Erik Erikson's RED STATE disinvites Trump after "blood" comments about Megyn Kelly

The Political perspective / philosophy of the Ayn Rand GOP is that there is no such thing as "us Americans" no such GOP land the society is non existent..its all individual...that is one prime reason I utterly reject Republicans.... the 1 percent is doing well with Mexico and with China and with permanent war ....they have no problems .....
It was an absurd question. It had nothing to do with being President. And the same type of absurd question wasn't directed at any other Candidate.

Certainly you can't be that naive. Do you realize that women made up 53% of the vote in 2012? Of course it has something to do with being woman in her right mind would want a President who puts women down like Trump does, I certainly wouldn't vote for one even if he was a Democrat. And it wasn't directed at the other candidates because they haven't been as blunt as Trump in insulting women. The fact that they all want to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, an organization that is most helpful to women's health care is not being overlooked, but Trump has taken it to a new level.

Women made up about 53% of the electorate in the previous two presidential elections, and have favored the Democratic nominee in every presidential election since 1992. In 2008, Obama won 56% of the female vote. In 2012, he won 55%. Democrats are hopeful the former first lady, senator and secretary of state Hillary Clinton will surpass those numbers, should she become the party’s nominee.

The most important thing is how party and conservative movement responds when Trump implodes

Ellen Carmichael
“My sense is that the GOP won’t go for a guy who basically is making the same jabs at women that an 11-year-old in my sixth grade class did to my classmate and supports a British-style socialist healthcare system for the United States,” said Mair, the Republican strategist.

Donald Trump and the war on women GOP confident mogul will lose the battle US news The Guardian

More Bullshit. He rips women, he rips men. But regardless, it has nothing to do with him being an effective President or not. It was a Bullshit Gotcha question. Period, end of story.

What? Just because you like his style of insulting everyone around doesn't mean that is the kind of President we want......he's drawing bullshit out of he's going to make America greater, how? By bankrupting it? He's going to build a wall, how? By raising taxes? He's pushing a lot of bullshit and so many uninformed people think that he's good......bwahaha.

you just need to join a gang....seems like you have a lot of anger stored up inside....

More Bullshite. Bill Clinton was a corrupt pervert serial rapist. And that didn't seem to bother you guys much. He served 8yrs as President. So quit with the nonsensical Gotcha questions.

And America is already bankrupt. Your guy has seen to that. He's put future generations in a deep deep hole. I seriously doubt Trump could do worse. And we do need to secure our border. Trump's right on that too. I also like his Income Tax plan. So far on the issues, Trump's killing it. My opinion anyway.

....and a very dumb and biased opinion at that....

I've found that for right wingers, it is best to ask direct questions and paint them into a corner:

1. How many US soldiers died under Clinton versus Bush?
2. How much money was spent on wars under Clinton versus Bush?
3. Of Clinton versus Bush, who was impeached over covering up for a blow job?
It was an absurd question. It had nothing to do with being President. And the same type of absurd question wasn't directed at any other Candidate.

Certainly you can't be that naive. Do you realize that women made up 53% of the vote in 2012? Of course it has something to do with being woman in her right mind would want a President who puts women down like Trump does, I certainly wouldn't vote for one even if he was a Democrat. And it wasn't directed at the other candidates because they haven't been as blunt as Trump in insulting women. The fact that they all want to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, an organization that is most helpful to women's health care is not being overlooked, but Trump has taken it to a new level.

Women made up about 53% of the electorate in the previous two presidential elections, and have favored the Democratic nominee in every presidential election since 1992. In 2008, Obama won 56% of the female vote. In 2012, he won 55%. Democrats are hopeful the former first lady, senator and secretary of state Hillary Clinton will surpass those numbers, should she become the party’s nominee.

The most important thing is how party and conservative movement responds when Trump implodes

Ellen Carmichael
“My sense is that the GOP won’t go for a guy who basically is making the same jabs at women that an 11-year-old in my sixth grade class did to my classmate and supports a British-style socialist healthcare system for the United States,” said Mair, the Republican strategist.

Donald Trump and the war on women GOP confident mogul will lose the battle US news The Guardian

More Bullshit. He rips women, he rips men. But regardless, it has nothing to do with him being an effective President or not. It was a Bullshit Gotcha question. Period, end of story.

What? Just because you like his style of insulting everyone around doesn't mean that is the kind of President we want......he's drawing bullshit out of he's going to make America greater, how? By bankrupting it? He's going to build a wall, how? By raising taxes? He's pushing a lot of bullshit and so many uninformed people think that he's good......bwahaha.

you just need to join a gang....seems like you have a lot of anger stored up inside....

More Bullshite. Bill Clinton was a corrupt pervert serial rapist. And that didn't seem to bother you guys much. He served 8yrs as President. So quit with the nonsensical Gotcha questions.

And America is already bankrupt. Your guy has seen to that. He's put future generations in a deep deep hole. I seriously doubt Trump could do worse. And we do need to secure our border. Trump's right on that too. I also like his Income Tax plan. So far on the issues, Trump's killing it. My opinion anyway.

....and a very dumb and biased opinion at that....

I've found that for right wingers, it is best to ask direct questions and paint them into a corner:

1. How many US soldiers died under Clinton versus Bush?
2. How much money was spent on wars under Clinton versus Bush?
3. Of Clinton verusus Bush, who was impeached over covering a blow job?

Ha, your guy in there now has absolutely screwed future generations. But we're supposed to believe you're concerned about the nation being bankrupt. That hasn't seemed to bother you these last 7yrs.

And you guys rushed out there to vote for a corrupt pervert serial rapist back in the day. But we're supposed to believe you care about women. Sorry, but i'm not buying into your B.S. You're coming off as a typical dishonest hypocrite.
Certainly you can't be that naive. Do you realize that women made up 53% of the vote in 2012? Of course it has something to do with being woman in her right mind would want a President who puts women down like Trump does, I certainly wouldn't vote for one even if he was a Democrat. And it wasn't directed at the other candidates because they haven't been as blunt as Trump in insulting women. The fact that they all want to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, an organization that is most helpful to women's health care is not being overlooked, but Trump has taken it to a new level.

Women made up about 53% of the electorate in the previous two presidential elections, and have favored the Democratic nominee in every presidential election since 1992. In 2008, Obama won 56% of the female vote. In 2012, he won 55%. Democrats are hopeful the former first lady, senator and secretary of state Hillary Clinton will surpass those numbers, should she become the party’s nominee.

The most important thing is how party and conservative movement responds when Trump implodes

Ellen Carmichael
“My sense is that the GOP won’t go for a guy who basically is making the same jabs at women that an 11-year-old in my sixth grade class did to my classmate and supports a British-style socialist healthcare system for the United States,” said Mair, the Republican strategist.

Donald Trump and the war on women GOP confident mogul will lose the battle US news The Guardian

More Bullshit. He rips women, he rips men. But regardless, it has nothing to do with him being an effective President or not. It was a Bullshit Gotcha question. Period, end of story.

What? Just because you like his style of insulting everyone around doesn't mean that is the kind of President we want......he's drawing bullshit out of he's going to make America greater, how? By bankrupting it? He's going to build a wall, how? By raising taxes? He's pushing a lot of bullshit and so many uninformed people think that he's good......bwahaha.

you just need to join a gang....seems like you have a lot of anger stored up inside....

More Bullshite. Bill Clinton was a corrupt pervert serial rapist. And that didn't seem to bother you guys much. He served 8yrs as President. So quit with the nonsensical Gotcha questions.

And America is already bankrupt. Your guy has seen to that. He's put future generations in a deep deep hole. I seriously doubt Trump could do worse. And we do need to secure our border. Trump's right on that too. I also like his Income Tax plan. So far on the issues, Trump's killing it. My opinion anyway.

....and a very dumb and biased opinion at that....

I've found that for right wingers, it is best to ask direct questions and paint them into a corner:

1. How many US soldiers died under Clinton versus Bush?
2. How much money was spent on wars under Clinton versus Bush?
3. Of Clinton verusus Bush, who was impeached over covering a blow job?

Ha, your guy in there now has absolutely screwed future generations. But we're supposed to believe you're concerned about the nation being bankrupt. That hasn't seemed to bother you these last 7yrs.

And you guys rushed out there to vote for a corrupt pervert serial rapist back in the day. But we're supposed to believe you care about women. Sorry, but i'm not buying into your B.S. You're coming off as a typical dishonest hypocrite.
Nothing will bankrupt countries faster than wars. So.....what do you have to say about that?
More Bullshit. He rips women, he rips men. But regardless, it has nothing to do with him being an effective President or not. It was a Bullshit Gotcha question. Period, end of story.

What? Just because you like his style of insulting everyone around doesn't mean that is the kind of President we want......he's drawing bullshit out of he's going to make America greater, how? By bankrupting it? He's going to build a wall, how? By raising taxes? He's pushing a lot of bullshit and so many uninformed people think that he's good......bwahaha.

you just need to join a gang....seems like you have a lot of anger stored up inside....

More Bullshite. Bill Clinton was a corrupt pervert serial rapist. And that didn't seem to bother you guys much. He served 8yrs as President. So quit with the nonsensical Gotcha questions.

And America is already bankrupt. Your guy has seen to that. He's put future generations in a deep deep hole. I seriously doubt Trump could do worse. And we do need to secure our border. Trump's right on that too. I also like his Income Tax plan. So far on the issues, Trump's killing it. My opinion anyway.

....and a very dumb and biased opinion at that....

I've found that for right wingers, it is best to ask direct questions and paint them into a corner:

1. How many US soldiers died under Clinton versus Bush?
2. How much money was spent on wars under Clinton versus Bush?
3. Of Clinton verusus Bush, who was impeached over covering a blow job?

Ha, your guy in there now has absolutely screwed future generations. But we're supposed to believe you're concerned about the nation being bankrupt. That hasn't seemed to bother you these last 7yrs.

And you guys rushed out there to vote for a corrupt pervert serial rapist back in the day. But we're supposed to believe you care about women. Sorry, but i'm not buying into your B.S. You're coming off as a typical dishonest hypocrite.
Nothing will bankrupt countries faster than wars. So.....what do you have to say about that?

End this state of 'Permanent War.' Adopt a balanced Non-Foreign Interventionist foreign policy. That would save $Trillions, and many many lives. War doesn't have to be permanent.

But seriously, you guys supported a pervert serial rapist back in the day, and the current President who's completely screwed future generations with crushing debt. So why should we really believe you guys care about women and debt? You just don't have the credibility.
End this state of 'Permanent War.' Adopt a balanced Non-Foreign Interventionist foreign policy. That would save $Trillions, and many many lives. War doesn't have to be permanent.

Yep, Republicans are doing great in that department. They know Iran is hard to deal with, won't agree to a deal that has been made that many other nations think is good, but want to stop Iran from making a nuclear weapon.....hmmmmm, anyone can see that is the recipe for another war....but conservatives, they think they can garner a better deal with threats of war.....we'll end up going to war, wasting another shitload of taxpayer's money and then you all want to claim that you want to end the debt and lower the deficit. I guess logic is not you all's forte.
But we're supposed to believe you're concerned about the nation being bankrupt. That hasn't seemed to bother you these last 7yrs.

But the nation isn't bankrupt? Get another Republican in there and I'm sure he'll finish the job GW started by undoing all the good Obama has done. You all need to quit lying about the economy.


WASHINGTON (AP) -- The U.S. job market just demonstrated that it may be nearing full health more than six years after the Great Recession -

News from The Associated Press
But seriously, you guys supported a pervert serial rapist back in the day, and the current President who's completely screwed future generations with crushing debt. So why should we really believe you guys care about women and debt? You just don't have the credibility.

Yeah, I'll support a Clinton "sleaze" which I'd readily admit that ill was....But your ilk seem to support war-mongering, self-serving and easily bribed politicians.

Although I do not condone sleazy behavior, in the long run WHO has damaged this country more???? (and if you need any help in addressing that question, find a grown-up to ask or grow some more brain cells.)
End this state of 'Permanent War.' Adopt a balanced Non-Foreign Interventionist foreign policy. That would save $Trillions, and many many lives. War doesn't have to be permanent.

Yep, Republicans are doing great in that department. They know Iran is hard to deal with, won't agree to a deal that has been made that many other nations think is good, but want to stop Iran from making a nuclear weapon.....hmmmmm, anyone can see that is the recipe for another war....but conservatives, they think they can garner a better deal with threats of war.....we'll end up going to war, wasting another shitload of taxpayer's money and then you all want to claim that you want to end the debt and lower the deficit. I guess logic is not you all's forte.

But seriously, you guys supported a pervert serial rapist back in the day, and the current President who's completely screwed future generations with crushing debt. So why should we really believe you guys care about women and debt? You just don't have the credibility.

Yeah, I'll support a Clinton "sleaze" which I'd readily admit that ill was....But your ilk seem to support war-mongering, self-serving and easily bribed politicians.

Although I do not condone sleazy behavior, in the long run WHO has damaged this country more???? (and if you need any help in addressing that question, find a grown-up to ask or grow some more brain cells.)

No one's more sleazy than the Clintons. You admit to supporting a corrupt pervert serial rapist, but then claim to care about women. You also admit to supporting a President who's destroyed so many futures with crushing debt, but then claim you care about the country going bankrupt. Why do you still believe you have credibility? Sorry, but i gotta call you on your dishonesty and hypocrisy.
No one's more sleazy than the Clintons. You admit to supporting a corrupt pervert serial rapist, but then claim to care about women. You also admit to supporting a President who's destroyed so many futures with crushing debt, but then claim you care about the country going bankrupt. Why do you still believe you have credibility? Sorry, but i gotta call you on your dishonesty and hypocrisy.

If you really want to find "dishonesty and hypocrisy: (and stupidity) find a mirror......Here, address these questions:

1. How was the Iraq war funded ?
2. How was Medicare Advantage funded?
3. Who had to pay down the debt of the above two, unpaid-for messes?

Stop watching Fox and "think" for yourself.
No one's more sleazy than the Clintons. You admit to supporting a corrupt pervert serial rapist, but then claim to care about women. You also admit to supporting a President who's destroyed so many futures with crushing debt, but then claim you care about the country going bankrupt. Why do you still believe you have credibility? Sorry, but i gotta call you on your dishonesty and hypocrisy.

If you really want to find "dishonesty and hypocrisy: (and stupidity) find a mirror......Here, address these questions:

1. How was the Iraq war funded ?
2. How was Medicare Advantage funded?
3. Who had to pay down the debt of the above two, unpaid-for messes?

Stop watching Fox and "think" for yourself.

Guess you're not gettin it. You're freely admitting to supporting those you supposedly despise. You say you care about women and debt, yet you support those who don't. I think you're very confused. Contemplate things a bit more and then get back to us.
No one's more sleazy than the Clintons.
Try Dick Cheney and G W Bush. They're responsible for the death of over 4000 many is Bill Clinton responsible for?

You still haven't proven just keep repeating the same bullshit like a parrot.
You admit to supporting a corrupt pervert serial rapist, but then claim to care about women.
You still haven't proven anything.......I guess I could say that Trump is a pedophile and not have to prove it, right? You support a pedophile.

You also admit to supporting a President who's destroyed so many futures with crushing debt, but then claim you care about the country going bankrupt.
Why do you put George W. Bush's and Cheney's war debt on Obama? They are the ones responsible for the astronomical debt and just don't even know what you are talking about.

Why do you still believe you have credibility? Sorry, but i gotta call you on your dishonesty and hypocrisy.
Not only do you not have credibility, you are looney and out of touch. Hypocrite.[/QUOTE]
No one's more sleazy than the Clintons.
Try Dick Cheney and G W Bush. They're responsible for the death of over 4000 many is Bill Clinton responsible for?

You still haven't proven just keep repeating the same bullshit like a parrot.
You admit to supporting a corrupt pervert serial rapist, but then claim to care about women.
You still haven't proven anything.......I guess I could say that Trump is a pedophile and not have to prove it, right? You support a pedophile.

You also admit to supporting a President who's destroyed so many futures with crushing debt, but then claim you care about the country going bankrupt.
Why do you put George W. Bush's and Cheney's war debt on Obama? They are the ones responsible for the astronomical debt and just don't even know what you are talking about.

Why do you still believe you have credibility? Sorry, but i gotta call you on your dishonesty and hypocrisy.
Not only do you not have credibility, you are looney and out of touch. Hypocrite.

Sorry, just calling you on your dishonesty and hypocrisy. You support those you say you despise. You support a pervert womanizer and a current President who's completely sunk future generations with crushing debt.

You're up on your high horse preaching the virtues of respecting women and fiscal responsibility. But who's buyin it? Not me.
No one's more sleazy than the Clintons.
Try Dick Cheney and G W Bush. They're responsible for the death of over 4000 many is Bill Clinton responsible for?

You still haven't proven just keep repeating the same bullshit like a parrot.
You admit to supporting a corrupt pervert serial rapist, but then claim to care about women.
You still haven't proven anything.......I guess I could say that Trump is a pedophile and not have to prove it, right? You support a pedophile.

You also admit to supporting a President who's destroyed so many futures with crushing debt, but then claim you care about the country going bankrupt.
Why do you put George W. Bush's and Cheney's war debt on Obama? They are the ones responsible for the astronomical debt and just don't even know what you are talking about.

Why do you still believe you have credibility? Sorry, but i gotta call you on your dishonesty and hypocrisy.
Not only do you not have credibility, you are looney and out of touch. Hypocrite.

Sorry, just calling you on your dishonesty and hypocrisy. You support those you say you despise. You support a pervert womanizer and a current President who's completely sunk future generations with crushing debt.
You're the one being dishonest. You haven't been able to produce any proof of what you accuse Bill Clinton. Fact/check......Hillary is the one that is running for President, not Bill.

And you give a pass to the ones that sunk our country's debt....George W Bush and Dick Cheney.....and instead blame the President that has restored our country. I call that a sorry ass attitude.

You're up on your high horse preaching the virtues of respecting women and fiscal responsibility. But who's buyin it? Not me.
Of course you're not buying it, you and the rest of your cronies think women are 2nd class citizens. That's why you support a bunch of clowns that don't want to give women the same pay for the same work.......and you want to give men Viagra on their insurance, but women should have to pay for contraceptives. You are not only retarded, you are unfair and unbalanced.
No one's more sleazy than the Clintons. You admit to supporting a corrupt pervert serial rapist, but then claim to care about women. You also admit to supporting a President who's destroyed so many futures with crushing debt, but then claim you care about the country going bankrupt. Why do you still believe you have credibility? Sorry, but i gotta call you on your dishonesty and hypocrisy.

Guy, when did you prove Clinton was a "Corrupt Serial Rapist"? Because Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars sniffing panties and couldn't prove anything other than Clinton got a consensual blow job from a chubby intern.
women and fiscal responsibility. But who's buyin it? Not me.

you support this

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed(Officially acknowledged) In U.S. War And Occupation Of Iraq 4,801

Number Of International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 3,487

Both parties voted for and supported the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, Soapdrop. This really isn't an issue that helps you.

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