Erik Erikson's RED STATE disinvites Trump after "blood" comments about Megyn Kelly


Conservative Attacks On Trump May Backfire By Encouraging Him To Run As A Spoiler In 2016

If the conservative media and the GOP establishment take down Trump, he may decide to deliver payback by running a spoiler campaign.…
It's ironic that a known sexist like Erik Erikson would be criticizing Trump for being sexist.

The RedState editor-in-chief is fond of telling women to get in the kitchen and cook for him.

Erick Erickson, Noted Sexist, Slams Donald Trump For Being Sexist
Erickson and Kelly are both part of the GOP establishment that has been trying to derail Trump's candidacy from the beginning, simply because it doesn't fit their worn out, boring and pathetic style. The Trump campaign said: “Mr Trump made Megyn Kelly look really bad – she was a mess with her anger and totally caught off guard.“Mr Trump said ‘blood was coming out of her eyes and whatever’ meaning nose, but wanted to move on to more important topics. Only a deviant would think anything else.”

The GOP establishment does not want Trump to be the nominee, and they are trying everything they can to derail his candidacy. They twist his words, put words in his mouth, and then attack him for words he never even said. You'll see more and more of this. Every little opportunity they get, they will jump on it.
It's ironic that a known sexist like Erik Erikson would be criticizing Trump for being sexist.

The RedState editor-in-chief is fond of telling women to get in the kitchen and cook for him.

Erick Erickson, Noted Sexist, Slams Donald Trump For Being Sexist

I know, right? They don't really know which way to turn with Trump....if they put him down they incur the wrath of the uninformed....if they agree with him, they incur the wrath of the saner's a lose-lose situation.
They twist his words, put words in his mouth,

I don't think they twisted anything Trump has ever said, and they certainly didn't put words in his mouth. For once Faux News displayed shrewdness in not cowering to a bully but it may end up hurting the GOP.
It's ironic that a known sexist like Erik Erikson would be criticizing Trump for being sexist.

The RedState editor-in-chief is fond of telling women to get in the kitchen and cook for him.

Erick Erickson, Noted Sexist, Slams Donald Trump For Being Sexist
Erickson and Kelly are both part of the GOP establishment that has been trying to derail Trump's candidacy from the beginning, simply because it doesn't fit their worn out, boring and pathetic style. The Trump campaign said: “Mr Trump made Megyn Kelly look really bad – she was a mess with her anger and totally caught off guard.“Mr Trump said ‘blood was coming out of her eyes and whatever’ meaning nose, but wanted to move on to more important topics. Only a deviant would think anything else.”

The GOP establishment does not want Trump to be the nominee, and they are trying everything they can to derail his candidacy. They twist his words, put words in his mouth, and then attack him for words he never even said. You'll see more and more of this. Every little opportunity they get, they will jump on it.

Stop whitewashing, sparky. Trump said "wherever" not "whatever".

"you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever"
If Trump can survive not getting any more airtime on Fox and the impending Fox smear campaign he could very well become the Republican nominee. He picked a fight with a corporation that can do some real damage to him. Murdoch is going to put his foot down and force the puppets err pundits at Fox to stop 'supporting' him. I'd be willing to bet his appearances on O'Reilley and Hannity will come to a screeching halt or at the very least be substantially cut. The coverage of him on Fox will start to take on a negative spin. Watch and see.

With that said, a lot of people i.e Republicans are influenced by Fox and that could spell disaster for him. My prediction:
If, and that's a big if, he survives the orchestrated Fox smear campaign coming his way...we may just see Trump as the Republican nominee.

One thing is for sure, the best is yet to come. The Republican's/conservatives are going to being more divided than ever.
If Trump can survive not getting any more airtime on Fox and the impending Fox smear campaign he could very well become the Republican nominee. He picked a fight with a corporation that can do some real damage to him. Murdoch is going to put his foot down and force the puppets err pundits at Fox to stop 'supporting' him. I'd be willing to bet his appearances on O'Reilley and Hannity will come to a screeching halt or at the very least be substantially cut. The coverage of him on Fox will start to take on a negative spin. Watch and see.

With that said, a lot of people i.e Republicans are influenced by Fox and that could spell disaster for him. My prediction:
If, and that's a big if, he survives the orchestrated Fox smear campaign coming his way...we may just see Trump as the Republican nominee.

One thing is for sure, the best is yet to come. The Republican's/conservatives are going to being more divided than ever.

I agree! Rupert Murdoch already hates Trump.
that's what has them ALL scared. He can't be BOUGHT off like Hillary was when she fell on the sword and gave up her run for the first WOMAN President of the United states: for that fake black man Obama and he gifted her with the position of SOS so she could still suck a living off us taxpayers for the rest of her pathetic life

She didn't "give up", she lost. and she lost because she made the mistake of listening to you clowns and voting for Dubya's war.

You do get this, right? the reason why Obama beat Clinton and McCain was because they were still defending the Iraq War when everyone else had concluded it was a terrible idea.

Now, as for Donald, what this incident proves is the guy is unfit to be president. Seriously, going after a news anchor because he didn't like a question she had asked him? That's fucking nuts. What's he going to do when he's president and he has people in Congress and the Media talking smack about him all day? Is Donald going to get into twitter fights with Boehner and McConnell?
and neither did Obama when you put him in the WH.

he didn't have nearly the experience that McCain had.

and he wasn't much better when he ran against Romney.

Why does experience matter now, when it didn't in the last 2 presidential elections?
Very true

And We the People elected Obama. We determined that he was preferable to the best available Republican candidate
Your problem is that you do not have an Obama in your clown car. Obama was the most dynamic political phenomenon in a generation
So all you have is an inexperienced clown car who is currently getting their collective asses kicked by a reality TV star with zero experience

Your problem is that you do not have an Obama in your clown car.

(Thank Goodness)

Obama was the most dynamic political phenomenon in a generation

(Cue laugh track)

So all you have is an inexperienced clown car

and you have a short bus.

a former First Lady that got elected on her husbands name, with a consolation prize of SoS, for which she is under investigation.

a Socialist.

2 other non entities.

and POSSIBLY, a sitting VP, who is already a 2 time loser in presidential runs.
What a weak response

I'll take it as a concession of failure on your part


Only to a weak partisan mind.

Did Hillary get elected on her merits?

if so, why didn't she run in her other home, Arkansas?

Was she picked for SoS on her merits?


Bernies not a socialist?

In what dimension?

Biden hasn't already lost 2 runs for president?
Hillary was elected twice in landslides by her merit
I know conservatives don't like it, but she kicked their butts

Hillary had the political and personal experience in dealing with foreign leaders.....NONE of today's Republicans have that

Biden has decades of experience as a Senator and will complete eight years as Vice President. No Republican comes close

This field of Republicans is WEAK. They have minimal experience compared to either Hillary or Joe Biden

Hillary was elected twice in landslides by her merit

Being First Lady for 18 years, Arkansas and DC, is merit for running for senator?

Hillary had the political and personal experience in dealing with foreign leaders

Again, hosting garden parties and State dinners is considered experience?

If her 'experience' was that great, why didn't she run for senator in the state she already had a house in?

Biden has decades of experience as a Senator and will complete eight years as Vice President.

One of a group of 100, and 2 failed runs for president.

VP? When is the last time a Democrat VP won an election?

There are 8 governors in the Republican field, each of which have more experience in making similar decisions to the president than either Hillary or Biden.

Democrats have nothing.
Yup, there isn't a Republican in the field with 18 years as First Lady like Hillary.

Nor have they set records for air miles.

But then, she nor Biden have ever run a state, has they?

Had to worry about the budget, etc, that governors have the final say on.

But, on the bright side...

even the least experienced Republican running has as much experience as Obama did when he became president.

Can't WAIT for that to be brought up in campaign ads.
You said: even the least experienced Republican running has as much experience as Obama did when he became president.

Obama had already traveled all over the world. He worked on Wall Street. He was in public office at the state and national level (where he wrote or co wrote many bills that became law). He taught constitutional law at the university level for 10 years. He was a community organizer motivating and organizing (which is what the president is supposed to do) and he worked at the conservative Annenberg Foundation (probably why he liked Reagan) for years.

No wonder he kicked GOP ass at the Republican retreat. Constantly under estimating him simply because he's black.

Love the way you pad his resume.

Traveled the world?

yeah, with mommy.

Taught Constitutional law?

Not steady, he visited once or twice a week.

and considering what he knows about the Constitution, I worry about those that sat in that class.

Worked Wall St?

First I've heard that.

President is supposed to be a community organizer?

Wonder why more don't have that on their resumes?

was a state Senator?

where he has a record for voting 'present'.

Obama was a mistake, Hillary and Biden would be a mistake.
Very true

And We the People elected Obama. We determined that he was preferable to the best available Republican candidate
Your problem is that you do not have an Obama in your clown car. Obama was the most dynamic political phenomenon in a generation
So all you have is an inexperienced clown car who is currently getting their collective asses kicked by a reality TV star with zero experience

Your problem is that you do not have an Obama in your clown car.

(Thank Goodness)

Obama was the most dynamic political phenomenon in a generation

(Cue laugh track)

So all you have is an inexperienced clown car

and you have a short bus.

a former First Lady that got elected on her husbands name, with a consolation prize of SoS, for which she is under investigation.

a Socialist.

2 other non entities.

and POSSIBLY, a sitting VP, who is already a 2 time loser in presidential runs.
What a weak response

I'll take it as a concession of failure on your part


Only to a weak partisan mind.

Did Hillary get elected on her merits?

if so, why didn't she run in her other home, Arkansas?

Was she picked for SoS on her merits?


Bernies not a socialist?

In what dimension?

Biden hasn't already lost 2 runs for president?
Hillary was elected twice in landslides by her merit
I know conservatives don't like it, but she kicked their butts

Hillary had the political and personal experience in dealing with foreign leaders.....NONE of today's Republicans have that

Biden has decades of experience as a Senator and will complete eight years as Vice President. No Republican comes close

This field of Republicans is WEAK. They have minimal experience compared to either Hillary or Joe Biden

Hillary was elected twice in landslides by her merit

Being First Lady for 18 years, Arkansas and DC, is merit for running for senator?

Hillary had the political and personal experience in dealing with foreign leaders

Again, hosting garden parties and State dinners is considered experience?

If her 'experience' was that great, why didn't she run for senator in the state she already had a house in?

Biden has decades of experience as a Senator and will complete eight years as Vice President.

One of a group of 100, and 2 failed runs for president.

VP? When is the last time a Democrat VP won an election?

There are 8 governors in the Republican field, each of which have more experience in making similar decisions to the president than either Hillary or Biden.

Democrats have nothing.

Yes, being First Lady is qualification for being Senator. She had eight years of unparalleled access in the White House. The most since Eleanor Roosevvelt. She did not just have tea parties, she lobbied for major legislation and met with world leaders.
New York is a big fucking state, Arkansas is a shithole. Winning in a major state is much more impressive. As is representing 20 million people instead of 3 million

Ron Reagan had two failed runs for President
(Thank Goodness)

(Cue laugh track)

and you have a short bus.

a former First Lady that got elected on her husbands name, with a consolation prize of SoS, for which she is under investigation.

a Socialist.

2 other non entities.

and POSSIBLY, a sitting VP, who is already a 2 time loser in presidential runs.
What a weak response

I'll take it as a concession of failure on your part


Only to a weak partisan mind.

Did Hillary get elected on her merits?

if so, why didn't she run in her other home, Arkansas?

Was she picked for SoS on her merits?


Bernies not a socialist?

In what dimension?

Biden hasn't already lost 2 runs for president?
Hillary was elected twice in landslides by her merit
I know conservatives don't like it, but she kicked their butts

Hillary had the political and personal experience in dealing with foreign leaders.....NONE of today's Republicans have that

Biden has decades of experience as a Senator and will complete eight years as Vice President. No Republican comes close

This field of Republicans is WEAK. They have minimal experience compared to either Hillary or Joe Biden

Hillary was elected twice in landslides by her merit

Being First Lady for 18 years, Arkansas and DC, is merit for running for senator?

Hillary had the political and personal experience in dealing with foreign leaders

Again, hosting garden parties and State dinners is considered experience?

If her 'experience' was that great, why didn't she run for senator in the state she already had a house in?

Biden has decades of experience as a Senator and will complete eight years as Vice President.

One of a group of 100, and 2 failed runs for president.

VP? When is the last time a Democrat VP won an election?

There are 8 governors in the Republican field, each of which have more experience in making similar decisions to the president than either Hillary or Biden.

Democrats have nothing.

Yes, being First Lady is qualification for being Senator. She had eight years of unparalleled access in the White House. The most since Eleanor Roosevvelt. She did not just have tea parties, she lobbied for major legislation and met with world leaders.
New York is a big fucking state, Arkansas is a shithole. Winning in a major state is much more impressive. As is representing 20 million people instead of 3 million

Ron Reagan had two failed runs for President

Yes, being First Lady is qualification for being Senator


The most since Eleanor Roosevvelt.

unless you look at Eisenhower, Reagan, Laura Bush, or Michelle

Ron Reagan had two failed runs for President

Biden is no Reagan, and Reagan had Governor of California on his resume.

TOP dog, not assistant to the top dog.
Last edited:
What a weak response

I'll take it as a concession of failure on your part


Only to a weak partisan mind.

Did Hillary get elected on her merits?

if so, why didn't she run in her other home, Arkansas?

Was she picked for SoS on her merits?


Bernies not a socialist?

In what dimension?

Biden hasn't already lost 2 runs for president?
Hillary was elected twice in landslides by her merit
I know conservatives don't like it, but she kicked their butts

Hillary had the political and personal experience in dealing with foreign leaders.....NONE of today's Republicans have that

Biden has decades of experience as a Senator and will complete eight years as Vice President. No Republican comes close

This field of Republicans is WEAK. They have minimal experience compared to either Hillary or Joe Biden

Hillary was elected twice in landslides by her merit

Being First Lady for 18 years, Arkansas and DC, is merit for running for senator?

Hillary had the political and personal experience in dealing with foreign leaders

Again, hosting garden parties and State dinners is considered experience?

If her 'experience' was that great, why didn't she run for senator in the state she already had a house in?

Biden has decades of experience as a Senator and will complete eight years as Vice President.

One of a group of 100, and 2 failed runs for president.

VP? When is the last time a Democrat VP won an election?

There are 8 governors in the Republican field, each of which have more experience in making similar decisions to the president than either Hillary or Biden.

Democrats have nothing.

Yes, being First Lady is qualification for being Senator. She had eight years of unparalleled access in the White House. The most since Eleanor Roosevvelt. She did not just have tea parties, she lobbied for major legislation and met with world leaders.
New York is a big fucking state, Arkansas is a shithole. Winning in a major state is much more impressive. As is representing 20 million people instead of 3 million

Ron Reagan had two failed runs for President

Yes, being First Lady is qualification for being Senator


The most since Eleanor Roosevvelt.

unless you look at Eisenhower, Reagan, Laura Bush, or Michelle

Ron Reagan had two failed runs for President

Biden is no Reagan, and Reagan had Governor of California on his resume.

TOP dog, not assistant tot he top dog.

So losing presidential primaries is no longer a qualifier

Now, let's look at Biden, 36 years in the Senate .....More than all your Republicans combined. He has also held major leadership roles in the Senate which your Republucans have not
But that is just a warm up. Two terms as Vice President.
Sorry, but being a governor of one of fifty states does not equate, even if you are Sarah Palin. Biden has executive branch experience, something none of the Republicans have

Biden is the most qualified in the race

Only to a weak partisan mind.

Did Hillary get elected on her merits?

if so, why didn't she run in her other home, Arkansas?

Was she picked for SoS on her merits?


Bernies not a socialist?

In what dimension?

Biden hasn't already lost 2 runs for president?
Hillary was elected twice in landslides by her merit
I know conservatives don't like it, but she kicked their butts

Hillary had the political and personal experience in dealing with foreign leaders.....NONE of today's Republicans have that

Biden has decades of experience as a Senator and will complete eight years as Vice President. No Republican comes close

This field of Republicans is WEAK. They have minimal experience compared to either Hillary or Joe Biden

Hillary was elected twice in landslides by her merit

Being First Lady for 18 years, Arkansas and DC, is merit for running for senator?

Hillary had the political and personal experience in dealing with foreign leaders

Again, hosting garden parties and State dinners is considered experience?

If her 'experience' was that great, why didn't she run for senator in the state she already had a house in?

Biden has decades of experience as a Senator and will complete eight years as Vice President.

One of a group of 100, and 2 failed runs for president.

VP? When is the last time a Democrat VP won an election?

There are 8 governors in the Republican field, each of which have more experience in making similar decisions to the president than either Hillary or Biden.

Democrats have nothing.

Yes, being First Lady is qualification for being Senator. She had eight years of unparalleled access in the White House. The most since Eleanor Roosevvelt. She did not just have tea parties, she lobbied for major legislation and met with world leaders.
New York is a big fucking state, Arkansas is a shithole. Winning in a major state is much more impressive. As is representing 20 million people instead of 3 million

Ron Reagan had two failed runs for President

Yes, being First Lady is qualification for being Senator


The most since Eleanor Roosevvelt.

unless you look at Eisenhower, Reagan, Laura Bush, or Michelle

Ron Reagan had two failed runs for President

Biden is no Reagan, and Reagan had Governor of California on his resume.

TOP dog, not assistant tot he top dog.

So losing presidential primaries is no longer a qualifier

Now, let's look at Biden, 24 years in the Senate .....More than all your Republicans combined. He has also held major leadership roles in the Senate which your Republucans have not
But that is just a warm up. Two terms as Vice President.
Sorry, but being a governor of one of fifty states does not equate, even if you are Sarah Palin. Biden has executive branch experience, something none of the Republicans have

Biden is the most qualified in the race

Sorry, but being a governor of one of fifty states does not equate

a one term Governor has FAR more experience being in charge than ANY amount of Senate time.

Biden has executive branch experience, something none of the Republicans have

as VP?


The only time he decides anything is when the Senate is tied, and has to cast the tie breaking vote.

You're not real good at this, are you?

Otherwise. he does as he is told by the top dog.
Hillary was elected twice in landslides by her merit
I know conservatives don't like it, but she kicked their butts

Hillary had the political and personal experience in dealing with foreign leaders.....NONE of today's Republicans have that

Biden has decades of experience as a Senator and will complete eight years as Vice President. No Republican comes close

This field of Republicans is WEAK. They have minimal experience compared to either Hillary or Joe Biden

Hillary was elected twice in landslides by her merit

Being First Lady for 18 years, Arkansas and DC, is merit for running for senator?

Hillary had the political and personal experience in dealing with foreign leaders

Again, hosting garden parties and State dinners is considered experience?

If her 'experience' was that great, why didn't she run for senator in the state she already had a house in?

Biden has decades of experience as a Senator and will complete eight years as Vice President.

One of a group of 100, and 2 failed runs for president.

VP? When is the last time a Democrat VP won an election?

There are 8 governors in the Republican field, each of which have more experience in making similar decisions to the president than either Hillary or Biden.

Democrats have nothing.

Yes, being First Lady is qualification for being Senator. She had eight years of unparalleled access in the White House. The most since Eleanor Roosevvelt. She did not just have tea parties, she lobbied for major legislation and met with world leaders.
New York is a big fucking state, Arkansas is a shithole. Winning in a major state is much more impressive. As is representing 20 million people instead of 3 million

Ron Reagan had two failed runs for President

Yes, being First Lady is qualification for being Senator


The most since Eleanor Roosevvelt.

unless you look at Eisenhower, Reagan, Laura Bush, or Michelle

Ron Reagan had two failed runs for President

Biden is no Reagan, and Reagan had Governor of California on his resume.

TOP dog, not assistant tot he top dog.

So losing presidential primaries is no longer a qualifier

Now, let's look at Biden, 24 years in the Senate .....More than all your Republicans combined. He has also held major leadership roles in the Senate which your Republucans have not
But that is just a warm up. Two terms as Vice President.
Sorry, but being a governor of one of fifty states does not equate, even if you are Sarah Palin. Biden has executive branch experience, something none of the Republicans have

Biden is the most qualified in the race

Sorry, but being a governor of one of fifty states does not equate

a one term Governor has FAR more experience being in charge than ANY amount of Senate time.

Biden has executive branch experience, something none of the Republicans have

as VP?


The only time he decides anything is when the Senate is tied, and has to cast the tie breaking vote.

You're not real good at this, are you?

Otherwise. he does as he is told by the top dog.
Vice President has experience in the job he wants to hold
Biden has vast experience in foreign relations. Remember, he suggested and advised splitting Iraq into three semi sovereign states after the invasion. He advised for Sunni, Shiite and Kurd quasi independent states. If his advise had been taken Iraq would probably be at peace and prospering today.
Being First Lady for 18 years, Arkansas and DC, is merit for running for senator?

Again, hosting garden parties and State dinners is considered experience?

If her 'experience' was that great, why didn't she run for senator in the state she already had a house in?

One of a group of 100, and 2 failed runs for president.

VP? When is the last time a Democrat VP won an election?

There are 8 governors in the Republican field, each of which have more experience in making similar decisions to the president than either Hillary or Biden.

Democrats have nothing.

Yes, being First Lady is qualification for being Senator. She had eight years of unparalleled access in the White House. The most since Eleanor Roosevvelt. She did not just have tea parties, she lobbied for major legislation and met with world leaders.
New York is a big fucking state, Arkansas is a shithole. Winning in a major state is much more impressive. As is representing 20 million people instead of 3 million

Ron Reagan had two failed runs for President

Yes, being First Lady is qualification for being Senator


The most since Eleanor Roosevvelt.

unless you look at Eisenhower, Reagan, Laura Bush, or Michelle

Ron Reagan had two failed runs for President

Biden is no Reagan, and Reagan had Governor of California on his resume.

TOP dog, not assistant tot he top dog.

So losing presidential primaries is no longer a qualifier

Now, let's look at Biden, 24 years in the Senate .....More than all your Republicans combined. He has also held major leadership roles in the Senate which your Republucans have not
But that is just a warm up. Two terms as Vice President.
Sorry, but being a governor of one of fifty states does not equate, even if you are Sarah Palin. Biden has executive branch experience, something none of the Republicans have

Biden is the most qualified in the race

Sorry, but being a governor of one of fifty states does not equate

a one term Governor has FAR more experience being in charge than ANY amount of Senate time.

Biden has executive branch experience, something none of the Republicans have

as VP?


The only time he decides anything is when the Senate is tied, and has to cast the tie breaking vote.

You're not real good at this, are you?

Otherwise. he does as he is told by the top dog.
Vice President has experience in the job he wants to hold

Vice Presidents are more likely to take over the Oval Office because the sitting president left early than by being elected.

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