Equality vs. Freedom

Your demands for economic equality ends where my pocketbook begins.
I don't want your filthy wallet, Flash. God knows what's on it.
There are people willing to share for the good of the society, and there are those who horde what's theirs and say mine mine mine.
That's not going to change, but hopefully the people willing to share are in the ascendancy.

If you really believe it then stop being a greedy Liberal and advocating that the filthy ass government take my money by force and give it to the welfare queens because that is exactly what socialism is all about.

Socialism is greedy shitheads using the government to steal what they are unwilling to provide for themselves. When you use the government to steal money from somebody then you are depriving them of Liberty. It is slavery.

That is what Socialist assholes are all about. Institutionalized government sponsored thievery.
They take my money, too, ya know Flash. I'd be willing, if they spent it properly. That's my one big hesitation about socialist policies. The government seems to have trouble administering itself out of a paper bag.
Your demands for economic equality ends where my pocketbook begins.
I don't want your filthy wallet, Flash. God knows what's on it.
There are people willing to share for the good of the society, and there are those who horde what's theirs and say mine mine mine.
That's not going to change, but hopefully the people willing to share are in the ascendancy.

Is it "bad" not to share? Should one have the right not to share?

My guess is that you believe that the world economy is one big pie that needs to be redistributed equally.

In reality, however, that is an absolute myth. The size of the big pie changes by the minute and it not one size to redistribute. It grows and contracts every day no matter who decides to share or not.

Now should the rich give to the poor? That is a question based upon your religious beliefs. According to the Bible, we should all give to the poor, but should the state decide for you and how much?
IMHO Equality of liberty should be the goal, they're not mutually exclusive, in fact one naturally reinforces the other. However when circumstances dictate that the two conflict with each other, liberty should always be the first choice since choosing liberty is what keeps it equal.

"I was not born to be forced. I will breathe after my own fashion. Let us see who is the strongest." -- Henry David Thoreau, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience
Your demands for economic equality ends where my pocketbook begins.
I don't want your filthy wallet, Flash. God knows what's on it.
There are people willing to share for the good of the society, and there are those who horde what's theirs and say mine mine mine.
That's not going to change, but hopefully the people willing to share are in the ascendancy.

Do you equate mandated confiscation as sharing?

Sharing is a voluntary act.
Your demands for economic equality ends where my pocketbook begins.
I don't want your filthy wallet, Flash. God knows what's on it.
There are people willing to share for the good of the society, and there are those who horde what's theirs and say mine mine mine.
That's not going to change, but hopefully the people willing to share are in the ascendancy.

Do you equate mandated confiscation as sharing?

Sharing is a voluntary act.

Entitlements rob the giver of the gift of giving and it robs the recipient of the gift of gratitude.

What you then wind up with are a bunch of people trying to get out of paying taxes and an entitlement population where what is being given is never enough.
Which is preferable?

This is the fight between the Left and those who favor freedom. Freedom allows for inequality, while those who purport to favor equality know that it will never be fully achieved, nor can be. The Left will simply say they need more and more power to make things "equal", all the while living in the lap of luxury themselves.

Meanwhile, the Left will see to it that you never have the choice to choose bad for yourself or society. They will see to it that you behave regarding every aspect of your financial dealings with the full force of the law behind them. And they will decide what is fair for you to have.

Which do you choose?
Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!
Your demands for economic equality ends where my pocketbook begins.
I don't want your filthy wallet, Flash. God knows what's on it.
There are people willing to share for the good of the society, and there are those who horde what's theirs and say mine mine mine.
That's not going to change, but hopefully the people willing to share are in the ascendancy.

Do you equate mandated confiscation as sharing?

Sharing is a voluntary act.

Entitlements rob the giver of the gift of giving and it robs the recipient of the gift of gratitude.

What you then wind up with are a bunch of people trying to get out of paying taxes and an entitlement population where what is being given is never enough.
Actully, I think that the forced 'sharing' is a means of putting salve on a guilt-ridden mind.

Those who advocate for more taxes so that government can be more 'sharing' are doing so because they are too important to have to actually go among the commoner. This way, they can get an agency -- the government -- to take care of that petty little task without bothering themselves, and oh, if I have to give so should everyone! Shared miseray and all that.
Which is preferable?

This is the fight between the Left and those who favor freedom. Freedom allows for inequality, while those who purport to favor equality know that it will never be fully achieved, nor can be. The Left will simply say they need more and more power to make things "equal", all the while living in the lap of luxury themselves.

Meanwhile, the Left will see to it that you never have the choice to choose bad for yourself or society. They will see to it that you behave regarding every aspect of your financial dealings with the full force of the law behind them. And they will decide what is fair for you to have.

Which do you choose?
Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!

Get a fricken job and you can have all that.
Which is preferable?

This is the fight between the Left and those who favor freedom. Freedom allows for inequality, while those who purport to favor equality know that it will never be fully achieved, nor can be. The Left will simply say they need more and more power to make things "equal", all the while living in the lap of luxury themselves.

Meanwhile, the Left will see to it that you never have the choice to choose bad for yourself or society. They will see to it that you behave regarding every aspect of your financial dealings with the full force of the law behind them. And they will decide what is fair for you to have.

Which do you choose?
Health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!

Get a fricken job and you can have all that.

Pffffttt….. you know, voting yourself goodies paid for by the fruits of other peoples labor is HARD GOD DAMN WORK.

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