Erasing History

Didn't address the central question anyway, which is --- what do you get there that you can't get not-there? What's the point of walking around a place that was a battlefield 150 years ago? Is it going to come to life just because you show up?

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So that's a yes to defunding the arts and archeology at all levels of government.



It is also a yes to paving over native burial grounds and painting the caves.
On some level the vile liberals feel that the North's victory was hollow and incomplete since the principles of rights and pride still exist. The Confederate flag is flown as a symbol of indomitable spirit around the world. The Confederacy, to this day, has a respect that is denied to the Union and it drives them crazy. Totally crazy. That's why these anti American liberals are still fightinh the Civil War. On a deep visceral level it feels like they lost.
No idea. I can't for the life of me understand why anybody goes to Gettysburg. That action is over. Been over for a century and a half.

My schools never went there, and I grew up in PA. And if we had I don't know what the point would have been.
What IS the point? Ghost hunting?

Who goes to a sports stadium ---- after the game is already over?
Those who don't know about history is bound to repeat it.

Cannot agree more. Words to live by.

Not sure what that's got to do with going to a battlefield that hasn't been a battlefield for 150+ years though.

It will always be a battlefield and, therfore, hallowed ground. We owe it to the men that fought there to honor their sacrifice.

But what is the point of... going there? That is, taking one's physical presence to that geographic location?

Is it not the same event with the same significance, whether one goes there or not?
Is there anything going on there right now that you can't see anywhere else?
Is the battle still going on?
Yes, there are generally plaques and memorabilia to explain what when on that day in history. Our family used to go to old cemetaries just to see where the soldiers were buried,president's homes and battle grounds. Being there gives you the feeling of history coming alive. Excuse the pun! What about Mt. Rushmore? Nothing is going
on, but it's a historical site you wouldn't want to miss.

Meh. I've seen pictures. I don't need to go all the way out there. What would I do with that vision?

On the other hand I've seen the Eiffel Tower and was amazed how massive it is in the reality than its pictures. But (a) that information serves me no purpose, and (b) it just happened to be where I was; I wasn't going to go out of my way just to see it.
I've visited a number of civil war memorials and museums across the country (north and south), it was not just to learn more about the individual (person, unit, or battle) to sate my curiosity, it was not just to learn more about American history, nor even merely just out of respect to the soldiers who made America what it is, but for American pride. To know that I was standing in the same spot as men who cared so deeply for their homelands that they willingly gave their blood to their cause. Those men are Veteran's regardless of which side they fought on and I find it despicable that there are so many pussy ass bastards in this country who need a tissue when they look at the history of this country. It is absolutely shameful how the supposedly "accepting" party has turned these simple men turned soldiers into monsters, when the reality is these men merely tried to do what they thought, at the time, was the right thing for their families.

The hypocrisy of it stinks just as much as the religious right wing's does.
On some level the vile liberals feel that the North's victory was hollow and incomplete since the principles of rights and pride still exist. The Confederate flag is flown as a symbol of indomitable spirit around the world. The Confederacy, to this day, has a respect that is denied to the Union and it drives them crazy. Totally crazy. That's why these anti American liberals are still fightinh the Civil War. On a deep visceral level it feels like they lost.

With 'right' and 'pride' being to celebrate traitors to the United States who fought to defend the right to own *people*?

You and I have very different ideas on what right and pride mean.
On some level the vile liberals feel that the North's victory was hollow and incomplete since the principles of rights and pride still exist. The Confederate flag is flown as a symbol of indomitable spirit around the world. The Confederacy, to this day, has a respect that is denied to the Union and it drives them crazy. Totally crazy. That's why these anti American liberals are still fightinh the Civil War. On a deep visceral level it feels like they lost.

The issue has nothing to do with 'liberals.'

It has to do with the fact that the 'confederacy' and its flag and other symbols are correctly acknowledged and recognized to represent hate, repression, and fear, and are being placed in the proper historical context accordingly and appropriately.
On some level the vile liberals feel that the North's victory was hollow and incomplete since the principles of rights and pride still exist. The Confederate flag is flown as a symbol of indomitable spirit around the world. The Confederacy, to this day, has a respect that is denied to the Union and it drives them crazy. Totally crazy. That's why these anti American liberals are still fightinh the Civil War. On a deep visceral level it feels like they lost.

The issue has nothing to do with 'liberals.'

It has to do with the fact that the 'confederacy' and its flag and other symbols are correctly acknowledged and recognized to represent hate, repression, and fear, and are being placed in the proper historical context accordingly and appropriately.
You can only try and fail.
On some level the vile liberals feel that the North's victory was hollow and incomplete since the principles of rights and pride still exist. The Confederate flag is flown as a symbol of indomitable spirit around the world. The Confederacy, to this day, has a respect that is denied to the Union and it drives them crazy. Totally crazy. That's why these anti American liberals are still fightinh the Civil War. On a deep visceral level it feels like they lost.

With 'right' and 'pride' being to celebrate traitors to the United States who fought to defend the right to own *people*?

You and I have very different ideas on what right and pride mean.

It must puss you off to no end that Obama is friends with a traitor to The United States.
On some level the vile liberals feel that the North's victory was hollow and incomplete since the principles of rights and pride still exist. The Confederate flag is flown as a symbol of indomitable spirit around the world. The Confederacy, to this day, has a respect that is denied to the Union and it drives them crazy. Totally crazy. That's why these anti American liberals are still fightinh the Civil War. On a deep visceral level it feels like they lost.

The issue has nothing to do with 'liberals.'

It has to do with the fact that the 'confederacy' and its flag and other symbols are correctly acknowledged and recognized to represent hate, repression, and fear, and are being placed in the proper historical context accordingly and appropriately.

You are aware that it was The United States that killed off the Indians?
On some level the vile liberals feel that the North's victory was hollow and incomplete since the principles of rights and pride still exist. The Confederate flag is flown as a symbol of indomitable spirit around the world. The Confederacy, to this day, has a respect that is denied to the Union and it drives them crazy. Totally crazy. That's why these anti American liberals are still fightinh the Civil War. On a deep visceral level it feels like they lost.

With 'right' and 'pride' being to celebrate traitors to the United States who fought to defend the right to own *people*?

You and I have very different ideas on what right and pride mean.

It must puss you off to no end that Obama is friends with a traitor to The United States.

You must find relevance to be frustrating and confusing. As you avoid it like it were on fire.
On some level the vile liberals feel that the North's victory was hollow and incomplete since the principles of rights and pride still exist. The Confederate flag is flown as a symbol of indomitable spirit around the world. The Confederacy, to this day, has a respect that is denied to the Union and it drives them crazy. Totally crazy. That's why these anti American liberals are still fightinh the Civil War. On a deep visceral level it feels like they lost.

With 'right' and 'pride' being to celebrate traitors to the United States who fought to defend the right to own *people*?

You and I have very different ideas on what right and pride mean.

It must puss you off to no end that Obama is friends with a traitor to The United States.

You must find relevance to be frustrating and confusing. As you avoid it like it were on fire.

It's obvious that it does puss you off to know that Obama is friends with a traitor.

The super bowl half-time show must have had you beside yourself with outrage, yes?
On some level the vile liberals feel that the North's victory was hollow and incomplete since the principles of rights and pride still exist. The Confederate flag is flown as a symbol of indomitable spirit around the world. The Confederacy, to this day, has a respect that is denied to the Union and it drives them crazy. Totally crazy. That's why these anti American liberals are still fightinh the Civil War. On a deep visceral level it feels like they lost.

With 'right' and 'pride' being to celebrate traitors to the United States who fought to defend the right to own *people*?

You and I have very different ideas on what right and pride mean.

It must puss you off to no end that Obama is friends with a traitor to The United States.

You must find relevance to be frustrating and confusing. As you avoid it like it were on fire.

It's obvious that it does puss you off to know that Obama is friends with a traitor.

The super bowl half-time show must have had you beside yourself with outrage, yes?

Obama is friends with a confederate who fought against the United States and killed 10s of thousand of our soldiers?

Where's this friend's statue?
On some level the vile liberals feel that the North's victory was hollow and incomplete since the principles of rights and pride still exist. The Confederate flag is flown as a symbol of indomitable spirit around the world. The Confederacy, to this day, has a respect that is denied to the Union and it drives them crazy. Totally crazy. That's why these anti American liberals are still fightinh the Civil War. On a deep visceral level it feels like they lost.

With 'right' and 'pride' being to celebrate traitors to the United States who fought to defend the right to own *people*?

You and I have very different ideas on what right and pride mean.

It must puss you off to no end that Obama is friends with a traitor to The United States.

You must find relevance to be frustrating and confusing. As you avoid it like it were on fire.

It's obvious that it does puss you off to know that Obama is friends with a traitor.

The super bowl half-time show must have had you beside yourself with outrage, yes?

Obama is friends with a confederate who fought against the United States and killed 10s of thousand of our soldiers?

Where's this friend's statue?

He's friends with Bill Ayers, a traitor to The nation.
With 'right' and 'pride' being to celebrate traitors to the United States who fought to defend the right to own *people*?

You and I have very different ideas on what right and pride mean.

It must puss you off to no end that Obama is friends with a traitor to The United States.

You must find relevance to be frustrating and confusing. As you avoid it like it were on fire.

It's obvious that it does puss you off to know that Obama is friends with a traitor.

The super bowl half-time show must have had you beside yourself with outrage, yes?

Obama is friends with a confederate who fought against the United States and killed 10s of thousand of our soldiers?

Where's this friend's statue?

He's friends with Bill Ayers, a traitor to The nation.

And where is Ayer's statue again?

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