Erik Erikson's RED STATE disinvites Trump after "blood" comments about Megyn Kelly

As if we are suppose to know or give a shit about this guy on Red State

the only reason this was posted by the op was so they could stir up shit. they could care less about any republican, Fox news, etc. they are in the BAG FOR Hillary. what a joke

I want to publicly thank you for showing your stupidity, for any self-professed Conservative who doesn't know about is truly an idiot.

The arch-Conservative webplatform has been around since 2004, you fucking idiot, and is the conservative pendant to Daily KOS. Red State has it's own radio program, it's own TV program and a huge following.

RedState - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Again, thank you, Stephanie, for showing us exactly what an idiot you are.
I like ;)

Notice nobody picked up on his brilliant policy on healthcare, nor bothered to get his opinion on the Iran deal during the debate? Pundits are more focused on bullshit rather than substance and yes Trump has put forth a lot of substance. If people really bothered to listen to him speak rather than forming their opinions on soundbites the msm plays they'd learn something about him. There's a reason Trump is killing in the polls and it's not because of his boorish behavior.
Again, and I hate to burst your bubble, Trump is doing well with circa (maximum) 30% of the GOP electorate. But among Indies he's already cooked to a crisp, stick a fork in him.

Hell, Clinton even beats Trump in the rural vote.

When was the last time you saw a Democrat winning by +20 in National polling?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
There's a whole year ahead yet. If Trump can weather the storm and stay on message he'll do just fine with independent's. He's doing just fine with this indie ;)

Worse case scenario (depending who's looking at it) he goes independent and the RW nutters are left with their pants around their ankles and a Clinton Presidency. I'm good either way. Doesn't matter if Bush or Clinton is in office, it's just more of the same. Puppets....the whole lot.

Well, ok, if you think so.

But I will repeat: I have never seen a presidential candidate come from 20 behind in the year before to win a GE in the year following - EVER. And ever since polling started with Gallup, it's never happened.
What was Bill Clinton's number early on?

Do you mean in 1992?
The clown faces can't get enough input about it and Atlanta dis-invited Trump while Americans still think he is the best candidate. What does that tell you about the left, chickenshit republicans and the media?

Uhm, no.

Up to 30% of REPUBLICANS polled think he is the best candidate for their party.

The rest don't.

I know that Righties just love to lie and pull stuff out of their asses, but this time, I am going to tether you to reality just a wee bit.
I was not impressed with Trump's performance during the debate, but the one thing he has managed to do is show that FAUX News, Megyn Kelly and Erik Erikson are nothing more than mouthpieces for the establishment RINO wing.

The one thing Trump has been masterful at is exposing who is part of the establishment, and for that Trump deserves a standing, whistling ovation.

NO, the real problem is that you guys can't deal with the contradiction of hating the government and wanting to run the government.

But I do love watching you guys turn on your own.

Erickson is now dead to the conservative movement. Pity. Liked him up till now.
For Trump?

Are you guys fucking nuts?

She's a fucking loony tune left winger.

Bitch went at Trump. He fired back.


Wow. Righties coming unhinged all over the place.

This is really fun to watch.

Trump Edges Bush, Crushes Rubio With Florida Republican Voters

Neither Bush nor Rubio appears to be in a strong position to carry their home state, as they both trail Donald Trump in the latest poll. …

That poll was one in a series of 12 conducted throughout the deep South:

Opinion Savvy pollster 12 Southern states polled GOP nomination US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The actual numbers are Trump 26.6 / Bush 26.2 - statistical, almost mathematical tie.
(Thank Goodness)

(Cue laugh track)

and you have a short bus.

a former First Lady that got elected on her husbands name, with a consolation prize of SoS, for which she is under investigation.

a Socialist.

2 other non entities.

and POSSIBLY, a sitting VP, who is already a 2 time loser in presidential runs.
What a weak response

I'll take it as a concession of failure on your part


Only to a weak partisan mind.

Did Hillary get elected on her merits?

if so, why didn't she run in her other home, Arkansas?

Was she picked for SoS on her merits?


Bernies not a socialist?

In what dimension?

Biden hasn't already lost 2 runs for president?
Hillary was elected twice in landslides by her merit
I know conservatives don't like it, but she kicked their butts

Hillary had the political and personal experience in dealing with foreign leaders.....NONE of today's Republicans have that

Biden has decades of experience as a Senator and will complete eight years as Vice President. No Republican comes close

This field of Republicans is WEAK. They have minimal experience compared to either Hillary or Joe Biden

Hillary was elected twice in landslides by her merit

Being First Lady for 18 years, Arkansas and DC, is merit for running for senator?

Hillary had the political and personal experience in dealing with foreign leaders

Again, hosting garden parties and State dinners is considered experience?

If her 'experience' was that great, why didn't she run for senator in the state she already had a house in?

Biden has decades of experience as a Senator and will complete eight years as Vice President.

One of a group of 100, and 2 failed runs for president.

VP? When is the last time a Democrat VP won an election?

There are 8 governors in the Republican field, each of which have more experience in making similar decisions to the president than either Hillary or Biden.

Democrats have nothing.

Yes, being First Lady is qualification for being Senator. She had eight years of unparalleled access in the White House. The most since Eleanor Roosevvelt. She did not just have tea parties, she lobbied for major legislation and met with world leaders.
New York is a big fucking state, Arkansas is a shithole. Winning in a major state is much more impressive. As is representing 20 million people instead of 3 million

Ron Reagan had two failed runs for President

Yepp. 1968 and 1976.
Governors are one of fifty
Senators are one of one hundred
They all aspire to the Executive Branch. That is the major leagues
Both Biden and Hillary have major league experience......the Republicans are Bush league
Governors are one of fifty
Senators are one of one hundred

Governors have to make decisions for their state, senators have to reach a consensus to pass anything.

They all aspire to the Executive Branch. That is the major leagues

How many are elected to the Executive Branch?

Both Biden and Hillary have major league experience

were they elected to those positions?

Biden was the best choice available to keep Obama from being assassinated, (Who would want to kill Obama and end up with Biden?) Hillary got there as a consolation prize.

the Republicans are Bush league

Bushs have won 3 presidential elections, lost one.
Sounds like a pretty good league standing
Again big fish in a small pond

Doesn't show they know a thing about the workings of the big pond. Both Hillary and Biden have swam in the big pond

Again big fish in a small pond

The BIGGEST fish in that small pond.

Both Hillary and Biden have swam in the big pond

pilot fish.

They didn't lead, they didn't make the decisions.

Biden has never made the decisions, and Hillary only made the decisions about the design on the new White House dinnerware, or who to invite to her Rose Garden parties.

Both Hillary and Biden have functioned on the world stage. That is a very big pond

Republicans may have proved they can pick on workers and demean teachers in their state. Even though they may be able to see Russia from their house doesn't mean they know a thing about the geopolitical issues with Russia

Both Hillary and Biden have functioned on the world stage. That is a very big pond

and neither have been in a position to make a decision. What part of that do you not get?

Republicans may have proved they can pick on workers and demean teachers in their state.


Even though they may be able to see Russia from their house doesn't mean they know a thing about the geopolitical issues with Russia

You do know that it was Tina Fey that made that comment in a Saturday Night Live appearance, right?

Or have you repeated it for so long, you've convinced yourself that Palin said it?

So far, all you've come up with is, Hillary and Biden sat on the bench while quarterback Obama played the game.

Which doesn't qualify them to go in and play.

In an emergency, Biden would have to...

But he's already lost his chance to be quarterback

Been watching this tit-for-tat between you two gentlemen for a while.

You have some good points.

Saying that Hillary sat on the bench is not one of them.

Using your logic, Ronald Reagan also sat on the bench, for 12 years.

Not very impressive, eh?
Governors are one of fifty
Senators are one of one hundred
They all aspire to the Executive Branch. That is the major leagues
Both Biden and Hillary have major league experience......the Republicans are Bush league
Governors are one of fifty
Senators are one of one hundred

Governors have to make decisions for their state, senators have to reach a consensus to pass anything.

They all aspire to the Executive Branch. That is the major leagues

How many are elected to the Executive Branch?

Both Biden and Hillary have major league experience

were they elected to those positions?

Biden was the best choice available to keep Obama from being assassinated, (Who would want to kill Obama and end up with Biden?) Hillary got there as a consolation prize.

the Republicans are Bush league

Bushs have won 3 presidential elections, lost one.
Sounds like a pretty good league standing

Bush Sr. was trounced in 1980 as well. Not that it matters but you guys never fail to bring up that Hillary lost in 2008 as if it matters.

And because most of them are just too stupid to get it, they don't realize that there is a very direct historical connection between Hillary and Ronald Reagan.

Reagan also lost a hotly contested nomination contest. He came back at a later date and was the hands on favorite of his party and went to win the WH in a +9.74% landslide.

Clinton lost a hotly contested nomination contest. 8 years later, she is back and is the hands on favorite of her party....
Governors are one of fifty
Senators are one of one hundred
They all aspire to the Executive Branch. That is the major leagues
Both Biden and Hillary have major league experience......the Republicans are Bush league
Governors are one of fifty
Senators are one of one hundred

Governors have to make decisions for their state, senators have to reach a consensus to pass anything.

They all aspire to the Executive Branch. That is the major leagues

How many are elected to the Executive Branch?

Both Biden and Hillary have major league experience

were they elected to those positions?

Biden was the best choice available to keep Obama from being assassinated, (Who would want to kill Obama and end up with Biden?) Hillary got there as a consolation prize.

the Republicans are Bush league

Bushs have won 3 presidential elections, lost one.
Sounds like a pretty good league standing

Bush Sr. was trounced in 1980 as well. Not that it matters but you guys never fail to bring up that Hillary lost in 2008 as if it matters.

Ford lost to a governor in 1976

Bush Sr lost to a governor, in 1980, and again in 1992.

Gore lost to a governor.

Hillary lost to first term senator.

What's not to laugh at?

You really, truly think that that is a viable argument? Really?

Some of our finest presidents were NOT Governors: Lincoln, Grant, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy......

So, good luck with that one...
Just being honest.....if I was a participant in a debate and Fox asked me ridiculous questions I'd be pretty upset as well. Our debt is spiraling out of control, the deficit is horrendous, climate is a huge issue and here we are gossiping in front of millions of Americans. What a joke this was. Fox intended to put a stake through Trumps heart and the only thing they accomplished was making the entire Republican party look out of touch and ridiculous.

Trump and the Democrats came out the winners.

The last six words were correct.

You do that in a large Republucans have
In a winner take all primary.....25% can do it

Trump is all over the media. He has all the support he will ever get.

And you only get a share of the delegates, it's not like the electoral collage. As other candidates drop out the voters won't go to Trump. He may make it last longer, he won't win.

It is up to the state, some are caucuses, some proportion, some are winner take all

If Trump goes to the convention with 30% of the delegates and nobody else has more than 20% it will be hard not to give the nomination to Trump

Because 30% > 70%? Again, you are for Trump or you are not. He can't be 2nd or 3rd on pretty much anyone's ballot
Your point?

The winner of the primary won't have 30%of the delegates. It will be down to 2 or 3 candidates and the winner will get around 90% of the delegates. That's how it works.

Uhm, no,

You are being ignorant.

Many states have moved either to proportional representation or WTA by CD, which can produce unpredictable results.

Less and less GOP primary states / Caucuses / Hybrids (see: TX) use pure WTA.
.Now, as for Donald, what this incident proves is the guy is unfit to be president. Seriously, going after a news anchor because he didn't like a question she had asked him? That's fucking nuts. What's he going to do when he's president and he has people in Congress and the Media talking smack about him all day? Is Donald going to get into twitter fights with Boehner and McConnell?
What would you prefer ? That he bow down and grovel, like the White House WIMP ?

You don't seem to get it. You're not noticing why Trump is getting support.

Yep, we get it.....Trump appeals to the very mean-spirited, say-whatever-you-want, extreme right-wing conservatives, but it isn't what America is about or wants leading their country, and you'll see that soon enough, I hope....unless the majority of Americans have gone bat-shit crazy.

And useful RW idiots keep wanting to say that the majority of the US electorate likes or wants Trump.

Wrong on both counts. He is at about 30% on the aggregate among Republican voters who are being polled.

Among Independents and Democrats, he tanks so badly, we cannot see the bottom of the barrel.

The Republican party will count itself lucky to be 30% of the electorate in 2016, it will more likely than not be 26-27%. But I'm feeling generous today, so we'll say 30%.

30% of 30% = 9%.

That's it.
Hillary lost to first term senator.

What's not to laugh at?

And a seasoned US Senator (McCain) and a wealthy former Governor of Massachusetts (Romney) lost to a first term senator, too......that's even more laughable.

More laughable than someone that has 18 years as First Lady and 8 years as senator losing to one?

And they're still promoting that for her current run.

Nope, she's funnier.

Ronald Reagan was already an 8-year Senator when he lost the nomination bid to Gerald Ford, who was never elected to either the Vice-Presidency or the Presidency. Ford's last elective office: US Representative.

Now, THAT'S funny!
Again, and I hate to burst your bubble, Trump is doing well with circa (maximum) 30% of the GOP electorate. But among Indies he's already cooked to a crisp, stick a fork in him.

Hell, Clinton even beats Trump in the rural vote.

When was the last time you saw a Democrat winning by +20 in National polling?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
There's a whole year ahead yet. If Trump can weather the storm and stay on message he'll do just fine with independent's. He's doing just fine with this indie ;)

Worse case scenario (depending who's looking at it) he goes independent and the RW nutters are left with their pants around their ankles and a Clinton Presidency. I'm good either way. Doesn't matter if Bush or Clinton is in office, it's just more of the same. Puppets....the whole lot.

Well, ok, if you think so.

But I will repeat: I have never seen a presidential candidate come from 20 behind in the year before to win a GE in the year following - EVER. And ever since polling started with Gallup, it's never happened.
What was Bill Clinton's number early on?

Do you mean in 1992?

I will dig and see what I can find.

I remember no one on one matchups this early in the game in 1992.

By the time it came to the Conventions, it was Clinton 55 / Bush 45.
Trump is all over the media. He has all the support he will ever get.

And you only get a share of the delegates, it's not like the electoral collage. As other candidates drop out the voters won't go to Trump. He may make it last longer, he won't win.

It is up to the state, some are caucuses, some proportion, some are winner take all

If Trump goes to the convention with 30% of the delegates and nobody else has more than 20% it will be hard not to give the nomination to Trump

Because 30% > 70%? Again, you are for Trump or you are not. He can't be 2nd or 3rd on pretty much anyone's ballot
Your point?

The winner of the primary won't have 30%of the delegates. It will be down to 2 or 3 candidates and the winner will get around 90% of the delegates. That's how it works.

Uhm, no,

You are being ignorant.

Many states have moved either to proportional representation or WTA by CD, which can produce unpredictable results.

Less and less GOP primary states / Caucuses / Hybrids (see: TX) use pure WTA.

By the time of the convention, most of the delegates are pledged to the winner of the primary. That's how it works.

The primary winner will have more than 30% of the pre-convention delegate count as well, because as people drop out the delegates they won are typically pledged over to one of the remaining.

Either way, before the convention, the winner will have a delegate count of comfortably over 50%, and at the convention he'll get close to 90% of the official delegate count. That's how it works.

And it won't be Trump.
Just being honest.....if I was a participant in a debate and Fox asked me ridiculous questions I'd be pretty upset as well. Our debt is spiraling out of control, the deficit is horrendous, climate is a huge issue and here we are gossiping in front of millions of Americans. What a joke this was. Fox intended to put a stake through Trumps heart and the only thing they accomplished was making the entire Republican party look out of touch and ridiculous.

Trump and the Democrats came out the winners.

If Trump had left his answer at what he actually said at the debate, you might be right on the mark. What he said was actually pretty good. We've got real problems, we shouldn't be worried about this PC Stuff. (I also think Kelley's question was legitimate).

It what he said after about "Bleeding" and other comments that are doing him in.

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