Eric Holder demands more affirmative action to get more black cops in Ferguson

If you can't read or speak English, then change yourself. .

Most blacks just can't. No matter how hard they try, they can't learn how to read. Holder knows it so his only hope is lower standards for black candidates.
Fine make em all black every cop in Furguson...make em all black and watch the bitch and moan game continue. African Americans have been cryin and bitching and moaning all of my life. I've come accustom to tuning it out. I do not hear their whining any longer. It is old and tired... and I'm done with it. Everyone has been mistreated by a cop a time or two and everyone has their struggles in life. Get over it already...
Clarence Thomas got Affirmative Action and he's a Supreme Court Justice. See? It worked OK for Republicans.
There is no conspiracy to deny blacks the chance to be a cop. They just can't meet the standards. Most can't even read. So Eric Hitler wants standards lowered for black applicants.

So are you stating that all the years denying them of education was a success or are you judging them, I'm confused..
So are you stating that all the years denying them of education was a success or are you judging them, I'm confused..

I think that they feel blacks would be better off if they were like whites:

Does it HURT to be this stupid?

I have to agree. He overplayed his hand. Here's the deal - From the National Center for Educational Statistics, the mean black reading score at 12th grade is lower than the mean white reading score in the 8th grade, and assuming a linear relationship the mean white reading score at 7th grade still exceeds the mean black reading score at 12th grade.

Is a 7th grade reading level sufficient to be a police officer?

Clarence Thomas got Affirmative Action and he's a Supreme Court Justice. See? It worked OK for Republicans.

I like Thomas but no question he should not be on the SC. He got there just because he's black and sotzy got there just because she's hispanic.
So are you stating that all the years denying them of education was a success or are you judging them, I'm confused..

Denied education??? Blacks get free schooling just like everyone else. They just can't learn.
It makes perfect sense to hire the black gang bangers and drug dealers from within the Furguson community to be cops.

After all, they already have guns and know who the bad guys are.
Denied education??? Blacks get free schooling just like everyone else. They just can't learn.

I was talking about the time period that blacks first got their Freedom and before, when they were denied schooling just like the women in Iraq today (I'm sure you hate Iraq because they don't allow women to get an education (R)ight?)

Today, after a few centuries of bigotry and hate we wonder why black people "DECIDE" to grow up in the ghetto by the thousands/millions?

Today, they do receive "free schooling (you know taxation is not free correct...heh)"

I'm guessing you are one of the Americans still voting to cut funding for schools with lot's of blacks.

You have a lot to think about now and you have a lot to learn. My guess is your response will be, "You are stupid" because that is what everyone says today who can't think.
It makes perfect sense to hire the black gang bangers and drug dealers from within the Furguson community to be cops.

After all, they already have guns and know who the bad guys are.

White gang bangers vs. Black gang bangers. Hate is equal and the outcome is the same
It makes perfect sense to hire the black gang bangers and drug dealers from within the Furguson community to be cops.

After all, they already have guns and know who the bad guys are.

Annnnnd thats why you arent in the Human Resources dept.
I was talking about the time period that blacks first got their Freedom and before, when they were denied schooling j
Today, after a few centuries of bigotry and hate we wonder why black people "DECIDE" to grow up in the ghetto by the thousands/millions?


That's ancient history. Blacks today have the same opportunity to get an education as whites. In fact they have a better opportunity thanks to affirmative action. It's much easier for a black to get into college and get a scholarship than it is for whites. And it's been like this for decades. Blacks have to take the blame for their failure.
Right, and to the OP---I thought this was supposed to be a color blind nation under obama. Affirmative action is the worst kind of racism.

AA is the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america. Whites need to say that over and over.
Affirmative Action caused the deaths of a Vietnamese family and a WHITE cop in New Orleans. Oh, how the left wing agenda driven alphabet networks avoid this story like the plague.

The sad pathetic affirmative action case of Antoinette Frank.
Antoinette Frank, New Orleans Cop and Murderer — Saturday, March 4, 1995, 1:55 AM New Orleans — Crime Library

Antoinette Frank stood in the cramped kitchen of the Kim Anh restaurant, a 9mm pistol clutched in her hand. Kneeling on the dirty floor at Franks feet were 17-year-old Cuong Vu and his 24-year-old sister, Ha.

Cuong was an altar boy at St. Brigid Catholic Church. He played high school football and wanted to be a priest. Ha was considering becoming a nun. Both worked long hours at their parents restaurant.

Frank fired nine bullets into them.


Fuck you liberals. Fuck you.

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