Epic Smack Down Of Megyn Kelly By Newt Gingrich

You know what? When I saw that her show was on I changed the channel but then later I saw that he had had a heated exchange with her so I watched the video. Glad I did.
Yes, that's the way I saw it. Megyn kept her cool and Newt looked like he was going to blow a gasket.
Yeah, she kept her cool. That's why she resorted to that last comment, I suppose. Try again, loser.
And that's all you'll ever do is wonder, loser.
Loser? You have no problem with Theowl32, literally, shitting all over women but you resent me doing something Trump himself likes to do? What the fuck?

BTW, I wouldn't mind grabbing Melania's tits either, but I suspect they're mostly plastic.
No, just laughing at the thought of you ever having access to a quality woman. LMAO!
I'm sick and tired of people like you using language that's inflamatory and not true.

Like Hillary selling a uranium mine?

Like Benghazi?

Like Hillary engaging in pay for play?

Like Hillary receiving money from the Clinton Foundation?

Like Hillary being owned by Wall Street?

Oh, wait, this is another double standard.


So did someone send Condi Rice and Colin Powell emails with possibly classified material in it? Who knows? Powell had an AOL account and together, the two of them turned over a grand total of ZERO emails to the State Department. ZERO. Get that? ZERO. The rules apparently only apply to Democrats in general and Mrs. Clinton in particular.

Republicans can ignore email rules and requests.

Democrats should go to jail.

And Newt is a crying baby sack of shit.


Newt has a history of tantrums.
Post of the thread.

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You know what? When I saw that her show was on I changed the channel but then later I saw that he had had a heated exchange with her so I watched the video. Glad I did.
Yes, that's the way I saw it. Megyn kept her cool and Newt looked like he was going to blow a gasket.
Yeah, she kept her cool. That's why she resorted to that last comment, I suppose. Try again, loser.
No, just laughing at the thought of you ever having access to a quality woman. LMAO!
LOL. Thanks for the laugh.
Maddow is beating her in the ratings and once the election is over and her contract is up I hope one of two things happen.

1. Hannity gets moved into her time slot
2. She goes to another propaganda network that is more in line with her views.

I cannot handle talking heads/comentators that call themselves journalists when everyone and their mother knows its BS. Shit just come out and say you don't like Trump, you'll never vote for him, and carry on. I can respect that. Do what Hannity has done. He makes no bones about it, he likes and is supporting Trump. He doesn't claim to be anything other than what he is....a commentator.
She was moved into Hannity's time slot.

She most certainly has made a name for herself....as her own woman....NOT just another good looking blonde talking head.
She actually pushed his RW A$$ out of that cooshy slot. Pulled the rug right out from under him.


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Megyn is losing her audience......big time.
Yep. And now that she has started singing the liberals tune... They have stopped calling her a whore. Go figure.
:) As you well know, she is more popular and $20 million richer because of people like Trump and you. How cool is that?
And when she goes back to her conservative roots ...people like you and the rest of the liberals will show your true misogynist colors ... And return to calling her a whore.

You lame twits fool no one.
No one calls her whore except Trump-supporting Republicans.

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You know what? When I saw that her show was on I changed the channel but then later I saw that he had had a heated exchange with her so I watched the video. Glad I did.
Yes, that's the way I saw it. Megyn kept her cool and Newt looked like he was going to blow a gasket.
Yeah, she kept her cool. That's why she resorted to that last comment, I suppose. Try again, loser.
No, just laughing at the thought of you ever having access to a quality woman. LMAO!
LOL. Thanks for the laugh.
No problem, loser.
The blood is still seeping!!

She told Newt he had anger issues? He called her out and she used this lame ass line?

Label Trump with Sexual Predator? So what is Hillary then, a Sexual Predator Enabler?

She has turned out to be such a f'ing bitch over this thing with Trump...

Maybe she wants the first Clinton WH interview on Fox?
Meg made Newt look stoopid.
Worse, she exposed him for what he is...a misogynistic, partisan Republican hack with anger issues.

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But skipped the FACT that Hillary is married to a Sexual Predator that she has continued to ignore his misogynist exploits for decades, now how do you spin this, bad judgement or just a forgiving spouse?
Meg made Newt look stoopid.
Worse, she exposed him for what he is...a misogynistic, partisan Republican hack with anger issues.

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But skipped the FACT that Hillary is married to a Sexual Predator that she has continued to ignore his misogynist exploits for decades, now how do you spin this, bad judgement or just a forgiving spouse?
WJC is not running. Trump is running. He is not worthy to be president.
This is fantastic. FINALLY somebody put that partisan bitch in her place. Newt, you ARE the man!

Yeah, I wish that whom ever's peins she sucks dies and she gets sent back to the minors where she belongs. if it weren't for trump no one would even know who she is aside from the Fox sheep that is.

Because...to Drumpfsters, women are only someone because of a man. Love it!

Well, maybe, but right after Newt shoved the ho's face back down into the toilet bowl where it belongs she says she will need twenty million to stay at Foux.She asked a man for that. and the Drumphfs don't hold the record in the disrespecting women department . Bill "Better put some ice on that" Clinton is pretty good at disrespecting women to. oh, and then you got your Weiner guy to who sends 17 year-olds pictures of his junk with his kid in the picture, yeah, really respectful of women right there.then you got the Kennedys who can rape and kill women and get away with it completely. yeah, you libs are all about woman's rights......... as long as they plywood. I mean put out.
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But skipped the FACT that Hillary is married to a Sexual Predator that she has continued to ignore his misogynist exploits for decades, now how do you spin this, bad judgement or just a forgiving spouse?
Kelly has equated the problem with accusing Trump is the same as women who accused Clinton. As she said on her show with Gingrich, she's supportive of women's rights. In both cases of Clinton and Trump, men of power abused women and got away with it. The problem for both the Hillary and Trump campaigns is as Kelly states below "You can't have it both ways". Hillary wants to avoid discussing her part in throwing abused women under the bus and Trump wants to accuse Slick Willie of misconduct without acknowledging his own guilt.

Megyn Kelly Defends Trump Accusers: Nobody Ever Saw Bill Clinton Rape Juanita Broaddrick
MEGYN KELLY: [Donald Trump]'s obviously feeling angry and feeling conspired against and one gets the impression he can feel it slipping away right now. But that's query whether this kind of a speech is going to help him win voters

Can I just ask you was there a witness to Juanita Broaddrick... the Trump supporters are willing to believe her. You can't have it both ways.

Megyn Kelly Likens Women Accusing Trump of 'Bad Behavior' to Bill Clinton: "Nobody Was Ever Found Guilty"
MEGYN KELLY: Let's speak about this in a larger sense and I do want to underscore that Trump has denied these allegations. Both campaigns are in a pickle because the Clinton wants to say, oh, you know, these women who accused Bill Clinton, nobody was ever found guilty and never had a successful lawsuit, it was 30 years ago. Well these women they never had a lawsuit, and the truth is that victims of sexual assault, victims of rape, victims of unwanted groping they often don't come forward. They are humiliated. Especially back in the day they were told, 'move along, it happens to all women. You've got to take it.' It's a complicated --
WJC is not running. Trump is running. He is not worthy to be president.
Slick Willie is running for FLOTUS and actively campaigning for a woman who threw sexually harassed women under a bus when they accused her husband. That is misconduct on the part of Hillary. A woman doesn't have to be an actual rapist to be convicted of rape if she helped hold the victim down or became an accessory after the fact.
WJC is not running. Trump is running. He is not worthy to be president.
Slick Willie is running for FLOTUS and actively campaigning for a woman who threw sexually harassed women under a bus when they accused her husband. That is misconduct on the part of Hillary. A woman doesn't have to be an actual rapist to be convicted of rape if she helped hold the victim down or became an accessory after the fact.

The only thing that counts is that Donald is unfit to be president. The second thing is that HRC is unfit, too.
This is fantastic. FINALLY somebody put that partisan bitch in her place. Newt, you ARE the man!

I liked when she said "you have no idea whether is true or not" and he replied "neither do you" :biggrin:
It was a battle not an interview :D
Joking aside, she's not neutral at all....
She looks like a democratic congressperson not a reporter :uhh:
She looked like a woman who was not going to let a serial predator like Newt strike at others.
She looked like a woman who was not going to let a serial predator like Newt strike at others.

Wrong. look into her relationship with Roger Ailes. she said he hit her up for some hanky panky, yet she did nothing, but it's likely she blew him to get a show. she is not particularly intestine and her only notable moment is Trump saying she is on the rag. on top of that, the twat dresses like an emotional failed port star. screw her. I stick with my assertion that her face belongs in the toilet bowl. and you will also see it after the election she will go away like Greta did and that will be it.

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