Erik Erikson's RED STATE disinvites Trump after "blood" comments about Megyn Kelly

I generally don't go research something because without adding any value someone invites me to. This is one of those cases.

What did Kelly ask him you object to exactly? I think her questions about his comments on women is perfectly reasonable. And someone who wants to be President has to be able to handle questions they don't want to hear. Well, unless they are a Democrat. But Trump isn't

It was an absurd question. It had nothing to do with being President. And the same type of absurd question wasn't directed at any other Candidate.

It was a blatant coordinated attack on the man. It was about her, not the Candidate. Fox News really does owe its viewers an apology. The debate was a very sad sham.

So you don't object to any specific question, you just don't like her, got it.

The question, big guy, was what question he objected to. He never gave one. The question was not what sweeping unsupported accusations you can make

They didn't attack other Candidates in that way. It was a sham. But don't worry, Trump can handle himself. And all the bleach-blonde bimbo did, was lose some loyal viewers. She made it about herself. And it will likely backfire on her.

Yes, what an esoteric question I am asking, what question did you object to. No wonder you can't answer it

I object to everything the bleach-blonde bimbo is about. She's helped bury American Journalism. To hell with her.

Yet you can't come up with a single questions she asked you object to...
Well that's about as appropriate as asking Hillary if she could guarantee to the men and women of America that her husband won't use the Oval Office as a place to get blow jobs from a WH intern again.

You know. Asking a candidate if her husband's past behavior will repeat itself.


Bill Clinton isn't the one running for office. So why would Hillary have to answer for him. Only a conservative would come up with such a retarded comparison.
Well that's about as appropriate as asking Hillary if she could guarantee to the men and women of America that her husband won't use the Oval Office as a place to get blow jobs from a WH intern again.

You know. Asking a candidate if her husband's past behavior will repeat itself.


Bill Clinton isn't the one running for office. So why would Hillary have to answer for him. Only a conservative would come up with such a retarded comparison.

Because if Hillary won Bill would become First Husband and his past adulterous sexual behavior was appalling.

Fair game to ask Hillary if she will be in better control of her husbands urges in the White House.

I say anything goes. Let it rip. Take off the gloves.

So the adultery of Bill should disqualify Hillary but Donald's own adultery should not?
What adultery has Trump had?

Don't you remember Marla Maples?
No, but I looked it up. You are right. Then he married her, right?
this apparently doesn't bother the rw female Trumpites on the board.
It was an absurd question. It had nothing to do with being President. And the same type of absurd question wasn't directed at any other Candidate.

It was a blatant coordinated attack on the man. It was about her, not the Candidate. Fox News really does owe its viewers an apology. The debate was a very sad sham.

So you don't object to any specific question, you just don't like her, got it.

The question, big guy, was what question he objected to. He never gave one. The question was not what sweeping unsupported accusations you can make

They didn't attack other Candidates in that way. It was a sham. But don't worry, Trump can handle himself. And all the bleach-blonde bimbo did, was lose some loyal viewers. She made it about herself. And it will likely backfire on her.

Yes, what an esoteric question I am asking, what question did you object to. No wonder you can't answer it

I object to everything the bleach-blonde bimbo is about. She's helped bury American Journalism. To hell with her.

Yet you can't come up with a single questions she asked you object to...

For me it was Megyn dwelling on whether or not Trump was nice to Rosie O'Donnell. All hells breaking loose on the freaking planet, the economy is in the shitter and Megyn pulls this stunt to up her value to other networks.

Megyn made sure she was the star of the show. What a debacle. Like Levin said, it wasn't a Republican debate. It was a freaking National Enquirer debate.
If Trump had said that about Rachel Maddow or Andrea Mitchell the Right-Wing would be cheering him on.
If Trump had said that about Rachel Maddow or Andrea Mitchell the Right-Wing would be cheering him on.
He didn't say anything of note the bad idea came fro Eric Erickson in a scam attempt, which didn't work, and its already buried. We're talking about ISIS now. try to keep up.
Trumps popularity continues to roll like thunder and strike like lightning. Black dems voting for Trump? Oh my!!!

I think that just demonstrates Americans have a fascination with celebrity. We have whole magazines dedicated to it.

Trump has been building his Celebrity status for 30 years now. Should we really be surprised?
For me it was Megyn dwelling on whether or not Trump was nice to Rosie O'Donnell. All hells breaking loose on the freaking planet, the economy is in the shitter and Megyn pulls this stunt to up her value to other networks.

Megyn made sure she was the star of the show. What a debacle. Like Levin said, it wasn't a Republican debate. It was a freaking National Enquirer debate.

But isn't that your own fault for picking the National Enquirer candidate?

Trump is where he is at because of his celebrity, not his accomplishments in business like Mitt Romney or his accomplishments in politics like everyone else on that stage. He has spent 30 years building his celebrity brand.

While i think that there are a lot of issues (while rejecting the "All Hell's broken loose' hyperbole), I'm not seeing anything The Donald is saying to fix it. He's just appealling to the bigotry of a certain segment.
Bill Clinton isn't the one running for office. So why would Hillary have to answer for him. Only a conservative would come up with such a retarded comparison.
Bill Clinton isn't the one running for office. So why would Hillary have to answer for him. Only a conservative would come up with such a retarded comparison.

Because if Hillary won Bill would become First Husband and his past adulterous sexual behavior was appalling.

Fair game to ask Hillary if she will be in better control of her husbands urges in the White House.

I say anything goes. Let it rip. Take off the gloves.

So the adultery of Bill should disqualify Hillary but Donald's own adultery should not?
What adultery has Trump had?

Don't you remember Marla Maples?
No, but I looked it up. You are right. Then he married her, right?

So cheating on your wife is better if you leave her for the bimbo?

Do you think Bill's adultery should disqualify Hillary, yes or no?
Jesus Christ, did i just say something nice about Mitt Romney?

It's easy to say something nice about a horrible candidate...when a worse one comes along.

You might have a good point. I thought in 2012, the GOP hit rock bottom when it nominated a guy who thought he was wearing Magic Underwear because he was the least crazy guy they had.

Apparently, we had a lot further to go to hit bottom.
Jesus Christ, did i just say something nice about Mitt Romney?

It's easy to say something nice about a horrible candidate...when a worse one comes along.

You might have a good point. I thought in 2012, the GOP hit rock bottom when it nominated a guy who thought he was wearing Magic Underwear because he was the least crazy guy they had.

Apparently, we had a lot further to go to hit bottom.

I'm beginning to question that there actually IS a bottom...
Bill Clinton isn't the one running for office. So why would Hillary have to answer for him. Only a conservative would come up with such a retarded comparison.
Bill Clinton isn't the one running for office. So why would Hillary have to answer for him. Only a conservative would come up with such a retarded comparison.

Because if Hillary won Bill would become First Husband and his past adulterous sexual behavior was appalling.

Fair game to ask Hillary if she will be in better control of her husbands urges in the White House.

I say anything goes. Let it rip. Take off the gloves.

So the adultery of Bill should disqualify Hillary but Donald's own adultery should not?
What adultery has Trump had?

Don't you remember Marla Maples?
No, but I looked it up. You are right. Then he married her, right?

He did. I wasn't arguing a point though, just answering your question
For me it was Megyn dwelling on whether or not Trump was nice to Rosie O'Donnell. All hells breaking loose on the freaking planet, the economy is in the shitter and Megyn pulls this stunt to up her value to other networks.

Megyn made sure she was the star of the show. What a debacle. Like Levin said, it wasn't a Republican debate. It was a freaking National Enquirer debate.

But isn't that your own fault for picking the National Enquirer candidate?

Trump is where he is at because of his celebrity, not his accomplishments in business like Mitt Romney or his accomplishments in politics like everyone else on that stage. He has spent 30 years building his celebrity brand.

While i think that there are a lot of issues (while rejecting the "All Hell's broken loose' hyperbole), I'm not seeing anything The Donald is saying to fix it. He's just appealling to the bigotry of a certain segment.

It's not up to Megyn Kelly to determine who is qualified in her mind to be a candidate in a Presidential primary.

The stunt she pulled to up the ante for her paychecks was beyond the pale. Other network executives knew exactly what she was doing as they have been quoted as saying "Megyn was the star of the show".

Well hell's bells is that what we've allowed the media to become? The FOX MOD SQUAD who are there to just target candidates instead of being true moderators.

Is this how we want debates to be held? Moderators vs candidates?

Look. Love him or hate him Trump is a Presidential candidate.

Megyn Kelly did not only a disservice to Trump, she did a disservice to the rest of the candidates and pissed off a great portion of the electorate 24 million of them who turned in to watch the debate.

Not to watch her. Not to have the FOX MOD SQUAD dominate one third of the air time. Kelly should not be allowed to be a moderator at any other debate.

I for one am really appalled that Chris Wallace who I have always admired participated in this sham.
I am more interested in hearing from the other candidates about their plans if elected POTUS. Fox News did not leave ample time to hear those issues since they spent so much time attempting to destroy Trump.
don't you mean "attempting to get him to clarify past remarks he has made"? :eusa_eh: Jackson
For me it was Megyn dwelling on whether or not Trump was nice to Rosie O'Donnell. All hells breaking loose on the freaking planet, the economy is in the shitter and Megyn pulls this stunt to up her value to other networks.

Megyn made sure she was the star of the show. What a debacle. Like Levin said, it wasn't a Republican debate. It was a freaking National Enquirer debate.

But isn't that your own fault for picking the National Enquirer candidate?

Trump is where he is at because of his celebrity, not his accomplishments in business like Mitt Romney or his accomplishments in politics like everyone else on that stage. He has spent 30 years building his celebrity brand.

While i think that there are a lot of issues (while rejecting the "All Hell's broken loose' hyperbole), I'm not seeing anything The Donald is saying to fix it. He's just appealling to the bigotry of a certain segment.

It's not up to Megyn Kelly to determine who is qualified in her mind to be a candidate in a Presidential primary.

The stunt she pulled to up the ante for her paychecks was beyond the pale. Other network executives knew exactly what she was doing as they have been quoted as saying "Megyn was the star of the show".

Well hell's bells is that what we've allowed the media to become? The FOX MOD SQUAD who are there to just target candidates instead of being true moderators.

Is this how we want debates to be held? Moderators vs candidates?

Look. Love him or hate him Trump is a Presidential candidate.

Megyn Kelly did not only a disservice to Trump, she did a disservice to the rest of the candidates and pissed off a great portion of the electorate 24 million of them who turned in to watch the debate.

Not to watch her. Not to have the FOX MOD SQUAD dominate one third of the air time. Kelly should not be allowed to be a moderator at any other debate.

I for one am really appalled that Chris Wallace who I have always admired participated in this sham.
First off I agree. Secondly (if that's a word) I would be saying the same thing if it was Hillary Clinton up there and Megyn was asking her questions about Bill's infidelities or her character for staying with him after he received many hot BJ's.

Most people didn't tune into the debate for that nonsense they were subjected to. How about 'attack' him on his stance on abortion, or a single payer healthcare system etc? Those are 'tough' questions, not that bullshit she tossed out. Of all the things she could have asked him she wastes everyone's time on something he said about Rosie...boy we all learned something!!! These debates were about Fox and entertainment value. They delivered perfectly.

Dems were right in their criticisms of the party being so out of touch.

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