Eric Holder demands more affirmative action to get more black cops in Ferguson

Holder's an idiot, but so are the cops in Ferguson. The city's 60-80% black and the cops are like 80% white. A recipe for disaster and not limited to just Ferguson.

Ahhhh you're just racist (am I doing it right?)
When Vito Corleone sends Lucca Brazzi over to make you an offer you can't refuse, you understand that the offer is really a demand.

So now a suggestion is an offer which is really a demand now?

Think about how anti-meritorious this following reasoning is.

The Dayton Police Department is lowering its testing standards for recruits. It’s a move required by the U.S. Department of Justice after it says not enough African-Americans passed the exam.​

Standards must be lowered so that enough blacks will qualify to be hired. Well what about all of the people who've already qualified? Screw them, they're not black. Lower the standards and then hire some blacks.

When I think about the police department I think they should somewhat mirror the community they cover. Silly me right? Maybe Dayton was higher than neighboring areas IDK but I dont see anything bad about police looking like the areas they police.

Can you imagine if a white area had 80% black cops? Whites wouldnt like that at all.
So now a suggestion is an offer which is really a demand now?

Think about how anti-meritorious this following reasoning is.

The Dayton Police Department is lowering its testing standards for recruits. It’s a move required by the U.S. Department of Justice after it says not enough African-Americans passed the exam.​

Standards must be lowered so that enough blacks will qualify to be hired. Well what about all of the people who've already qualified? Screw them, they're not black. Lower the standards and then hire some blacks.

When I think about the police department I think they should somewhat mirror the community they cover. Silly me right? Maybe Dayton was higher than neighboring areas IDK but I dont see anything bad about police looking like the areas they police.

Can you imagine if a white area had 80% black cops? Whites wouldnt like that at all.

In 1990 Ferguson was 75% white and 25% black. By 2010 the ratios had almost reversed.

A cop hired in 1990 is very likely to still be on the force today, hired at 20, today he'd be 44.

So are you suggesting that people be fired from their jobs because they're the wrong race?
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Can you imagine if a white area had 80% black cops? Whites wouldnt like that at all.

I just want to know the rules. If we're allowed to use race in hiring/firing criteria, then let's do it uniformly. That's all I'm asking for.
There is no conspiracy to deny blacks the chance to be a cop. They just can't meet the standards. Most can't even read. So Eric Hitler wants standards lowered for black applicants.

ERIC HOLDER: Ferguson Police Should 'Consider' Becoming More Racially Diverse - Business Insider

AUG. 14, 2014, 3:19 PM 15,290 101

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has suggested the police authorities in Ferguson, Missouri should diversify in order to sooth racial tensions with the community.
"Over time, ... [the police] should consider the role that increased diversity in law enforcement can play in helping to build trust within communities," Holder said in a statement released Thursday afternoon.

The relatively small city of Ferguson has become the epicenter of protests against police violence in America since local officers shot and killed an unarmed African-American teen last Saturday. According to ABC News, the Ferguson police department has three black officers and 47 white officers

How would you know whether or not there is or is not a concerted effort to keep Blacks off the Ferguson police force?
Aside from the blatant racism and ignorance and suspicion and hatred displayed by the OP, there are precious few folks on the Right who have a real grasp on the troubles in Ferguson.

After 9/11, the Department of Homeland Security poured billions of dollars worth of tactical military equipment into local police forces. As if the 'war on terror' would be fought on American streets by American policemen, the DHS armed local precincts as if they were defending an outpost in Afghanistan.

There is an old adage that says 'when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail'. Well, now that every little cop shop is equipped to fight a war, all they have are armored personnel carriers and .50 caliber machine guns, so every citizen looks like an enemy combatant.

Donning gas masks, riot helmets, flak jackets and high powered weapons, those who are supposed to 'serve and protect' appear to citizens as an occupying force. The police response in Ferguson was embarrassing to Americans. Such a response did not tamp down the ill feelings of the citizens of Ferguson, but created the opposite reaction, and rightfully so.

It's all part of a domestic arms race perpetuated on one side by over zealous police forces acting with impunity and on the other side by paranoid citizens who feel they are only safe if they pack weapons themselves for their own 'security and safety'. The result is an atmosphere of hatred and fear that only serves to perpetuate a cycle of violence. Unfortunately, some on the Right want to ramp up the division by adding more weapons and more rogue cops to achieve what they see as a peaceful solution to the troubles.

Attorney General Holder realizes that in order to de-escalate one has to actually do that. If cops are to protect and serve, they should be of the community in their charge. Rolling out the big guns never has acted as a relief valve, only as the next unfortunate step in making the community more suspicious and angry.

Such a thoughtful post would indicate you have considered one, or more, viable solutions?
Another leftist playing stupid. Affirmative Action lowers the bar. How do you think Obama became president of Harvard Law Review?

And Justice Thomas on the SC, Condi Rice, Dr. Carson, etc. All AA folks. I'm so glad you cleared that up for us.

Carson, the self-made man, was even on welfare most of his young life...

The people you mention became a success despite AA. They are talented people who earned their success and didn't gain promotion by lowering standards. Obama did benefit directly by the Harvard Law Review lowering standards.

That all the people mentioned above are preemptively labeled "Uncle Toms" or "oreos" by the liberal establishment speaks quite eloquently to the fact that they achieved their success despite AA and other liberal/progressive "intervention".
When Vito Corleone sends Lucca Brazzi over to make you an offer you can't refuse, you understand that the offer is really a demand.

So now a suggestion is an offer which is really a demand now?

Think about how anti-meritorious this following reasoning is.

The Dayton Police Department is lowering its testing standards for recruits. It’s a move required by the U.S. Department of Justice after it says not enough African-Americans passed the exam.​

Standards must be lowered so that enough blacks will qualify to be hired. Well what about all of the people who've already qualified? Screw them, they're not black. Lower the standards and then hire some blacks.

Once again, the regime insists that their plantation dwellers are incapable of achieving the same standards that all others are being held to. Kinda like, they can't be expected to figure out how to get an otherwise "free" ID to present in order to vote.
Aside from the blatant racism and ignorance and suspicion and hatred displayed by the OP, there are precious few folks on the Right who have a real grasp on the troubles in Ferguson.

After 9/11, the Department of Homeland Security poured billions of dollars worth of tactical military equipment into local police forces. As if the 'war on terror' would be fought on American streets by American policemen, the DHS armed local precincts as if they were defending an outpost in Afghanistan.

There is an old adage that says 'when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail'. Well, now that every little cop shop is equipped to fight a war, all they have are armored personnel carriers and .50 caliber machine guns, so every citizen looks like an enemy combatant.

Donning gas masks, riot helmets, flak jackets and high powered weapons, those who are supposed to 'serve and protect' appear to citizens as an occupying force. The police response in Ferguson was embarrassing to Americans. Such a response did not tamp down the ill feelings of the citizens of Ferguson, but created the opposite reaction, and rightfully so.

It's all part of a domestic arms race perpetuated on one side by over zealous police forces acting with impunity and on the other side by paranoid citizens who feel they are only safe if they pack weapons themselves for their own 'security and safety'. The result is an atmosphere of hatred and fear that only serves to perpetuate a cycle of violence. Unfortunately, some on the Right want to ramp up the division by adding more weapons and more rogue cops to achieve what they see as a peaceful solution to the troubles.

Attorney General Holder realizes that in order to de-escalate one has to actually do that. If cops are to protect and serve, they should be of the community in their charge. Rolling out the big guns never has acted as a relief valve, only as the next unfortunate step in making the community more suspicious and angry.

Such a thoughtful post would indicate you have considered one, or more, viable solutions?
I think it's critical that police forces mirror the community. When marchers raise their hands and chant "hands up! Don't shoot!" they are essentially demanding police personnel and tactics match the community in demographic make up as well as tactical response that is reasonable and responsible. Snipers training weapons on citizens is neither reasonable nor responsible.

Community standards must be respected if police departments are, indeed, there to serve and protect. When community standards are ignored in efforts to expedite that service and protection, the essential threads that bind a community to its police force are irreparably broken. That destroys the community trust in the police and tears the effectiveness of that police force from their charges.
Aside from the blatant racism and ignorance and suspicion and hatred displayed by the OP, there are precious few folks on the Right who have a real grasp on the troubles in Ferguson.

After 9/11, the Department of Homeland Security poured billions of dollars worth of tactical military equipment into local police forces. As if the 'war on terror' would be fought on American streets by American policemen, the DHS armed local precincts as if they were defending an outpost in Afghanistan.

There is an old adage that says 'when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail'. Well, now that every little cop shop is equipped to fight a war, all they have are armored personnel carriers and .50 caliber machine guns, so every citizen looks like an enemy combatant.

Donning gas masks, riot helmets, flak jackets and high powered weapons, those who are supposed to 'serve and protect' appear to citizens as an occupying force. The police response in Ferguson was embarrassing to Americans. Such a response did not tamp down the ill feelings of the citizens of Ferguson, but created the opposite reaction, and rightfully so.

It's all part of a domestic arms race perpetuated on one side by over zealous police forces acting with impunity and on the other side by paranoid citizens who feel they are only safe if they pack weapons themselves for their own 'security and safety'. The result is an atmosphere of hatred and fear that only serves to perpetuate a cycle of violence. Unfortunately, some on the Right want to ramp up the division by adding more weapons and more rogue cops to achieve what they see as a peaceful solution to the troubles.

Attorney General Holder realizes that in order to de-escalate one has to actually do that. If cops are to protect and serve, they should be of the community in their charge. Rolling out the big guns never has acted as a relief valve, only as the next unfortunate step in making the community more suspicious and angry.

Such a thoughtful post would indicate you have considered one, or more, viable solutions?
I think it's critical that police forces mirror the community. When marchers raise their hands and chant "hands up! Don't shoot!" they are essentially demanding police personnel and tactics match the community in demographic make up as well as tactical response that is reasonable and responsible. Snipers training weapons on citizens is neither reasonable nor responsible.

Community standards must be respected if police departments are, indeed, there to serve and protect. When community standards are ignored in efforts to expedite that service and protection, the essential threads that bind a community to its police force are irreparably broken. That destroys the community trust in the police and tears the effectiveness of that police force from their charges.

I agree with you about police using snipers in many cases, but there are times (like a hostage situation) where snipers may be able to remedy the situation with a minimal "collateral damage". I most definitely disagree with local police forces that are better armed than most military forces and less constrained by the rules of engagement under which our military must operate, especially in hostile environments. The other side of that problem is, what should the police do when the local populace erupts into violent and destructive behavior?
As far as matching a community demographic, what if there are insufficient members of the community who are qualified to have of willing to take the job? Would you consider a community patrol made up of locals to meet the need of providing appropriate policing for most circumstances? How about "ride-along" patrols? Many communities have instituted both programs in order to supplement the lack of demographic representation? Failing that, would you leave a community with sub-standard or insufficient protection only because the local demographic was disproportionately represented?
Currently, many people who feel like the police who should be protecting them, their property, and their communities have become just one more instrument to be used by an increasingly over-reaching government to control the populace. In other words, since the police appear to be often more inclined to serve government rather than the people, the people feel pressed to provide for their own protection.
Were blacks not allowed to join the force?

Of course they're allowed to join the force. There are in fact 3 black cops in ferguson along with 47 white ones. As always the problem is that blacks can't meet the standards. I'm sure the city wants more black cops but most of the black applicants can't even read. Eric Hitler wants the city to hire black cops and hell with qualifications.

Many cities have dropped their written policeman tests and replaced them with interviews which is crazy. Cops don't need a lot of brains but they certainly need to be literate.
Were blacks not allowed to join the force?

Of course they're allowed to join the force. There are in fact 3 black cops in ferguson along with 47 white ones. As always the problem is that blacks can't meet the standards. I'm sure the city wants more black cops but most of the black applicants can't even read. Eric Hitler wants the city to hire black cops and hell with qualifications.

Many cities have dropped their written policeman tests and replaced them with interviews which is crazy. Cops don't need a lot of brains but they certainly need to be literate.

SS, my favorite racist here. Those stupid ******* eh SS?
I think it's critical that police forces mirror the community.

So you're demanding quotas and lower standards for black applicants. Insist the white boys get 85 on the test but the blacks only need 50. That's your "solution" and that is pure racism.
Were blacks not allowed to join the force?

Of course they're allowed to join the force. There are in fact 3 black cops in ferguson along with 47 white ones. As always the problem is that blacks can't meet the standards. I'm sure the city wants more black cops but most of the black applicants can't even read. Eric Hitler wants the city to hire black cops and hell with qualifications.

Many cities have dropped their written policeman tests and replaced them with interviews which is crazy. Cops don't need a lot of brains but they certainly need to be literate.

SS, my favorite racist here. Those stupid ******* eh SS?

I'm the anti-racist since i want to end affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america. You, OTOH, are super-racist and want cities to keep their high standards for white applicants but lower the standards for blacks!!!
There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.
Booker T. Washington

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