Entire US Senate called to the White House for NK briefing...

Kim is crazy is the problem, gang: he is not rational.

Mattis does not want to strut anything, I believe, Penney. I hope not.

If China would get rid of him in return for our support to not change the status quo north of the Korean DMZ, that would be the best deal we can get.

Am I in the Twilight Zone?

I must be when I have to agree with Fakey Jakey.
Well, well, well, now this is a very interesting development.....to call all 100 Senators for a briefing, then all House of Representatives will soon follow. Sounds like we're moving forward to get rid of Kim. Better get buckled up, it could be a bumpy ride........

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing
Reuters 1 hour 34 minutes ago


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top Trump administration officials will hold a rare briefing on Wednesday at the White House for the entire U.S. Senate on the situation in North Korea, senior Senate aides said on Monday.

All 100 senators have been asked to the White House for the briefing by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the aides said.

While top administration officials routinely travel to Capitol Hill to address members of Congress on foreign policy and national security matters, it is unusual for the entire 100-member Senate to go to such an event at the White House, and for those four top officials to be involved.

U.S. officials have expressed mounting concern over North Korea's nuclear and missile tests, and its threats to attack the United States and its Asian allies.

President Donald Trump criticized North Korea's "continued belligerence" and said its actions were destabilizing during a telephone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday, the White House said.

The briefing will take place at 3 p.m. EDT (1900 GMT).

House aides said they were working with the White House to set a similar briefing for members of the House of Representatives.
Oh yay! Getting American men and women involved a war that has NOTHING to do with us simply to bully some two bit moronic dictator.....what a fucking idiotic thing to do.
You left out the part where the two bit moronic dictator has missiles that could strike our closest allies in the Pacific and that he has been testing nuclear bombs for years and that he just threatened to blow America off the face of the Earth. I'm not saying we should go to war over it, but you shouldn't leave that part out, either.
Then let those allies invade and destroy the asshole.
Why? He threatened US.

Historically, they've always done that, and gotten away with it.

I'm afraid this time it will be different.
Kim is crazy is the problem, gang: he is not rational.

Mattis does not want to strut anything, I believe, Penney. I hope not.

If China would get rid of him in return for our support to not change the status quo north of the Korean DMZ, that would be the best deal we can get.

Am I in the Twilight Zone?

I must be when I have to agree with Fakey Jakey.
Jake may be right.

Kim is crazy is the problem, gang: he is not rational.

Mattis does not want to strut anything, I believe, Penney. I hope not.

If China would get rid of him in return for our support to not change the status quo north of the Korean DMZ, that would be the best deal we can get.

Am I in the Twilight Zone?

I must be when I have to agree with Fakey Jakey.
Jake may be right.


He was right before? :eek:
So do you really believe the crazy Kim will really strike the US without believing it simply would be a suicide pact for his whole Nation?

I think his threats are simply verbal threats to combat Pres Trump's verbal threats....and Kim does not want to die or have his nation wiped off the face of this earth.

I wish I could agree with you & not take him seriously.....but Kim is a crazy fanatic and doesn't think or rationalize like normal people do. I wouldn't take the chance.
I think he likes his life more than ya think....

and attacking the USA in any manner would not lead to war with him, it would simply be Kim's and his nation's ANNIHILATION...there would be nothing left.

He is crazy, but he also loves his life and power, and simply is not crazy enough to give all of that up, ever...imo.

That really doesn't make much sense......if he's not crazy enough to give all of that up.....then why would he keep thumbing his nose at the US that has 100x's the military & arsenal than he does??? That in itself is suicide.
it hasn't been suicide for his grandfather, or his father or for himself when they saber rattled....why would he believe it would change? Talk is cheap, talk and threaten and act big so your people will think you are strong is all they have ever done....and same with us back at them....it's sort of a dance and an art in diplomacy that's been going on for decades...

and currently the difference is Trump that's not going to put up with it. He's already bombed Afghanistan, why would he stop there? But whatever, you can believe as you choose, but I disagree.
Kim is crazy is the problem, gang: he is not rational.

Mattis does not want to strut anything, I believe, Penney. I hope not.

If China would get rid of him in return for our support to not change the status quo north of the Korean DMZ, that would be the best deal we can get.

Am I in the Twilight Zone?

I must be when I have to agree with Fakey Jakey.
Jake may be right.


He was right before? :eek:
Since most of the time Jake is just guessing like everybody else he is right about half the time and wrong the other half.



other than wiping out the entire nation of north korea, what can Trump actually do?

We do not know the various places where they keep their nukes....so there is no target to hit as far as that is concerned? :dunno:

Does Trump really want to kill millions of people?
other than wiping out the entire nation of north korea, what can Trump actually do?

We do not know the various places where they keep their nukes....so there is no target to hit as far as that is concerned? :dunno:

Does Trump really want to kill millions of people?
You have not seen a fine granular aerial photo lately have you.

You can tell if the gook sandwich has bologna or cheese or both on it.
other than wiping out the entire nation of north korea, what can Trump actually do?

We do not know the various places where they keep their nukes....so there is no target to hit as far as that is concerned? :dunno:

Does Trump really want to kill millions of people?
You have not seen a fine granular aerial photo lately have you.

You can tell if the gook sandwich has bologna or cheese or both on it.
they said in the news that our intel' agencies do NOT KNOW where the nukes are kept.
Kim is crazy is the problem, gang: he is not rational.

Mattis does not want to strut anything, I believe, Penney. I hope not.

If China would get rid of him in return for our support to not change the status quo north of the Korean DMZ, that would be the best deal we can get.

Am I in the Twilight Zone?

I must be when I have to agree with Fakey Jakey.
Jake may be right.


He was right before? :eek:
Since most of the time Jake is just guessing like everybody else he is right about half the time and wrong the other half.



You are half right.
Kim is crazy is the problem, gang: he is not rational.

Mattis does not want to strut anything, I believe, Penney. I hope not.

If China would get rid of him in return for our support to not change the status quo north of the Korean DMZ, that would be the best deal we can get.

Am I in the Twilight Zone?

I must be when I have to agree with Fakey Jakey.
Marian Morrisette. See, honey, I told you to pay attention and you could learn.
other than wiping out the entire nation of north korea, what can Trump actually do?

We do not know the various places where they keep their nukes....so there is no target to hit as far as that is concerned? :dunno:

Does Trump really want to kill millions of people?
You have not seen a fine granular aerial photo lately have you.

You can tell if the gook sandwich has bologna or cheese or both on it.
they said in the news that our intel' agencies do NOT KNOW where the nukes are kept.

They say a lot of things in the news.
Trump is trying a ratings week.

He needs all the help he can get.

I seriously doubt this has anything to do with trying to improve his ratings. This is serious business
Everything, serious or not, is about his ratings first and foremost.
You get nothing, because you can't be objective, factual, evidence, and use critical thinking.

You are a homer, sonny. So not "just once more" for you.
Trump is trying a ratings week.

He needs all the help he can get.

I seriously doubt this has anything to do with trying to improve his ratings. This is serious business
Everything, serious or not, is about his ratings first and foremost.
You get nothing, because you can't be objective, factual, evidence, and use critical thinking.

You are a homer, sonny. So not "just once more" for you.
No because you are totally full of shit. Like Trump would start a war because he wants ratings. If the election was today, he would still beat Hillary. You can also thank your hero for Trump. So get over it and let the adults handle it.
Well, well, well, now this is a very interesting development.....to call all 100 Senators for a briefing, then all House of Representatives will soon follow. Sounds like we're moving forward to get rid of Kim. Better get buckled up, it could be a bumpy ride........

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing

Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing
Reuters 1 hour 34 minutes ago


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top Trump administration officials will hold a rare briefing on Wednesday at the White House for the entire U.S. Senate on the situation in North Korea, senior Senate aides said on Monday.

All 100 senators have been asked to the White House for the briefing by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the aides said.

While top administration officials routinely travel to Capitol Hill to address members of Congress on foreign policy and national security matters, it is unusual for the entire 100-member Senate to go to such an event at the White House, and for those four top officials to be involved.

U.S. officials have expressed mounting concern over North Korea's nuclear and missile tests, and its threats to attack the United States and its Asian allies.

President Donald Trump criticized North Korea's "continued belligerence" and said its actions were destabilizing during a telephone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday, the White House said.

The briefing will take place at 3 p.m. EDT (1900 GMT).

House aides said they were working with the White House to set a similar briefing for members of the House of Representatives.
Oh yay! Getting American men and women involved a war that has NOTHING to do with us simply to bully some two bit moronic dictator.....what a fucking idiotic thing to do.

As long as Kim keeps threatening the US.......how does that have NOTHING to do with US???
other than wiping out the entire nation of north korea, what can Trump actually do?

We do not know the various places where they keep their nukes....so there is no target to hit as far as that is concerned? :dunno:

Does Trump really want to kill millions of people?
You have not seen a fine granular aerial photo lately have you.

You can tell if the gook sandwich has bologna or cheese or both on it.
they said in the news that our intel' agencies do NOT KNOW where the nukes are kept.

They say a lot of things in the news.
sure! though they were experts and ex military and intelligence agency heads!

but even IF they were for strategic purposes promoting the lie of not knowing,

and they did know where they were all put, could they bomb them without radiation exposure and a strong wind blowing the radiation in to South Korea or Japan, or China etc?

This isn't some video War game, there are real, life consequences, let's hope they think this through, and congress refuses to approve the action if they can not foresee that life is not made better, by taking these kind of actions.

That's JUST WAR theory, jus bellum iustum...

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