Erasing History

There is no black persin, or Irish person in The United States that was ever enslaved.
You left out Native American Indians....If you are going to live in denial, please be the best at living in total denial....

Indians weren't ever enslaved. The Indians owned black slaves, though, so I guess they're no better than white people I guess.
Are you really this stupid???...people removed against their will from lands they have inhabited for thousands of years, restricted to lands they were unfamiliar with, restricted from coming and going where they wanted, beaten or killed for observing their native language and customs, purposely poisoned and killed in their own lands.
No they weren't idiots...

They were conquered, not enslaved. Like when the Chippewas forced the Sioux out of Minnesota.

Tthe Indians did far worse to each other, than the whites ever did.

Read a book and stop with the insults.
A reservation is a prison you stupid must have been educated in Texas.
I see you didn't even address my other facts...overloaded your reptile brain.

The American Indians never attempted germ warfare or genocide on one another, white people did.
Again, are you really this stupid???

There's NO law that forces Indians to live in a reservation. Read a book...seriously.
A reservation is a prison you stupid must have been educated in Texas.
I see you didn't even address my other facts...overloaded your reptile brain.

The American Indians never attempted germ warfare or genocide on one another, white people did.
Again, are you really this stupid???
Did you call in sick today?
Did you???
You left out Native American Indians....If you are going to live in denial, please be the best at living in total denial....

Indians weren't ever enslaved. The Indians owned black slaves, though, so I guess they're no better than white people I guess.
Are you really this stupid???...people removed against their will from lands they have inhabited for thousands of years, restricted to lands they were unfamiliar with, restricted from coming and going where they wanted, beaten or killed for observing their native language and customs, purposely poisoned and killed in their own lands.
No they weren't idiots...

They were conquered, not enslaved. Like when the Chippewas forced the Sioux out of Minnesota.

Tthe Indians did far worse to each other, than the whites ever did.

Read a book and stop with the insults.
A reservation is a prison you stupid must have been educated in Texas.
I see you didn't even address my other facts...overloaded your reptile brain.

The American Indians never attempted germ warfare or genocide on one another, white people did.
Again, are you really this stupid???

There's NO law that forces Indians to live in a reservation. Read a book...seriously.
You stupid ass...the discussion concerns the HISTORY of the reservation and the traitorous southerners...yeah, educated in texas.
News from The Associated Press

In the Soviet Union, people who became disfavored by the Communist Party were "disappeared." Not only would their body disappear, but also their memory. Photographs would be altered to remove them. History books would be edited to remove all mention of them. Any paintings or statues of them would be taken down, and everyone know that to name that person would bring upon that same fate upon themselves.

George Orwell, a socialist who became disillusioned with Communism while he fought on the Loyalist Side during the Spanish Civil War, warned the world about a future where an all powerful state would control language and history so as to control what words people were allowed to say, which would control what thoughts they were allowed to think. If there was not a word for a concept, people would not be able to think it.

Now, we see politicians in the South taking down statues and monuments of Confederate heroes. But there is no history to replace it with, so the South will become a place with no history at all. That is an ideal situation for the left, because in the gap, they can impose their own false mythology, and children will believe it in the absence of truth.

The point is this, the left hates anything or anybody who is opposed to, or outside, the all powerful state that they are trying to create. Under Communism, Christian holidays were outlawed, Churches were abandoned, children were encouraged to spy on their parents, any non-Communist parties were outlawed, all children were forced to join the Communist youth groups.

The left wants this to happen here, and if they can get either Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton into office, it will be a victory for them. Both candidates hate and despise the United States, and everything it stands for. Both will continue Obama's policy of setting groups against each other, rich v. the middle class, white v. blacks, men v. women, gays v. straights. In other words, both candidates are counting on hate to sweep them into office, as what happened with Obama.

When you erase history, you are destroying all memory of our ancestors, and with it the knowledge of why we are here, what caused it to happen, and what will the future bring. The leftist wants us to live only in the present, with the state having all power over our bodies, our words, and our minds. And that is where we are going. The entire Democrat party is taking us there.

there's not really a coherent thought in there to respond to other than that you're both obama deranged and a wing nut.
Indians weren't ever enslaved. The Indians owned black slaves, though, so I guess they're no better than white people I guess.
Are you really this stupid???...people removed against their will from lands they have inhabited for thousands of years, restricted to lands they were unfamiliar with, restricted from coming and going where they wanted, beaten or killed for observing their native language and customs, purposely poisoned and killed in their own lands.
No they weren't idiots...

They were conquered, not enslaved. Like when the Chippewas forced the Sioux out of Minnesota.

Tthe Indians did far worse to each other, than the whites ever did.

Read a book and stop with the insults.
A reservation is a prison you stupid must have been educated in Texas.
I see you didn't even address my other facts...overloaded your reptile brain.

The American Indians never attempted germ warfare or genocide on one another, white people did.
Again, are you really this stupid???

There's NO law that forces Indians to live in a reservation. Read a book...seriously.
You stupid ass...the discussion concerns the HISTORY of the reservation and the traitorous southerners...yeah, educated in texas.

So far, the only thing you've posted are insults. And, I'm the stupid ass?

Hell, you think there was actually a law that forces Indians to live on reservations. That's some funny shit, right
Are you really this stupid???...people removed against their will from lands they have inhabited for thousands of years, restricted to lands they were unfamiliar with, restricted from coming and going where they wanted, beaten or killed for observing their native language and customs, purposely poisoned and killed in their own lands.
No they weren't idiots...

They were conquered, not enslaved. Like when the Chippewas forced the Sioux out of Minnesota.

Tthe Indians did far worse to each other, than the whites ever did.

Read a book and stop with the insults.
A reservation is a prison you stupid must have been educated in Texas.
I see you didn't even address my other facts...overloaded your reptile brain.

The American Indians never attempted germ warfare or genocide on one another, white people did.
Again, are you really this stupid???

There's NO law that forces Indians to live in a reservation. Read a book...seriously.
You stupid ass...the discussion concerns the HISTORY of the reservation and the traitorous southerners...yeah, educated in texas.

So far, the only thing you've posted are insults. And, I'm the stupid ass?

Hell, you think there was actually a law that forces Indians to live on reservations. That's some funny shit, right
Sorry but you can't hide your stupidity dumb ass.
You stated that the Indians had been conquered not enslaved...that leads to the logical conclusion that you were referring to history, unless your texas education taught you of some recent Indian conquest in the

Now you are forced into one of two positions.
1. You are actually stupid enough to believe that reservations weren't prisons.
2. No laws existed in history that confined Indians to those reservations.

Either way, you are still a dumb ass...
For all you pea brains and illogical geniuses that feel symbols don't mean anything and history remains unchanged no matter who writes the textbooks let's take a modern movie and use it as exhibit A. Planet of the Apes and its final scene of,the Statue of Liberty. Nuff said!
Yes. You do learn history by walking around examining monuments, statues and historical places. That is how you learn history.

The average college grad has absolutely no concept of United States history. They don't even know what the 4th of July is much less the civil war.

It might be how you learn history. That would explain a ton.

Why do you think schools take kids to see the Battlefield of Gettysberg, why do think tourists go to the graveyard of soldiers who died on D-Day?

No idea. I can't for the life of me understand why anybody goes to Gettysburg. That action is over. Been over for a century and a half.

My schools never went there, and I grew up in PA. And if we had I don't know what the point would have been.
What IS the point? Ghost hunting?

Who goes to a sports stadium ---- after the game is already over?
Those who don't know about history is bound to repeat it.
They were conquered, not enslaved. Like when the Chippewas forced the Sioux out of Minnesota.

Tthe Indians did far worse to each other, than the whites ever did.

Read a book and stop with the insults.
A reservation is a prison you stupid must have been educated in Texas.
I see you didn't even address my other facts...overloaded your reptile brain.

The American Indians never attempted germ warfare or genocide on one another, white people did.
Again, are you really this stupid???

There's NO law that forces Indians to live in a reservation. Read a book...seriously.
You stupid ass...the discussion concerns the HISTORY of the reservation and the traitorous southerners...yeah, educated in texas.

So far, the only thing you've posted are insults. And, I'm the stupid ass?

Hell, you think there was actually a law that forces Indians to live on reservations. That's some funny shit, right
Sorry but you can't hide your stupidity dumb ass.
You stated that the Indians had been conquered not enslaved...that leads to the logical conclusion that you were referring to history, unless your texas education taught you of some recent Indian conquest in the

Now you are forced into one of two positions.
1. You are actually stupid enough to believe that reservations weren't prisons.
2. No laws existed in history that confined Indians to those reservations.

Either way, you are still a dumb ass...

Post a link to the law that mandated what you claim.
News from The Associated Press

In the Soviet Union, people who became disfavored by the Communist Party were "disappeared." Not only would their body disappear, but also their memory. Photographs would be altered to remove them. History books would be edited to remove all mention of them. Any paintings or statues of them would be taken down, and everyone know that to name that person would bring upon that same fate upon themselves.

George Orwell, a socialist who became disillusioned with Communism while he fought on the Loyalist Side during the Spanish Civil War, warned the world about a future where an all powerful state would control language and history so as to control what words people were allowed to say, which would control what thoughts they were allowed to think. If there was not a word for a concept, people would not be able to think it.

Now, we see politicians in the South taking down statues and monuments of Confederate heroes. But there is no history to replace it with, so the South will become a place with no history at all. That is an ideal situation for the left, because in the gap, they can impose their own false mythology, and children will believe it in the absence of truth.

The point is this, the left hates anything or anybody who is opposed to, or outside, the all powerful state that they are trying to create. Under Communism, Christian holidays were outlawed, Churches were abandoned, children were encouraged to spy on their parents, any non-Communist parties were outlawed, all children were forced to join the Communist youth groups.

The left wants this to happen here, and if they can get either Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton into office, it will be a victory for them. Both candidates hate and despise the United States, and everything it stands for. Both will continue Obama's policy of setting groups against each other, rich v. the middle class, white v. blacks, men v. women, gays v. straights. In other words, both candidates are counting on hate to sweep them into office, as what happened with Obama.

When you erase history, you are destroying all memory of our ancestors, and with it the knowledge of why we are here, what caused it to happen, and what will the future bring. The leftist wants us to live only in the present, with the state having all power over our bodies, our words, and our minds. And that is where we are going. The entire Democrat party is taking us there.
But conservatives accuse America's historians of being commies, statists, liberals etc. because they always rate FDR as one of America's greatest presidents. So are historians commies and the history they write just communistic blather? Should history be abolished in schools?
Absolute unmitigated Boshoi. The Civil War still echoes in the present. Dramatically. It will never be forgotten, not in any of our lifetimes. And that's equally true whether monuments exist or not.

Again --- monuments are not history books. Nor should they be.


Then it appears we can defund tax dollars for the arts at all levels of government since there's no point in paying someone to create a thing to be destroyed by the emotional societal swings of future generations.


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The statue removal and rewriting of history amounts to nothing more than revenge.
The Orwellian truth what the anti-American, statist, totalitarianism loving, communist Pogster is working on diligently:
"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."
George Orwell

How is history 'rewritten' because a statute is removed?
Absolute unmitigated Boshoi. The Civil War still echoes in the present. Dramatically. It will never be forgotten, not in any of our lifetimes. And that's equally true whether monuments exist or not.

Again --- monuments are not history books. Nor should they be.


Then it appears we can defund tax dollars for the arts at all levels of government since there's no point in paying someone to create a thing to be destroyed by the emotional societal swings of future generations.



So unless all art ever created is eternal and never changes....there's no point in art existing?

Holy shit, dude. Pout much?
Absolute unmitigated Boshoi. The Civil War still echoes in the present. Dramatically. It will never be forgotten, not in any of our lifetimes. And that's equally true whether monuments exist or not.

Again --- monuments are not history books. Nor should they be.


Then it appears we can defund tax dollars for the arts at all levels of government since there's no point in paying someone to create a thing to be destroyed by the emotional societal swings of future generations.



So unless all art ever created is eternal and never changes....there's no point in art existing?

Holy shit, dude. Pout much?


Who says it won't exist?????

I'm sure private fund raisers and charities will provide a plentiful environment for the arts without government support for future generations of emotional societal drama to enact destruction upon.

Overdramatize much?


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On a funny note....I practiced Iaido....a Japanese martial art with an instructor who trained in Japan. He said that one of the guys in charge of the organization that we belonged to had stolen money from the organization. So....after the Japanese kicked him out...they sent people around to all the libraries in Japan where there were books about our style of Iaido....they took a marker and drew a line through all the references to him they could find.......

They have a word for this in Japanese, I don't remember what it was......

I thought it was a funny..Japanese thing to do.....
Humans have done this throughout history.

The Egyptians are notorious for taking chisels and hacking the name or likeness of a Pharoah that was out of favor when he died. One time a woman took the thrown and dressed as a man, but when she died they got busy erasing her from all the monuments she put up.
But conservatives accuse America's historians of being commies, statists, liberals etc. because they always rate FDR as one of America's greatest presidents. So are historians commies and the history they write just communistic blather? Should history be abolished in schools?
Not ALL conservatives....please.

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