Eric Holder: 'I'm thinking about' running for president


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Eric Holder: 'I'm thinking about' running for president

This clown for President ,Trump would steam roll over this criminal.
Holder, least popular politician in the United States according to a Hart Research poll, was the most criminal government official within the Obama Administration. Trump would bitch slap him.
....he's anti-white and pro-criminal when he went to comfort the family of a black CRIMINAL that stole, attacked a store clerk, refused lawful instructions from a cop, then attacked the white cop
..this is a microcosm of the failed black culture
Presidents need to be for The People, not just “his people”. Furtger, he is divisive and corrupt. But, if that’s what the Democrats want.
I hold out hope there is a vault with evidence that Holder is guilty of some serious shit, and that it gets discovered by someone in the DOH who will have the sack to charge him, win a conviction and have him in prison.

Then I might find some respect for that agency. It's like a monty python show set in a banana republic.
all I can say is bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha
_Clayton_Jones, post: 20054836, member: 29614"]Clearly anyone would be an improvement over Trump; the next president by default will be a better president than Trump.
Your ignorant ,Country has never better shape since Trump won,Thank god that clown Obama is gone, good times indeed.
Presidents need to be for The People, not just “his people”. Furtger, he is divisive and corrupt. But, if that’s what the Democrats want.

Trump is only for "his people" ... and by that I mean the very, very wealthy. Not the people who put him in office. He doesn't give 2 shits about them.
Presidents need to be for The People, not just “his people”. Furtger, he is divisive and corrupt. But, if that’s what the Democrats want.

Trump is only for "his people" ... and by that I mean the very, very wealthy. Not the people who put him in office. He doesn't give 2 shits about them.
He not a career politician, He tells the collective to fuck off on a daily basis… That’s good enough for me for now

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