asymptomatic. So Trump let 9 out of 10 infected people unchecked into the country.

As required by the courts.
So you can't blame Trump.
In fact, only a few countries were successful holding out quarantine, like New Zealand, so then clearly it is wrong to try to blame Trump.
You are dodging the point.

WHERE is your expectation of accountability for the Leftarded Governors, Mayors, etc.
Currently they're doing the BEST in the country at controlling the coronavirus.

Take New York, yesterday they had 3 coronavirus deaths.
Texas had 135 coronavirus deaths.

Actually the question should be when are you going to hold the states currently spreading the virus, with the most new cases and new deaths accountable?

Attempting to slow the spread of any entrenched epidemic has only killed more historically.
Historically all entrenched epidemics have always been ended by herd immunity.
There is no exception.
So you do not want to slow its spread.
Doing so only increases the death total as you then can not protect the vulnerable over that much time.
The smallest death total comes from deliberately spreading it the quickest.
Before we invented vaccines around 1800, deliberate infection was the means of saving lives.
It was called variolation.
And Trump had them quarantined.. So it was not a free flow into the US.
Another LIE. Trump put them under 14 day "voluntary" quarantine. They did not keep tabs on anybody they let back in. Or prevent any of them from mixing with the general population.

Hence, they were NOT quarantined.
Try again... If they were symptomatic they were quarantined in the Navy barracks in NY and in Fl.. those without symptoms we allowed to self quarantine.
As Rigby posted 90% of infected people are asymptomatic. So Trump let 9 out of 10 infected people unchecked into the country.
IF they were asymptomatic how do you know if they were infected or not?

If they were recently infected, then the asymptomatic will have both detectable virus but also detectable antibodies.
But if you are asking how you can determine between asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic, the answer is that you can't. You have to just wait and see.
Looks like the ACB ceremony was where many got it?

Conway is the seventh person who attended Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination ceremony at the White House to test positive for the virus. Other attendees who contracted the illness are: President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC), Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), University of Notre Dame President John Jenkins, and an unnamed White House reporter.

My guess the chinese or the dems puposely exposed everyone---hopefully it isn't a more dangerous form.

Using the virus or a more deadly form of would be typical of both groups in response to not getting their way with the supreme court or election.

I am worried with reports that Trump has been sent off to the hospital.

the virus is not supposed to be this contagious.

It's not Trump's fault he got sick. It has to be a conspiracy. You fools get stupidier by the day.

Why didn't Chris Wallace or Biden get it? Because neither of these two men has been flying around the country on a daily basis, not wearing masks and attending events with thousands of maskless people standing shoulder to shoulder and pretending the virus doesn't exist.

Democrats aren't getting sick because they wear masks, they do social distancing, and they listen to the scientists. Republicans refuse to follow best practices, they continue to model inappropriate behaviour and do nothing to slow the spread of the virus. Democrats are focussed on keeping the virus from spreading. Republicans are focussed on pretending it doesn't exist so they can reopen the economy.

That you see Democrats successfully using best health practices and keep themselves safe while the entire Administration and Republican leadership refuses to do so and as a result, are dropping like flies, as some sort of vast conspiracy to destroy the Republican Party shows just how stupid and gullible the Trump Cult really is
Looks like the ACB ceremony was where many got it?

Conway is the seventh person who attended Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination ceremony at the White House to test positive for the virus. Other attendees who contracted the illness are: President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC), Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), University of Notre Dame President John Jenkins, and an unnamed White House reporter.

My guess the chinese or the dems puposely exposed everyone---hopefully it isn't a more dangerous form.

Using the virus or a more deadly form of would be typical of both groups in response to not getting their way with the supreme court or election.

I am worried with reports that Trump has been sent off to the hospital.

the virus is not supposed to be this contagious.

It is when your stupid Orange Virus insists on putting on super spreader events and vehemently denies to wear a mask. Simple case of reaping what you sew, dumb dumb.

Except that trying to prevent the spread of an entrenched epidemic is not just impossible, but actually kills more people by making it harder to quarantine the vulnerable for that long.
Do the math yourself.
An epidemic has a monthly death rate.
With covid-19 it is killing about 30,000 people a month.
If we had done herd immunity and accelerated infection in Feb and March, that would have killed an additional 50,000 people, but then stopped any more from dying at all.
So then the 6 months after March would not have had those 30,000 deaths.
So that is 180,000 deaths that would have been prevented.
So flattening the curve, social distancing, wearing masks, etc., greatly increased the death total.
Democrats are focussed on keeping the virus from spreading. Republicans are focussed on pretending it doesn't exist so they can reopen the economy.
Are you claiming only Republicans get sick from the WuFlu?
Of course not only Republicans But they are the AH's that believed moron trump when he said masks were a hoax They are the idiots going to rallies without masks See what happened to the 11 repubs recently and your moron in chief? No masks See how tough they were?
Looks like the ACB ceremony was where many got it?

Conway is the seventh person who attended Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination ceremony at the White House to test positive for the virus. Other attendees who contracted the illness are: President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC), Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), University of Notre Dame President John Jenkins, and an unnamed White House reporter.

My guess the chinese or the dems puposely exposed everyone---hopefully it isn't a more dangerous form.

Using the virus or a more deadly form of would be typical of both groups in response to not getting their way with the supreme court or election.

I am worried with reports that Trump has been sent off to the hospital.

the virus is not supposed to be this contagious.

It's not Trump's fault he got sick. It has to be a conspiracy. You fools get stupidier by the day.

Why didn't Chris Wallace or Biden get it? Because neither of these two men has been flying around the country on a daily basis, not wearing masks and attending events with thousands of maskless people standing shoulder to shoulder and pretending the virus doesn't exist.

Democrats aren't getting sick because they wear masks, they do social distancing, and they listen to the scientists. Republicans refuse to follow best practices, they continue to model inappropriate behaviour and do nothing to slow the spread of the virus. Democrats are focussed on keeping the virus from spreading. Republicans are focussed on pretending it doesn't exist so they can reopen the economy.

That you see Democrats successfully using best health practices and keep themselves safe while the entire Administration and Republican leadership refuses to do so and as a result, are dropping like flies, as some sort of vast conspiracy to destroy the Republican Party shows just how stupid and gullible the Trump Cult really is

Dropping like flies...There is a God
After months and months of the virus you would think Conservatives and Republicans know by now what needs to be done. Especially when you have all the resources and protection in the world as president of the United States, how incompetent must you be to still get it? So instead of helping with the virus, Trump and Republicans go spreading. Do Americans really want this INCOMPETENCE to run the country? Really???
“Their extraordinary rejection of what scientists have been recommending is coming home to roost,” said Irwin E. Redlener, founding director of Columbia University’s National Center for Disaster Preparedness.

The campaign ads are writing themselves. He couldn't keep himself safe, he couldn't keep the country safe, he doesn't deserve another term.
Looks like the ACB ceremony was where many got it?

Conway is the seventh person who attended Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination ceremony at the White House to test positive for the virus. Other attendees who contracted the illness are: President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC), Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), University of Notre Dame President John Jenkins, and an unnamed White House reporter.

Entire Top of the Republican Party Has Been Exposed to COVID
So, that means the question between, ‘are the GOP leaders just placating their base or are they also ignorant and uninformed’ , is being answered. They aren’t that bright !
You are dodging the point.

WHERE is your expectation of accountability for the Leftarded Governors, Mayors, etc.
Currently they're doing the BEST in the country at controlling the coronavirus.

Take New York, yesterday they had 3 coronavirus deaths.
Texas had 135 coronavirus deaths.

Actually the question should be when are you going to hold the states currently spreading the virus, with the most new cases and new deaths accountable?

Attempting to slow the spread of any entrenched epidemic has only killed more historically.
Historically all entrenched epidemics have always been ended by herd immunity.
There is no exception.
So you do not want to slow its spread.
Doing so only increases the death total as you then can not protect the vulnerable over that much time.
The smallest death total comes from deliberately spreading it the quickest.
Before we invented vaccines around 1800, deliberate infection was the means of saving lives.
It was called variolation.

Wow, denial is not just a river in Egypt. It's not just that your "facts" are false, it's that you fail to consider the history of both infectious disease and vaccines.

There were no vaccines at all before the 1940's, so to say that throughout history the only way to end a pandemic has been herd immunity, ignores the fact that until the 1940's, there were no vaccines and herd immunity was the ONLY way an epidemic could end.

But that statement really isn't true either. Polio was the first epidemic which ended because of vaccines. I was a child in the 1950's, during that era and I can remember getting my vaccine to keep me safe, but there were lots of kids around me with leg braces, and I was terrified of ending up in an "iron lung".

Widely spreading the virus without effective treatments to save lives and mitigate the residual damage it leaves behind is even dumber than it sounds. To achieve "herd immunity" without a vaccine would required 70% of the 335 million Americans to get the virus - 215 million sick. At the current death rate - 5% of resolved cases - that's more than 10 million people dead. Even if you cut that number in half with advancing treatments, 5 million people dead isn't really a good idea either.

With just 7 million sick, and 200,000 deaths, the toll on the nation has been unsustainable, and you want more than 30 times that many people to get sick, and millions more to die. How much money will that cost the economy? How many MORE people are you prepared to kill to avoid doing the things the scientists keep telling you to do, and which has successfully shut the virus down in the rest of the first world.

If every other country in the world was having the problems shutting the virus down like the USA, you might have a case for your stupid theories, but the bald fact is that the USA is the only first world nation where the virus hasn't been contained, and where infections and deaths have continued unabated since January.

If Americans hold out for "herd immunity", you won't have an economy to re-open. Just the costs of allowing 200 million people to get sick, and then treating their illness, will destroy your economy. 200 million sick, 20 million hospitalized (you only have 1 million hospital beds in the entire nation), and 5 million dead.

Great plan!
I'm strongly beginning to believe this was all done intentionally by our utterly "democratic party controlled CIA," the timing and the place clearly intended to "KILL" the Barrett nomination from proceeding ahead. This perfect timing, coupled to target rich environment is just to fucking perfect... :boohoo:
Pelosi said they have several arrows in their quiver to shoot at Trump.
Spreading bio-agents in the White House sounds like a typical terrorist tactic.
Something Democrats would try.
The number of new Repubican cases is highly suspicious.
Considering that the gop admin has all the intel under their authority including the military, the fbi and cia, that makes this post seem like the gop is the height of incompetency.
After months and months of the virus you would think Conservatives and Republicans know by now what needs to be done. Especially when you have all the resources and protection in the world as president of the United States, how incompetent must you be to still get it? So instead of helping with the virus, Trump and Republicans go spreading. Do Americans really want this INCOMPETENCE to run the country? Really???
Problem ,republicans are all for Party over Country Trump might be a proven POS but he's their POS....Meanwhile Biden 53 Trump 39
I'm strongly beginning to believe this was all done intentionally by our utterly "democratic party controlled CIA," the timing and the place clearly intended to "KILL" the Barrett nomination from proceeding ahead. This perfect timing, coupled to target rich environment is just to fucking perfect... :boohoo:
Pelosi said they have several arrows in their quiver to shoot at Trump.
Spreading bio-agents in the White House sounds like a typical terrorist tactic.
Something Democrats would try.
The number of new Repubican cases is highly suspicious.
Considering that the gop admin has all the intel under their authority including the military, the fbi and cia, that makes this post seem like the gop is the height of incompetency.
Obama had 8 years to hand-pick his people and put them in our intelligence networks.
He purged all of the patriots out of the military and replaced them with his yes men.
Everything Trump has tried to do has been fought tooth and nail by Democrats and their insiders.
Every time he fired someone they wanted in place they claimed he was doing something worth impeachment.


After months and months of the virus you would think Conservatives and Republicans know by now what needs to be done. Especially when you have all the resources and protection in the world as president of the United States, how incompetent must you be to still get it? So instead of helping with the virus, Trump and Republicans go spreading. Do Americans really want this INCOMPETENCE to run the country? Really???
I'm strongly beginning to believe this was all done intentionally by our utterly "democratic party controlled CIA," the timing and the place clearly intended to "KILL" the Barrett nomination from proceeding ahead. This perfect timing, coupled to target rich environment is just to fucking perfect... :boohoo:
It is really Hope Hicks , a secret Dem operative designated to bring the virus to all Republicans
It's CBC. They are promoting Susan Rice on TV telling Americans in Canada to vote. They hardly have the interests of Canadians or American domestic interests in mind.

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