Eric Holder: Palin Wasn't a Good VP Candidate, Even Worse Judge of Who Should Be Impe

Even most sane Republicans think impeachment is a stupid idea. Holder is hardly out on a limb taking a position that most Americans agree with.

Why don't the left take Obama's 'Most Americans agree' bullshit and stuff it. OK?



Shock Poll: 73% Support The Impeachment of President Obama NOW 14% More At Some Point

By Gary P Jackson

As many as 84% of Americans polled support the impeachment of President Barack Obama either now, or at some point in the future.

Shock Poll: 73% Support The Impeachment of President Obama NOW 14% More At Some Point | A Time For Choosing


Poll: Half of America Wants Obama Impeached

Poll: Half of America Wants Obama Impeached

A new poll from WENZEL POLLS reveals what should have happened years ago: HALF of Americans want Barack Obama’s presidency to end through impeachment. After Benghazi, the IRS scandal, targeting journalists, and violating the Bill of Rights on a daily basis, the American people have had enough.

While impeachment won’t happen until the GOP takes the Senate in 2014, it’s something we absolutely should be focusing on. Remember, the only solution we should have to an out of control president is the constitutional option: impeachment and removal from office.

Still, we don’t yet know the half of it. Obama’s scandals we’ve seen so far have been during his presidency and midst many cover-ups — meaning the truth is likely exponentially worse than we even know.

See what I mean?
How exactly could obama 'cause' hatred for.blacks?

Thats the most retarded thing ever.

If someones rhetoric or partisan blah blah can actually 'make' you hate a race? Youre already a racist.

How did Nazis cause so many to hate Germans?

My wife is black. She has noticed a very different attitude in Whites toward her in the last couple of years. Before when there was an isolated negative stimulus from someone I would tell her that it wasn't because she's black, it's because they're assholes. Now, I'm not so sure about that.

Closet racists are closet racists until they're not in the closet anymore.

You don't "cause" racism. That's fucking retarded. If someone takes the words or acts of a few and applies them to hatred of the many, they're stupid fucking racists.

Obama "causing" racism might be the dumbest thing you've ever said, I could be wrong though.

Actually you are exhibiting bigotry toward conservatives. You've always hated them all of your life. You were born despising Republicans. Nothing that the Democrats have said about them really mattered because you already had formed your opinion as soon as you were able to form one. Not one single lie that the left repeats about them had anything to do with your false impressions about them, because you already had that impression all along.

Let's face it. Because you see nothing but bad in all Republicans you are a bigot.

See how that works?
Closet racists are closet racists until they're not in the closet anymore.

You don't "cause" racism. That's fucking retarded. If someone takes the words or acts of a few and applies them to hatred of the many, they're stupid fucking racists.

Obama "causing" racism might be the dumbest thing you've ever said, I could be wrong "though.

i'm looking at his post. i don't see a single thing saying that President Obama CAUSED racism. I did see him say that the acts of nazis CAUSED people to hate Germans... which they did, at least for a period of time.

President Obama didn't CAUSE racism but he sure brought all the racist scum out into the light.

Post #91 says this:

Obama has personally caused more hatred in this country for blacks than anyone"

This is correct. Because he is so in your face and has the Bully-pulpit he is able to shape the views of more people than anyone.

How did Nazis cause so many to hate Germans?

My wife is black. She has noticed a very different attitude in Whites toward her in the last couple of years. Before when there was an isolated negative stimulus from someone I would tell her that it wasn't because she's black, it's because they're assholes. Now, I'm not so sure about that.

Closet racists are closet racists until they're not in the closet anymore.

You don't "cause" racism. That's fucking retarded. If someone takes the words or acts of a few and applies them to hatred of the many, they're stupid fucking racists.

Obama "causing" racism might be the dumbest thing you've ever said, I could be wrong though.

Actually you are exhibiting bigotry toward conservatives. You've always hated them all of your life. You were born despising Republicans. Nothing that the Democrats have said about them really mattered because you already had formed your opinion as soon as you were able to form one. Not one single lie that the left repeats about them had anything to do with your false impressions about them, because you already had that impression all along.

Let's face it. Because you see nothing but bad in all Republicans you are a bigot.

See how that works?

Well, no.

I'm smart enough to not broad brush and so your analogy is just as retarded as your assertion that Obama could somehow "cause" hatred of blacks.

It's just fucking dumb, dude.

But anything to excuse racists, huh? It's all a black man's fault, none of the blame lies at an actual racist's feet, ehh? You tow that line.
i'm looking at his post. i don't see a single thing saying that President Obama CAUSED racism. I did see him say that the acts of nazis CAUSED people to hate Germans... which they did, at least for a period of time.

President Obama didn't CAUSE racism but he sure brought all the racist scum out into the light.

Post #91 says this:

Obama has personally caused more hatred in this country for blacks than anyone"

This is correct. Because he is so in your face and has the Bully-pulpit he is able to shape the views of more people than anyone.


Obama behaving any such way doesn't "cause the hatred of blacks."

That's so stupid it hurts.
Obama has personally caused more hatred in this country for blacks than anyone, including Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Louis Farrakhan combined.

Might have to agree with you there Muddy.

Certainly the racists of the Republican party have been working overtime to spread the hate that they have for a black President.

And prominent racists of the Republican party have used their dog whistle racism to bring out the most vile, hateful, racist Republicans that I have ever seen.

You might be on to something Muddy. How dare a black man be elected President of the USA.
That election was the cause for much racism. No doubt about it. Who let that uppity Negro out is what Mitch the Bitch McConnell want to know. And all the other racist Republicans want to know the same.
How did Nazis cause so many to hate Germans?

My wife is black. She has noticed a very different attitude in Whites toward her in the last couple of years. Before when there was an isolated negative stimulus from someone I would tell her that it wasn't because she's black, it's because they're assholes. Now, I'm not so sure about that.

Closet racists are closet racists until they're not in the closet anymore.

You don't "cause" racism. That's fucking retarded. If someone takes the words or acts of a few and applies them to hatred of the many, they're stupid fucking racists.

Obama "causing" racism might be the dumbest thing you've ever said, I could be wrong though.

Actually you are exhibiting bigotry toward conservatives. You've always hated them all of your life. You were born despising Republicans. Nothing that the Democrats have said about them really mattered because you already had formed your opinion as soon as you were able to form one. Not one single lie that the left repeats about them had anything to do with your false impressions about them, because you already had that impression all along.

Let's face it. Because you see nothing but bad in all Republicans you are a bigot.

See how that works?

You don't know what the word bigot means. It's amazing.....but true.

You brought up your black wife, so I think I can ask this question without you whining that I am bringing your family into the thread. Does she read the stuff you post here?
Obama has personally caused more hatred in this country for blacks than anyone, including Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Louis Farrakhan combined.

Might have to agree with you there Muddy.

Certainly the racists of the Republican party have been working overtime to spread the hate that they have for a black President.

And prominent racists of the Republican party have used their dog whistle racism to bring out the most vile, hateful, racist Republicans that I have ever seen.

You might be on to something Muddy. How dare a black man be elected President of the USA.
That election was the cause for much racism. No doubt about it. Who let that uppity Negro out is what Mitch the Bitch McConnell want to know. And all the other racist Republicans want to know the same.

Give me some quotes from prominent Republicans spouting this racist rhetoric.

All I've been hearing it from is Democrats.

I don't want to hear shit about Ted Nugent or some schmuck on the internet.

Give me the racist quotes from Congressional members. You know, official members of the rightwing leadership.
lets see you on the left condemn this ugly tirade from a woman hating Government employee...just think if an elected Republican had said this about Hillary

Attorney General Eric Holder is challenging Republicans who are calling for his and President Obama's impeachment, and denouncing what he calls a "gridlocked Washington" stalled by what he says is a Republican Party bent on blocking any of the administration's efforts.

“For whatever reason, [some] Republicans decided early on that this was a president they were just simply not going to cooperate with,” Holder said in a rare interview with ABC News' Pierre Thomas. "And over the past five-and-a-half years, we have seen demonstrations of that, where the president has reached out his hand, offered compromises that have simply not been met [in the way] they have been in the past by a Republican Party willing to do the appropriate things."

Administration efforts to pass comprehensive immigration reform, for example, have failed. Asked about calls by Sarah Palin to impeach Obama over the administration’s immigration policies, Holder said: “She wasn't a particularly good vice presidential candidate. She's an even worse judge of who ought to be impeached and why.”

Holder similarly dismissed calls for himself to be impeached for declining to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the IRS scandal. Holder insisted that a special prosecutor isn’t necessary, with “career people” and FBI agents “doing a good, professional job” investigating the matter.

ALL of the hate from pos here
Eric Holder: Palin Wasn't a Good VP Candidate, Even Worse Judge of Who Should Be Impeached - ABC News

So, putting your never-ending-butthurt aside, exactly what is so hateful about his comments, esp. vis-a-vis former Governor, former VP candidate and known Quitter (R) Sarah Palin?

Let's look at that quote again:

“She wasn't a particularly good vice presidential candidate. She's an even worse judge of who ought to be impeached and why.”

It is a criticism of her qualifications and the image she has portrayed of herself. I see no hate in it.

She was a TERRIBLE VP candidate, one who sunk her own boat with this interview:



With this interview, Sarah Palin proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that she was in no way ready for prime-time and then voters began to envision a White House with a very old John McCain and such a Vice President and they got the hives and voted against his ticket.

After the election, even the McCain campaign admitted quite openly that his pick of Palin was a Hail-Mary pass that backfired.

Sarah Palin then went on to endorse a number of Tea Party candidates in 2010, endorsements that helped the Democrats to retain the Senate in 2010. Sarah Palin also endorsed both Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock in 2012, once again assisting the Democrats in keeping the Senate again.

Sarah Palin has also never indicated even once that she has any real knowledge of the US Constitition. Nor does she understand US history:

The woman is an absolute joke. And she has no fucking idea what constitutes high crimes - which is the necessary pre-requisite for impeachment.

So, ERIC HOLDER is absolutely right in what she said and you, Stephanie, are just plain old butthurt every day, every hour, every minute....

Enjoy your butthurtedness, it is a delight to watch.

Last edited by a moderator:
Closet racists are closet racists until they're not in the closet anymore.

You don't "cause" racism. That's fucking retarded. If someone takes the words or acts of a few and applies them to hatred of the many, they're stupid fucking racists.

Obama "causing" racism might be the dumbest thing you've ever said, I could be wrong though.

Actually you are exhibiting bigotry toward conservatives. You've always hated them all of your life. You were born despising Republicans. Nothing that the Democrats have said about them really mattered because you already had formed your opinion as soon as you were able to form one. Not one single lie that the left repeats about them had anything to do with your false impressions about them, because you already had that impression all along.

Let's face it. Because you see nothing but bad in all Republicans you are a bigot.

See how that works?

Well, no.

I'm smart enough to not broad brush and so your analogy is just as retarded as your assertion that Obama could somehow "cause" hatred of blacks.

It's just fucking dumb, dude.

But anything to excuse racists, huh? It's all a black man's fault, none of the blame lies at an actual racist's feet, ehh? You tow that line.

I didn't broad brush anything numbnuts.

I said Obama has caused more Whites to hate blacks than anyone. That doesn't mean he has caused all Whites to hate blacks, he has caused more.

Can you grasp the concept yet?

The fact that he's black and has been voted the worst president since WWII seems to go hand in hand with some folks. You can go politically-correct all you want, but the truth is the truth.

One of the primary reasons Whites may not like blacks is because 95% of them voted for Obama, thus they feel that just about every black they see is the reason Obama is in office in the first place.
Last edited:
Closet racists are closet racists until they're not in the closet anymore.

You don't "cause" racism. That's fucking retarded. If someone takes the words or acts of a few and applies them to hatred of the many, they're stupid fucking racists.

Obama "causing" racism might be the dumbest thing you've ever said, I could be wrong though.

Actually you are exhibiting bigotry toward conservatives. You've always hated them all of your life. You were born despising Republicans. Nothing that the Democrats have said about them really mattered because you already had formed your opinion as soon as you were able to form one. Not one single lie that the left repeats about them had anything to do with your false impressions about them, because you already had that impression all along.

Let's face it. Because you see nothing but bad in all Republicans you are a bigot.

See how that works?

You don't know what the word bigot means. It's amazing.....but true.

You brought up your black wife, so I think I can ask this question without you whining that I am bringing your family into the thread. Does she read the stuff you post here?

Your first mistake is to take the word of any RWnut on this forum. It's suspiciously common for the nuts around here to just happen to have a personal situation that just happens to serve a purpose for whatever just happens to be the topic.
Obama has personally caused more hatred in this country for blacks than anyone, including Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Louis Farrakhan combined.

Might have to agree with you there Muddy.

Certainly the racists of the Republican party have been working overtime to spread the hate that they have for a black President.

And prominent racists of the Republican party have used their dog whistle racism to bring out the most vile, hateful, racist Republicans that I have ever seen.

You might be on to something Muddy. How dare a black man be elected President of the USA.
That election was the cause for much racism. No doubt about it. Who let that uppity Negro out is what Mitch the Bitch McConnell want to know. And all the other racist Republicans want to know the same.

Give me some quotes from prominent Republicans spouting this racist rhetoric.

All I've been hearing it from is Democrats.

I don't want to hear shit about Ted Nugent or some schmuck on the internet.

Give me the racist quotes from Congressional members. You know, official members of the rightwing leadership.

Why in the fuck would I waste my time looking for "quotes". Like the Republican politicians of today are not slick enough to coach their comments in a little more acceptable manner than just calling the man a "******".

Of course you want to keep out all the racist comments made by people like Ted. Why is that? Doesn't Ted and those like him represent the best of the Republican party? If not, why are they treated so well? Why are they so popular on their programs?

But if you want to post up the Democrat politicians being racist, well have at it.
lets see you on the left condemn this ugly tirade from a woman hating Government employee...just think if an elected Republican had said this about Hillary

Attorney General Eric Holder is challenging Republicans who are calling for his and President Obama's impeachment, and denouncing what he calls a "gridlocked Washington" stalled by what he says is a Republican Party bent on blocking any of the administration's efforts.

“For whatever reason, [some] Republicans decided early on that this was a president they were just simply not going to cooperate with,” Holder said in a rare interview with ABC News' Pierre Thomas. "And over the past five-and-a-half years, we have seen demonstrations of that, where the president has reached out his hand, offered compromises that have simply not been met [in the way] they have been in the past by a Republican Party willing to do the appropriate things."

Administration efforts to pass comprehensive immigration reform, for example, have failed. Asked about calls by Sarah Palin to impeach Obama over the administration’s immigration policies, Holder said: “She wasn't a particularly good vice presidential candidate. She's an even worse judge of who ought to be impeached and why.”

Holder similarly dismissed calls for himself to be impeached for declining to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the IRS scandal. Holder insisted that a special prosecutor isn’t necessary, with “career people” and FBI agents “doing a good, professional job” investigating the matter.

ALL of the hate from pos here
Eric Holder: Palin Wasn't a Good VP Candidate, Even Worse Judge of Who Should Be Impeached - ABC News

So, putting your never-ending-butthurt aside, exactly what is so hateful about his comments, esp. vis-a-vis former Governor, former VP candidate and known Quitter (R) Sarah Palin?

Let's look at that quote again:

“She wasn't a particularly good vice presidential candidate. She's an even worse judge of who ought to be impeached and why.”

It is a criticism of her qualifications and the image she has portrayed of herself. I see no hate in it.

She was a TERRIBLE VP candidate, one who sunk her own boat with this interview:



With this interview, Sarah Palin proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that she was in no way ready for prime-time and then voters began to envision a White House with a very old John McCain and such a Vice President and they got the hives and voted against his ticket.

After the election, even the McCain campaign admitted quite openly that his pick of Palin was a Hail-Mary pass that backfired.

Sarah Palin then went on to endorse a number of Tea Party candidates in 2010, endorsements that helped the Democrats to retain the Senate in 2010. Sarah Palin also endorsed both Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock in 2012, once again assisting the Democrats in keeping the Senate again.

Sarah Palin has also never indicated even once that she has any real knowledge of the US Constitition. Nor does she understand US history:

The woman is an absolute joke. And she has no fucking idea what constitutes high crimes - which is the necessary pre-requisite for impeachment.

So, ERIC HOLDER is absolutely right in what she said and you, Stephanie, are just plain old butthurt every day, every hour, every minute....

Enjoy your butthurtedness, it is a delight to watch.


Why don't we compare Nancy Pelosi and many other idiots in the Democrat Party to Palin.

I don't think they would stand up so well.
Last edited by a moderator:
Closet racists are closet racists until they're not in the closet anymore.

You don't "cause" racism. That's fucking retarded. If someone takes the words or acts of a few and applies them to hatred of the many, they're stupid fucking racists.

Obama "causing" racism might be the dumbest thing you've ever said, I could be wrong "though.

i'm looking at his post. i don't see a single thing saying that President Obama CAUSED racism. I did see him say that the acts of nazis CAUSED people to hate Germans... which they did, at least for a period of time.

President Obama didn't CAUSE racism but he sure brought all the racist scum out into the light.

Post #91 says this:

Obama has personally caused more hatred in this country for blacks than anyone"

yeah, apologies. i thought you meant the post you were referring to. it's amazing what people say to justify their own hatred.
lets see you on the left condemn this ugly tirade from a woman hating Government employee...just think if an elected Republican had said this about Hillary

Attorney General Eric Holder is challenging Republicans who are calling for his and President Obama's impeachment, and denouncing what he calls a "gridlocked Washington" stalled by what he says is a Republican Party bent on blocking any of the administration's efforts.

“For whatever reason, [some] Republicans decided early on that this was a president they were just simply not going to cooperate with,” Holder said in a rare interview with ABC News' Pierre Thomas. "And over the past five-and-a-half years, we have seen demonstrations of that, where the president has reached out his hand, offered compromises that have simply not been met [in the way] they have been in the past by a Republican Party willing to do the appropriate things."

Administration efforts to pass comprehensive immigration reform, for example, have failed. Asked about calls by Sarah Palin to impeach Obama over the administration’s immigration policies, Holder said: “She wasn't a particularly good vice presidential candidate. She's an even worse judge of who ought to be impeached and why.”

Holder similarly dismissed calls for himself to be impeached for declining to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the IRS scandal. Holder insisted that a special prosecutor isn’t necessary, with “career people” and FBI agents “doing a good, professional job” investigating the matter.

ALL of the hate from pos here
Eric Holder: Palin Wasn't a Good VP Candidate, Even Worse Judge of Who Should Be Impeached - ABC News

Just for reference, what major initiative of Obama's was blocked? Please don't tell me job bills because we have had so many ineffective job bills another one isn't going to make a difference. So what exactly is Holder talking about? Well clearly he is talking about a president that knows only one way, his way. A president that has no idea how to compromise or get along in Washington as Reagan did. He is everything we said he was.

But impeach, yeah for the war crimes he should be impeached but won't be. He should not have won a second term in the first place and the country is suffering because of it. I ask the liberal left, have you invited an undocumented person to a sleep over at your house and not merely to cut your grass on the cheap?
Might have to agree with you there Muddy.

Certainly the racists of the Republican party have been working overtime to spread the hate that they have for a black President.

And prominent racists of the Republican party have used their dog whistle racism to bring out the most vile, hateful, racist Republicans that I have ever seen.

You might be on to something Muddy. How dare a black man be elected President of the USA.
That election was the cause for much racism. No doubt about it. Who let that uppity Negro out is what Mitch the Bitch McConnell want to know. And all the other racist Republicans want to know the same.

Give me some quotes from prominent Republicans spouting this racist rhetoric.

All I've been hearing it from is Democrats.

I don't want to hear shit about Ted Nugent or some schmuck on the internet.

Give me the racist quotes from Congressional members. You know, official members of the rightwing leadership.

Why in the fuck would I waste my time looking for "quotes". Like the Republican politicians of today are not slick enough to coach their comments in a little more acceptable manner than just calling the man a "******".

Of course you want to keep out all the racist comments made by people like Ted. Why is that? Doesn't Ted and those like him represent the best of the Republican party? If not, why are they treated so well? Why are they so popular on their programs?

But if you want to post up the Democrat politicians being racist, well have at it.

Dude, you can't just say you won't bother with proving your useless argument. Why in the fuck should I bother if you haven't the balls to put up or shut up.

I can give you quote after quote from Democrats proving they're racists, but you and I both know it's very difficult to find anything that proves what you're saying. So basically you can't. You're full of shit. You're just repeating lib talking-points. That's all you have to base your nonsensical beliefs from.
lets see you on the left condemn this ugly tirade from a woman hating Government employee...just think if an elected Republican had said this about Hillary

Attorney General Eric Holder is challenging Republicans who are calling for his and President Obama's impeachment, and denouncing what he calls a "gridlocked Washington" stalled by what he says is a Republican Party bent on blocking any of the administration's efforts.

“For whatever reason, [some] Republicans decided early on that this was a president they were just simply not going to cooperate with,” Holder said in a rare interview with ABC News' Pierre Thomas. "And over the past five-and-a-half years, we have seen demonstrations of that, where the president has reached out his hand, offered compromises that have simply not been met [in the way] they have been in the past by a Republican Party willing to do the appropriate things."

Administration efforts to pass comprehensive immigration reform, for example, have failed. Asked about calls by Sarah Palin to impeach Obama over the administration’s immigration policies, Holder said: “She wasn't a particularly good vice presidential candidate. She's an even worse judge of who ought to be impeached and why.”

Holder similarly dismissed calls for himself to be impeached for declining to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the IRS scandal. Holder insisted that a special prosecutor isn’t necessary, with “career people” and FBI agents “doing a good, professional job” investigating the matter.

ALL of the hate from pos here
Eric Holder: Palin Wasn't a Good VP Candidate, Even Worse Judge of Who Should Be Impeached - ABC News

So, putting your never-ending-butthurt aside, exactly what is so hateful about his comments, esp. vis-a-vis former Governor, former VP candidate and known Quitter (R) Sarah Palin?

Let's look at that quote again:

“She wasn't a particularly good vice presidential candidate. She's an even worse judge of who ought to be impeached and why.”

It is a criticism of her qualifications and the image she has portrayed of herself. I see no hate in it.

She was a TERRIBLE VP candidate, one who sunk her own boat with this interview:



With this interview, Sarah Palin proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that she was in no way ready for prime-time and then voters began to envision a White House with a very old John McCain and such a Vice President and they got the hives and voted against his ticket.

After the election, even the McCain campaign admitted quite openly that his pick of Palin was a Hail-Mary pass that backfired.

Sarah Palin then went on to endorse a number of Tea Party candidates in 2010, endorsements that helped the Democrats to retain the Senate in 2010. Sarah Palin also endorsed both Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock in 2012, once again assisting the Democrats in keeping the Senate again.

Sarah Palin has also never indicated even once that she has any real knowledge of the US Constitition. Nor does she understand US history:

The woman is an absolute joke. And she has no fucking idea what constitutes high crimes - which is the necessary pre-requisite for impeachment.

So, ERIC HOLDER is absolutely right in what she said and you, Stephanie, are just plain old butthurt every day, every hour, every minute....

Enjoy your butthurtedness, it is a delight to watch.


Why don't we compare Nancy Pelosi and many other idiots in the Democrat Party to Palin.

I don't think they would stand up so well.

I am not standing in your way. Have at it. I need a good laugh, so go right ahead.

Last edited by a moderator:
Actually you are exhibiting bigotry toward conservatives. You've always hated them all of your life. You were born despising Republicans. Nothing that the Democrats have said about them really mattered because you already had formed your opinion as soon as you were able to form one. Not one single lie that the left repeats about them had anything to do with your false impressions about them, because you already had that impression all along.

Let's face it. Because you see nothing but bad in all Republicans you are a bigot.

See how that works?

Well, no.

I'm smart enough to not broad brush and so your analogy is just as retarded as your assertion that Obama could somehow "cause" hatred of blacks.

It's just fucking dumb, dude.

But anything to excuse racists, huh? It's all a black man's fault, none of the blame lies at an actual racist's feet, ehh? You tow that line.

I didn't broad brush anything numbnuts.

I said Obama has caused more Whites to hate blacks than anyone. That doesn't mean he has caused all Whites to hate blacks, he has caused more.

Can you grasp the concept yet?

The fact that he's black and has been voted the worst president since WWII seems to go hand in hand with some folks. You can go politically-correct all you want, but the truth is the truth.

One of the primary reasons Whites may not like blacks is because 95% of them voted for Obama, thus they feel that just about every black they see is the reason Obama is in office in the first place.

I didn't say you broadbrushed, numbnuts.

The ones judging all blacks based on whatever Obama does or says are broadbrushing.

They're fucking idiots. Dumber than a box of Kleenex.

Obama doesn't "cause" hatred of blacks, ignorance does. And it's not his, it's the haters' ignorance. Jesus Christ.
If Obabble is hated so much, why is Planet of the Apes #1 at the box office?
lets see you on the left condemn this ugly tirade from a woman hating Government employee...just think if an elected Republican had said this about Hillary

Attorney General Eric Holder is challenging Republicans who are calling for his and President Obama's impeachment, and denouncing what he calls a "gridlocked Washington" stalled by what he says is a Republican Party bent on blocking any of the administration's efforts.

“For whatever reason, [some] Republicans decided early on that this was a president they were just simply not going to cooperate with,” Holder said in a rare interview with ABC News' Pierre Thomas. "And over the past five-and-a-half years, we have seen demonstrations of that, where the president has reached out his hand, offered compromises that have simply not been met [in the way] they have been in the past by a Republican Party willing to do the appropriate things."

Administration efforts to pass comprehensive immigration reform, for example, have failed. Asked about calls by Sarah Palin to impeach Obama over the administration’s immigration policies, Holder said: “She wasn't a particularly good vice presidential candidate. She's an even worse judge of who ought to be impeached and why.”

Holder similarly dismissed calls for himself to be impeached for declining to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the IRS scandal. Holder insisted that a special prosecutor isn’t necessary, with “career people” and FBI agents “doing a good, professional job” investigating the matter.

ALL of the hate from pos here
Eric Holder: Palin Wasn't a Good VP Candidate, Even Worse Judge of Who Should Be Impeached - ABC News

So, putting your never-ending-butthurt aside, exactly what is so hateful about his comments, esp. vis-a-vis former Governor, former VP candidate and known Quitter (R) Sarah Palin?

Let's look at that quote again:

“She wasn't a particularly good vice presidential candidate. She's an even worse judge of who ought to be impeached and why.”

It is a criticism of her qualifications and the image she has portrayed of herself. I see no hate in it.

She was a TERRIBLE VP candidate, one who sunk her own boat with this interview:



With this interview, Sarah Palin proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that she was in no way ready for prime-time and then voters began to envision a White House with a very old John McCain and such a Vice President and they got the hives and voted against his ticket.

After the election, even the McCain campaign admitted quite openly that his pick of Palin was a Hail-Mary pass that backfired.

Sarah Palin then went on to endorse a number of Tea Party candidates in 2010, endorsements that helped the Democrats to retain the Senate in 2010. Sarah Palin also endorsed both Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock in 2012, once again assisting the Democrats in keeping the Senate again.

Sarah Palin has also never indicated even once that she has any real knowledge of the US Constitition. Nor does she understand US history:

The woman is an absolute joke. And she has no fucking idea what constitutes high crimes - which is the necessary pre-requisite for impeachment.

So, ERIC HOLDER is absolutely right in what she said and you, Stephanie, are just plain old butthurt every day, every hour, every minute....

Enjoy your butthurtedness, it is a delight to watch.


Why don't we compare Nancy Pelosi and many other idiots in the Democrat Party to Palin.

I don't think they would stand up so well.

Why don't YOU do the comparison. YOU are the one wanting to defend the idiot, quitter Palin.

And YOU "don't THINK they would stand up so well"

Instead of just "thinking" it, why not prove it?
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