Epic Smack Down Of Megyn Kelly By Newt Gingrich

The Trump males are not Alphas: they need money to charm women. They can't do it own their own merits.
No kidding... she's no match for Newt at any level. I don't see much in her future other than maybe following Rachael Maddow at 01:00 in the morning or something.

Agreed. She must think her audience is stupid or something. Like we can't recognize the difference between a serious news woman and somebody that's trying to create controversy to benefit herself.
the epic battle looked more like Brock Lesnar VS Nancy Pelosi

And if she looked like Piglosi, she wouldn't be on a national cable network. She might be lucky enough to get a job at a local television station somewhere, so she has a lot to talk about when it comes to sexuality.
Megyn is losing her audience......big time.
Yep. And now that she has started singing the liberals tune... They have stopped calling her a whore. Go figure.
:) As you well know, she is more popular and $20 million richer because of people like Trump and you. How cool is that?
And when she goes back to her conservative roots ...people like you and the rest of the liberals will show your true misogynist colors ... And return to calling her a whore.

You lame twits fool no one.
They're now down to pissing off the white women. You gotta give em credit. They are thorough.

Why is that? Do white women believe that women should be able to push around a guy and get no response from him? Just sit down and shut up?

Obviously you don't give white women any credit.
They're now down to pissing off the white women. You gotta give em credit. They are thorough.

Why is that? Do white women believe that women should be able to push around a guy and get no response from him? Just sit down and shut up?

Obviously you don't give white women any credit.
He like most Libs is under the false impression that they own all vaginas.
Let's review. Newt tried to equivocate. Comparing sexual assault charges with paid political speeches, the same kind of speeches Ronald Reagan would make after he left office.

So, in Newt's mind, committing sexual assault is as sinful as getting a heavy fee for speaking.

And then the nimrod brigade concluded Newt had thoroughly beaten down Megan Kelly. I wonder what it's like to fall for that level of crap?
Almost every one of her shows is about the sexual allegations and she presents the allegations as though they are proven facts. Then she gets defensive when somebody tells her there is no proof and that some of the women are not credible. She won't acknowledge that several of them have been proven wrong. She's following the Clinton strategy of basing the entire election on this one issue, and she ignores Hillary's history of attacking women who have been sexually assaulted by her husband (there's your irony). She's a self-appointed crusader with no credentials and Newt gave her a thorough spanking on national television. Suck it up.
Why do you watch her? Personally, I don't watch either Fox or MSNBC. Too much talking head bullshit. I only watch CNN in the morning for the news, then switch when they start the talking head nonsense.
You know what? When I saw that her show was on I changed the channel but then later I saw that he had had a heated exchange with her so I watched the video. Glad I did.
Let's review. Newt tried to equivocate. Comparing sexual assault charges with paid political speeches, the same kind of speeches Ronald Reagan would make after he left office.

So, in Newt's mind, committing sexual assault is as sinful as getting a heavy fee for speaking.

And then the nimrod brigade concluded Newt had thoroughly beaten down Megan Kelly. I wonder what it's like to fall for that level of crap?
Nice try. :lol:
Well, I would joyfully shit on every left wing woman out there.

Do you grope them too? One day I suspect you're going to attack the wrong woman and she's going to shoot off your little pecker.
Not before I give her the old hot carl.

That's help Trump nail the women vote!

I wonder what Ivana's pussy is like to grab? Furry or smooth?
Well, I would joyfully shit on every left wing woman out there.

Do you grope them too? One day I suspect you're going to attack the wrong woman and she's going to shoot off your little pecker.
Not before I give her the old hot carl.

That's help Trump nail the women vote!

I wonder what Ivana's pussy is like to grab? Furry or smooth?
And that's all you'll ever do is wonder, loser.
You know what? When I saw that her show was on I changed the channel but then later I saw that he had had a heated exchange with her so I watched the video. Glad I did.
Yes, that's the way I saw it. Megyn kept her cool and Newt looked like he was going to blow a gasket.
And that's all you'll ever do is wonder, loser.
Loser? You have no problem with Theowl32, literally, shitting all over women but you resent me doing something Trump himself likes to do? What the fuck?

BTW, I wouldn't mind grabbing Melania's tits either, but I suspect they're mostly plastic.

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