Erik Erikson's RED STATE disinvites Trump after "blood" comments about Megyn Kelly

Really? You can win the Republican party with 1/4 of the vote? How does that work, big guy?
You do that in a large Republucans have
In a winner take all primary.....25% can do it

Trump is all over the media. He has all the support he will ever get.

And you only get a share of the delegates, it's not like the electoral collage. As other candidates drop out the voters won't go to Trump. He may make it last longer, he won't win.

It is up to the state, some are caucuses, some proportion, some are winner take all

If Trump goes to the convention with 30% of the delegates and nobody else has more than 20% it will be hard not to give the nomination to Trump

Because 30% > 70%? Again, you are for Trump or you are not. He can't be 2nd or 3rd on pretty much anyone's ballot
Your point?

The winner of the primary won't have 30%of the delegates. It will be down to 2 or 3 candidates and the winner will get around 90% of the delegates. That's how it works.
Really? You can win the Republican party with 1/4 of the vote? How does that work, big guy?
You do that in a large Republucans have
In a winner take all primary.....25% can do it

Trump is all over the media. He has all the support he will ever get.

And you only get a share of the delegates, it's not like the electoral collage. As other candidates drop out the voters won't go to Trump. He may make it last longer, he won't win.

It is up to the state, some are caucuses, some proportion, some are winner take all

If Trump goes to the convention with 30% of the delegates and nobody else has more than 20% it will be hard not to give the nomination to Trump

Because 30% > 70%? Again, you are for Trump or you are not. He can't be 2nd or 3rd on pretty much anyone's ballot
Your point?

Trump isn't winning jack shit. I mean duh

I think it's dangerous. If you're into isolationism, no problem I guess. But I support maintaining friendships abroad.
And he talks without thinking. He is too thin skinned.

He speaks his mind. I think it's very refreshing. And he's not nearly as thin-skinned and paranoid as Hillary Clinton is. She's very easily rattled. Without a script she's all done. She can't handle the heat. Trump can.

Maybe he could focus on his policies more and go attention whoring less if he wants to be taken seriously by more than a quarter of the Republican party as he is now

Tell that to the Media. He presented his Income Tax plan this week. They could have asked him about it.

I generally don't go research something because without adding any value someone invites me to. This is one of those cases.

What did Kelly ask him you object to exactly? I think her questions about his comments on women is perfectly reasonable. And someone who wants to be President has to be able to handle questions they don't want to hear. Well, unless they are a Democrat. But Trump isn't
You do that in a large Republucans have
In a winner take all primary.....25% can do it

Trump is all over the media. He has all the support he will ever get.

And you only get a share of the delegates, it's not like the electoral collage. As other candidates drop out the voters won't go to Trump. He may make it last longer, he won't win.

It is up to the state, some are caucuses, some proportion, some are winner take all

If Trump goes to the convention with 30% of the delegates and nobody else has more than 20% it will be hard not to give the nomination to Trump

Because 30% > 70%? Again, you are for Trump or you are not. He can't be 2nd or 3rd on pretty much anyone's ballot
Your point?

Trump isn't winning jack shit. I mean duh
Republicans ARE that dumb

Have the last few weeks shown you nothing?
Trump is all over the media. He has all the support he will ever get.

And you only get a share of the delegates, it's not like the electoral collage. As other candidates drop out the voters won't go to Trump. He may make it last longer, he won't win.

It is up to the state, some are caucuses, some proportion, some are winner take all

If Trump goes to the convention with 30% of the delegates and nobody else has more than 20% it will be hard not to give the nomination to Trump

Because 30% > 70%? Again, you are for Trump or you are not. He can't be 2nd or 3rd on pretty much anyone's ballot
Your point?

Trump isn't winning jack shit. I mean duh
Republicans ARE that dumb

Have the last few weeks shown you nothing?

Yes, that Trump can't get more than a quarter of Republicans
I'm quite happy to have Hillary run against anyone who was on the Stage last Thursday. The only 3 that give me any pause is Bush, Huckabee, and Christie. Bush and Christie are good for all time zones. Huckabee being in the General means that the Christians showed up those people don't go away.

None of them will make it.

It will be Walker, or Kasich.

and if they're smart, Rubio as VP

Easy pickin's. Walker loses Ohio for you. Kasich looks totally lost. Rubio for VP means zilch.

Rubio for VP means zilch.

He means Florida votes red

Hardly. Rubio will add less than Ryan added which was nothing as he is less accomplished than Ryan in 2012.

Ryan is from Florida?

Ryan was Attorney General in Florida?

Ryan is Hispanic?

Ryan is from Wisconsin
Ryan is the House Budget Pointman
Ryan is white Catholic and was elected 7 times by his district.

Obama won his home state comfortably because nobody votes for Vice President. I hope you're enjoying your class in Politics 101 as much as I am enjoying teaching it to you.
You ARE worse than a gossiping old lady
So, we all know that you are as dumb as a box of rocks, but did you even read the OP, Stephanie?

What a limp dicked arrogant ass you are. You speak for no one but yourself, and apparently you don't have enough machismo to think your view is worth a crap on it's own, so you need to imagine legions of followers. You are right about one thing though, you are a clown

these clowns on here are stupid and ugly. they bring this board down so low it's gutter trash. it's just a damn shame they are allowed to take over this board with all their nasty hate and worthless garbage they post daily

Coming from you, that is hilarious.
None of them will make it.

It will be Walker, or Kasich.

and if they're smart, Rubio as VP

Easy pickin's. Walker loses Ohio for you. Kasich looks totally lost. Rubio for VP means zilch.

Rubio for VP means zilch.

He means Florida votes red

Hardly. Rubio will add less than Ryan added which was nothing as he is less accomplished than Ryan in 2012.

Ryan is from Florida?

Ryan was Attorney General in Florida?

Ryan is Hispanic?

Ryan is from Wisconsin
Ryan is the House Budget Pointman
Ryan is white Catholic and was elected 7 times by his district.

Obama won his home state comfortably because nobody votes for Vice President. I hope you're enjoying your class in Politics 101 as much as I am enjoying teaching it to you.

Yes, like Gore won his home State. Oh wait, he didn't...
Easy pickin's. Walker loses Ohio for you. Kasich looks totally lost. Rubio for VP means zilch.

Rubio for VP means zilch.

He means Florida votes red

Hardly. Rubio will add less than Ryan added which was nothing as he is less accomplished than Ryan in 2012.

Ryan is from Florida?

Ryan was Attorney General in Florida?

Ryan is Hispanic?

Ryan is from Wisconsin
Ryan is the House Budget Pointman
Ryan is white Catholic and was elected 7 times by his district.

Obama won his home state comfortably because nobody votes for Vice President. I hope you're enjoying your class in Politics 101 as much as I am enjoying teaching it to you.

Yes, like Gore won his home State. Oh wait, he didn't...

Hey, he and Romney have something in common...except Romney lost both of his home states.

332-206...oooooooooooooooh; that's gotta hurt.
He means Florida votes red

Hardly. Rubio will add less than Ryan added which was nothing as he is less accomplished than Ryan in 2012.

Ryan is from Florida?

Ryan was Attorney General in Florida?

Ryan is Hispanic?

Ryan is from Wisconsin
Ryan is the House Budget Pointman
Ryan is white Catholic and was elected 7 times by his district.

Obama won his home state comfortably because nobody votes for Vice President. I hope you're enjoying your class in Politics 101 as much as I am enjoying teaching it to you.

Yes, like Gore won his home State. Oh wait, he didn't...

Hey, he and Romney have something in common...except Romney lost both of his home states.

332-206...oooooooooooooooh; that's gotta hurt.

If Gore had won his home State then he would have been President regardless of Florida.

Gore also pretended to be a moderate, his home State knew better. Romney lost two deep blue States
None of them will make it.

It will be Walker, or Kasich.

and if they're smart, Rubio as VP

Easy pickin's. Walker loses Ohio for you. Kasich looks totally lost. Rubio for VP means zilch.

Rubio for VP means zilch.

He means Florida votes red

Hardly. Rubio will add less than Ryan added which was nothing as he is less accomplished than Ryan in 2012.

Ryan is from Florida?

Ryan was Attorney General in Florida?

Ryan is Hispanic?

Ryan is from Wisconsin
Ryan is the House Budget Pointman
Ryan is white Catholic and was elected 7 times by his district.

Obama won his home state comfortably because nobody votes for Vice President. I hope you're enjoying your class in Politics 101 as much as I am enjoying teaching it to you.

Ryan is white Catholic and was elected 7 times by his district.

Good for him.
What does that have to do with pulling the Hispanic vote?

I hope you're enjoying your class in Politics 101 as much as I am enjoying teaching it to you.

I'm enjoying laughing at you.

Is that the same?
I don't think they twisted anything Trump has ever said, and they certainly didn't put words in his mouth. For once Faux News displayed shrewdness in not cowering to a bully but it may end up hurting the GOP.
Of course they did. Trump didn't say anything about a period. Erickson created that to bash Trump and push his favorite boy (Bush) up in the polls, Erickson is a longtime, well known misogynist, and a deviant for bringing this period notion up, and so is anyone who believes him.

Are you that immature? Where else would blood be coming out of a woman? It's been a well known tradition to make fun of women about being "moody" or "hard to handle" during their period....either you live a very secluded life or just not that perceptive.

True about Erickson.....which is why it is so entertaining to see them go at it.
.Now, as for Donald, what this incident proves is the guy is unfit to be president. Seriously, going after a news anchor because he didn't like a question she had asked him? That's fucking nuts. What's he going to do when he's president and he has people in Congress and the Media talking smack about him all day? Is Donald going to get into twitter fights with Boehner and McConnell?
What would you prefer ? That he bow down and grovel, like the White House WIMP ?

You don't seem to get it. You're not noticing why Trump is getting support.

Yep, we get it.....Trump appeals to the very mean-spirited, say-whatever-you-want, extreme right-wing conservatives, but it isn't what America is about or wants leading their country, and you'll see that soon enough, I hope....unless the majority of Americans have gone bat-shit crazy.
Hillary only made the decisions about the design on the new White House dinnerware, or who to invite to her Rose Garden parties.

Shows how well you are informed.......maybe the rest of Trump supporters are just as uniformed? Being Secretary of State is no piece of cake, especially during a time when we were in the middle of a war with Al Qaida. Before that, she also had to make many decisions as US Senator from New York.....I'm sure many of the GOP candidates can't even come close to some of the tough decisions she has had to make.

During her keynote speech at the Special Operations Command gala dinner in Tampa, Fla., on Wednesday night, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that State Department specialists attacked sites tied to al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) that were trying to recruit new members by "bragging about killing Americans."

"Within 48 hours, our team plastered the same sites with altered versions of the ads that showed the toll al-Qaida attacks have taken on the Yemeni people," Clinton said. "We can tell our efforts are starting to have an impact because extremists are publicly venting their frustration and asking supporters not to believe everything they read on the internet."

Highlighting the government's use of "smart power" to fight extremists, Clinton said that military and civilian specialists around the world are focused on preempting, discrediting, and outmaneuvering extremist propaganda. Calling them "a digital outreach team," Clinton said the specialists are fluent in Urdu, Arabic, and Somali. The group is "already patrolling the web and using social media and other tools to expose a-Qaida's contradictions and abuses, including its continuing brutal attacks on Muslim civilians."

Hillary Clinton U.S. hacked Yemen al-Qaida sites - Yahoo News
Oh, i know exactly why he's getting support.
Because after 40 years of playing on the sexual, racial and religious fears of white men, the GOP base has become an angry, fearful and easily manipulated ball of hate.
And Trump knows how to push the buttons of that group.
But they aren't a big enough group to win the presidency. Keep insulting women and minorities, and you guys are going to lose.

:bsflag::bsflag::bsflag: All you're doing I joining the bash trump bandwagon using the hate card to try to derail. Trump has insulted women or minorities no matter how hard you try to paint it that way. But keep trying, if it makes you feel better. Every time you do, you just piss of the voters some more, and Trumps poll numbers go up.
As good ole Clint used to say ? "Go ahead. Make my day." :badgrin:

But, he's saying the same thing as you...........except it should say "women and minorities" because he has insulted both. Maybe you didn't turn on your TV or radio during that time?
Hillary only made the decisions about the design on the new White House dinnerware, or who to invite to her Rose Garden parties.

Shows how well you are informed.......maybe the rest of Trump supporters are just as uniformed? Being Secretary of State is no piece of cake, especially during a time when we were in the middle of a war with Al Qaida. Before that, she also had to make many decisions as US Senator from New York.....I'm sure many of the GOP candidates can't even come close to some of the tough decisions she has had to make.

During her keynote speech at the Special Operations Command gala dinner in Tampa, Fla., on Wednesday night, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that State Department specialists attacked sites tied to al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) that were trying to recruit new members by "bragging about killing Americans."

"Within 48 hours, our team plastered the same sites with altered versions of the ads that showed the toll al-Qaida attacks have taken on the Yemeni people," Clinton said. "We can tell our efforts are starting to have an impact because extremists are publicly venting their frustration and asking supporters not to believe everything they read on the internet."

Highlighting the government's use of "smart power" to fight extremists, Clinton said that military and civilian specialists around the world are focused on preempting, discrediting, and outmaneuvering extremist propaganda. Calling them "a digital outreach team," Clinton said the specialists are fluent in Urdu, Arabic, and Somali. The group is "already patrolling the web and using social media and other tools to expose a-Qaida's contradictions and abuses, including its continuing brutal attacks on Muslim civilians."

Hillary Clinton U.S. hacked Yemen al-Qaida sites - Yahoo News

of the 8 governors running, none had to make harder decisions than a senator did.

SoS had to make decisions without input from the president.

Keep believing that,

I'll keep laughing.
Hillary lost to first term senator.

What's not to laugh at?

And a seasoned US Senator (McCain) and a wealthy former Governor of Massachusetts (Romney) lost to a first term senator, too......that's even more laughable.

More laughable than someone that has 18 years as First Lady and 8 years as senator losing to one?

And they're still promoting that for her current run.

Nope, she's funnier.

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