Eric Cantor to leave post July 31st

Another RINO bites the dust. Now if we can get rid of some of the other entrenched RINOs like McCain, Graham, all the "go along to get along" assholes who place more importance in their own careers than what's good for the country we can start to see some REAL change.
Fucking corporate crony whore.

I hope he remains in the private sector for the rest of his life.
I love how republicans are trying to act like they've never liked Cantor :laugh:

What a stupid comment from a typically stupid poster.

You act like there is only one kind of Republican, idiot.

There IS only one kind of Republican. Brat comes with a slight variation.

No, you are stupid. There are corporate crony scumbags in the GOP just like there are in the Democratic Party.

Morons like you are shy they are so successful.
Okay, now I think this loss is as funny as the next guy but do we really need 900 threads about it? :D


Yeah, exactly....exactly WHAT? lol

Exactly all Republicans are the same? Exactly not the same?

Ever hear about the Poe Rule?

Look it up sometime.

I say this over and over yet no one seems to get it. There is no actual Tea Party. The TPers are a bunch of ideological talkers sitting within existing ranks. If Brat wants to prove he's different then he can grow a set, put a T in front of his name and let the chips fall where they may. Same goes for the ones who have won and are running. Until then their party has no credibility.

Yeah, exactly....exactly WHAT? lol

Exactly all Republicans are the same? Exactly not the same?

Ever hear about the Poe Rule?

Look it up sometime.

I say this over and over yet no one seems to get it. There is no actual Tea Party. The TPers are a bunch of ideological talkers sitting within existing ranks. If Brat wants to prove he's different then he can grow a set, put a T in front of his name and let the chips fall where they may. Same goes for the ones who have won and are running. Until then their party has no credibility.

Lol, so your hang up is with the word 'party'?


You have never heard of the Boston Tea Party?

You don't realize that the word 'party' can mean different things?

For example it could refer to a political organization that is a tightly organized competitor with other similar organizations, or it could just be a group of people organized for a good old time.

The original "Boston Tea Party" was a demonstration and it used the word party to mean something similar to 'gala' or celebration. The Tea Party movement named themselves after that demonstration.

So because they use the word 'party' in their name without it meaning "a tightly organized and competitive political organization", you cant take it seriously?

Cantor must a have a high paying gig lined up with a right wing think tank just like Jim de Mint. Not to worry though, it looks like he's old enough to get a taxpayer provided pension and health care.
Seeing as you don't even know what The TEA part stands for Jim there's no point in going any further.

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