Eric Holder: Palin Wasn't a Good VP Candidate, Even Worse Judge of Who Should Be Impe

Why should the left "condemn" him, exactly?

I'm not getting your point, I think. What's so "outrageous" or hateful about his comments?

They should condemn him because he's a lying scumbag buffoon. The idea that FBI employees who report to Obama are doing a credible job of investigating this scandal is utterly preposterous. There isn't a shred of evidence that they have investigated anything.
Eric Holder: Palin Wasn't a Good VP Candidate...

If Holder hates her she's bound to be a paragon of truth, justice, and the American way!
First I didn't say he was the worst I said he was one of the worst if not the worst the worst at anything is always a matter of opinion. He is one of the worst because every scandal that has hit this administration he has ignored, ducked, dodged, and stonewalled on.

If Republicans need the help of a Democratic AG in order to prove their 'scandals', then they have no scandals.

Give me a break. Holder is the Attorney General (supposedly) and he has been asked repeatedly by CONGRESS to investigate. What does he do? He stalls or he appoints an Obama campaign donor to "investigate" - and she hasn't been seen since.

You have probably forgotten this one salient point - but the Attorney General is SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT ALL AMERICANS. NOT JUST HIS BESTEST BUDDY OBARRY. HE IS NOT OBARRY'S LITTLE LAP DOG. Oh wait, yes he is. :cuckoo:

Congress has the power to investigate, and to subpoena, and to hold hearings, and to call people to testify under oath.

What can Holder do that they can't?

There is no doubt in anyone's mind that there has not been law breaking in the IRS, the VA, Benghazi, and the rest.

I agree! :lol:
Celebutard Palin is America's Bobblehead.

lets see you on the left condemn this ugly tirade from a woman hating Government employee...just think if an elected Republican had said this about Hillary

Attorney General Eric Holder is challenging Republicans who are calling for his and President Obama's impeachment, and denouncing what he calls a "gridlocked Washington" stalled by what he says is a Republican Party bent on blocking any of the administration's efforts.

“For whatever reason, [some] Republicans decided early on that this was a president they were just simply not going to cooperate with,” Holder said in a rare interview with ABC News' Pierre Thomas. "And over the past five-and-a-half years, we have seen demonstrations of that, where the president has reached out his hand, offered compromises that have simply not been met [in the way] they have been in the past by a Republican Party willing to do the appropriate things."

Administration efforts to pass comprehensive immigration reform, for example, have failed. Asked about calls by Sarah Palin to impeach Obama over the administration’s immigration policies, Holder said: “She wasn't a particularly good vice presidential candidate. She's an even worse judge of who ought to be impeached and why.”

Holder similarly dismissed calls for himself to be impeached for declining to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the IRS scandal. Holder insisted that a special prosecutor isn’t necessary, with “career people” and FBI agents “doing a good, professional job” investigating the matter.

ALL of the hate from pos here
Eric Holder: Palin Wasn't a Good VP Candidate, Even Worse Judge of Who Should Be Impeached - ABC News

He's absolutely right on all counts He hasn't said anything terrible about Palin, just expressing the reality we all know.

This OP is just stupid partisanship. :eusa_boohoo:
Hold on I take my previous comment back. I disagree with him about the Redskins name. He should stfu about that.

Everything else... spot on :thup:

Why are you trying to copy vigilante with your avie? I find that offensive. Because if you want to start a rage think of what all conservatives can do on this board to mirror your left wing avies.

Do you want that call out? I think I can make that happen.

Go ahead! Make that happen.
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Hold on I take my previous comment back. I disagree with him about the Redskins name. He should stfu about that.

Everything else... spot on :thup:

Why are you trying to copy vigilante with your avie? I find that offensive. Because if you want to start a rage think of what all conservatives can do on this board to mirror your left wing avies.

Do you want that call out? I think I can make that happen.

I noticed that, and Holder should keep individual names out the discussion.

Sweet as syrup. Can't keep it down completely, huh?
Eric Holder, corrupt politician, liar, murderer, general all around scumbag, isn't fit to polish Sarah Palin's pumps. Fuck that bastard and all who side with him.

I didn't expect to see anything different from the left

they take lessons from these hateful people in this administration and the Democrat party

Well, if Palin has a problem, she can always take it up with the "Department of Law" in Washington.
When you appoint the man who orchestrated the Marc Rich pardon to be your Attorney General...should you REALLY expect the guy to be above reproach?

You mean the guy who was convicted of doing business with Iran when Ronnie Raygun was selling them FUCKING MISSILES!!!!
Eric Holder; corrupt politician, liar, murderer, general all around scumbag, isn't fit to polish Sarah Palin's pumps. Fuck that bastard and all who side with him.

I forgot to ad the fact that he's a racist piece of shit too.

Mrs. Palin has more class and took on corruption in the State of Alaska

Holder is CLASSLESS racist corrupted pos

I agree and gotta laugh at HOLDER spewing his opinion about someone else.

The man is an abject failure as AG and would have been gone if not for his pal in the WH and his EO. He'd have been booted over FF when his bullshit caused the death of that Border Patrol agent.

Yep. Holder is a fine one to critizie anyone and he isn't fit to kiss Palins ass.
Eric Holder; corrupt politician, liar, murderer, general all around scumbag, isn't fit to polish Sarah Palin's pumps. Fuck that bastard and all who side with him.

hahahahahahaha! that's funny.

but then again, palin is a vile, ugly hate-spewing wacko, so it is understandable that the wackiest of the right-wingers have an attachment to her.

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