Eric Holder Booting German Homeschoolers Out Of The Country


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Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
May 14, 2013 06:51 PM EDT
German Homeschool Family Loses Asylum Case; Home School Legal Defense Association Will Appeal

By Napp Nazworth | Christian Post Reporting

(Photo: Home School Legal Defense Association)

A U.S. appeals court sided with the U.S. Justice Department on Tuesday and denied asylum for the Romeikes. They fled from Germany after they were threatened with the possibility of losing custody of their children when they decided to homeschool and refused to send their children to the German public schools.
The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with the Justice Department, in Romeike vs. Holder, that the freedom to homeschool one's children is not among the fundamental rights protected for asylum seekers. The Home School Legal Defense Association, which represented the Romeikes in the case, said it will appeal the decision.
"We believe the Sixth Circuit is wrong, and we will appeal their decision," said Michael Farris, HSLDA founder and chairman. "America has room for this family, and we will do everything we can to help them."
According to an HSLDA press release, the court recognized parents have the right to direct the education of their children under the U.S. Constitution, but also noted that asylum is not granted to every victim of unfair treatment.

German Homeschool Family Loses Asylum Case; Home School Legal Defense Association Will Appeal
They're not being kicked out because they homeschool. Your title is misleading. They're being kicked out because there was no reason for them to be given asylum in the first place.
Oh, I forget......they probably will vote GOP once they get the right to vote.

That's why you could care less.

Carry on.

Precisely. But more to the point, lefty doesn't care about the state imposing his morality on others, let alone about the state taking one's children away for not toeing the line.

Bottom line: regardless what the law states, Holder didn't have to challenge this family. The Justice Department's action tells us all we need to know about lefty the statist.
The title and premise of this thread is grossly misleading and little more than another attempt to blame the Obama administration for everything the OP doesn't like.

Eric Holder isn't "booting" anybody out of the country. Immigration laws as they are currently written are doing that and the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals is merely upholding the law, as it's supposed to do.

Here's the opinion of the court and a phrase from it which sums up the whole case:

"...Congress might have written the immigration laws to grant a safe haven to people living elsewhere in the world who face government strictures that the United States Constitution prohibits. But it did not..."

The Justice Department and the office of Attorney General are tasked with enforcing laws as they are written. It is not tasked with creating law out of thin air or ignoring the law whenever they choose, even for "good" motives. In short, the AG and his department are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing and doing it legally through the court system. I can't for the life of me understand how anyone who claims to love this country and our Constitution could find fault with that.

Perhaps you'd like to explain how the Attorney General and the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals upholding the law is a bad thing.
We gave the whole Tsarnaev family asylum. They were ant American and anti freedom. We can't spoil it by also admitting freedom lovers.

Home schoolers are on the government's list of possible terrorists. Not allowing them to stay is understandable.
May 14, 2013 06:51 PM EDT
German Homeschool Family Loses Asylum Case; Home School Legal Defense Association Will Appeal

By Napp Nazworth | Christian Post Reporting

(Photo: Home School Legal Defense Association)

A U.S. appeals court sided with the U.S. Justice Department on Tuesday and denied asylum for the Romeikes. They fled from Germany after they were threatened with the possibility of losing custody of their children when they decided to homeschool and refused to send their children to the German public schools.
The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with the Justice Department, in Romeike vs. Holder, that the freedom to homeschool one's children is not among the fundamental rights protected for asylum seekers. The Home School Legal Defense Association, which represented the Romeikes in the case, said it will appeal the decision.
"We believe the Sixth Circuit is wrong, and we will appeal their decision," said Michael Farris, HSLDA founder and chairman. "America has room for this family, and we will do everything we can to help them."
According to an HSLDA press release, the court recognized parents have the right to direct the education of their children under the U.S. Constitution, but also noted that asylum is not granted to every victim of unfair treatment.

German Homeschool Family Loses Asylum Case; Home School Legal Defense Association Will Appeal

" Romeike vs. Holder, that the freedom to homeschool one's children is not among the fundamental rights protected for asylum seekers."

Did anyone tell Eric Holder that wanting to improve one's economic situation is ALSO not among the fundamental rights protected for asylum seekers.

Seems he didn't get the memo regarding the millions of illegal aliens that are here that also DON'T deserve to stay in the US.
Oh, I forget......they probably will vote GOP once they get the right to vote.

That's why you could care less.

Carry on.

Precisely. But more to the point, lefty doesn't care about the state imposing his morality on others, let alone about the state taking one's children away for not toeing the line.

Bottom line: regardless what the law states, Holder didn't have to challenge this family. The Justice Department's action tells us all we need to know about lefty the statist.

The state in this case is Germany.

The freedom to homeschool one's children is not among the fundamental rights protected for asylum seekers

But they're going to appea,l so they're not packing just yet.
The title and premise of this thread is grossly misleading and little more than another attempt to blame the Obama administration for everything the OP doesn't like.

Eric Holder isn't "booting" anybody out of the country. Immigration laws as they are currently written are doing that and the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals is merely upholding the law, as it's supposed to do.

Here's the opinion of the court and a phrase from it which sums up the whole case:

"...Congress might have written the immigration laws to grant a safe haven to people living elsewhere in the world who face government strictures that the United States Constitution prohibits. But it did not..."

The Justice Department and the office of Attorney General are tasked with enforcing laws as they are written. It is not tasked with creating law out of thin air or ignoring the law whenever they choose, even for "good" motives. In short, the AG and his department are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing and doing it legally through the court system. I can't for the life of me understand how anyone who claims to love this country and our Constitution could find fault with that.

Perhaps you'd like to explain how the Attorney General and the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals upholding the law is a bad thing.

Then why in the heck are we not kicking out millions of Illegal's? instead we are giving them a driver license
The title and premise of this thread is grossly misleading and little more than another attempt to blame the Obama administration for everything the OP doesn't like.

Eric Holder isn't "booting" anybody out of the country. Immigration laws as they are currently written are doing that and the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals is merely upholding the law, as it's supposed to do.

Here's the opinion of the court and a phrase from it which sums up the whole case:

"...Congress might have written the immigration laws to grant a safe haven to people living elsewhere in the world who face government strictures that the United States Constitution prohibits. But it did not..."

The Justice Department and the office of Attorney General are tasked with enforcing laws as they are written. It is not tasked with creating law out of thin air or ignoring the law whenever they choose, even for "good" motives. In short, the AG and his department are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing and doing it legally through the court system. I can't for the life of me understand how anyone who claims to love this country and our Constitution could find fault with that.

Perhaps you'd like to explain how the Attorney General and the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals upholding the law is a bad thing.

I don't believe in selective justice.

When Holder starts enforcing our laws without regard to race, sexual-orientation, or religion let me know.
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We'll let terrorists into the country, and then support them with welfare payments...

but HOMESCHOOLERS who are self-sufficient!

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They're not being kicked out because they homeschool. Your title is misleading. They're being kicked out because there was no reason for them to be given asylum in the first place.

pesky facts.

Opinions, not facts.

And the quote was a lie. The title is not misleading if you're being honest.
I had no idea that laws could be enforced in such a discretionary manner. It is worth repeating - wanting to improve one's economic situation is not among the fundamental rights protected for asylum seekers.

Throw the law out or enforce it - there is no third option.
They're not being kicked out because they homeschool. Your title is misleading. They're being kicked out because there was no reason for them to be given asylum in the first place.

pesky facts.

Opinions, not facts.

And the quote was a lie. The title is not misleading if you're being honest.

Please point me to the law where it says that not being allowed to homeschool your children in your own country qualifies a family to seek asylum here. Sorry, but my concern for people seeking asylum lies soley with those who are in imminent physical danger if they stay in their own country. Let these people go back to Germany and fight Germany's laws, not ours.
I had no idea that laws could be enforced in such a discretionary manner. It is worth repeating - wanting to improve one's economic situation is not among the fundamental rights protected for asylum seekers.

Throw the law out or enforce it - there is no third option.

Laws being enforced in such a discretionary manner is an oxymoron.

Discretionary manner is the hallmark of totalitarian/control societies where everyone is subject to the whim of some functionary of the elite. You'd better toe the line! Or else you'll be audited, wire tapped, have your land taken away via EPA fiat, etc.

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