Epstein was a Democrat

You whacky Trumpians! You don't understand how the party videos and the 14 different contacts for Trump and his organization were in Epstein's phone.

Epstein is permanently branded with party boy Donald.

Trump was seen with Epstein when Trump was bashing Bush and Republicans. I am not going to pretend Trump did not have a concerning relationship with Epstein but it was Clinton who had the frequent flyer mileage. Plus, I’ve seen the names Mitchell and Richardson associated with Epstein. Where / Who are the Republicans?
Frequent flyer mileage to where?
You whacky Trumpians! You don't understand how the party videos and the 14 different contacts for Trump and his organization were in Epstein's phone.

Epstein is permanently branded with party boy Donald.

Trump was seen with Epstein when Trump was bashing Bush and Republicans. I am not going to pretend Trump did not have a concerning relationship with Epstein but it was Clinton who had the frequent flyer mileage. Plus, I’ve seen the names Mitchell and Richardson associated with Epstein. Where / Who are the Republicans?
Frequent flyer mileage to where?
Your house of course. Didn't you party with Epstein, Weinstein, and the Clintons?
Court Documents: Trump Banned Epstein From Mar-A-Lago For Alleged Assault On Underage Girl

Weinstein and Epstein. That would be a heck of a duo to do a TV sitcom about.
And he didn't report Epstein......that might have been..........er...............awkward.
Actually he did go to the authorities and offered to cooperate with them and answer any questions they may have had for Trump about Epstein, but since they barely knew each other, investigators did not even bother.
Do you ever tire of getting caught in lies every day?
You whacky Trumpians! You don't understand how the party videos and the 14 different contacts for Trump and his organization were in Epstein's phone.

Epstein is permanently branded with party boy Donald.
Trump booted Epstein out of Mar-a-Lago for propositioning underaged girls. They were definitely not friends.

Can't say the same about the Clinton's. Epstein's pimp, G. Maxwell was at Chelsea's wedding fer crissakes!

Now, it is not uncommon for people to hang pictures of the people who are most dear in their hearts on the walls of their home. For instance here in my living room, right now on the walls I have pictures of my wife and I, my 6 daughters and my recently deceased sister.

Who's pictures are on the walls in your home? Loved ones, correct?

When the FBI raided Epstein's mansion do you know whose pictures they found on the living room walls? There was only three. Woody Allen, Saudi Prince Chainsaw and Bill Clinton.

The victim in the Epstein case has testified that she was trafficked to Bill Richardson and George Mitchell. Both Democrats.

She did not implicate Donald Trump. In fact her lawyer that represented her in her lawsuit against Maxwell said that he was stonewalled by every high profile person he contacted except for Donald Trump, who gave him a lot of good information that he later verified.

In fact she implicated exactly zero Republicans.

This is a 100% Democrat scandal. You should be expressing outrage at them, not trying to deflect blame, you TDS afflicted scumbag.

You're a disgusting slimeball.
You whacky Trumpians! You don't understand how the party videos and the 14 different contacts for Trump and his organization were in Epstein's phone.

Epstein is permanently branded with party boy Donald.
Trump booted Epstein out of Mar-a-Lago for propositioning underaged girls. They were definitely not friends.

Can't say the same about the Clinton's. Epstein's pimp, G. Maxwell was at Chelsea's wedding fer crissakes!

Now, it is not uncommon for people to hang pictures of the people who are most dear in their hearts on the walls of their home. For instance here in my living room, right now on the walls I have pictures of my wife and I, my 6 daughters and my recently deceased sister.

Who's pictures are on the walls in your home? Loved ones, correct?

When the FBI raided Epstein's mansion do you know whose pictures they found on the living room walls? There was only three. Woody Allen, Saudi Prince Chainsaw and Bill Clinton.

The victim in the Epstein case has testified that she was trafficked to Bill Richardson and George Mitchell. Both Democrats.

She did not implicate Donald Trump. In fact her lawyer that represented her in her lawsuit against Maxwell said that he was stonewalled by every high profile person he contacted except for Donald Trump, who gave him a lot of good information that he later verified.

In fact she implicated exactly zero Republicans.

This is a 100% Democrat scandal. You should be expressing outrage at them, not trying to deflect blame, you TDS afflicted scumbag.

You're a disgusting slimeball.
Thank you.

These Liberals are Pathological Liars Damned to Hell unless some kind of Spiritual Miracle Awakening happens for them.

When you talk to a devout Liberal, it's as if you are talking to The Forked Tongue Father of Liars himself, Satan.

Having a discussion with a Liberal is like trying to cross a minefield of lies. The shear volume of lies they tell, and traps they lay for people is literally innumerable.

Take Heed, bring a Lie Detector and watch where you step.

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You whacky Trumpians! You don't understand how the party videos and the 14 different contacts for Trump and his organization were in Epstein's phone.

Epstein is permanently branded with party boy Donald.
So is everyone else in that phone?
You whacky Trumpians! You don't understand how the party videos and the 14 different contacts for Trump and his organization were in Epstein's phone.

Epstein is permanently branded with party boy Donald.
Trump booted Epstein out of Mar-a-Lago for propositioning underaged girls. They were definitely not friends.

Can't say the same about the Clinton's. Epstein's pimp, G. Maxwell was at Chelsea's wedding fer crissakes!

Now, it is not uncommon for people to hang pictures of the people who are most dear in their hearts on the walls of their home. For instance here in my living room, right now on the walls I have pictures of my wife and I, my 6 daughters and my recently deceased sister.

Who's pictures are on the walls in your home? Loved ones, correct?

When the FBI raided Epstein's mansion do you know whose pictures they found on the living room walls? There was only three. Woody Allen, Saudi Prince Chainsaw and Bill Clinton.

The victim in the Epstein case has testified that she was trafficked to Bill Richardson and George Mitchell. Both Democrats.

She did not implicate Donald Trump. In fact her lawyer that represented her in her lawsuit against Maxwell said that he was stonewalled by every high profile person he contacted except for Donald Trump, who gave him a lot of good information that he later verified.

In fact she implicated exactly zero Republicans.

This is a 100% Democrat scandal. You should be expressing outrage at them, not trying to deflect blame, you TDS afflicted scumbag.

You're a disgusting slimeball.
Thank you.

These Liberals are Pathological Liars Damned to Hell unless some kind of Spiritual Miracle Awakening happens for them.
When you talk to a devout Liberal, it's as if you are talking to The Forked Tongue Father of Liars himself, Satan.
Dude... I ain't no liar. The truth is far more fun.

I don't see Democrats having a "come to Jesus" moment unless they were looking to suicide him.

Democrats justify any sin that benefits the greater good, as defined by them. It is the nature of collectivism.
Remember how the Democrats said that Barry Obammy was not guilty by association with Democrat racist Louis Farakahn and Bill Ayers
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This hole event brings a little light back on pizzagate.
There are some valid arguments and evidence to suggest Pizzagate was a plausible reality.

I believe there is a dark underbelly to the New Democrat Party, and part of that involves Human Trafficking, The Drug Trade, and Cheap Illegal Alien Labor.
okay so he gave money to demos

So did Trump before 2011 he gave more money to demos but went repub in the following years

So does that mean Trump is the Demo's problem

fine I guess we will have to take care of that problem
This hole event brings a little light back on pizzagate.
There are some valid arguments and evidence to suggest Pizzagate was a plausible reality.

I believe there is a dark underbelly to the New Democrat Party, and part of that involves Human Trafficking, The Drug Trade, and Cheap Illegal Alien Labor.
Its almost like the DNC is run by the cartels.
Remember how the Democrats said that Barry Obammy was not guilty by association with Democrat racist, Louis Farakahn and Bill Ayers
Pointing out hypocrisy to Democrats is worthless because collectivist have no concept of credibility. They side with "truth" over fact.
This hole event brings a little light back on pizzagate.
There are some valid arguments and evidence to suggest Pizzagate was a plausible reality.

I believe there is a dark underbelly to the New Democrat Party, and part of that involves Human Trafficking, The Drug Trade, and Cheap Illegal Alien Labor.
Its almost like the DNC is run by the cartels.
Well, through Shell Corporations, YES. Especially when the money is laundered through Textile, Shoe, and Clothing Manufacturers. Go ahead and research that. Where do you think a lot of these politicians on The Left get their money from in places like New York, San Francisco, and Chicago?

BTW, guess who once worked at HSBC managing the Clinton Foundation's money? James Comey. Interesting that his predecessors, Mueller, and Holder both were involved in selling Assault Weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels in that light, is it not?

Cartels use legitimate trade to launder money, U.S., Mexico say

How the Sinaloa cartel reportedly laundered drug money with clothing and footwear

How a Mexican Drug Cartel Makes Its Billions

HSBC 'sorry' for aiding Mexican drugs lords, rogue states and terrorists
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You whacky Trumpians! You don't understand how the party videos and the 14 different contacts for Trump and his organization were in Epstein's phone.

Epstein is permanently branded with party boy Donald.

Trump was seen with Epstein when Trump was bashing Bush and Republicans. I am not going to pretend Trump did not have a concerning relationship with Epstein but it was Clinton who had the frequent flyer mileage. Plus, I’ve seen the names Mitchell and Richardson associated with Epstein. Where / Who are the Republicans?
Frequent flyer mileage to where?
Epstein died in a deep blue state. In a deep blue city. Two deep blue federal senators. A deep blue Representative in the district killed....Gerald Nadler. A deep blue Mayor...DiBlasio...A deep blue Governor...Cuomo. Deep blue corrupted fiefdom...Former deep blue corrupted federal Senator...Hillary..... A deep blue Corrections Department. Let da cover up begin....Da Fuhrer lives and rules....
Yeah, no surprise that the corrupt liberal news outlets are ignoring the fact that Epstein was not only a Democrat but that he donated big bucks to Democratic candidates. You can bet that if Epstein had been a Republican and had donated lots of money to GOP candidates, Rachel Maddow would have mentioned it about 100 times already.
Amazing how the "media" is already crying about "conspiracy theories" yet they promoted a totally debunked Russia story for 3 years. Fact is that
Epstein had ZERO reason to off himself. He held the cards. All his information would have gotten him a deal. Add in all the odd things surrounding the situation and where it occurred and then wonder why we already know there's something rotten here.

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