Erik Erikson's RED STATE disinvites Trump after "blood" comments about Megyn Kelly

There's a whole year ahead yet. If Trump can weather the storm and stay on message he'll do just fine with independent's. He's doing just fine with this indie ;)

Worse case scenario (depending who's looking at it) he goes independent and the RW nutters are left with their pants around their ankles and a Clinton Presidency. I'm good either way. Doesn't matter if Bush or Clinton is in office, it's just more of the same. Puppets....the whole lot.

Well, ok, if you think so.

But I will repeat: I have never seen a presidential candidate come from 20 behind in the year before to win a GE in the year following - EVER. And ever since polling started with Gallup, it's never happened.
This is a whole other ballgame brother. Trump will not pander to donors or lobbyist and that makes him VERY "dangerous" (as those who have paid attention to him have seen) Like Trump or not he only answers to us, the American people, so he's a wild card and that can sway many votes. His message should resonate with a lot of indie's when the smoke clears and they can no longer drown out his policies.

Heck if you paid attention to him, you'd see that his ideas/policies are not at all radical. They're pretty straightforward. No political slant. I do believe a lot of independents will see and support that. The more they are exposed to the "clown car" the more they will see that Trump just may be their guy.

It's going to be an entertaining year for sure. It's fantastic watching the establishment make asses of themselves in front of the American people. I'll enjoy their loss at the polls if they don't wise up.

Trump is as much as a politician as any other candidate, it's naïve and delusional to believe otherwise.

He lies like any other politician, will tell you what you want to hear like any other politician, and is concerned solely for his own best interests like any other politician.

Trump doesn't answer to lobbyists, donors, or 'us.'

I disagree. He is a wheeler dealer and that is something that can come in handy in the oval office...especially when making trade pacts.

The only ones he answers to would be the people. No bribing the Donald.

that's what has them ALL scared. He can't be BOUGHT off like Hillary was when she fell on the sword and gave up her run for the first WOMAN President of the United states: for that fake black man Obama and he gifted her with the position of SOS so she could still suck a living off us taxpayers for the rest of her pathetic life
"Fake" black man???? What's a "real" one?

I know a fake brown man:


And I bet you even voted for him, didn't you?
Hillary only made the decisions about the design on the new White House dinnerware, or who to invite to her Rose Garden parties.

Shows how well you are informed.......maybe the rest of Trump supporters are just as uniformed? Being Secretary of State is no piece of cake, especially during a time when we were in the middle of a war with Al Qaida. Before that, she also had to make many decisions as US Senator from New York.....I'm sure many of the GOP candidates can't even come close to some of the tough decisions she has had to make.

During her keynote speech at the Special Operations Command gala dinner in Tampa, Fla., on Wednesday night, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that State Department specialists attacked sites tied to al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) that were trying to recruit new members by "bragging about killing Americans."

"Within 48 hours, our team plastered the same sites with altered versions of the ads that showed the toll al-Qaida attacks have taken on the Yemeni people," Clinton said. "We can tell our efforts are starting to have an impact because extremists are publicly venting their frustration and asking supporters not to believe everything they read on the internet."

Highlighting the government's use of "smart power" to fight extremists, Clinton said that military and civilian specialists around the world are focused on preempting, discrediting, and outmaneuvering extremist propaganda. Calling them "a digital outreach team," Clinton said the specialists are fluent in Urdu, Arabic, and Somali. The group is "already patrolling the web and using social media and other tools to expose a-Qaida's contradictions and abuses, including its continuing brutal attacks on Muslim civilians."

Hillary Clinton U.S. hacked Yemen al-Qaida sites - Yahoo News

of the 8 governors running, none had to make harder decisions than a senator did.
Like what? Whether to extend Medicaid? They didn't have to make that decision, it was made up for them by the GOP.

SoS had to make decisions without input from the president.
If you think the President had to hold her hand the whole time, there would be no need for a Sec of State. You really don't know much about how our government is run, do you?

Keep believing that,
And you keep believing that Trump has a chance......I'll root for him, too.

I'll keep laughing.
With tears.....yep, I believe you will.
Last edited:
Hillary lost to first term senator.

What's not to laugh at?

And a seasoned US Senator (McCain) and a wealthy former Governor of Massachusetts (Romney) lost to a first term senator, too......that's even more laughable.

More laughable than someone that has 18 years as First Lady and 8 years as senator losing to one?

And they're still promoting that for her current run.

Nope, she's funnier.

She's funnier to you only because you're trying to mask your fear that the GOP is going to lose again.

How many times did McCain run for President? How many times did Romney run for President? Yep, that's way funnier, neither one of them could make it after trying twice.
Hillary only made the decisions about the design on the new White House dinnerware, or who to invite to her Rose Garden parties.

Shows how well you are informed.......maybe the rest of Trump supporters are just as uniformed? Being Secretary of State is no piece of cake, especially during a time when we were in the middle of a war with Al Qaida. Before that, she also had to make many decisions as US Senator from New York.....I'm sure many of the GOP candidates can't even come close to some of the tough decisions she has had to make.

During her keynote speech at the Special Operations Command gala dinner in Tampa, Fla., on Wednesday night, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that State Department specialists attacked sites tied to al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) that were trying to recruit new members by "bragging about killing Americans."

"Within 48 hours, our team plastered the same sites with altered versions of the ads that showed the toll al-Qaida attacks have taken on the Yemeni people," Clinton said. "We can tell our efforts are starting to have an impact because extremists are publicly venting their frustration and asking supporters not to believe everything they read on the internet."

Highlighting the government's use of "smart power" to fight extremists, Clinton said that military and civilian specialists around the world are focused on preempting, discrediting, and outmaneuvering extremist propaganda. Calling them "a digital outreach team," Clinton said the specialists are fluent in Urdu, Arabic, and Somali. The group is "already patrolling the web and using social media and other tools to expose a-Qaida's contradictions and abuses, including its continuing brutal attacks on Muslim civilians."

Hillary Clinton U.S. hacked Yemen al-Qaida sites - Yahoo News

of the 8 governors running, none had to make harder decisions than a senator did.
Like what? Whether to extend Medicaid? They didn't have to make that decision, it was made up for them by the GOP.

SoS had to make decisions without input from the president.
If you think the President had to hold her hand the whole time, there would be no need for a Sec of State. You really don't know much about how our government is run, do you?

Keep believing that,
And you keep believing that Trump has a chance......I'll root for him, too.

I'll keep laughing.
With tears.....yep, I believe you will.
They didn't have to make that decision, it was made up for them by the GOP.

Yes, by the top dog, not one of his lackeys

If you think the President had to hold her hand the whole time, there would be no need for a Sec of State. You really don't know much about how our government is run, do you?

I know the president can't be everywhere at once, so he has lackeys ie SoS and vp, to make trips he doesn't have time for. But they follow HIS lead, they dont' make decisions of their own.

although, I'd love to think that Reset button was all Hillary.

And you keep believing that Trump has a chance......I'll root for him, too.

I don't think Trump has a chance, I think he will be gone in 6-12 months, sooner depending on how much he runs his mouth

I'll keep laughing

Not as hard as I do
We're lucky countries didn't go to war with us because of Hillary

But conservatives like war........your politicians are fixing to get us into another come you're not whining about that?

........your politicians are fixing to get us into another one....

They are?
If you aren't into the news, then I can't help you.

Because they don't want to make a deal with Iran, and how else are you going to get them to quit making nuclear weapons?

because Obama is claiming if we don't support his legacy, we're going to war?
Because if you and your leaders all believe that Iran can't be trusted, what makes you think there is any other way to stop them from making nuclear weapons?
Boy, you really are naive. Are all conservatives this incredibly ignorant?

Yeah, because you probably won't volunteer to go fight them, but will rely on other people's sons and daughters to do so while your leaders make money off the war. So much for "family values".....:badgrin:
Hillary lost to first term senator.

What's not to laugh at?

And a seasoned US Senator (McCain) and a wealthy former Governor of Massachusetts (Romney) lost to a first term senator, too......that's even more laughable.

More laughable than someone that has 18 years as First Lady and 8 years as senator losing to one?

And they're still promoting that for her current run.

Nope, she's funnier.

She's funnier to you only because you're trying to mask your fear that the GOP is going to lose again.

How many times did McCain run for President? How many times did Romney run for President? Yep, that's way funnier, neither one of them could make it after trying twice.

and neither did Biden, and looks like Hillary will also be in that club.
If you aren't into the news, then I can't help you.

Boy, you really are naive. Are all conservatives this incredibly ignorant?

Yeah, because you probably won't volunteer to go fight them,
We're lucky countries didn't go to war with us because of Hillary

But conservatives like war........your politicians are fixing to get us into another come you're not whining about that?

........your politicians are fixing to get us into another one....

They are?
If you aren't into the news, then I can't help you.

Proballby watch as much, or more, than you.

Only ones I've seen talking war are Obama and the Ayatolla

Because they don't want to make a deal with Iran, and how else are you going to get them to quit making nuclear weapons?

Nothing wrong with making a deal, just as long as they make a good one.

this one isn't

because Obama is claiming if we don't support his legacy, we're going to war?
Because if you and your leaders all believe that Iran can't be trusted, what makes you think there is any other way to stop them from making nuclear weapons?

Iran can't be trusted.

Where have you been for the last 50 years?


"Boy, you really are naive. Are all conservatives this incredibly ignorant?"

Seems you're the ignorant one.

Yeah, because you probably won't volunteer to go fight them, but will rely on other people's sons and daughters to do so while your leaders make money off the war. So much for "family values".....:badgrin:

I'm almost 66, spent 20 years in the service.

Your military creds?

Other than hiding during Nam?
I was not impressed with Trump's performance during the debate, but the one thing he has managed to do is show that FAUX News, Megyn Kelly and Erik Erikson are nothing more than mouthpieces for the establishment RINO wing.

It's becoming pretty clear that the people whining and bitching about those who criticize Trump and his boorish antics are the RINOs, given that Trump refuses to rule out running as a third party candidate and his "Republican" supporters just cheer him on.
Hillary lost to first term senator.

What's not to laugh at?

And a seasoned US Senator (McCain) and a wealthy former Governor of Massachusetts (Romney) lost to a first term senator, too......that's even more laughable.

More laughable than someone that has 18 years as First Lady and 8 years as senator losing to one?

And they're still promoting that for her current run.

Nope, she's funnier.

She's funnier to you only because you're trying to mask your fear that the GOP is going to lose again.

How many times did McCain run for President? How many times did Romney run for President? Yep, that's way funnier, neither one of them could make it after trying twice.

and neither did Biden, and looks like Hillary will also be in that club.

All you can do is hope....but with the way the GOP is going........Faux News fighting with Trump and conservatives torn between their love for Faux and their love for is going to be an interesting 15 months. I'm buying a lot of popcorn........:popcorn:
Hillary only made the decisions about the design on the new White House dinnerware, or who to invite to her Rose Garden parties.

Shows how well you are informed.......maybe the rest of Trump supporters are just as uniformed? Being Secretary of State is no piece of cake, especially during a time when we were in the middle of a war with Al Qaida. Before that, she also had to make many decisions as US Senator from New York.....I'm sure many of the GOP candidates can't even come close to some of the tough decisions she has had to make.

During her keynote speech at the Special Operations Command gala dinner in Tampa, Fla., on Wednesday night, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that State Department specialists attacked sites tied to al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) that were trying to recruit new members by "bragging about killing Americans."

"Within 48 hours, our team plastered the same sites with altered versions of the ads that showed the toll al-Qaida attacks have taken on the Yemeni people," Clinton said. "We can tell our efforts are starting to have an impact because extremists are publicly venting their frustration and asking supporters not to believe everything they read on the internet."

Highlighting the government's use of "smart power" to fight extremists, Clinton said that military and civilian specialists around the world are focused on preempting, discrediting, and outmaneuvering extremist propaganda. Calling them "a digital outreach team," Clinton said the specialists are fluent in Urdu, Arabic, and Somali. The group is "already patrolling the web and using social media and other tools to expose a-Qaida's contradictions and abuses, including its continuing brutal attacks on Muslim civilians."

Hillary Clinton U.S. hacked Yemen al-Qaida sites - Yahoo News

of the 8 governors running, none had to make harder decisions than a senator did.
Like what? Whether to extend Medicaid? They didn't have to make that decision, it was made up for them by the GOP.

SoS had to make decisions without input from the president.
If you think the President had to hold her hand the whole time, there would be no need for a Sec of State. You really don't know much about how our government is run, do you?

Keep believing that,
And you keep believing that Trump has a chance......I'll root for him, too.

I'll keep laughing.
With tears.....yep, I believe you will.
They didn't have to make that decision, it was made up for them by the GOP.

Yes, by the top dog, not one of his lackeys

If you think the President had to hold her hand the whole time, there would be no need for a Sec of State. You really don't know much about how our government is run, do you?

I know the president can't be everywhere at once, so he has lackeys ie SoS and vp, to make trips he doesn't have time for. But they follow HIS lead, they dont' make decisions of their own.

although, I'd love to think that Reset button was all Hillary.

And you keep believing that Trump has a chance......I'll root for him, too.

I don't think Trump has a chance, I think he will be gone in 6-12 months, sooner depending on how much he runs his mouth

I'll keep laughing

Not as hard as I do

I don't know.....Trump has already claimed that he won't commit to not running 3rd party, which means that if the GOP doesn't choose him, he will still run as Ind. Can the GOP afford that? The GOP already doesn't have enough votes to carry their candidate.....much less have another candidate with as much following as Trump has running against their candidate.

So, it appears that you are not really up to date on what is happening in your own I seriously doubt you know much about mine.

Go Trump!......
Hillary lost to first term senator.

What's not to laugh at?

And a seasoned US Senator (McCain) and a wealthy former Governor of Massachusetts (Romney) lost to a first term senator, too......that's even more laughable.

More laughable than someone that has 18 years as First Lady and 8 years as senator losing to one?

And they're still promoting that for her current run.

Nope, she's funnier.

She's funnier to you only because you're trying to mask your fear that the GOP is going to lose again.

How many times did McCain run for President? How many times did Romney run for President? Yep, that's way funnier, neither one of them could make it after trying twice.

and neither did Biden, and looks like Hillary will also be in that club.

All you can do is hope....but with the way the GOP is going........Faux News fighting with Trump and conservatives torn between their love for Faux and their love for is going to be an interesting 15 months. I'm buying a lot of popcorn........:popcorn:

That might be interesting...

to someone that likes Trump...

or Fox.

(always wonder about the IQ level of those that refer to Fox as Faux. Lead paint in their cribs, or too much dope on a rope?)
Hillary only made the decisions about the design on the new White House dinnerware, or who to invite to her Rose Garden parties.

Shows how well you are informed.......maybe the rest of Trump supporters are just as uniformed? Being Secretary of State is no piece of cake, especially during a time when we were in the middle of a war with Al Qaida. Before that, she also had to make many decisions as US Senator from New York.....I'm sure many of the GOP candidates can't even come close to some of the tough decisions she has had to make.

During her keynote speech at the Special Operations Command gala dinner in Tampa, Fla., on Wednesday night, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that State Department specialists attacked sites tied to al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) that were trying to recruit new members by "bragging about killing Americans."

"Within 48 hours, our team plastered the same sites with altered versions of the ads that showed the toll al-Qaida attacks have taken on the Yemeni people," Clinton said. "We can tell our efforts are starting to have an impact because extremists are publicly venting their frustration and asking supporters not to believe everything they read on the internet."

Highlighting the government's use of "smart power" to fight extremists, Clinton said that military and civilian specialists around the world are focused on preempting, discrediting, and outmaneuvering extremist propaganda. Calling them "a digital outreach team," Clinton said the specialists are fluent in Urdu, Arabic, and Somali. The group is "already patrolling the web and using social media and other tools to expose a-Qaida's contradictions and abuses, including its continuing brutal attacks on Muslim civilians."

Hillary Clinton U.S. hacked Yemen al-Qaida sites - Yahoo News

of the 8 governors running, none had to make harder decisions than a senator did.
Like what? Whether to extend Medicaid? They didn't have to make that decision, it was made up for them by the GOP.

SoS had to make decisions without input from the president.
If you think the President had to hold her hand the whole time, there would be no need for a Sec of State. You really don't know much about how our government is run, do you?

Keep believing that,
And you keep believing that Trump has a chance......I'll root for him, too.

I'll keep laughing.
With tears.....yep, I believe you will.
They didn't have to make that decision, it was made up for them by the GOP.

Yes, by the top dog, not one of his lackeys

If you think the President had to hold her hand the whole time, there would be no need for a Sec of State. You really don't know much about how our government is run, do you?

I know the president can't be everywhere at once, so he has lackeys ie SoS and vp, to make trips he doesn't have time for. But they follow HIS lead, they dont' make decisions of their own.

although, I'd love to think that Reset button was all Hillary.

And you keep believing that Trump has a chance......I'll root for him, too.

I don't think Trump has a chance, I think he will be gone in 6-12 months, sooner depending on how much he runs his mouth

I'll keep laughing

Not as hard as I do

I don't know.....Trump has already claimed that he won't commit to not running 3rd party, which means that if the GOP doesn't choose him, he will still run as Ind. Can the GOP afford that? The GOP already doesn't have enough votes to carry their candidate.....much less have another candidate with as much following as Trump has running against their candidate.

So, it appears that you are not really up to date on what is happening in your own I seriously doubt you know much about mine.

Go Trump!......

again, for the verryyyyyy sloooooowww...

I don't see Trump as the nominee.

odds are against me voting FOR anyone next year.

I might vote AGAINST Hillary, but that may not be an issue.
If you aren't into the news, then I can't help you.

Boy, you really are naive. Are all conservatives this incredibly ignorant?

Yeah, because you probably won't volunteer to go fight them,
We're lucky countries didn't go to war with us because of Hillary

But conservatives like war........your politicians are fixing to get us into another come you're not whining about that?

........your politicians are fixing to get us into another one....

They are?
If you aren't into the news, then I can't help you.

Proballby watch as much, or more, than you.

Only ones I've seen talking war are Obama and the Ayatolla

Because they don't want to make a deal with Iran, and how else are you going to get them to quit making nuclear weapons?

Nothing wrong with making a deal, just as long as they make a good one.

this one isn't

because Obama is claiming if we don't support his legacy, we're going to war?
Because if you and your leaders all believe that Iran can't be trusted, what makes you think there is any other way to stop them from making nuclear weapons?

Iran can't be trusted.

Where have you been for the last 50 years?


"Boy, you really are naive. Are all conservatives this incredibly ignorant?"

Seems you're the ignorant one.

Yeah, because you probably won't volunteer to go fight them, but will rely on other people's sons and daughters to do so while your leaders make money off the war. So much for "family values".....:badgrin:

I'm almost 66, spent 20 years in the service.

Your military creds?

Other than hiding during Nam?

Don't be an idiot. My husband is retired son served in Iraq. To accuse me of hiding during Nam just shows what a buffoon and anti-women you are.....just like the rest of your clown candidates.
Shows how well you are informed.......maybe the rest of Trump supporters are just as uniformed? Being Secretary of State is no piece of cake, especially during a time when we were in the middle of a war with Al Qaida. Before that, she also had to make many decisions as US Senator from New York.....I'm sure many of the GOP candidates can't even come close to some of the tough decisions she has had to make.

During her keynote speech at the Special Operations Command gala dinner in Tampa, Fla., on Wednesday night, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that State Department specialists attacked sites tied to al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) that were trying to recruit new members by "bragging about killing Americans."

"Within 48 hours, our team plastered the same sites with altered versions of the ads that showed the toll al-Qaida attacks have taken on the Yemeni people," Clinton said. "We can tell our efforts are starting to have an impact because extremists are publicly venting their frustration and asking supporters not to believe everything they read on the internet."

Highlighting the government's use of "smart power" to fight extremists, Clinton said that military and civilian specialists around the world are focused on preempting, discrediting, and outmaneuvering extremist propaganda. Calling them "a digital outreach team," Clinton said the specialists are fluent in Urdu, Arabic, and Somali. The group is "already patrolling the web and using social media and other tools to expose a-Qaida's contradictions and abuses, including its continuing brutal attacks on Muslim civilians."

Hillary Clinton U.S. hacked Yemen al-Qaida sites - Yahoo News

of the 8 governors running, none had to make harder decisions than a senator did.
Like what? Whether to extend Medicaid? They didn't have to make that decision, it was made up for them by the GOP.

SoS had to make decisions without input from the president.
If you think the President had to hold her hand the whole time, there would be no need for a Sec of State. You really don't know much about how our government is run, do you?

Keep believing that,
And you keep believing that Trump has a chance......I'll root for him, too.

I'll keep laughing.
With tears.....yep, I believe you will.
They didn't have to make that decision, it was made up for them by the GOP.

Yes, by the top dog, not one of his lackeys

If you think the President had to hold her hand the whole time, there would be no need for a Sec of State. You really don't know much about how our government is run, do you?

I know the president can't be everywhere at once, so he has lackeys ie SoS and vp, to make trips he doesn't have time for. But they follow HIS lead, they dont' make decisions of their own.

although, I'd love to think that Reset button was all Hillary.

And you keep believing that Trump has a chance......I'll root for him, too.

I don't think Trump has a chance, I think he will be gone in 6-12 months, sooner depending on how much he runs his mouth

I'll keep laughing

Not as hard as I do

I don't know.....Trump has already claimed that he won't commit to not running 3rd party, which means that if the GOP doesn't choose him, he will still run as Ind. Can the GOP afford that? The GOP already doesn't have enough votes to carry their candidate.....much less have another candidate with as much following as Trump has running against their candidate.

So, it appears that you are not really up to date on what is happening in your own I seriously doubt you know much about mine.

Go Trump!......

again, for the verryyyyyy sloooooowww...

I don't see Trump as the nominee.

odds are against me voting FOR anyone next year.

I might vote AGAINST Hillary, but that may not be an issue.

You really don't even know there is no "anti" selection in the voting booth? Have you ever even voted?
If you aren't into the news, then I can't help you.

Boy, you really are naive. Are all conservatives this incredibly ignorant?

Yeah, because you probably won't volunteer to go fight them,
We're lucky countries didn't go to war with us because of Hillary

But conservatives like war........your politicians are fixing to get us into another come you're not whining about that?

........your politicians are fixing to get us into another one....

They are?
If you aren't into the news, then I can't help you.

Proballby watch as much, or more, than you.

Only ones I've seen talking war are Obama and the Ayatolla

Because they don't want to make a deal with Iran, and how else are you going to get them to quit making nuclear weapons?

Nothing wrong with making a deal, just as long as they make a good one.

this one isn't

because Obama is claiming if we don't support his legacy, we're going to war?
Because if you and your leaders all believe that Iran can't be trusted, what makes you think there is any other way to stop them from making nuclear weapons?

Iran can't be trusted.

Where have you been for the last 50 years?


"Boy, you really are naive. Are all conservatives this incredibly ignorant?"

Seems you're the ignorant one.

Yeah, because you probably won't volunteer to go fight them, but will rely on other people's sons and daughters to do so while your leaders make money off the war. So much for "family values".....:badgrin:

I'm almost 66, spent 20 years in the service.

Your military creds?

Other than hiding during Nam?

Don't be an idiot. My husband is retired son served in Iraq. To accuse me of hiding during Nam just shows what a buffoon and anti-women you are.....just like the rest of your clown candidates.

anti woman?


you're a woman?

should have known, with all that makeup on your avatar.

I, and my brother, are both retired military.

Every generation since 1774 have served, with the exception of the current.

(No male offspring, but youngest daughter married a marine)
of the 8 governors running, none had to make harder decisions than a senator did.
Like what? Whether to extend Medicaid? They didn't have to make that decision, it was made up for them by the GOP.

SoS had to make decisions without input from the president.
If you think the President had to hold her hand the whole time, there would be no need for a Sec of State. You really don't know much about how our government is run, do you?

Keep believing that,
And you keep believing that Trump has a chance......I'll root for him, too.

I'll keep laughing.
With tears.....yep, I believe you will.
They didn't have to make that decision, it was made up for them by the GOP.

Yes, by the top dog, not one of his lackeys

If you think the President had to hold her hand the whole time, there would be no need for a Sec of State. You really don't know much about how our government is run, do you?

I know the president can't be everywhere at once, so he has lackeys ie SoS and vp, to make trips he doesn't have time for. But they follow HIS lead, they dont' make decisions of their own.

although, I'd love to think that Reset button was all Hillary.

And you keep believing that Trump has a chance......I'll root for him, too.

I don't think Trump has a chance, I think he will be gone in 6-12 months, sooner depending on how much he runs his mouth

I'll keep laughing

Not as hard as I do

I don't know.....Trump has already claimed that he won't commit to not running 3rd party, which means that if the GOP doesn't choose him, he will still run as Ind. Can the GOP afford that? The GOP already doesn't have enough votes to carry their candidate.....much less have another candidate with as much following as Trump has running against their candidate.

So, it appears that you are not really up to date on what is happening in your own I seriously doubt you know much about mine.

Go Trump!......

again, for the verryyyyyy sloooooowww...

I don't see Trump as the nominee.

odds are against me voting FOR anyone next year.

I might vote AGAINST Hillary, but that may not be an issue.

You really don't even know there is no "anti" selection in the voting booth? Have you ever even voted?

You really don't even know there is no "anti" selection in the voting booth?

and if I vote for a Republican instead of Hillary, that is a vote against Hillary, isn't it?

(You really are verrryyy slooowww, aren't you)

Have you ever even voted?

Every election since 1968
If Trump was smart, he would buy tv time at the same time the Red State affair is going on and have half an hour of nothing but his views without the caustic questions that are going to be levelled against him in another Establishment venue. ;)
I like ;)

Notice nobody picked up on his brilliant policy on healthcare, nor bothered to get his opinion on the Iran deal during the debate? Pundits are more focused on bullshit rather than substance and yes Trump has put forth a lot of substance. If people really bothered to listen to him speak rather than forming their opinions on soundbites the msm plays they'd learn something about him. There's a reason Trump is killing in the polls and it's not because of his boorish behavior.
Again, and I hate to burst your bubble, Trump is doing well with circa (maximum) 30% of the GOP electorate. But among Indies he's already cooked to a crisp, stick a fork in him.

Hell, Clinton even beats Trump in the rural vote.

When was the last time you saw a Democrat winning by +20 in National polling?

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There's a whole year ahead yet. If Trump can weather the storm and stay on message he'll do just fine with independent's. He's doing just fine with this indie ;)

Worse case scenario (depending who's looking at it) he goes independent and the RW nutters are left with their pants around their ankles and a Clinton Presidency. I'm good either way. Doesn't matter if Bush or Clinton is in office, it's just more of the same. Puppets....the whole lot.

Well, ok, if you think so.

But I will repeat: I have never seen a presidential candidate come from 20 behind in the year before to win a GE in the year following - EVER. And ever since polling started with Gallup, it's never happened.
What was Bill Clinton's number early on?

Do you mean in 1992?
Yup, there isn't a Republican in the field with 18 years as First Lady like Hillary.

Nor have they set records for air miles.

But then, she nor Biden have ever run a state, has they?

Had to worry about the budget, etc, that governors have the final say on.

But, on the bright side...

even the least experienced Republican running has as much experience as Obama did when he became president.

Can't WAIT for that to be brought up in campaign ads.

Outside of Jeb, none have set foot in the White House. None have any hands on experience in the executive branch, none have any foreign policy experience.
Both Hillary and Biden know international leaders on a first name basis, they understand international dynamics, they understand how Washington functions and who the power players are.

NONE of the Republicans have that kind of experience. None have impressive political resumes

and neither did Obama when you put him in the WH.

he didn't have nearly the experience that McCain had.

and he wasn't much better when he ran against Romney.

Why does experience matter now, when it didn't in the last 2 presidential elections?
Very true

And We the People elected Obama. We determined that he was preferable to the best available Republican candidate
Your problem is that you do not have an Obama in your clown car. Obama was the most dynamic political phenomenon in a generation
So all you have is an inexperienced clown car who is currently getting their collective asses kicked by a reality TV star with zero experience

Erik Erikson's RED STATE disinvites Trump after "blood" comments about Megyn Kelly

Fuck Erick Erickson.


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