Erik Erikson's RED STATE disinvites Trump after "blood" comments about Megyn Kelly

My bottom line (For whatever that's worth ):

I don't want a POTUS who pops off his mouth like that.


I think it's dangerous. If you're into isolationism, no problem I guess. But I support maintaining friendships abroad.
And he talks without thinking. He is too thin skinned.

He speaks his mind. I think it's very refreshing. And he's not nearly as thin-skinned and paranoid as Hillary Clinton is. She's very easily rattled. Without a script she's all done. She can't handle the heat. Trump can.
You ARE worse than a gossiping old lady
So, we all know that you are as dumb as a box of rocks, but did you even read the OP, Stephanie?

What a limp dicked arrogant ass you are. You speak for no one but yourself, and apparently you don't have enough machismo to think your view is worth a crap on it's own, so you need to imagine legions of followers. You are right about one thing though, you are a clown
My bottom line (For whatever that's worth ):

I don't want a POTUS who pops off his mouth like that.


I think it's dangerous. If you're into isolationism, no problem I guess. But I support maintaining friendships abroad.
And he talks without thinking. He is too thin skinned.

He speaks his mind. I think it's very refreshing. And he's not nearly as thin-skinned and paranoid as Hillary Clinton is. She's very easily rattled. Without a script she's all done. She can't handle the heat. Trump can.

Maybe he could focus on his policies more and go attention whoring less if he wants to be taken seriously by more than a quarter of the Republican party as he is now
You ARE worse than a gossiping old lady
So, we all know that you are as dumb as a box of rocks, but did you even read the OP, Stephanie?

What a limp dicked arrogant ass you are. You speak for no one but yourself, and apparently you don't have enough machismo to think your view is worth a crap on it's own, so you need to imagine legions of followers. You are right about one thing though, you are a clown

these clowns on here are stupid and ugly. they bring this board down so low it's gutter trash. it's just a damn shame they are allowed to take over this board with all their nasty hate and worthless garbage they post daily
You ARE worse than a gossiping old lady
So, we all know that you are as dumb as a box of rocks, but did you even read the OP, Stephanie?

What a limp dicked arrogant ass you are. You speak for no one but yourself, and apparently you don't have enough machismo to think your view is worth a crap on it's own, so you need to imagine legions of followers. You are right about one thing though, you are a clown

these clowns on here are stupid and ugly. they bring this board down so low it's gutter trash. it's just a damn shame they are allowed to take over this board with all their nasty hate and worthless garbage they post daily

Yes, none of them are worth shit. They all just parrot the same talking points and they are incapable of processing information or even grasping what you tell them to have an actual discussion on anything
I'm quite happy to have Hillary run against anyone who was on the Stage last Thursday. The only 3 that give me any pause is Bush, Huckabee, and Christie. Bush and Christie are good for all time zones. Huckabee being in the General means that the Christians showed up those people don't go away.

None of them will make it.

It will be Walker, or Kasich.

and if they're smart, Rubio as VP

Easy pickin's. Walker loses Ohio for you. Kasich looks totally lost. Rubio for VP means zilch.

Rubio for VP means zilch.

He means Florida votes red

Hardly. Rubio will add less than Ryan added which was nothing as he is less accomplished than Ryan in 2012.

Ryan is from Florida?

Ryan was Attorney General in Florida?

Ryan is Hispanic?
Did Romney take Wisconsin?

Showed how much he helped. Do you think Republucans would take the Hispanic vote with Rubio on the ticket?
My bottom line (For whatever that's worth ):

I don't want a POTUS who pops off his mouth like that.


I think it's dangerous. If you're into isolationism, no problem I guess. But I support maintaining friendships abroad.
And he talks without thinking. He is too thin skinned.

He speaks his mind. I think it's very refreshing. And he's not nearly as thin-skinned and paranoid as Hillary Clinton is. She's very easily rattled. Without a script she's all done. She can't handle the heat. Trump can.

Maybe he could focus on his policies more and go attention whoring less if he wants to be taken seriously by more than a quarter of the Republican party as he is now

He actually offered a very interesting Income Tax plan this week. But Fox News didn't want to discuss that. They're the ones who had the focus problem.
I heard. the Left is devastated; they want Trump.

I am enjoying Trump as he runs unchecked through the Republican Party and the clown car is unable to do anything about it

Really? You can win the Republican party with 1/4 of the vote? How does that work, big guy?
You do that in a large Republucans have
In a winner take all primary.....25% can do it

Trump is all over the media. He has all the support he will ever get.

And you only get a share of the delegates, it's not like the electoral collage. As other candidates drop out the voters won't go to Trump. He may make it last longer, he won't win.
None of them will make it.

It will be Walker, or Kasich.

and if they're smart, Rubio as VP

Easy pickin's. Walker loses Ohio for you. Kasich looks totally lost. Rubio for VP means zilch.

Rubio for VP means zilch.

He means Florida votes red

Hardly. Rubio will add less than Ryan added which was nothing as he is less accomplished than Ryan in 2012.

Ryan is from Florida?

Ryan was Attorney General in Florida?

Ryan is Hispanic?
Did Romney take Wisconsin?

Showed how much he helped. Do you think Republucans would take the Hispanic vote with Rubio on the ticket?

I think he would pull in enough of the Hispanic vote in Florida to carry the state.

I think it's dangerous. If you're into isolationism, no problem I guess. But I support maintaining friendships abroad.
And he talks without thinking. He is too thin skinned.

He speaks his mind. I think it's very refreshing. And he's not nearly as thin-skinned and paranoid as Hillary Clinton is. She's very easily rattled. Without a script she's all done. She can't handle the heat. Trump can.

Maybe he could focus on his policies more and go attention whoring less if he wants to be taken seriously by more than a quarter of the Republican party as he is now

He actually offered a very interesting Income Tax plan this week. But Fox News didn't want to discuss that. They're the ones who had the focus problem.

That's my point though, he is not drawing attention to his proposals by acting like a clown
Easy pickin's. Walker loses Ohio for you. Kasich looks totally lost. Rubio for VP means zilch.

Rubio for VP means zilch.

He means Florida votes red

Hardly. Rubio will add less than Ryan added which was nothing as he is less accomplished than Ryan in 2012.

Ryan is from Florida?

Ryan was Attorney General in Florida?

Ryan is Hispanic?
Did Romney take Wisconsin?

Showed how much he helped. Do you think Republucans would take the Hispanic vote with Rubio on the ticket?

I think he would pull in enough of the Hispanic vote in Florida to carry the state.

Yes, and while Democrats think "Hispanic" is a block, they are not so much. Rubio is Cuban, that's a big plus in Florida.

In the end though, that is overblown. Blacks vote for Obama overwhelmingly, but they would vote overwhelmingly for any Democrat.
Just being honest.....if I was a participant in a debate and Fox asked me ridiculous questions I'd be pretty upset as well. Our debt is spiraling out of control, the deficit is horrendous, climate is a huge issue and here we are gossiping in front of millions of Americans. What a joke this was. Fox intended to put a stake through Trumps heart and the only thing they accomplished was making the entire Republican party look out of touch and ridiculous.

Trump and the Democrats came out the winners.
I heard. the Left is devastated; they want Trump.

I am enjoying Trump as he runs unchecked through the Republican Party and the clown car is unable to do anything about it

Really? You can win the Republican party with 1/4 of the vote? How does that work, big guy?
You do that in a large Republucans have
In a winner take all primary.....25% can do it

Trump is all over the media. He has all the support he will ever get.

And you only get a share of the delegates, it's not like the electoral collage. As other candidates drop out the voters won't go to Trump. He may make it last longer, he won't win.

It is up to the state, some are caucuses, some proportion, some are winner take all

If Trump goes to the convention with 30% of the delegates and nobody else has more than 20% it will be hard not to give the nomination to Trump
I heard. the Left is devastated; they want Trump.

I am enjoying Trump as he runs unchecked through the Republican Party and the clown car is unable to do anything about it

Really? You can win the Republican party with 1/4 of the vote? How does that work, big guy?
You do that in a large Republucans have
In a winner take all primary.....25% can do it

Trump is all over the media. He has all the support he will ever get.

And you only get a share of the delegates, it's not like the electoral collage. As other candidates drop out the voters won't go to Trump. He may make it last longer, he won't win.

It is up to the state, some are caucuses, some proportion, some are winner take all

If Trump goes to the convention with 30% of the delegates and nobody else has more than 20% it will be hard not to give the nomination to Trump

Because 30% > 70%? Again, you are for Trump or you are not. He can't be 2nd or 3rd on pretty much anyone's ballot
I think it's dangerous. If you're into isolationism, no problem I guess. But I support maintaining friendships abroad.
And he talks without thinking. He is too thin skinned.

He speaks his mind. I think it's very refreshing. And he's not nearly as thin-skinned and paranoid as Hillary Clinton is. She's very easily rattled. Without a script she's all done. She can't handle the heat. Trump can.

Maybe he could focus on his policies more and go attention whoring less if he wants to be taken seriously by more than a quarter of the Republican party as he is now

He actually offered a very interesting Income Tax plan this week. But Fox News didn't want to discuss that. They're the ones who had the focus problem.

That's my point though, he is not drawing attention to his proposals by acting like a clown

I see it differently. He gets attacked and he fights back. He's a bulldog that way. I respect that. And his Income Tax plan was very interesting. I could support it.
I am enjoying Trump as he runs unchecked through the Republican Party and the clown car is unable to do anything about it

Really? You can win the Republican party with 1/4 of the vote? How does that work, big guy?
You do that in a large Republucans have
In a winner take all primary.....25% can do it

Trump is all over the media. He has all the support he will ever get.

And you only get a share of the delegates, it's not like the electoral collage. As other candidates drop out the voters won't go to Trump. He may make it last longer, he won't win.

It is up to the state, some are caucuses, some proportion, some are winner take all

If Trump goes to the convention with 30% of the delegates and nobody else has more than 20% it will be hard not to give the nomination to Trump

Because 30% > 70%? Again, you are for Trump or you are not. He can't be 2nd or 3rd on pretty much anyone's ballot
Your point?
My bottom line (For whatever that's worth ):

I don't want a POTUS who pops off his mouth like that.


I think it's dangerous. If you're into isolationism, no problem I guess. But I support maintaining friendships abroad.
And he talks without thinking. He is too thin skinned.

He speaks his mind. I think it's very refreshing. And he's not nearly as thin-skinned and paranoid as Hillary Clinton is. She's very easily rattled. Without a script she's all done. She can't handle the heat. Trump can.

Maybe he could focus on his policies more and go attention whoring less if he wants to be taken seriously by more than a quarter of the Republican party as he is now

Tell that to the Media. He presented his Income Tax plan this week. They could have asked him about it.

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