Ermac in Stafford (NJ): Populism Phonics [9/11 Digital]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Is TrumpUSA a gossip-fable about Stafford, 9/11, and Bioluminescence?


Ermac visits Stafford, New Jersey (USA) shortly after 9/11 and helps local merchants distribute charming items representative of patriotism, such as photo calendars. Ermac is essentially a Gaelic sorcerer who wields the power of Bioluminescence to make people feel euphoric about eco-natural living, and his calendars are printed on recycled-paper. Ermac becomes a welcomed other-worldly visitor (like a ronin).


Ermac sees clearly that Stafford (NJ) is a very American-landscape representative area on the East Coast and it makes him think creatively about the media-marketing of human-emotion history (e.g., 9/11). As the Era of Videodrome began, Ermac took grip of its coastal trends in tourism-friendly traffic. Ermac concluded that American Easterners were conscious of issues such as the digitization of national rhetoric. Stafford was a really nice area on the East Coast.


Phish decides to market a album featuring photos of 9/11 on the cover called American Stand. It's a provocative look at the streamlining of pedestrian daydreams and fears of terrorism created by a modern world of dizzying traffic. The album is very popular and is featured on various programs before being commercialized. The age of digital media made journalism and art-marketing feel like a immortality phone.


TRUMP: What did you make of Stafford?
ERMAC: I liked it as much as the Phish album.
TRUMP: Phish, Stafford, Consumer Reports, and IBM represent IQ.
ERMAC: It's funny how folk-art/music can become 'canon.'
TRUMP: Canonization can differ from patriotism?
ERMAC: Sure; media can be a consumer-oriented experience.
TRUMP: Rather than an oratorial consciousness?
ERMAC: Precisely, Mr. President; but People Magazine is 'chic.'
TRUMP: Chic can be of value in a modern capitalism, even despite indulgences!
ERMAC: Sure, Mr. President; Internet has changed socialization language/jargon.
TRUMP: Yes, it has Ermac! Today's markets demand streamlined communications.
ERMAC: That's where protocols and style affect Yale professors' IQ-measurements.
TRUMP: I suppose American intelligentsia have become integral to commercial networks.
ERMAC: I agree --- PBS and TLC offer interesting views into imagination and home-living.
TRUMP: Populism Phonics is sexy and pro-Dutch(!) --- like Dutch Wonderland!
ERMAC: Dutch Wonderland is an outstanding East Coast children's amusement park.
TRUMP: Hail to newsies and pedestrian traffic.


The Democrat-Deadshot Tapes


Consumerism promoted the marketing/circulation of mobile accessories such as audio-tapes from the Big '80s and Grunge '90s. These toy-like consumer goods symbolized new perspectives on the traffic-labyrinth. There was a line between style and labor. Sometimes style came at no cost --- usually in the case of emergent genius. That's why toys should have been considered 'relics.'


Of course, the Evil Harlot of Babylon had to challenge all this consumerism energy by offering her own brand of Victoria's Secret free-market etiquette/ethos. After all, the Middle East did not flaunt women in social media/magazines/franchises so the fact that America didn't seem to care meant that there was potential global criticism of American society/customs (even couture). Was that why terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center in NYC on 9/11? And was 9/11 a parody on the U.S. emergency phone-code 9-1-1? There was new age paranoia about the quality of patriotism-folklore in a commerce-centric civilization negligent of the spiritual value of non-commercial urban hubs (such as police stations and post offices). Terrorism had become a thing of 'vaudevillian chic,' drawing the rational ire of conservative modern-day Americans (politicians and aristocrats).


TRUMP: Are you a fan of the Wall Street Journal, Carter?
CARTER: I prefer the Chronicle, Mr. President!
TRUMP: Sure, but the Journal and the journal-online symbolize Yale greatness!
CARTER: Yale...greatness?
TRUMP: Yes, they study the Journal at Yale econ courses (graduate level).
CARTER: What did you make of Ermac in Stafford?
TRUMP: It was like Evil Knievel.
CARTER: There's a carnival-component to new age liberalism welfare.
TRUMP: Yes, people take MTV for granted...
CARTER: Remember the looting during the 1992 Los Angeles Race Riots?



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