Eric Trump is right about the Democrats

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Eric Trump: Dems ‘not even people’

Dems are so sore that their crony Dem Establ candidate lost, EVEN after cheating mind you, that they're punishing everyone by being obstructionists


"You see the Democratic Party, they're imploding. They're imploding. They became obstructionists because they have no message of their own."

Trump additionally criticized the Democratic National Committee's (DNC) leadership without directly naming Chairman Tom Perez.

"You see the head of the DNC, who is a total whack job," he told host Sean Hannity. "There's no leadership there."

The Dem party has become not just a nuisance but an impediment to governing.

(Bernie is not a Democrat BTW, he merely made the mistake of running on their ticket)
Eric Trump: Dems ‘not even people’

Dems are so sore that their crony Dem Establ candidate lost, EVEN after cheating mind you, that they're punishing everyone by being obstructionists


"You see the Democratic Party, they're imploding. They're imploding. They became obstructionists because they have no message of their own."

Trump additionally criticized the Democratic National Committee's (DNC) leadership without directly naming Chairman Tom Perez.

"You see the head of the DNC, who is a total whack job," he told host Sean Hannity. "There's no leadership there."

The Dem party has become not just a nuisance but an impediment to governing.

(Bernie is not a Democrat BTW, he merely made the mistake of running on their ticket)
What this overly spoiled shit for brains bitch should do, is put on a fuckin uniform and serve a country that is allowing him and his gotdamn family a free pass to freedom and money or shut the fuck up and go shoot innocent elephants in Africa.
Have you heard that ole' phrase "sleep with the dogs and you'll get their fleas". Bernie made his choice, a shame but he did it.
Eric Trump: Dems ‘not even people’

Dems are so sore that their crony Dem Establ candidate lost, EVEN after cheating mind you, that they're punishing everyone by being obstructionists


"You see the Democratic Party, they're imploding. They're imploding. They became obstructionists because they have no message of their own."

Trump additionally criticized the Democratic National Committee's (DNC) leadership without directly naming Chairman Tom Perez.

"You see the head of the DNC, who is a total whack job," he told host Sean Hannity. "There's no leadership there."

The Dem party has become not just a nuisance but an impediment to governing.

(Bernie is not a Democrat BTW, he merely made the mistake of running on their ticket)
What this overly spoiled shit for brains bitch should do, is put on a fuckin uniform and serve a country that is allowing him and his gotdamn family a free pass to freedom and money or shut the fuck up and go shoot innocent elephants in Africa.
can you rewrite that in english boy?
Have you heard that ole' phrase "sleep with the dogs and you'll get their fleas". Bernie made his choice, a shame but he did it.
he ran on their ticket for logistical reasons Dummy. The alternative wouldve req'd going door- to- door in every state to be on the ballot. Time consuming and expensive. His isn't a Democrat, he caucuses w/them so his voice wont get drown- out by BOTH crony parties. You're welcome. BTW- I thought you were putting me on ignore?
Have you heard that ole' phrase "sleep with the dogs and you'll get their fleas". Bernie made his choice, a shame but he did it.
he ran on their ticket for logistical reasons Dummy. The alternative wouldve req'd going door- to- door in every state to be on the ballot. Time consuming and expensive. His isn't a Democrat, he caucuses w/them so his voice wont get drown- out by BOTH crony parties. You're welcome. BTW- I thought you were putting me on ignore?
I'm not the one with the ignore list silly, mine is merely an invisible mental one. I thought you was gonna ignore me for saying I love Political Chic or was you just being full of poo?
Eric Trump: Dems ‘not even people’

Dems are so sore that their crony Dem Establ candidate lost, EVEN after cheating mind you, that they're punishing everyone by being obstructionists


"You see the Democratic Party, they're imploding. They're imploding. They became obstructionists because they have no message of their own."

Trump additionally criticized the Democratic National Committee's (DNC) leadership without directly naming Chairman Tom Perez.

"You see the head of the DNC, who is a total whack job," he told host Sean Hannity. "There's no leadership there."

The Dem party has become not just a nuisance but an impediment to governing.

(Bernie is not a Democrat BTW, he merely made the mistake of running on their ticket)

From 2011 until 2017 the GOP was the party of Obstruction against Obama and the Democratic Party Agenda, so the Democratic Party is trying to play with the same game book, and it might work for them.

Now before someone take what I wrote as insulting the GOP please note the GOP were elected to obstruct Obama and his agenda by the will of the people and with that it is the reason why they did what they did and kept on winning.
The Republican'ts/Cons have their 'deplorables' moment.

Eric Douchebag Trump said 'Democrats are not people'. So stand back and get ready , here comes the tidal wave of right-wingers to wail on this scumbag for saying such a thing and demonizing an entire group of the middle class. Wait for it, it's coming, they had to live through being called 'deplorables' and were soooo snowflake butthurt over it that they surely won't tolerate the same from anyone in the Trump family! Wait for it. Just wait it's coming...

...............crickets sawing legs in the background.

Aaaaaand, galactic hypocrisy!

Trump and his family aren't people to me so anything he or his Deliverance level kids say is meaningless. But oh how they love to stick a stick in the eye of conservatives. Thanks buddy!

Eric Trump on father’s critics: ‘To me, they’re not even people’
Wrong thread kid. This is about the criony DNC and their obstruction due to their ruinning the worst candidate in recent memory

The Republican'ts/Cons have their 'deplorables' moment.

Eric Douchebag Trump said 'Democrats are not people'. So stand back and get ready , here comes the tidal wave of right-wingers to wail on this scumbag for saying such a thing and demonizing an entire group of the middle class. Wait for it, it's coming, they had to live through being called 'deplorables' and were soooo snowflake butthurt over it that they surely won't tolerate the same from anyone in the Trump family! Wait for it. Just wait it's coming...
...............crickets sawing legs in the background.
Aaaaaand, galactic hypocrisy!
Trump and his family aren't people to me so anything he or his Deliverance level kids say is meaningless. But oh how they love to stick a stick in the eye of conservatives. Thanks buddy!
Eric Trump on father’s critics: ‘To me, they’re not even people’

Wrong thread kid. This is about the criony DNC and their obstruction due to their ruinning the worst candidate in recent memory

So solly, deleted.
Eric Trump: Dems ‘not even people’

Dems are so sore that their crony Dem Establ candidate lost, EVEN after cheating mind you, that they're punishing everyone by being obstructionists


"You see the Democratic Party, they're imploding. They're imploding. They became obstructionists because they have no message of their own."

Trump additionally criticized the Democratic National Committee's (DNC) leadership without directly naming Chairman Tom Perez.

"You see the head of the DNC, who is a total whack job," he told host Sean Hannity. "There's no leadership there."

The Dem party has become not just a nuisance but an impediment to governing.

(Bernie is not a Democrat BTW, he merely made the mistake of running on their ticket)

Eric Trump....LMAO!!
The Establ Dems are in it for the same reason the Establ Repubs are, not to do the work of the people but rather to simply get reelected and reside in the swamp getting fat (taking bribes from lobbyists) whilst fleecing the taxpayers and running up the debt After leaving office or getting defeated they take a *cough* "job" on a board or think tank that was previously bribing them (See Jim DeMint)

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