Erik Erikson's RED STATE disinvites Trump after "blood" comments about Megyn Kelly

Yes, being First Lady is qualification for being Senator. She had eight years of unparalleled access in the White House. The most since Eleanor Roosevvelt. She did not just have tea parties, she lobbied for major legislation and met with world leaders.
New York is a big fucking state, Arkansas is a shithole. Winning in a major state is much more impressive. As is representing 20 million people instead of 3 million

Ron Reagan had two failed runs for President

Yes, being First Lady is qualification for being Senator


The most since Eleanor Roosevvelt.

unless you look at Eisenhower, Reagan, Laura Bush, or Michelle

Ron Reagan had two failed runs for President

Biden is no Reagan, and Reagan had Governor of California on his resume.

TOP dog, not assistant tot he top dog.

So losing presidential primaries is no longer a qualifier

Now, let's look at Biden, 24 years in the Senate .....More than all your Republicans combined. He has also held major leadership roles in the Senate which your Republucans have not
But that is just a warm up. Two terms as Vice President.
Sorry, but being a governor of one of fifty states does not equate, even if you are Sarah Palin. Biden has executive branch experience, something none of the Republicans have

Biden is the most qualified in the race

Sorry, but being a governor of one of fifty states does not equate

a one term Governor has FAR more experience being in charge than ANY amount of Senate time.

Biden has executive branch experience, something none of the Republicans have

as VP?


The only time he decides anything is when the Senate is tied, and has to cast the tie breaking vote.

You're not real good at this, are you?

Otherwise. he does as he is told by the top dog.
Vice President has experience in the job he wants to hold

Vice Presidents are more likely to take over the Oval Office because the sitting president left early than by being elected.

It is like trying to compare someone who is in the minor league to someone with big league experience

It is not the same even though it seems like the same game. Those in the big leagues understand the players, the managers, details of each ballpark, strategy

Those in the minor league only hope that someday they will

The Republican candidates are minor league

unless you look at Eisenhower, Reagan, Laura Bush, or Michelle

Biden is no Reagan, and Reagan had Governor of California on his resume.

TOP dog, not assistant tot he top dog.

So losing presidential primaries is no longer a qualifier

Now, let's look at Biden, 24 years in the Senate .....More than all your Republicans combined. He has also held major leadership roles in the Senate which your Republucans have not
But that is just a warm up. Two terms as Vice President.
Sorry, but being a governor of one of fifty states does not equate, even if you are Sarah Palin. Biden has executive branch experience, something none of the Republicans have

Biden is the most qualified in the race

Sorry, but being a governor of one of fifty states does not equate

a one term Governor has FAR more experience being in charge than ANY amount of Senate time.

Biden has executive branch experience, something none of the Republicans have

as VP?


The only time he decides anything is when the Senate is tied, and has to cast the tie breaking vote.

You're not real good at this, are you?

Otherwise. he does as he is told by the top dog.
Vice President has experience in the job he wants to hold

Vice Presidents are more likely to take over the Oval Office because the sitting president left early than by being elected.

It is like trying to compare someone who is in the minor league to someone with big league experience

It is not the same even though it seems like the same game. Those in the big leagues understand the players, the managers, details of each ballpark, strategy

Those in the minor league only hope that someday they will

The Republican candidates are minor league

It is like trying to compare someone who is in the minor league to someone with big league experience

Indeed. You dont' want to put a second stringer in when you can put someone one who has actually had experience in making decisions.

Governor beats a VP for experience every time

The Republican candidates are minor league

Of course they are......

I have to say, I am enjoying this greatly.

Conservatives in USMB will defend Trump no matter what he does, but I prophesy that once he has crashed and burned, they will start saying that he was not Conservative enough, yadayadayada....

Fun, fun, fun.

And in the meantime, Trump just provided the Clinton team with a cost-free AD for Hillary Clinton. No one is smiling today more than Hillary Clinton herself. If this continues, instead of winning the female vote by +20, she may win it by +30. :D

Imagine how millions and millions and millions of women, including Conservative women, are going to respond to this. The story just broke last evening and is just hitting the "waves" today. This will be ALL over the talk-shows tomorrow: Donald Trump and Megyn Kelly's female parts.

Donald Trump gets pissy with a debate moderator, completely forgets his place in a debate, goes out of his way to trash her more than once afterward. He looks like a 2nd grader throwing a temper-tantrum. And then to say that she was menstruating during the debate and this is why he thinks she was so "nasty" to him. Oh, well, at least he didn't say she would look better down on her knees. But who knows, the day is young....


Lord, how stupid Righties can be.
^ that
and now the rest of the story...he then proceeds to stump for Jeb.......

he's a nobody to me. and he should refund tickets that was sold to people who came there to see Trump. freaking loser squashing peoples freedom of speech
and now the rest of the story...he then proceeds to stump for Jeb.......

he's a nobody to me. and he should refund tickets that was sold to people who came there to see Trump. freaking loser squashing peoples freedom of speech

he is a major player for the teaparty-types, dummy whether you follow him or not Lets Roll Grl. Funny how you supported Lets Roll but not the major mouth piece for the teaparty
So losing presidential primaries is no longer a qualifier

Now, let's look at Biden, 24 years in the Senate .....More than all your Republicans combined. He has also held major leadership roles in the Senate which your Republucans have not
But that is just a warm up. Two terms as Vice President.
Sorry, but being a governor of one of fifty states does not equate, even if you are Sarah Palin. Biden has executive branch experience, something none of the Republicans have

Biden is the most qualified in the race

Sorry, but being a governor of one of fifty states does not equate

a one term Governor has FAR more experience being in charge than ANY amount of Senate time.

Biden has executive branch experience, something none of the Republicans have

as VP?


The only time he decides anything is when the Senate is tied, and has to cast the tie breaking vote.

You're not real good at this, are you?

Otherwise. he does as he is told by the top dog.
Vice President has experience in the job he wants to hold

Vice Presidents are more likely to take over the Oval Office because the sitting president left early than by being elected.

It is like trying to compare someone who is in the minor league to someone with big league experience

It is not the same even though it seems like the same game. Those in the big leagues understand the players, the managers, details of each ballpark, strategy

Those in the minor league only hope that someday they will

The Republican candidates are minor league

It is like trying to compare someone who is in the minor league to someone with big league experience

Indeed. You dont' want to put a second stringer in when you can put someone one who has actually had experience in making decisions.

Governor beats a VP for experience every time

The Republican candidates are minor league

Of course they are......


Governor is a good job if you can get it
Big fish in a small of fifty

Most who want to move up aspire to higher office seek a job in the Executive Branch. Any job
Governors will quit their job if offered a Secretary position, no governor would turn down a chance at the Vice Presidency
a one term Governor has FAR more experience being in charge than ANY amount of Senate time.

as VP?


The only time he decides anything is when the Senate is tied, and has to cast the tie breaking vote.

You're not real good at this, are you?

Otherwise. he does as he is told by the top dog.
Vice President has experience in the job he wants to hold

Vice Presidents are more likely to take over the Oval Office because the sitting president left early than by being elected.

It is like trying to compare someone who is in the minor league to someone with big league experience

It is not the same even though it seems like the same game. Those in the big leagues understand the players, the managers, details of each ballpark, strategy

Those in the minor league only hope that someday they will

The Republican candidates are minor league

It is like trying to compare someone who is in the minor league to someone with big league experience

Indeed. You dont' want to put a second stringer in when you can put someone one who has actually had experience in making decisions.

Governor beats a VP for experience every time

The Republican candidates are minor league

Of course they are......


Governor is a good job if you can get it
Big fish in a small of fifty

Most who want to move up aspire to higher office seek a job in the Executive Branch. Any job
Governors will quit their job if offered a Secretary position, no governor would turn down a chance at the Vice Presidency

Governor is a good job if you can get it
Big fish in a small of fifty

and the one that makes the decisions for that state.

unlike the VP, who pretty much hops planes at the presidents whim

Most who want to move up aspire to higher office seek a job in the Executive Branch. Any job

They petition the president to pick them for jobs in the Executive Branch?

Or were they voted into those positions?

(Wonder how many votes Biden got to win VP, or Hillary got to win SoS?)
Governors are one of fifty
Senators are one of one hundred

They all aspire to the Executive Branch. That is the major leagues
Both Biden and Hillary have major league experience......the Republicans are Bush league
Governors are one of fifty
Senators are one of one hundred
They all aspire to the Executive Branch. That is the major leagues
Both Biden and Hillary have major league experience......the Republicans are Bush league
Governors are one of fifty
Senators are one of one hundred

Governors have to make decisions for their state, senators have to reach a consensus to pass anything.

They all aspire to the Executive Branch. That is the major leagues

How many are elected to the Executive Branch?

Both Biden and Hillary have major league experience

were they elected to those positions?

Biden was the best choice available to keep Obama from being assassinated, (Who would want to kill Obama and end up with Biden?) Hillary got there as a consolation prize.

the Republicans are Bush league

Bushs have won 3 presidential elections, lost one.
Sounds like a pretty good league standing
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Stop whitewashing, sparky. Trump said "wherever" not "whatever".

"you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever"
You stop YOUR BULLSHIT. I know what he said. And I know what he DID NOT say. And he DID NOT say what you and all the other Trump bashers are trying to say he said. Another 5 point Trump rise in the polls, from the Trump bashers pissing us off some more. That's all you're doing.

GOP Establishment Going All Out to Derail Trump US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
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I don't think they twisted anything Trump has ever said, and they certainly didn't put words in his mouth. For once Faux News displayed shrewdness in not cowering to a bully but it may end up hurting the GOP.
Of course they did. Trump didn't say anything about a period. Erickson created that to bash Trump and push his favorite boy (Bush) up in the polls, Erickson is a longtime, well known misogynist, and a deviant for bringing this period notion up, and so is anyone who believes him.
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Trump won't run as a 'third party' candidate for president.

But the damage Trump is causing the GOP – and will continue to cause for the foreseeable future – will likely have almost the same adverse effect.

You all keep saying Trump is "damaging" the GOP, while the majority of the people I know are glad he's speaking out. It's a refreshing change and forcing others to confront the issues.

That tells us a lot about the people you know, that's for sure.

But do keep thinking the Donald is your guy. I'd like to see Barry Goldwater's loss be relegated to 2nd place.
.Now, as for Donald, what this incident proves is the guy is unfit to be president. Seriously, going after a news anchor because he didn't like a question she had asked him? That's fucking nuts. What's he going to do when he's president and he has people in Congress and the Media talking smack about him all day? Is Donald going to get into twitter fights with Boehner and McConnell?
What would you prefer ? That he bow down and grovel, like the White House WIMP ?

You don't seem to get it. You're not noticing why Trump is getting support.
Governors are one of fifty
Senators are one of one hundred
They all aspire to the Executive Branch. That is the major leagues
Both Biden and Hillary have major league experience......the Republicans are Bush league
Governors are one of fifty
Senators are one of one hundred

Governors have to make decisions for their state, senators have to reach a consensus to pass anything.

They all aspire to the Executive Branch. That is the major leagues

How many are elected to the Executive Branch?

Both Biden and Hillary have major league experience

were they elected to those positions?

Biden was the best choice available to keep Obama from being assassinated, (Who would want to kill Obama and end up with Biden?) Hillary got there as a consolation prize.

the Republicans are Bush league

Bushs have won 3 presidential elections, lost one.
Sounds like a pretty good league standing
Again big fish in a small pond

Doesn't show they know a thing about the workings of the big pond. Both Hillary and Biden have swam in the big pond
What would you prefer ? That he bow down and grovel, like the White House WIMP ?

You don't seem to get it. You're not noticing why Trump is getting support.

Oh, i know exactly why he's getting support.

Because after 40 years of playing on the sexual, racial and religious fears of white men, the GOP base has become an angry, fearful and easily manipulated ball of hate.

And Trump knows how to push the buttons of that group.

But they aren't a big enough group to win the presidency. Keep insulting women and minorities, and you guys are going to lose.
Governors are one of fifty
Senators are one of one hundred
They all aspire to the Executive Branch. That is the major leagues
Both Biden and Hillary have major league experience......the Republicans are Bush league
Governors are one of fifty
Senators are one of one hundred

Governors have to make decisions for their state, senators have to reach a consensus to pass anything.

They all aspire to the Executive Branch. That is the major leagues

How many are elected to the Executive Branch?

Both Biden and Hillary have major league experience

were they elected to those positions?

Biden was the best choice available to keep Obama from being assassinated, (Who would want to kill Obama and end up with Biden?) Hillary got there as a consolation prize.

the Republicans are Bush league

Bushs have won 3 presidential elections, lost one.
Sounds like a pretty good league standing
Again big fish in a small pond

Doesn't show they know a thing about the workings of the big pond. Both Hillary and Biden have swam in the big pond

Again big fish in a small pond

The BIGGEST fish in that small pond.

Both Hillary and Biden have swam in the big pond

pilot fish.

They didn't lead, they didn't make the decisions.

Biden has never made the decisions, and Hillary only made the decisions about the design on the new White House dinnerware, or who to invite to her Rose Garden parties.
Governors are one of fifty
Senators are one of one hundred
They all aspire to the Executive Branch. That is the major leagues
Both Biden and Hillary have major league experience......the Republicans are Bush league
Governors are one of fifty
Senators are one of one hundred

Governors have to make decisions for their state, senators have to reach a consensus to pass anything.

They all aspire to the Executive Branch. That is the major leagues

How many are elected to the Executive Branch?

Both Biden and Hillary have major league experience

were they elected to those positions?

Biden was the best choice available to keep Obama from being assassinated, (Who would want to kill Obama and end up with Biden?) Hillary got there as a consolation prize.

the Republicans are Bush league

Bushs have won 3 presidential elections, lost one.
Sounds like a pretty good league standing
Again big fish in a small pond

Doesn't show they know a thing about the workings of the big pond. Both Hillary and Biden have swam in the big pond

Again big fish in a small pond

The BIGGEST fish in that small pond.

Both Hillary and Biden have swam in the big pond

pilot fish.

They didn't lead, they didn't make the decisions.

Biden has never made the decisions, and Hillary only made the decisions about the design on the new White House dinnerware, or who to invite to her Rose Garden parties.

Both Hillary and Biden have functioned on the world stage. That is a very big pond

Republicans may have proved they can pick on workers and demean teachers in their state. Even though they may be able to see Russia from their house doesn't mean they know a thing about the geopolitical issues with Russia
Oh, i know exactly why he's getting support.
Because after 40 years of playing on the sexual, racial and religious fears of white men, the GOP base has become an angry, fearful and easily manipulated ball of hate.
And Trump knows how to push the buttons of that group.
But they aren't a big enough group to win the presidency. Keep insulting women and minorities, and you guys are going to lose.

:bsflag::bsflag::bsflag: All you're doing I joining the bash trump bandwagon using the hate card to try to derail. Trump has insulted women or minorities no matter how hard you try to paint it that way. But keep trying, if it makes you feel better. Every time you do, you just piss of the voters some more, and Trumps poll numbers go up.
As good ole Clint used to say ? "Go ahead. Make my day." :badgrin:
All you're doing I joining the bash trump bandwagon using the hate card to try to derail. Trump has insulted women or minorities no matter how hard you try to paint it that way. But keep trying, if it makes you feel better. Every time you do, you just piss of the voters some more, and Trumps poll numbers go up.
As good ole Clint used to say ? "Go ahead. Make my day." :badgrin:

Guy, if Trump got the nomination, I'd probably go out and buy a bunch of lottery tickets because my luck would have gotten so good.

Trump would not only give Hillary the Presidency, the GOP would probably lose the House and Senate as well.

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