Eric Holder: Palin Wasn't a Good VP Candidate, Even Worse Judge of Who Should Be Impe

Even most sane Republicans think impeachment is a stupid idea. Holder is hardly out on a limb taking a position that most Americans agree with.
Even most sane Republicans think impeachment is a stupid idea. Holder is hardly out on a limb taking a position that most Americans agree with.

Why don't the left take Obama's 'Most Americans agree' bullshit and stuff it. OK?



Shock Poll: 73% Support The Impeachment of President Obama NOW 14% More At Some Point

By Gary P Jackson

As many as 84% of Americans polled support the impeachment of President Barack Obama either now, or at some point in the future.



Poll: Half of America Wants Obama Impeached

Poll: Half of America Wants Obama Impeached

A new poll from WENZEL POLLS reveals what should have happened years ago: HALF of Americans want Barack Obama’s presidency to end through impeachment. After Benghazi, the IRS scandal, targeting journalists, and violating the Bill of Rights on a daily basis, the American people have had enough.

While impeachment won’t happen until the GOP takes the Senate in 2014, it’s something we absolutely should be focusing on. Remember, the only solution we should have to an out of control president is the constitutional option: impeachment and removal from office.

Still, we don’t yet know the half of it. Obama’s scandals we’ve seen so far have been during his presidency and midst many cover-ups — meaning the truth is likely exponentially worse than we even know.
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Eric Holder: Palin Wasn't a Good VP Candidate...

If Holder hates her she's bound to be a paragon of truth, justice, and the American way!

i'm wondering how stating the truth that she wasn't a good candidate constitutes "hate"? is that type of hyperbole what it takes to help you all wake up in the mooring?

by the by, she probably cost your guy mccain the white house. so i'd say that makes her a bad candidate....
Eric Holder: Palin Wasn't a Good VP Candidate...

If Holder hates her she's bound to be a paragon of truth, justice, and the American way!

i'm wondering how stating the truth that she wasn't a good candidate constitutes "hate"? is that type of hyperbole what it takes to help you all wake up in the mooring?

by the by, she probably cost your guy mccain the white house. so i'd say that makes her a bad candidate....

My god, you are going to make me defend Palin here.

First and foremost, there was really never a point where McCain was in any danger of winning the presidency. The crash in September 2008 pretty much sealed his fate, and his inability to really separate himself from Bush's hated Iraq policy hurt him. Yes, he did breifly pop ahead of Obama the week between picking Palin and the GOP convention, but you know what, EVERY challenging candidate does that. Dukakis was 16 points ahead of Bush in 1988 the week of his convention.

Second, while Palin has said a lot of stupid shit since losing in 2008, at the time, it didn't seem that bad. She even got a little sympathy because the media kind of looked like it was picking on her. ON paper, she was a good pick. Solid performance as governor, touched all the right keys with the base, which was lukewarm at best to McCain.

Let's be honest, nobody really wanted McCain as a candidate in 2008. The Evangelicals wouldn't support Romney because he was a Mormon, and the Wall Street types wouldn't support Huckabee because he didn't think Jesus wanted Tax Cuts for the Rich.

So McCain was the compromise candidate no one wanted.

at the end of the day, McCain and Bush had more to do with McCain's loss than Palin did.

does that mean that picking Palin wasn't still a horrible idea and we really dodged a bullet? Of course, this is all true. But we need to accurately evaluate the political landscape as it was at the time, and not by what we've learned since.
Eric Holder: Palin Wasn't a Good VP Candidate


We know this to be a fact because the GOP ticket failed in 2008.

In fact, everyone acknowledges it to be true save that of a tiny minority of blind, hardcore, rightwing partisan hacks too stupid to admit the truth.

Holder is correct and this thread fails accordingly.
Eric Holder: Palin Wasn't a Good VP Candidate


We know this to be a fact because the GOP ticket failed in 2008.

In fact, everyone acknowledges it to be true save that of a tiny minority of blind, hardcore, rightwing partisan hacks too stupid to admit the truth.

Holder is correct and this thread fails accordingly.

again, no one lost 2008 for McCain except for McCain. Blaming Palin is a cop-out.

Bush-41 survived picking Quayle, Bush-43 surived picking Cheney. A Vice Presidential Nominee is supposed to be like a Maid of Honor in an ugly dress. - It's to make make the Bride/PResidential Nominee look prettier.
I forgot to ad the fact that he's a racist piece of shit too.

Mrs. Palin has more class and took on corruption in the State of Alaska

Holder is CLASSLESS racist corrupted pos

I agree and gotta laugh at HOLDER spewing his opinion about someone else.

The man is an abject failure as AG and would have been gone if not for his pal in the WH and his EO. He'd have been booted over FF when his bullshit caused the death of that Border Patrol agent.

Yep. Holder is a fine one to critizie anyone and he isn't fit to kiss Palins ass.

AG, FF, WH,, this gal has a lock on the language! :D
Eric Holder: Palin Wasn't a Good VP Candidate


We know this to be a fact because the GOP ticket failed in 2008.

In fact, everyone acknowledges it to be true save that of a tiny minority of blind, hardcore, rightwing partisan hacks too stupid to admit the truth.

Holder is correct and this thread fails accordingly.

again, no one lost 2008 for McCain except for McCain. Blaming Palin is a cop-out.

Bush-41 survived picking Quayle, Bush-43 surived picking Cheney. A Vice Presidential Nominee is supposed to be like a Maid of Honor in an ugly dress. - It's to make make the Bride/PResidential Nominee look prettier.
McCain would have lost anyway, but Palin sure didn't help him, quite the opposite. He would have had a fighting chance with a better running mate.

The only thing Palin was meant to do was make the GOP ticket look not so much like a too old white guy. She was hired because of her youth and gender. He should have chosen a black woman, but I guess that would be too obvious. Maybe an Hispanic or Asian.
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Why should the left "condemn" him, exactly?

I'm not getting your point, I think. What's so "outrageous" or hateful about his comments?

What isn't. Just because racism exists doesn't mean that the entire country is racist.

Eric Holder needs to just shut up. He shouldn't be giving speeches. He should just keep bringing lawsuits against private businesses and stay away from the cameras. Every time he opens his mouth he proves to everyone just how bigoted he is.

Hard to believe that this prick is our number one law officer.
How exactly could obama 'cause' hatred for.blacks?

Thats the most retarded thing ever.

If someones rhetoric or partisan blah blah can actually 'make' you hate a race? Youre already a racist.
How exactly could obama 'cause' hatred for.blacks?

Thats the most retarded thing ever.

If someones rhetoric or partisan blah blah can actually 'make' you hate a race? Youre already a racist.

How did Nazis cause so many to hate Germans?

My wife is black. She has noticed a very different attitude in Whites toward her in the last couple of years. Before when there was an isolated negative stimulus from someone I would tell her that it wasn't because she's black, it's because they're assholes. Now, I'm not so sure about that.
How exactly could obama 'cause' hatred for.blacks?

Thats the most retarded thing ever.

If someones rhetoric or partisan blah blah can actually 'make' you hate a race? Youre already a racist.

How did Nazis cause so many to hate Germans?

My wife is black. She has noticed a very different attitude in Whites toward her in the last couple of years. Before when there was an isolated negative stimulus from someone I would tell her that it wasn't because she's black, it's because they're assholes. Now, I'm not so sure about that.

Closet racists are closet racists until they're not in the closet anymore.

You don't "cause" racism. That's fucking retarded. If someone takes the words or acts of a few and applies them to hatred of the many, they're stupid fucking racists.

Obama "causing" racism might be the dumbest thing you've ever said, I could be wrong though.
Eric Holder, corrupt politician, liar, murderer, general all around scumbag, isn't fit to polish Sarah Palin's pumps. Fuck that bastard and all who side with him.

I didn't expect to see anything different from the left

they take lessons from these hateful people in this administration and the Democrat party

Nine messages into your thread and you were already playing the victim card. You and the rest of your Republican victim friends are pitiful I tell you. Pitiful. You know that if your kind would actually accomplish something useful, you wouldn't feel like the victim all the time.
How exactly could obama 'cause' hatred for.blacks?

Thats the most retarded thing ever.

If someones rhetoric or partisan blah blah can actually 'make' you hate a race? Youre already a racist.

It's retardapalooza around here now. The RWnuts think they've taken over the forum so they're mostly just blurting out idiocy to win approval points from their fellow nuts.
How exactly could obama 'cause' hatred for.blacks?

Thats the most retarded thing ever.

If someones rhetoric or partisan blah blah can actually 'make' you hate a race? Youre already a racist.

How did Nazis cause so many to hate Germans?

My wife is black. She has noticed a very different attitude in Whites toward her in the last couple of years. Before when there was an isolated negative stimulus from someone I would tell her that it wasn't because she's black, it's because they're assholes. Now, I'm not so sure about that.

Closet racists are closet racists until they're not in the closet anymore.

You don't "cause" racism. That's fucking retarded. If someone takes the words or acts of a few and applies them to hatred of the many, they're stupid fucking racists.

Obama "causing" racism might be the dumbest thing you've ever said, I could be wrong though.

i'm looking at his post. i don't see a single thing saying that President Obama CAUSED racism. I did see him say that the acts of nazis CAUSED people to hate Germans... which they did, at least for a period of time.

President Obama didn't CAUSE racism but he sure brought all the racist scum out into the light.
How did Nazis cause so many to hate Germans?

My wife is black. She has noticed a very different attitude in Whites toward her in the last couple of years. Before when there was an isolated negative stimulus from someone I would tell her that it wasn't because she's black, it's because they're assholes. Now, I'm not so sure about that.

Closet racists are closet racists until they're not in the closet anymore.

You don't "cause" racism. That's fucking retarded. If someone takes the words or acts of a few and applies them to hatred of the many, they're stupid fucking racists.

Obama "causing" racism might be the dumbest thing you've ever said, I could be wrong "though.

i'm looking at his post. i don't see a single thing saying that President Obama CAUSED racism. I did see him say that the acts of nazis CAUSED people to hate Germans... which they did, at least for a period of time.

President Obama didn't CAUSE racism but he sure brought all the racist scum out into the light.

Post #91 says this:

Obama has personally caused more hatred in this country for blacks than anyone"

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