Entire Top of the Republican Party Has Been Exposed to COVID

I'm strongly beginning to believe this was all done intentionally by our utterly "democratic party controlled CIA," the timing and the place clearly intended to "KILL" the Barrett nomination from proceeding ahead. This perfect timing, coupled to target rich environment is just to fucking perfect... :boohoo:
It is really Hope Hicks , a secret Dem operative designated to bring the virus to all Republicans
You retards are impossibly fucking stupid, what you, and the other fascist democratic trolls are really saying, is you are good with it! The odds of this happening in exactly the manner it did, to exactly the people it did, and in time frame it did, is just as to fucking perfectly fortuitous for the enemies of the United States, just as the so-called pandemic itself was in all of the same category's! See you on on November 4th.... :fu:
Passing a test does mean you aren't infected.
it means were not infected 1-14 days ago. The tests measure antibodies. It takes 1-14 or 5-6 more commonly, days for them to develop. Go study biology. You can be sick and spread the disease before you develop antibodies. That’s why EVERYONE must mask wear inside. But you’re a Trumper. Didn’t expect you to know. This comes from the medical community....you’re not one.
Liar. Go back and read your biology book, dipshit.
The antibody test is only one of the tests.
They can spot the virus itself when put under the microscope.

After months and months of the virus you would think Conservatives and Republicans know by now what needs to be done. Especially when you have all the resources and protection in the world as president of the United States, how incompetent must you be to still get it? So instead of helping with the virus, Trump and Republicans go spreading. Do Americans really want this INCOMPETENCE to run the country? Really???
It was only a matter of time.

Now ALL of America can see how reckless these DUNCES are.
And their max incompetence is showing at the worse time for them. Comey has to be laughing at the TV.
Passing a test does mean you aren't infected.
it means were not infected 1-14 days ago. The tests measure antibodies. It takes 1-14 or 5-6 more commonly, days for them to develop. Go study biology. You can be sick and spread the disease before you develop antibodies. That’s why EVERYONE must mask wear inside. But you’re a Trumper. Didn’t expect you to know. This comes from the medical community....you’re not one.
Liar. Go back and read your biology book, dipshit.
The antibody test is only one of the tests.
They can spot the virus itself when put under the microscope.
Oh, the ones that take days to return from the lab ? The Abbott test with a 40% error are being used now.

April 27
At least 7 (seven) members of the Panel on COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines, including 2 out of 3 Co-Chairs, have not disclosed their financial ties to Gilead Sciences (GILD), the patent owner and manufacturer of remdesivir.

Under the direction of WHO, Remdesivir is being tested as an alternative treatment to COVID-19. Currently, COVID-19 is treated by hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) with or without azithromycin (AZ).

Nine members of the Panel tasked with determining acceptable COVID-19 treatments have disclosed financial ties to Gilead, the manufacturer of Remdesivir. However, at least 7 other members failed to disclose their financial ties to Gilead and a number of other panel members appear to have links to Gilead that require no disclosure. Together, Gilead-linked individuals made up a majority of this panel.

This might explain why the panel recommended against a HCQ+AZ combination, refused to recommend HCQ (“insufficient clinical data to recommend either for or against”) and raised fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) about it. The Panel gave the same grade (but without FUD) to Remdesivir, though no clinical data existed for its use against COVID-19.

The list of the Panel members who have not disclosed their financial ties to Gilead is below. This is not an accusation against these individuals. The reporting period of Gilead ties was set to a mere 11 months (May 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020) and the last three weeks were excluded. The Guidelines were published on April 21 and already caused damage to the ongoing COVID-19 treatment.
HOW MUCH has Trump and family invested in recovery stocks ? The man and family are slimebags Never put anything past them when money is on the line
No clue...............but Gilead are lobbying whores.
What amazed me is that Mrs. Barrett caught the virus this summer & still brought herself & her seven children to the rose garden unmasked.
That’s because she’s a republican. They think they’re invincible, right up until the time they are buried.
Live Free or Die........kinda goes against what the DNC has become.........

those under 50 have a death rate of .001%.........you guys should hide quick....might get struck by lightning.
What amazed me is that Mrs. Barrett caught the virus this summer & still brought herself & her seven children to the rose garden unmasked.
That’s because she’s a republican. They think they’re invincible, right up until the time they are buried.
Live Free or Die........kinda goes against what the DNC has become.........

those under 50 have a death rate of .001%.........you guys should hide quick....might get struck by lightning.
Considering Trump is a fascist and promotes unsafe activities, Humpers are now, live captive and then die.
What amazed me is that Mrs. Barrett caught the virus this summer & still brought herself & her seven children to the rose garden unmasked.
That’s because she’s a republican. They think they’re invincible, right up until the time they are buried.
Live Free or Die........kinda goes against what the DNC has become.........

those under 50 have a death rate of .001%.........you guys should hide quick....might get struck by lightning.
Considering Trump is a fascist and promotes unsafe activities, Humpers are now, live captive and then die.
Only Fascist in this country comes from your party...........BLM Burn Loot and Murder .........Raise your fist and repeat after me.........Fuck that.

Those assholes remind me of Ragheads we used to kill...........You will convert to Islam or else......Else didn't work so well for them.
Passing a test does mean you aren't infected.
it means were not infected 1-14 days ago. The tests measure antibodies. It takes 1-14 or 5-6 more commonly, days for them to develop. Go study biology. You can be sick and spread the disease before you develop antibodies. That’s why EVERYONE must mask wear inside. But you’re a Trumper. Didn’t expect you to know. This comes from the medical community....you’re not one.
Liar. Go back and read your biology book, dipshit.
The antibody test is only one of the tests.
They can spot the virus itself when put under the microscope.
Oh, the ones that take days to return from the lab ? The Abbott test with a 40% error are being used now.
Oh....so you think that a test Trump took Tuesday and found out Friday doesn't exist?

Look dickhead. You're a typical Democrat. Living in total denial.
Stop ignoring what we all saw Chris Wallace was doing this week and just nitpick every detail of this test.
You're just a two-face prick.
They have tests that we can find out in hours if they have it.
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Passing a test does mean you aren't infected.
it means were not infected 1-14 days ago. The tests measure antibodies. It takes 1-14 or 5-6 more commonly, days for them to develop. Go study biology. You can be sick and spread the disease before you develop antibodies. That’s why EVERYONE must mask wear inside. But you’re a Trumper. Didn’t expect you to know. This comes from the medical community....you’re not one.
Liar. Go back and read your biology book, dipshit.
The antibody test is only one of the tests.
They can spot the virus itself when put under the microscope.
Oh, the ones that take days to return from the lab ? The Abbott test with a 40% error are being used now.
Oh....so you think that a test Trump took Tuesday and found out Friday doesn't exist?
He can take all the tests he wants. The CDC still recommends masks all the time in close quarters indoors.
you’re really slow aren’t you ? You’re into this ultimate reliability of testing. You’re funny. The anti body tests are back loaded 1-14 days and the short term viral detection tests are unreliable. For some reason, all this infections must have been a conspiracy by Dems or the Holy Ghost. Why don‘t you just google the test types used and stop guessing.
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What amazed me is that Mrs. Barrett caught the virus this summer & still brought herself & her seven children to the rose garden unmasked.
That’s because she’s a republican. They think they’re invincible, right up until the time they are buried.
Live Free or Die........kinda goes against what the DNC has become.........

those under 50 have a death rate of .001%.........you guys should hide quick....might get struck by lightning.
Considering Trump is a fascist and promotes unsafe activities, Humpers are now, live captive and then die.
Only Fascist in this country comes from your party...........BLM Burn Loot and Murder .........Raise your fist and repeat after me.........Fuck that.

Those assholes remind me of Ragheads we used to kill...........You will convert to Islam or else......Else didn't work so well for them.
You don’t know what fascism is.
What amazed me is that Mrs. Barrett caught the virus this summer & still brought herself & her seven children to the rose garden unmasked.
That’s because she’s a republican. They think they’re invincible, right up until the time they are buried.
Live Free or Die........kinda goes against what the DNC has become.........

those under 50 have a death rate of .001%.........you guys should hide quick....might get struck by lightning.
Considering Trump is a fascist and promotes unsafe activities, Humpers are now, live captive and then die.
Only Fascist in this country comes from your party...........BLM Burn Loot and Murder .........Raise your fist and repeat after me.........Fuck that.

Those assholes remind me of Ragheads we used to kill...........You will convert to Islam or else......Else didn't work so well for them.
You don’t know what fascism is.
Yes he does, and that is the kind of government he would like, but won't admit to it.

I can't find it, but I heard a secret recording made public of alt-right or some other extreme right wing group who were saying that they should push free speech, but when they take power, ban it.
Looks like the ACB ceremony was where many got it?

Conway is the seventh person who attended Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination ceremony at the White House to test positive for the virus. Other attendees who contracted the illness are: President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC), Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), University of Notre Dame President John Jenkins, and an unnamed White House reporter.

My guess the chinese or the dems puposely exposed everyone---hopefully it isn't a more dangerous form.

Using the virus or a more deadly form of would be typical of both groups in response to not getting their way with the supreme court or election.

I am worried with reports that Trump has been sent off to the hospital.

the virus is not supposed to be this contagious.

I wonder how safe he is in the hospital?
Fox just blabbed to everyone that he is in Ward 71....WTF is this?

Did you see Trump's double in the limo today? He (Chairman Donnie) died.
Folks what the fuck do you think the odds were, the genuine mathematical odds, of the one thing the democrats, and their Chinese allies desired more than anything else in all the universe, a mechanism so strong it would instantly shut down the white hot US economy, and all but guarantee Trump would not get re-elected and thus ensure the crime club in DC, and its evil minion, the CCP would emerge triumphant??? Those odds are not millions to one, they are billions and billions to one, an utter impossibility, you could not expect nature to strike so conveniently under same circumstance over a million years of such opportunities! This was an assassination attempt!
Dont worry aboout it.

Trump will back out campaigning again before Oct 15th.
He can't face an election loss so he will go out on this medical. Then Pence will be president for a month.

Weird. The administration that wasn’t following the precautionary rules set forth by medical experts is getting infected.

I wonder how that happened.

Must be a covert CIA operation to overthrow our government.

It’s the only logical explanation.
What rules were not being followed?

Try reading the article.
What about it? Protocols in place prior to arrival were among the strictest there are. It’s that way everywhere potus is and goes.
Only thing proven is that no matter what we do, this virus is contagious. Makes lockdowns and those who recommend them look even stupider.
True....but no virus can spread by itself.
Somebody had to have spread it for it to effect so many Republicans all at once.
Clearly the fact that Democrats like Chuck Schumer show they may have something to do with it or they're just classless opportunists trying to do anything they can to prevent Trump from getting a conservative on the Supreme Court.
Two Republicans on the Senate Judiciary committee somehow tested positive.
Members of Trump's staff somehow tested positive.
We've been worried for months that the Democrats were so desperate to get rid of Trump that they were willing to do just about anything to get rid of him.
Nancy Pelosi said this week that she had a plan to remove Trump from the White House by force.
I think we have a pretty good suspect after that statement.

Did you really just say, "No virus can spread by itself."?

Oh my..the stupid is quite strong with this one!
Dude, think of what you said.
A virus is useless without a host.
Without a host it cannot spread. It dies.
Incorrect..on so many levels. The virus spreads..seeking a host. Otherwise it stays dormant..and viable--sometimes..with some virus'--for quite some time.

the virus does not care about political affiliation..just access and viability...which a maskless gathering of people provided.

Yes...it requires a host to fully mature and reproduce. So what?

I note your continued use of the term, 'somehow tested positive' as if..without Democrats..all Republicans are immune?
"the virus does not care about political affiliation"

And the virus sure as hell doesn't give a damn about Trump. As I type this, a little more of his brain has been eaten.
A month before an election and as they are replacing a Supreme Court Justice. Horrible timing.
Republicans will tough it out. They've been trying for months to strike a balance between the pandemic and the economy. They'll keep working.

It's the left who want to close businesses. If and when they start getting sick en masse, hopefully they will remain consistent and shut themselves away from the world.

Of course, being the hypocrites that they are, they would change their minds and insist that they need to work.
I believe it's dumbass republicans that keep spewing bullshit.

April 27
At least 7 (seven) members of the Panel on COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines, including 2 out of 3 Co-Chairs, have not disclosed their financial ties to Gilead Sciences (GILD), the patent owner and manufacturer of remdesivir.

Under the direction of WHO, Remdesivir is being tested as an alternative treatment to COVID-19. Currently, COVID-19 is treated by hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) with or without azithromycin (AZ).

Nine members of the Panel tasked with determining acceptable COVID-19 treatments have disclosed financial ties to Gilead, the manufacturer of Remdesivir. However, at least 7 other members failed to disclose their financial ties to Gilead and a number of other panel members appear to have links to Gilead that require no disclosure. Together, Gilead-linked individuals made up a majority of this panel.

This might explain why the panel recommended against a HCQ+AZ combination, refused to recommend HCQ (“insufficient clinical data to recommend either for or against”) and raised fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) about it. The Panel gave the same grade (but without FUD) to Remdesivir, though no clinical data existed for its use against COVID-19.

The list of the Panel members who have not disclosed their financial ties to Gilead is below. This is not an accusation against these individuals. The reporting period of Gilead ties was set to a mere 11 months (May 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020) and the last three weeks were excluded. The Guidelines were published on April 21 and already caused damage to the ongoing COVID-19 treatment.

Your conspiracy theory might make sense if the results of the international clinical trials for both drugs hadn't confirmed that hydroxychloroquine killed people, and Remdesivir cured them.

I could not help but note that HCQ wasn't given to Donald Trump. For months he touted this drug as a miracle cure, but when push came to shove and Trump got covid, he opted for the biological cocktail, and Remdesivir, not HCQ.

April 27
At least 7 (seven) members of the Panel on COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines, including 2 out of 3 Co-Chairs, have not disclosed their financial ties to Gilead Sciences (GILD), the patent owner and manufacturer of remdesivir.

Under the direction of WHO, Remdesivir is being tested as an alternative treatment to COVID-19. Currently, COVID-19 is treated by hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) with or without azithromycin (AZ).

Nine members of the Panel tasked with determining acceptable COVID-19 treatments have disclosed financial ties to Gilead, the manufacturer of Remdesivir. However, at least 7 other members failed to disclose their financial ties to Gilead and a number of other panel members appear to have links to Gilead that require no disclosure. Together, Gilead-linked individuals made up a majority of this panel.

This might explain why the panel recommended against a HCQ+AZ combination, refused to recommend HCQ (“insufficient clinical data to recommend either for or against”) and raised fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) about it. The Panel gave the same grade (but without FUD) to Remdesivir, though no clinical data existed for its use against COVID-19.

The list of the Panel members who have not disclosed their financial ties to Gilead is below. This is not an accusation against these individuals. The reporting period of Gilead ties was set to a mere 11 months (May 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020) and the last three weeks were excluded. The Guidelines were published on April 21 and already caused damage to the ongoing COVID-19 treatment.

Your conspiracy theory might make sense if the results of the international clinical trials for both drugs hadn't confirmed that hydroxychloroquine killed people, and Remdesivir cured them.

I could not help but note that HCQ wasn't given to Donald Trump. For months he touted this drug as a miracle cure, but when push came to shove and Trump got covid, he opted for the biological cocktail, and Remdesivir, not HCQ.
HCL given at 4 times the dose with no cocktail study.....yeah I remember that one........and still see the BS from TDS over the HCL from retards like you..........all over the world it has had good results.

Gilead is a political lobbying bitch......which was my point........in the middle of this they tried Orphan status for a Gov't funded R & D drug.........only when called on it ....did they back away.

They are part of the Crony Capitalism problem in this country.

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