epidemic of the vaccinated

Unlike you I’m not trying to hurt feelings.

Keep up the entertainment. I'm bored and don't have any interesting challenging work on my bench right now, so you dancing monkeys are my entertainment until something more interesting comes along.

PS -- you're not very skilled at the smug rebuke.

Keep searching. I wish you luck in finding your answers. I’m here to help if you need anything
I’ve got the answers. They are readily available, but you won’t find them from CNN, Fauci, or the FDA. Its most unfortunate you don’t know this, yet it’s so obvious.
Great, you should be able to easily explain them then. Go for it!
Done it a dozen times and others have too. You know they lied to us. The vax doesn’t prevent infection or transmission. Plus it has harmed many. Yet, you still believe. So you’re a D Party operative, work for big pharma, or you’re slow.

Go get that booster TODAY!
Let’s start with this line of yours. Do you think the early vax was effective on the early strains of the virus? Or do you think it’s been ineffective the whole time?
Why aren’t you boosted?
How many died suddenly during the same timeframe before the vaccines?
If you don’t know sudden deaths have risen since the vax was instituted, you’re a dupe or a Pfizer pharmaceutical salesman.

I’m going with the later, because no one could be so dumb to not know.
If you don’t know sudden deaths have risen since the vax was instituted, you’re a dupe or a Pfizer pharmaceutical salesman.

I’m going with the later, because no one could be so dumb to not know.
Show the numbers you’re referencing to make that claim please.
Show the numbers you’re referencing to make that claim please.
Why do you continually ask for proof but when given it, discount it Pfizerboy? I guess I’ll try again…

Mortality statistics also reveal we’ve been sold a sack of lies. In the video above, nurse instructor John Campbell, Ph.D., reviews some of the latest excess death statistics from the U.K., which show that, in October 2022, the average weekly excess death rate was 1,564.

In 2020, the average weekly excess death rate was a mere 315, and in 2021 it was 1,322. For the week ending October 21, 2022, the excess mortality was 1,822, which is 15.7% above the five-year average.

So, there are now far more non-COVID deaths than there were COVID deaths during the height of the pandemic, before there were any COVID jabs. In particular, data from the King’s Fund show excess deaths from cardiovascular disease and diabetes are mounting.11

Yet, while the number of people dying were a media obsession during 2020 and 2021, now that the death toll is far greater than what we saw at any point during the pandemic, mainstream media remain quiet, and seem completely uninterested in finding out why people are dying at historically unprecedented rates.

This will make you want to get your booster shot TODAY!
Autumn Booster Campaigns Leave Death in Its Wake

The Daily Sceptic also reported striking parallels between the autumn booster campaign, specifically, and excess deaths in the U.K.:12

“Potential new support for the role of the vaccines [in excess non-COVID deaths] can be seen in the chart below. I have plotted the autumn vaccine doses in the over-75s (the age group which makes up the large majority of deaths) and excess non-COVID death occurrences (in red), revealing a striking correlation … COVID death occurrences (in blue), on the other hand, rise and peak several weeks later.

… [The] Scottish Unity Edinburgh Group sent me this chart showing a similar correlation in Scotland between deaths and the autumn booster rollout.”


New Zealand Booster Campaign Linked to Excess Deaths

Similarly, an earlier study13,14,15 published June 28, 2022, found that, in New Zealand, the age groups that were most likely to have received a COVID booster in the winter of 2021 had 7% to 10% more excess deaths than age groups that were ineligible for boosters. The graph below illustrates how the rise in excess mortality coincided with booster uptake. According to the study’s author, economics professor John Gibson:16

Banking on a Shot in the Dark - LewRockwell
Why do you continually ask for proof but when given it, discount it Pfizerboy? I guess I’ll try again…

Mortality statistics also reveal we’ve been sold a sack of lies. In the video above, nurse instructor John Campbell, Ph.D., reviews some of the latest excess death statistics from the U.K., which show that, in October 2022, the average weekly excess death rate was 1,564.

In 2020, the average weekly excess death rate was a mere 315, and in 2021 it was 1,322. For the week ending October 21, 2022, the excess mortality was 1,822, which is 15.7% above the five-year average.

So, there are now far more non-COVID deaths than there were COVID deaths during the height of the pandemic, before there were any COVID jabs. In particular, data from the King’s Fund show excess deaths from cardiovascular disease and diabetes are mounting.11

Yet, while the number of people dying were a media obsession during 2020 and 2021, now that the death toll is far greater than what we saw at any point during the pandemic, mainstream media remain quiet, and seem completely uninterested in finding out why people are dying at historically unprecedented rates.

This will make you want to get your booster shot TODAY!
Autumn Booster Campaigns Leave Death in Its Wake

The Daily Sceptic also reported striking parallels between the autumn booster campaign, specifically, and excess deaths in the U.K.:12


… [The] Scottish Unity Edinburgh Group sent me this chart showing a similar correlation in Scotland between deaths and the autumn booster rollout.”


New Zealand Booster Campaign Linked to Excess Deaths

Similarly, an earlier study13,14,15 published June 28, 2022, found that, in New Zealand, the age groups that were most likely to have received a COVID booster in the winter of 2021 had 7% to 10% more excess deaths than age groups that were ineligible for boosters. The graph below illustrates how the rise in excess mortality coincided with booster uptake. According to the study’s author, economics professor John Gibson:16

Banking on a Shot in the Dark - LewRockwell

Ok, kudos on posting data to back your argument. More than most do on this board. I’ll dig in
Ok, kudos on posting data to back your argument. More than most do on this board. I’ll dig in
Lol. If I am the one providing this data to you because you can’t find it yourself, you really need to find new news sources.
Lol. If I am the one providing this data to you because you can’t find it yourself, you really need to find new news sources.
Whys that? You obviously had to seek this to find an outlier voice in the medical community. But regardless, I'll take a look at his data and testing methods and see how it's looking. Did you dig into any of that stuff or just find the headlines and charts you needed to back your arguments?
Whys that? You obviously had to seek this to find an outlier voice in the medical community. But regardless, I'll take a look at his data and testing methods and see how it's looking. Did you dig into any of that stuff or just find the headlines and charts you needed to back your arguments?
Lol. No. I read Rockwell’s page nearly every day. He has had numerous columnists who have shown data on the vax. As you can see from the date of my link to you Pfizerboy, it’s from just a few days ago.

Have you not read ANYTHING about the increase in sudden deaths?
Lol. No. I read Rockwell’s page nearly every day. He has had numerous columnists who have shown data on the vax. As you can see from the date of my link to you Pfizerboy, it’s from just a few days ago.

Have you not read ANYTHING about the increase in sudden deaths?
I've read plenty... For example this study was run on Non-Covid related Excess deaths after the first 3 months of the pandemic... before there were vaccines. The numbers of excess deaths were significantly higher. What are you thoughts about that?

I've read plenty... For example this study was run on Non-Covid related Excess deaths after the first 3 months of the pandemic... before there were vaccines. The numbers of excess deaths were significantly higher. What are you thoughts about that?

Yet you act as if you’ve never heard a thing about the increase in deaths or the harm the vax has cause Pfizerboy. You demand posters post proof, as if it doesn’t exist.

Stop with the disingenuous bs.
Yet you act as if you’ve never heard a thing about the increase in deaths or the harm the vax has cause Pfizerboy. You demand posters post proof, as if it doesn’t exist.

Stop with the disingenuous bs.
I see people like you trying really hard to blame the vaxx for everything. The vaxx has saved countless lives and eased suffering. It also comes with risks as we are all built differently. It is a choice that each person has to make with their doctor. Those like you who push to demonize it are just as bad as those who try and mandate it.

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