Erik Erikson's RED STATE disinvites Trump after "blood" comments about Megyn Kelly

Because if Hillary won Bill would become First Husband and his past adulterous sexual behavior was appalling.

Fair game to ask Hillary if she will be in better control of her husbands urges in the White House.

I say anything goes. Let it rip. Take off the gloves.

So the adultery of Bill should disqualify Hillary but Donald's own adultery should not?
What adultery has Trump had?

Don't you remember Marla Maples?
No, but I looked it up. You are right. Then he married her, right?

So cheating on your wife is better if you leave her for the bimbo?

Do you think Bill's adultery should disqualify Hillary, yes or no?

Of course not, I think Hillary has quite enough negatives all on her own.
I'm not sure what Trump's end game is, but he sure is mixing it up and apparently it is resonating with a great many... the fact that he isn't PC alone makes me like him.
I am more interested in hearing from the other candidates about their plans if elected POTUS. Fox News did not leave ample time to hear those issues since they spent so much time attempting to destroy Trump.
don't you mean "attempting to get him to clarify past remarks he has made"? :eusa_eh: Jackson
No. When Megyn Kelly asked him about his name calling of women, Trump said only Rosie, which got a laugh from the audience and so Kelly argued with him and said it was other women, also. In addition, other candidates were asked a question, not about issues they stand for, but what they thought of Trump and his reply that the was trying to highlight. Kasich, when asked to talk about Trump, turned the table on her and praised Trump!

Ask Trump about his positions and that would have been a straight debate instead of a diliberate attempt to destroy.
For me it was Megyn dwelling on whether or not Trump was nice to Rosie O'Donnell. All hells breaking loose on the freaking planet, the economy is in the shitter and Megyn pulls this stunt to up her value to other networks.

Megyn made sure she was the star of the show. What a debacle. Like Levin said, it wasn't a Republican debate. It was a freaking National Enquirer debate.

But isn't that your own fault for picking the National Enquirer candidate?

Trump is where he is at because of his celebrity, not his accomplishments in business like Mitt Romney or his accomplishments in politics like everyone else on that stage. He has spent 30 years building his celebrity brand.

While i think that there are a lot of issues (while rejecting the "All Hell's broken loose' hyperbole), I'm not seeing anything The Donald is saying to fix it. He's just appealling to the bigotry of a certain segment.

It's not up to Megyn Kelly to determine who is qualified in her mind to be a candidate in a Presidential primary.

The stunt she pulled to up the ante for her paychecks was beyond the pale. Other network executives knew exactly what she was doing as they have been quoted as saying "Megyn was the star of the show".

Well hell's bells is that what we've allowed the media to become? The FOX MOD SQUAD who are there to just target candidates instead of being true moderators.

Is this how we want debates to be held? Moderators vs candidates?

Look. Love him or hate him Trump is a Presidential candidate.

Megyn Kelly did not only a disservice to Trump, she did a disservice to the rest of the candidates and pissed off a great portion of the electorate 24 million of them who turned in to watch the debate.

Not to watch her. Not to have the FOX MOD SQUAD dominate one third of the air time. Kelly should not be allowed to be a moderator at any other debate.

I for one am really appalled that Chris Wallace who I have always admired participated in this sham.
First off I agree. Secondly (if that's a word) I would be saying the same thing if it was Hillary Clinton up there and Megyn was asking her questions about Bill's infidelities or her character for staying with him after he received many hot BJ's.

Most people didn't tune into the debate for that nonsense they were subjected to. How about 'attack' him on his stance on abortion, or a single payer healthcare system etc? Those are 'tough' questions, not that bullshit she tossed out. Of all the things she could have asked him she wastes everyone's time on something he said about Rosie...boy we all learned something!!! These debates were about Fox and entertainment value. They delivered perfectly.

Dems were right in their criticisms of the party being so out of touch.

Sounds with Megyn and Trump like the pot met the kettle
Looks like Bristol Palin doesn't share her mother's gene's in the brains department. She speaks many truths here:

“Let’s don’t use the Democratic ‘war on women’ talking points when we have ISIS to worry about,” she argued, referring to a question asked Thursday night by Megyn Kelly. “I considered [the Fox debate] an exploitation of the process, which is supposed to inform the American people. Not gotcha questions, not gossip. … I think the American people are owed an apology.”

“Oh and before we get off the topic of Fox News and the fact that they are ‘oh-so-shocked’ at the supposed sexism of Donald Trump … here’s a little perspective,” she wrote. “Back in 2010, [Fox News host] Chris Wallace joked about having my Mom sit on his lap during an interview. In 2011, [Fox News President] Roger Ailes said, ‘I hired Sarah Palin because she was hot and got ratings.’ “

“Fox and Erickson need to get off their high horse on how outraged they are NOW about sexism and decency,” Ms. Palin concluded. “Let’s focus on winning the election, not winning accolades from the New York Times.”

She bashes Erikson as well:

Ms. Palin mentioned how Mr. Erickson disinvited Donald Trump from his annual RedState Gathering on Saturday, because he said, “There are even lines blunt talkers and unprofessional politicians should not cross. Decency is one of those lines.”

“Want to learn some ‘lessons in sexual and political decency’ from Erickson?” Ms. Palin asks.

“Erickson’s RedState once used a demeaning fake photo (wearing a revealing shirt with Santa Claus) of my Mom for an attack article on her. Erickson refused to take it down even after he was made aware that it was photoshopped,” she wrote.

Source: WT
The plot thickens.

No, but seriously, Trump "stepped in it" and any female who is covering for him (every rw female on this board it seems ) is even worse than him. SHAME!!!
It's not up to Megyn Kelly to determine who is qualified in her mind to be a candidate in a Presidential primary.

The stunt she pulled to up the ante for her paychecks was beyond the pale. Other network executives knew exactly what she was doing as they have been quoted as saying "Megyn was the star of the show".

Well hell's bells is that what we've allowed the media to become? The FOX MOD SQUAD who are there to just target candidates instead of being true moderators.

Is this how we want debates to be held? Moderators vs candidates?

Look. Love him or hate him Trump is a Presidential candidate.

Megyn Kelly did not only a disservice to Trump, she did a disservice to the rest of the candidates and pissed off a great portion of the electorate 24 million of them who turned in to watch the debate.

Not to watch her. Not to have the FOX MOD SQUAD dominate one third of the air time. Kelly should not be allowed to be a moderator at any other debate.

I for one am really appalled that Chris Wallace who I have always admired participated in this sham.

I'm pretty sure that the "MOD SQUAD" was following orders from Rupert and Ailes to take down Trump. They've created this monster, and like most mad scientists, they just don't know how to control him now.

Donald Trump is a sure fire loser for the GOP. He offends women and Hispanics, two groups the GOP HAS TO DO BETTER WITH to win.
All you're doing I joining the bash trump bandwagon using the hate card to try to derail. Trump has insulted women or minorities no matter how hard you try to paint it that way. But keep trying, if it makes you feel better. Every time you do, you just piss of the voters some more, and Trumps poll numbers go up.
As good ole Clint used to say ? "Go ahead. Make my day." :badgrin:

Guy, if Trump got the nomination, I'd probably go out and buy a bunch of lottery tickets because my luck would have gotten so good.

Trump would not only give Hillary the Presidency, the GOP would probably lose the House and Senate as well.
You seem to have lost track of current events. Hillary's going to jail. Obama has already chosen Biden to be the candidate, with the Justice Dept (FBI) getting ready to arrest Hillary. Sanders won't back off since he considers Biden just another Republican, Dems have a split ticket.
Trump already has the GOP nom, and the presidency is looking like a cakewalk for him,as the Dems are in disarray.

So ...

1. Hillary is going to jail
2. Biden will be the nominee
3. Trump will be the GOP nominee
4. Republicans win in a landslide

How much you want to bet absolutely none of these things happen?
I'm pretty sure that the "MOD SQUAD" was following orders from Rupert and Ailes to take down Trump. They've created this monster, and like most mad scientists, they just don't know how to control him now.
"Mod Squad" cute... Any way. I think you're right.
Donald Trump is a sure fire loser for the GOP. He offends women and Hispanics, two groups the GOP HAS TO DO BETTER WITH to win.
Sometimes I think he is ultimately a loser, but then other times I think, Could he actually pull this off. I wouldn't be so sure that he offends Hispanics and women. Women are standing up with him, not to him and he is not offending Legal immigrants.
So you don't object to any specific question, you just don't like her, got it.

The question, big guy, was what question he objected to. He never gave one. The question was not what sweeping unsupported accusations you can make

They didn't attack other Candidates in that way. It was a sham. But don't worry, Trump can handle himself. And all the bleach-blonde bimbo did, was lose some loyal viewers. She made it about herself. And it will likely backfire on her.

Yes, what an esoteric question I am asking, what question did you object to. No wonder you can't answer it

I object to everything the bleach-blonde bimbo is about. She's helped bury American Journalism. To hell with her.

Yet you can't come up with a single questions she asked you object to...

For me it was Megyn dwelling on whether or not Trump was nice to Rosie O'Donnell. All hells breaking loose on the freaking planet, the economy is in the shitter and Megyn pulls this stunt to up her value to other networks.

Megyn made sure she was the star of the show. What a debacle. Like Levin said, it wasn't a Republican debate. It was a freaking National Enquirer debate.

Yeah, probably setting herself up for her next contract. She'll probably leave Fox News. Her B.S. has cost her many loyal viewers. She's destined for a Communist/Progressive network like CNN, NBC, CBS, and so on.
I think Kasich is a good choice, too. It's nice to see a liberal with an open mind.

As a progressive democrat......I'd vote for Kasich over Clinton.....Its my country I most care about, not my party.
Why Kasich over Clinton though?

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Kasich has one of the best resumes. He has done the most for his state, Ohio. I have hear him talk before and surprised at the lengths he will go to get his voters jobs and the education they need.

While he was governor, he went to big employers and small business employers and asked what they needed in terms of employees. They told him what the job seekers lacked and he went to the state's universities to see that what they needed we being taught and part of a program for their degree. Curricula was planned just to get Ohioans up to speed for jobs.

If he does that for Ohio, think what he can do for education and the nation! Not to mention jobs for citizens!
Why Kasich over Clinton though?

Well, my friend, the baggage that Hillary Clinton brings to the oval office is enormous and I do not look forward (nor does out country need) the prospective 4 years of WH vs. Congress squabbling.
It was an absurd question. It had nothing to do with being President. And the same type of absurd question wasn't directed at any other Candidate.

Certainly you can't be that naive. Do you realize that women made up 53% of the vote in 2012? Of course it has something to do with being woman in her right mind would want a President who puts women down like Trump does, I certainly wouldn't vote for one even if he was a Democrat. And it wasn't directed at the other candidates because they haven't been as blunt as Trump in insulting women. The fact that they all want to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, an organization that is most helpful to women's health care is not being overlooked, but Trump has taken it to a new level.

Women made up about 53% of the electorate in the previous two presidential elections, and have favored the Democratic nominee in every presidential election since 1992. In 2008, Obama won 56% of the female vote. In 2012, he won 55%. Democrats are hopeful the former first lady, senator and secretary of state Hillary Clinton will surpass those numbers, should she become the party’s nominee.

The most important thing is how party and conservative movement responds when Trump implodes

Ellen Carmichael
“My sense is that the GOP won’t go for a guy who basically is making the same jabs at women that an 11-year-old in my sixth grade class did to my classmate and supports a British-style socialist healthcare system for the United States,” said Mair, the Republican strategist.

Donald Trump and the war on women GOP confident mogul will lose the battle US news The Guardian

More Bullshit. He rips women, he rips men. But regardless, it has nothing to do with him being an effective President or not. It was a Bullshit Gotcha question. Period, end of story.

What? Just because you like his style of insulting everyone around doesn't mean that is the kind of President we want......he's drawing bullshit out of he's going to make America greater, how? By bankrupting it? He's going to build a wall, how? By raising taxes? He's pushing a lot of bullshit and so many uninformed people think that he's good......bwahaha.

you just need to join a gang....seems like you have a lot of anger stored up inside....
Ha, Democrats are about to vote for the most corrupt Candidate running, and her serial rapist husband. But somehow Trump's the 'Bad Candidate.' Makes perfect sense. :cuckoo: really don't know much about anything. The most corrupt candidate? Wow....why don't you show some proof, so far Hillary hasn't been charged with anything, you GOPers just keep making up shit, throwing up against the wall hoping some will stick, but so far.....NADA!

Watch your hero disintegrate in the near're going to be even angrier.
It was an absurd question. It had nothing to do with being President. And the same type of absurd question wasn't directed at any other Candidate.

Certainly you can't be that naive. Do you realize that women made up 53% of the vote in 2012? Of course it has something to do with being woman in her right mind would want a President who puts women down like Trump does, I certainly wouldn't vote for one even if he was a Democrat. And it wasn't directed at the other candidates because they haven't been as blunt as Trump in insulting women. The fact that they all want to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, an organization that is most helpful to women's health care is not being overlooked, but Trump has taken it to a new level.

Women made up about 53% of the electorate in the previous two presidential elections, and have favored the Democratic nominee in every presidential election since 1992. In 2008, Obama won 56% of the female vote. In 2012, he won 55%. Democrats are hopeful the former first lady, senator and secretary of state Hillary Clinton will surpass those numbers, should she become the party’s nominee.

The most important thing is how party and conservative movement responds when Trump implodes

Ellen Carmichael
“My sense is that the GOP won’t go for a guy who basically is making the same jabs at women that an 11-year-old in my sixth grade class did to my classmate and supports a British-style socialist healthcare system for the United States,” said Mair, the Republican strategist.

Donald Trump and the war on women GOP confident mogul will lose the battle US news The Guardian

More Bullshit. He rips women, he rips men. But regardless, it has nothing to do with him being an effective President or not. It was a Bullshit Gotcha question. Period, end of story.

What? Just because you like his style of insulting everyone around doesn't mean that is the kind of President we want......he's drawing bullshit out of he's going to make America greater, how? By bankrupting it? He's going to build a wall, how? By raising taxes? He's pushing a lot of bullshit and so many uninformed people think that he's good......bwahaha.

you just need to join a gang....seems like you have a lot of anger stored up inside....
  • He'll bring manufacturing BACK to America
  • He'll bring the jobs back from China
  • His trade deals will FORCE Japan/China to either open up their trade deal with the US or suffer a substantial decrease in their exports of cars to the US.
  • He'll get the Mexicans to pay for the wall with tariffs or just telling them to pay for it. Either or, they can choose which route they want. (threaten them with tariffs watch how fast they fork over the money to build it)
These aren't radical ideas and are pretty straight forward. Heck I think any American no matter what side of the political spectrum they are on, can get on board with these ideas/policies. Thats why a lot of people are jumping on board the Trump Train. If you are interested you'll be hearing more about these in the coming weeks. Why do you want to insult me by calling me uninformed :tongue::tongue::tongue::tongue::D

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