Eric Holder: Palin Wasn't a Good VP Candidate, Even Worse Judge of Who Should Be Impe

The topic of Sarah Palin has gotten out of hand and she brought it on herself. I could never figure out why she was added to the ticket and then told not to open her mouth. I did figure it out when she began to take. The GOP did not want to win the election, as no matter who won they would have an impossible task. The rate of growth of extremism only made the task more difficult.

I don't think that President Obama has been targeted by Republicans because of race, it is because of the fact that he is a Democrat. The cause of the Gridlock in Washington has to do with extremism that has been growing over the past several decades and that is on both sides.
As a Nation we should be able to deal with having different views; but when it is impossible for one or both sides to even discuss a problem, nothing can ever be accomplished.
Nixon and Reagan were quite similar in that both attempted to convince the people that anyone who disagreed with them was to be Un-American.
The problem is that both sides spend more time trying to make the other side look bad, that could be spent "Doing the Job they were Elected to Do".
I consider Ike to have been the best President we've had since WW2, though I was too young to vote. I have spent a long time trying to find why he has been liked by both parties. He did not express his view on political issues and to my knowledge did not take sides. The reason he was a Republican President could have been he was entered in the NH Primary as a Republican Candidate without his permission. Both parties had wanted to run on their ticket.

Big Government:
The problem with the government is that we have allowed it to become too big and inefficient. We hear a lot about responsibility but it is only used when pointing fingers to place blame.
They are called politicians because they play politics!
it's time the people we have elected stop playing games and start working at the job they were elected to do. When Congress starts doing their job responsibly then it will be necessary for the President to do his job responsibly. When the view held on any issue is so strong that it can not even be discussed let alone modified there is a good chance it is a bad plan. When the view of those in Congress are so ridged that it is impossible to change even one word these people should take a close look at themselves. We talk about Democracy but extremism will not allow it to exist.
There is usually several ways to solve a problem. We are not solving problem, we are reacting to symptoms and spending time with special interests when it should be spent on identifying the problem.
Eric Holder, corrupt politician, liar, murderer, general all around scumbag, isn't fit to polish Sarah Palin's pumps. Fuck that bastard and all who side with him.

I didn't expect to see anything different from the left

they take lessons from these hateful people in this administration and the Democrat party

Well, if Palin has a problem, she can always take it up with the "Department of Law" in Washington.

Is Washington one of the 57 states, are there corpsemen there?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Eric Holder: Palin Wasn't a Good VP Candidate...

If Holder hates her she's bound to be a paragon of truth, justice, and the American way!

i'm wondering how stating the truth that she wasn't a good candidate constitutes "hate"? is that type of hyperbole what it takes to help you all wake up in the mooring?

by the by, she probably cost your guy mccain the white house. so i'd say that makes her a bad candidate....

My god, you are going to make me defend Palin here.

First and foremost, there was really never a point where McCain was in any danger of winning the presidency. The crash in September 2008 pretty much sealed his fate, and his inability to really separate himself from Bush's hated Iraq policy hurt him. Yes, he did breifly pop ahead of Obama the week between picking Palin and the GOP convention, but you know what, EVERY challenging candidate does that. Dukakis was 16 points ahead of Bush in 1988 the week of his convention.

Second, while Palin has said a lot of stupid shit since losing in 2008, at the time, it didn't seem that bad. She even got a little sympathy because the media kind of looked like it was picking on her. ON paper, she was a good pick. Solid performance as governor, touched all the right keys with the base, which was lukewarm at best to McCain.

Let's be honest, nobody really wanted McCain as a candidate in 2008. The Evangelicals wouldn't support Romney because he was a Mormon, and the Wall Street types wouldn't support Huckabee because he didn't think Jesus wanted Tax Cuts for the Rich.

So McCain was the compromise candidate no one wanted.

at the end of the day, McCain and Bush had more to do with McCain's loss than Palin did.

does that mean that picking Palin wasn't still a horrible idea and we really dodged a bullet? Of course, this is all true. But we need to accurately evaluate the political landscape as it was at the time, and not by what we've learned since.

Strangely, I agree with many of your points.

If the GOP had learned its lesson of what happened to Bob Dole (you know, a philandering, raping misogynist and congenital liar, Bill Clinton preferred to a decorated war hero), they would have known that America was no longer interested in honor, valor, honesty, integrity and love of country.

In the press McCain was loved profusely until he was the GOP candidate, but once he was, then he became nothing more than a bump on the road to the phony and undeserved coronation of a punk, whose only merit was a speech, a book written by someone else, a wife who was never proud of her country, a glorified resume of community agitator and a loving relationship to an unrepentant killer terrorist and a man of the cloth, who wants to see his country to bow to the same people who would never hesitate for a second to cut his throat.

The GOP should never again nominate the "next in line". Especially if the next in line is long in the tooth.

The GOP should nominate a fresh new face. Makes no difference of lack of worthwhile accomplishments on the resume. Obama had nothing and see how far nothing got him!

As the old saying goes, those who ignore the lessons of history are condemned to repeat it.
The topic of Sarah Palin has gotten out of hand and she brought it on herself. I could never figure out why she was added to the ticket and then told not to open her mouth. I did figure it out when she began to take. The GOP did not want to win the election, as no matter who won they would have an impossible task. The rate of growth of extremism only made the task more difficult.

I don't think that President Obama has been targeted by Republicans because of race, it is because of the fact that he is a Democrat. The cause of the Gridlock in Washington has to do with extremism that has been growing over the past several decades and that is on both sides.
As a Nation we should be able to deal with having different views; but when it is impossible for one or both sides to even discuss a problem, nothing can ever be accomplished.
Nixon and Reagan were quite similar in that both attempted to convince the people that anyone who disagreed with them was to be Un-American.
The problem is that both sides spend more time trying to make the other side look bad, that could be spent "Doing the Job they were Elected to Do".
I consider Ike to have been the best President we've had since WW2, though I was too young to vote. I have spent a long time trying to find why he has been liked by both parties. He did not express his view on political issues and to my knowledge did not take sides. The reason he was a Republican President could have been he was entered in the NH Primary as a Republican Candidate without his permission. Both parties had wanted to run on their ticket.

Big Government:
The problem with the government is that we have allowed it to become too big and inefficient. We hear a lot about responsibility but it is only used when pointing fingers to place blame.
They are called politicians because they play politics!
it's time the people we have elected stop playing games and start working at the job they were elected to do. When Congress starts doing their job responsibly then it will be necessary for the President to do his job responsibly. When the view held on any issue is so strong that it can not even be discussed let alone modified there is a good chance it is a bad plan. When the view of those in Congress are so ridged that it is impossible to change even one word these people should take a close look at themselves. We talk about Democracy but extremism will not allow it to exist.
There is usually several ways to solve a problem. We are not solving problem, we are reacting to symptoms and spending time with special interests when it should be spent on identifying the problem.

Are you saying that the Republicans KNEW that George Bush and Co. had screwed us so bad that the Republicans did not even want to win the WH because they KNEW that the mess they created couldn't be cleaned up by ANOTHER Republican?

Interesting take if that's the case.
i'm wondering how stating the truth that she wasn't a good candidate constitutes "hate"? is that type of hyperbole what it takes to help you all wake up in the mooring?

by the by, she probably cost your guy mccain the white house. so i'd say that makes her a bad candidate....

My god, you are going to make me defend Palin here.

First and foremost, there was really never a point where McCain was in any danger of winning the presidency. The crash in September 2008 pretty much sealed his fate, and his inability to really separate himself from Bush's hated Iraq policy hurt him. Yes, he did breifly pop ahead of Obama the week between picking Palin and the GOP convention, but you know what, EVERY challenging candidate does that. Dukakis was 16 points ahead of Bush in 1988 the week of his convention.

Second, while Palin has said a lot of stupid shit since losing in 2008, at the time, it didn't seem that bad. She even got a little sympathy because the media kind of looked like it was picking on her. ON paper, she was a good pick. Solid performance as governor, touched all the right keys with the base, which was lukewarm at best to McCain.

Let's be honest, nobody really wanted McCain as a candidate in 2008. The Evangelicals wouldn't support Romney because he was a Mormon, and the Wall Street types wouldn't support Huckabee because he didn't think Jesus wanted Tax Cuts for the Rich.

So McCain was the compromise candidate no one wanted.

at the end of the day, McCain and Bush had more to do with McCain's loss than Palin did.

does that mean that picking Palin wasn't still a horrible idea and we really dodged a bullet? Of course, this is all true. But we need to accurately evaluate the political landscape as it was at the time, and not by what we've learned since.

Strangely, I agree with many of your points.

If the GOP had learned its lesson of what happened to Bob Dole (you know, a philandering, raping misogynist and congenital liar, Bill Clinton preferred to a decorated war hero), they would have known that America was no longer interested in honor, valor, honesty, integrity and love of country.

In the press McCain was loved profusely until he was the GOP candidate, but once he was, then he became nothing more than a bump on the road to the phony and undeserved coronation of a punk, whose only merit was a speech, a book written by someone else, a wife who was never proud of her country, a glorified resume of community agitator and a loving relationship to an unrepentant killer terrorist and a man of the cloth, who wants to see his country to bow to the same people who would never hesitate for a second to cut his throat.

The GOP should never again nominate the "next in line". Especially if the next in line is long in the tooth.

The GOP should nominate a fresh new face. Makes no difference of lack of worthwhile accomplishments on the resume. Obama had nothing and see how far nothing got him!

As the old saying goes, those who ignore the lessons of history are condemned to repeat it.

I'd settle for a qualified president with a thick skin.

Sounds like Ronald Reagan or George W Bush.

Maybe someone without a drug addiction would help as well.
ERIC HOLDER says! Really, someone is going to take Eric Holder seriously?

That's a joke in and of itself.

At the time Sarah Palin left office there were more than 60 active lawsuits filed against her. All the lawsuits involved taking up the time of the entire governor's staff. The state was paralyzed, unable to address the work of the state due to dealing with the depositions, discovery and interrogatories bombarding the office. She quit for the good of the state.

All of the lawsuits were eventually dismissed as frivolous. One was about a jacket she wore that had the label of the maker. Another lawsuit was over a thank you note to a manicurist. While these lawsuits were on going, liberals were combing through the Palin's trash looking for something that might generate another lawsuit. Palin didn't quit. She was hounded out of office.
ERIC HOLDER says! Really, someone is going to take Eric Holder seriously?

That's a joke in and of itself.

At the time Sarah Palin left office there were more than 60 active lawsuits filed against her. All the lawsuits involved taking up the time of the entire governor's staff. The state was paralyzed, unable to address the work of the state due to dealing with the depositions, discovery and interrogatories bombarding the office. She quit for the good of the state.

All of the lawsuits were eventually dismissed as frivolous. One was about a jacket she wore that had the label of the maker. Another lawsuit was over a thank you note to a manicurist. While these lawsuits were on going, liberals were combing through the Palin's trash looking for something that might generate another lawsuit. Palin didn't quit. She was hounded out of office.

Yeah, but Democrats don't quit (other than Hillary) because the last thing they want to admit is that they fucked up.

As a matter of fact fucking up is a resume enhancer to a Democrat.
again, can you IMAGINE a Republican in Congress coming out and saying:

Hillary wasn't a very good candidate that's why SHE LOST the Presidency to Obama, AND she was even worse SOS she doesn't have the judgement to CRITICIZE anyone or call for their Impeachment?

the OUTRAGE we would be seeing

I can't get over the ugly people running our Government
My god, you are going to make me defend Palin here.

First and foremost, there was really never a point where McCain was in any danger of winning the presidency. The crash in September 2008 pretty much sealed his fate, and his inability to really separate himself from Bush's hated Iraq policy hurt him. Yes, he did breifly pop ahead of Obama the week between picking Palin and the GOP convention, but you know what, EVERY challenging candidate does that. Dukakis was 16 points ahead of Bush in 1988 the week of his convention.

Second, while Palin has said a lot of stupid shit since losing in 2008, at the time, it didn't seem that bad. She even got a little sympathy because the media kind of looked like it was picking on her. ON paper, she was a good pick. Solid performance as governor, touched all the right keys with the base, which was lukewarm at best to McCain.

Let's be honest, nobody really wanted McCain as a candidate in 2008. The Evangelicals wouldn't support Romney because he was a Mormon, and the Wall Street types wouldn't support Huckabee because he didn't think Jesus wanted Tax Cuts for the Rich.

So McCain was the compromise candidate no one wanted.

at the end of the day, McCain and Bush had more to do with McCain's loss than Palin did.

does that mean that picking Palin wasn't still a horrible idea and we really dodged a bullet? Of course, this is all true. But we need to accurately evaluate the political landscape as it was at the time, and not by what we've learned since.

Strangely, I agree with many of your points.

If the GOP had learned its lesson of what happened to Bob Dole (you know, a philandering, raping misogynist and congenital liar, Bill Clinton preferred to a decorated war hero), they would have known that America was no longer interested in honor, valor, honesty, integrity and love of country.

In the press McCain was loved profusely until he was the GOP candidate, but once he was, then he became nothing more than a bump on the road to the phony and undeserved coronation of a punk, whose only merit was a speech, a book written by someone else, a wife who was never proud of her country, a glorified resume of community agitator and a loving relationship to an unrepentant killer terrorist and a man of the cloth, who wants to see his country to bow to the same people who would never hesitate for a second to cut his throat.

The GOP should never again nominate the "next in line". Especially if the next in line is long in the tooth.

The GOP should nominate a fresh new face. Makes no difference of lack of worthwhile accomplishments on the resume. Obama had nothing and see how far nothing got him!

As the old saying goes, those who ignore the lessons of history are condemned to repeat it.

I'd settle for a qualified president with a thick skin.

Sounds like Ronald Reagan or George W Bush.

Maybe someone without a drug addiction would help as well.

Addiction to nicotine is just as bad as addiction to any other substance.

Quitting that addiction is the mark of will power, honesty and integrity.

If the President can't quit an addiction that thousands managed to do, how can this weak-kneed, no-will-power, bleeding heart be trusted with not only the fate of the United States, but, as being the leader of the free world, the fate of the free world?
again, can you IMAGINE a Republican in Congress coming out and saying:

Hillary wasn't a very good candidate that's why SHE LOST the Presidency to Obama, AND she was even worse SOS she doesn't have the judgement to CRITICIZE anyone or call for their Impeachment?

the OUTRAGE we would be seeing

I can't get over the ugly people running our Government

Only, it wouldn't be true.

Here, let me help you get over that almost insurmountable ignorance that you display day in and day out:

Hillary did not lose the Presidency to Obama, she lost the process for the Democratic nomination for President to him in the summer of 2008. In order to have lost the presidency against him, should would have needed to have been on the ballot against him on November 4th, 2008, but she was not.

And how does one use better or worse to describe an SOS? That is just plain old Hillaryous.

The only outrage I could maybe, just maybe, feel would be the need to compare a world figure like Hillary Clinton, who is very likely going to be our 45th president, to someone as ignorant but yet as ruthless and opportunistic as Sarah Palin.

Yepp.... the butthurt is just palpable here....

Now, since you got so far off track with Hillary Clinton, which most can forgive, considering how ignorantly you behave almost all the time, dearest Staphinfection, here is the OP once more:

Eric Holder: Palin Wasn't a Good VP Candidate, Even Worse Judge of Who Should Be Impe

And if you read the OP (uh, you can read, right?? :rofl: ), you will see that the OP in no way mentions Hillary Clinton.

Glad I could help you to MAYBE overcome your massive ignorance.

Strangely, I agree with many of your points.

If the GOP had learned its lesson of what happened to Bob Dole (you know, a philandering, raping misogynist and congenital liar, Bill Clinton preferred to a decorated war hero), they would have known that America was no longer interested in honor, valor, honesty, integrity and love of country.

In the press McCain was loved profusely until he was the GOP candidate, but once he was, then he became nothing more than a bump on the road to the phony and undeserved coronation of a punk, whose only merit was a speech, a book written by someone else, a wife who was never proud of her country, a glorified resume of community agitator and a loving relationship to an unrepentant killer terrorist and a man of the cloth, who wants to see his country to bow to the same people who would never hesitate for a second to cut his throat.

The GOP should never again nominate the "next in line". Especially if the next in line is long in the tooth.

The GOP should nominate a fresh new face. Makes no difference of lack of worthwhile accomplishments on the resume. Obama had nothing and see how far nothing got him!

As the old saying goes, those who ignore the lessons of history are condemned to repeat it.

I'd settle for a qualified president with a thick skin.

Sounds like Ronald Reagan or George W Bush.

Maybe someone without a drug addiction would help as well.

Addiction to nicotine is just as bad as addiction to any other substance.

Quitting that addiction is the mark of will power, honesty and integrity.

If the President can't quit an addiction that thousands managed to do, how can this weak-kneed, no-will-power, bleeding heart be trusted with not only the fate of the United States, but, as being the leader of the free world, the fate of the free world?

Plenty of past presidents have smoked. We never had one addicted to cocaine. That's where the problem is, the cocaine, the crack obama sucks up.
I'd settle for a qualified president with a thick skin.

Sounds like Ronald Reagan or George W Bush.

Maybe someone without a drug addiction would help as well.

Addiction to nicotine is just as bad as addiction to any other substance.

Quitting that addiction is the mark of will power, honesty and integrity.

If the President can't quit an addiction that thousands managed to do, how can this weak-kneed, no-will-power, bleeding heart be trusted with not only the fate of the United States, but, as being the leader of the free world, the fate of the free world?

Plenty of past presidents have smoked. We never had one addicted to cocaine. That's where the problem is, the cocaine, the crack obama sucks up.

So, you are accusing our President of being a drug abuser, what?

I strongly fight for your right to be as stupid as you wish to be, and I see you are taking full advantage of that.

Now, where is the evidence?

Oh, I forgot, you are an extreme-RWNJ, you don't need evidence, for in RWNJ unicornland, saying that something is suffices.

Carry on. I am enjoying this.
If not for a boos of the same questionable racial background, this punk of a nobody (Eric Holder) would be just that: A punk of a nobody.

No other president, Democrat or Republican, black or white, male or female, gay or straight, honest or Chicago crook would nominate this despicable punk to the office of
maintaining and enforcing the law of the land. It took the President who turned out to be the most corrupt and least trusted to nominate this despicable punk to be Attorney General.
Does anyone disagree that Palin wasn't a good VP candidate?
I'd settle for a qualified president with a thick skin.

Sounds like Ronald Reagan or George W Bush.

Maybe someone without a drug addiction would help as well.

Addiction to nicotine is just as bad as addiction to any other substance.

Quitting that addiction is the mark of will power, honesty and integrity.

If the President can't quit an addiction that thousands managed to do, how can this weak-kneed, no-will-power, bleeding heart be trusted with not only the fate of the United States, but, as being the leader of the free world, the fate of the free world?

Plenty of past presidents have smoked. We never had one addicted to cocaine. That's where the problem is, the cocaine, the crack obama sucks up.

Addiction to whatever that one can not seem to break is the undisputable sign of weakness.

If you want a weak President, you are welcome to Obama.

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