Entire Top of the Republican Party Has Been Exposed to COVID

What about this drug Remdesivir that Trump is getting? This drug was approved in the UK, Japan, Australia, European Union in MAY. Why not us?
I'm strongly beginning to believe this was all done intentionally by our utterly "democratic party controlled CIA," the timing and the place clearly intended to "KILL" the Barrett nomination from proceeding ahead. This perfect timing, coupled to target rich environment is just to fucking perfect... :boohoo:
It is really Hope Hicks , a secret Dem operative designated to bring the virus to all Republicans
Yeah....sure.....and don't forget the White House staff that have been caught committing espionage...General John F. Kelly, his Chief of Staff, for talking shit about him behind his back....not to mention Ukrainian born Lt Col Vindman had to be escorted out of the White House for spying on the president in the NSA and claiming Trump said something in a phone call that he never said.

Then there's the Russian Collusion scandal hatched by his former FBI director, James Comey, who can't seem to remember important details....but brags about his photographic memory. Who then was caught releasing his memorized dialog with the president to a journalist who then leaked it to the media which was used as grounds to create the Mueller Investigation.....that found no evidence of guilt....but managed to destroy evidence of the origins of the Russian Collusion scandal that pointed to Hillary and Obama.
Sorry, but Hillary got caught....Biden and Obama got caught.....and now they're trying desperately to get rid of Trump...either by impeaching him or infecting him with a deadly virus.
I'm strongly beginning to believe this was all done intentionally by our utterly "democratic party controlled CIA," the timing and the place clearly intended to "KILL" the Barrett nomination from proceeding ahead. This perfect timing, coupled to target rich environment is just to fucking perfect... :boohoo:
Pelosi said they have several arrows in their quiver to shoot at Trump.
Spreading bio-agents in the White House sounds like a typical terrorist tactic.
Something Democrats would try.
The number of new Repubican cases is highly suspicious.
Considering that the gop admin has all the intel under their authority including the military, the fbi and cia, that makes this post seem like the gop is the height of incompetency.

Why is it that when Republicans encounter a problem of their own making, their default explanation is always a paranoid conspiracy theory involving sabotage, or attacks by Democrats?

Nothing is ever their own fault.
Republicans in the White House don’t wear masks because they think passing a test means they are not infected. This is the story they all spread.
They are stupid. Here is why !

*You could have a current infection. The test may be negative because it typically takes 1–3 weeks after infection for your body to make antibodies. It’s possible you could still get sick if you have been exposed to the virus recently. This means you could still spread the virus.* while passing tests for days.

We watched them parade around without masks because they passed a test that day and assumed they weren’t infected....STUPID ADMINISTRATION.
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I'm strongly beginning to believe this was all done intentionally by our utterly "democratic party controlled CIA," the timing and the place clearly intended to "KILL" the Barrett nomination from proceeding ahead. This perfect timing, coupled to target rich environment is just to fucking perfect... :boohoo:
It is really Hope Hicks , a secret Dem operative designated to bring the virus to all Republicans
Yeah....sure.....and don't forget the White House staff that have been caught committing espionage...General John F. Kelly, his Chief of Staff, for talking shit about him behind his back....not to mention Ukrainian born Lt Col Vindman had to be escorted out of the White House for spying on the president in the NSA and claiming Trump said something in a phone call that he never said.

Then there's the Russian Collusion scandal hatched by his former FBI director, James Comey, who can't seem to remember important details....but brags about his photographic memory. Who then was caught releasing his memorized dialog with the president to a journalist who then leaked it to the media which was used as grounds to create the Mueller Investigation.....that found no evidence of guilt....but managed to destroy evidence of the origins of the Russian Collusion scandal that pointed to Hillary and Obama.
Sorry, but Hillary got caught....Biden and Obama got caught.....and now they're trying desperately to get rid of Trump...either by impeaching him or infecting him with a deadly virus.
I prefer the deadly virus It is what it is
Republicans in the White House don’t wear masks because they think passing a test means they are not infected. This is the story they all spread.
They are stupid. Here is why !

*You could have a current infection. The test may be negative because it typically takes 1–3 weeks after infection for your body to make antibodies. It’s possible you could still get sick if you have been exposed to the virus recently. This means you could still spread the virus.* while passing tests for days.

We watched them parade around without masks because they passed a test that day and assumed they weren’t infected....STUPID ADMINISTRATION.
Passing a test does mean you aren't infected.
And they do wear masks......it's just the fact that Biden is working with the media to give everyone the impression that they don't.
I work in the federal government....and we've been wearing masks since they first put out the word...they've even made it mandatory that if you're outside within 6 ft of anyone who have to wear a mask.
Republicans in the White House don’t wear masks because they think passing a test means they are not infected. This is the story they all spread.
They are stupid. Here is why !

*You could have a current infection. The test may be negative because it typically takes 1–3 weeks after infection for your body to make antibodies. It’s possible you could still get sick if you have been exposed to the virus recently. This means you could still spread the virus.* while passing tests for days.

We watched them parade around without masks because they passed a test that day and assumed they weren’t infected....STUPID ADMINISTRATION.
Passing a test does mean you aren't infected.
And they do wear masks......it's just the fact that Biden is working with the media to give everyone the impression that they don't.
I work in the federal government....and we've been wearing masks since they first put out the word...they've even made it mandatory that if you're outside within 6 ft of anyone who have to wear a mask.
Guess you didn't see the group watching the SC person get introduced ? Or Ivank and family turning down masks at the debate You reap what you sow and the chickens have come home to roost
What about this drug Remdesivir that Trump is getting? This drug was approved in the UK, Japan, Australia, European Union in MAY. Why not us?

It's in clinical trials, in all of these countries, and it's a very promising therapeutic. Death rates for people given Remdesivir are something like 25% lower for people getting the drug. Trump dismissed this drug when he started promoting hydroxychloroquine, but he mentioned it in passing in the first press conference touting hydroxychloroquine. The test results in the early phases of the clinical trials have been the polar opposite of hydroxychloroquine clinicals. Redesivir is saving lives at the same higher rate that hydroxychloriquine was killing patients. Those receiving that drug died at rates close to 25% higher than those who didn't get it.

The problem with Remdesivir is that there isn't enough of it. A course of treatment is 6 doses. The company gave the US government 600,000 doses of the drug in June. That's only enough to treat 100,000 patients, and with over 2 million people sick with covide19, 20% of whom end up in hospital, that's more than 400,000 people who might benefit from the drug, but only enough to give it to 100,000 of them.

When hospitals quickly ran through the 600,000 doses initially given, the Trump Administration ordered another 600,000 doses as soon as they got the early promising results from the first patients. But the manufacturer couldn't produce the drug fast enough and the next 600,000 doses only start delivery September 1st.

Where reliance on all of Trump's "magic bullets" for the virus fall down and fall apart be it a drug that cures it or a vaccine that prevents it, is the sheer logistics of manufacturing, packaging, and distributing these drugs and making them available to 325 million people.

That biological cocktail he was given on Friday? There's only 3500 doses of that drug in the entire world. It is a biological drug that grows in a hamster's pancreas over a certain period of time or some such crazy process. It's been even more effective than Remdesivir in its trials, but how do you make enough of it for everyone who needs it right fucking now?

The Trump keeps trying to push all these things as coming "before the election", and yes, every day there's more and more science to help you prevent deaths, but there's not going to be enough for everyone who needs it for at least two years, so until then, people need to use sound public health policy - masks, social distancing and hand washing, to prevent them from needing the "magic bullets" that are available to the rich, or the "essential workers", or whoever is going to get the drugs before there's enough for everyone.

Look at the resources being used to save the President's life. If I get sick, do you think anyone is going to prioritize giving a scarce and very expensive treatments to a 71 year old asthmatic grandmother who's main contribution to society at the moment is teaching a knitting class at the local library, and baby sitting my grandkids, over people whose whole lives are ahead of them? I most certainly don't. This is where personal responsibility conservatives are always raning on about comes in.

I am personally responsible for keeping myself out of harm's way in this pandemic. I'll wear a mask to protect myself, and because it's the law here, but I was doing it before it was the law. I avoid large gatherings, but I have my trusted family and friends, almost all of whom are "high risk" and careful. And we're having a blast. I'm leaving for a birthday dinner with one of them after I post this. It's a big birthday for her - she survived cancer last year, and it's her 80th. We're having dinner at our favourite restaurant, and smoking a big blunt of $20 a gram weed to celebrate.

But Republicans have got to get their heads out of their asses and listen to the scientists, and stop pretending this will all go away "like magic". It won't go away if you don't make it go, and all Trump and the Republican Party have done is ignore it or pretend it's no big thing and that strategy has failed miserably.
Republicans in the White House don’t wear masks because they think passing a test means they are not infected. This is the story they all spread.
They are stupid. Here is why !

*You could have a current infection. The test may be negative because it typically takes 1–3 weeks after infection for your body to make antibodies. It’s possible you could still get sick if you have been exposed to the virus recently. This means you could still spread the virus.* while passing tests for days.

We watched them parade around without masks because they passed a test that day and assumed they weren’t infected....STUPID ADMINISTRATION.
Passing a test does mean you aren't infected.
And they do wear masks......it's just the fact that Biden is working with the media to give everyone the impression that they don't.
I work in the federal government....and we've been wearing masks since they first put out the word...they've even made it mandatory that if you're outside within 6 ft of anyone who have to wear a mask.

Passing one of those Abbott instant tests, which have a failure rate of around 30%, doesn't mean you aren't infected.

And they don't wear masks. Look at the pictures from the Rose Garden super spreader - people sitting shoulder to shoulder, hugging one another - no masks. The same at Trump's Rose Garden Convention speech, or any Trump rally. Trump shaking hands with people.

You may work in the federal government and but you don't work in Washington, and you sure as hell don't work in the White House.
Republicans in the White House don’t wear masks because they think passing a test means they are not infected. This is the story they all spread.
They are stupid. Here is why !

*You could have a current infection. The test may be negative because it typically takes 1–3 weeks after infection for your body to make antibodies. It’s possible you could still get sick if you have been exposed to the virus recently. This means you could still spread the virus.* while passing tests for days.

We watched them parade around without masks because they passed a test that day and assumed they weren’t infected....STUPID ADMINISTRATION.
Passing a test does mean you aren't infected.
And they do wear masks......it's just the fact that Biden is working with the media to give everyone the impression that they don't.
I work in the federal government....and we've been wearing masks since they first put out the word...they've even made it mandatory that if you're outside within 6 ft of anyone who have to wear a mask.

Passing one of those Abbott instant tests, which have a failure rate of around 30%, doesn't mean you aren't infected.

And they don't wear masks. Look at the pictures from the Rose Garden super spreader - people sitting shoulder to shoulder, hugging one another - no masks. The same at Trump's Rose Garden Convention speech, or any Trump rally. Trump shaking hands with people.

You may work in the federal government and but you don't work in Washington, and you sure as hell don't work in the White House.
Just look at the great care trump is getting for his $750 contribution
What about this drug Remdesivir that Trump is getting? This drug was approved in the UK, Japan, Australia, European Union in MAY. Why not us?
Orphan status was a key issue with this drug.......then removed..........and it is being used already here.......LOL

Gillead is a lobbyist whore company

April 27
At least 7 (seven) members of the Panel on COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines, including 2 out of 3 Co-Chairs, have not disclosed their financial ties to Gilead Sciences (GILD), the patent owner and manufacturer of remdesivir.

Under the direction of WHO, Remdesivir is being tested as an alternative treatment to COVID-19. Currently, COVID-19 is treated by hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) with or without azithromycin (AZ).

Nine members of the Panel tasked with determining acceptable COVID-19 treatments have disclosed financial ties to Gilead, the manufacturer of Remdesivir. However, at least 7 other members failed to disclose their financial ties to Gilead and a number of other panel members appear to have links to Gilead that require no disclosure. Together, Gilead-linked individuals made up a majority of this panel.

This might explain why the panel recommended against a HCQ+AZ combination, refused to recommend HCQ (“insufficient clinical data to recommend either for or against”) and raised fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) about it. The Panel gave the same grade (but without FUD) to Remdesivir, though no clinical data existed for its use against COVID-19.

The list of the Panel members who have not disclosed their financial ties to Gilead is below. This is not an accusation against these individuals. The reporting period of Gilead ties was set to a mere 11 months (May 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020) and the last three weeks were excluded. The Guidelines were published on April 21 and already caused damage to the ongoing COVID-19 treatment.

April 27
At least 7 (seven) members of the Panel on COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines, including 2 out of 3 Co-Chairs, have not disclosed their financial ties to Gilead Sciences (GILD), the patent owner and manufacturer of remdesivir.

Under the direction of WHO, Remdesivir is being tested as an alternative treatment to COVID-19. Currently, COVID-19 is treated by hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) with or without azithromycin (AZ).

Nine members of the Panel tasked with determining acceptable COVID-19 treatments have disclosed financial ties to Gilead, the manufacturer of Remdesivir. However, at least 7 other members failed to disclose their financial ties to Gilead and a number of other panel members appear to have links to Gilead that require no disclosure. Together, Gilead-linked individuals made up a majority of this panel.

This might explain why the panel recommended against a HCQ+AZ combination, refused to recommend HCQ (“insufficient clinical data to recommend either for or against”) and raised fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) about it. The Panel gave the same grade (but without FUD) to Remdesivir, though no clinical data existed for its use against COVID-19.

The list of the Panel members who have not disclosed their financial ties to Gilead is below. This is not an accusation against these individuals. The reporting period of Gilead ties was set to a mere 11 months (May 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020) and the last three weeks were excluded. The Guidelines were published on April 21 and already caused damage to the ongoing COVID-19 treatment.
HOW MUCH has Trump and family invested in recovery stocks ? The man and family are slimebags Never put anything past them when money is on the line
Passing a test does mean you aren't infected.
it means were not infected 1-14 days ago. The tests measure antibodies. It takes 1-14 or 5-6 more commonly, days for them to develop. Go study biology. You can be sick and spread the disease before you develop antibodies. That’s why EVERYONE must mask wear inside. But you’re a Trumper. Didn’t expect you to know. This comes from the medical community....you’re not one.
What amazed me is that Mrs. Barrett caught the virus this summer & still brought herself & her seven children to the rose garden unmasked.

After months and months of the virus you would think Conservatives and Republicans know by now what needs to be done. Especially when you have all the resources and protection in the world as president of the United States, how incompetent must you be to still get it? So instead of helping with the virus, Trump and Republicans go spreading. Do Americans really want this INCOMPETENCE to run the country? Really???
It was only a matter of time.

Now ALL of America can see how reckless these DUNCES are.
The Trump keeps trying to push all these things as coming "before the election"
Ha ha
Time is running out. If there was any vaccine, old chicken shit bone spurs would have it. Bet your arse whenever he guarantees anything, it NEVER COMES.....under his time in office.

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