ESPN to lay off huge numbers

Yes yes yes
I hope ESPN looks like Leningrad in the 40s

ESPN was nothing more than someone's idea of an all-sports channel to bilk the sports fan out of large volumes of money to watch stuff they formerly got to see for free!

Kinda like Hulu, Vudu, CBS All Access and the rest of that streaming crap.

ESPN sucks mega dildos.
I used to watch quite a bit of MMA; not so much since the UFC went to ESPN. I have lost track who the champions are in each division. I refuse to pay extra for ESPN +.

I have to laugh. Every year they show one or two of my local NFL team games on ESPN. Being that it is local and normally sold out, my ABC affiliate airs it for free.
The people go to sports to watch the dang game..........once they started kneeling and saying pigs in a blanket ......fry them like bacon.........the people said Fuck you........

That is where we are today..........communist leftist pricks burning down the nation and kneeling during the anthem.

Now ESPN and Nike are getting this from America.

I have never watched ESPN, for I have no interest in sports.

But I feel so sorry for all the people there who will become unemployed.

It is absolutely terrifying to lose one's income. We all need to eat and have a place to live.

I guess most of the politicians who have shut down our economy mean well, but they have inflicted horrendous harm on their fellow Americans.

I also feel sorry for the undocumented immigrants, even though I personally believe in legal immigration only. Many of them here in Los Angeles have suddenly been thrown out of work because many hotels, restaurants, etc. have been shut down.

When all of this misery hopefully ends, if we eventually discover that these lockdowns were unnecessary, I hope that the governors who were responsible for them will apologize & resign. But, sadly, I doubt that they will have the basic decency to do so.
I used to watch quite a bit of MMA; not so much since the UFC went to ESPN. I have lost track who the champions are in each division. I refuse to pay extra for ESPN +.
Right now the 155 division is the deepest in UFC history
The best champs are 2 Africans
Usman at 170 - complete all around guy like GSP
Israel at 185 - the most deadly striker in the ufc

I order about 4 UFC events a year I had to get the $5 ESPN plus
I had zero choice
Good name
Essential Stalin Political Network
They should start with the assholes who make all those sappy BLM commercials. ESPN has become unwatchable.
The NFL will do the same thing as the NBA.
Put a stop to this shit for the all mighty I guess they aren't really committed to the cause.
Cable TV reform is needed. To many people are most likely getting paid off to make changes. The sports networks are a good price included in everyone's basic cable package. They would be premium services if we were given the choice to opt out of stations we do not want.

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