Esteban Santiago claimed he was forced to fight for ISIS, was once investiagted for child porn

And all it does is obscure the very real need for more mental health funding and help.

True. Anyone affiliated with Islam should be committed.

You saying religious people are nuts?

I'm saying Islamic people are.

Ah. The broad brush.

You paint Islamists as peaceful and trustworthy with a broad brush.

Prior to the Reformation the Christian Church was every bit as fucked up. Hopefully Islam too will undergo its own Reformation and then the majority of this BS will stop. There are less than 25% of the total Islamic population that is bad. I refuse to paint the other 75% as evil due to the actions of the 25%. That would be like painting all of the wonderful Christians I know as violent scumbags because of the westboro baptist church assholes.
ISIS is incredibly skilled at targeting and exploiting vulnerable people. Not Esteban, since there is no evidende of that or that he is Muslim - but in general. They target the mentally unbalanced and mentally ill and exploit their illness to further their agenda.
There's evidence that he sported a Muslim beard with no mustache, a keffiyeh scarf, and did the islamic 'Only One God' finger salute to Allah. There's definitely evidence of that.

ISIS is incredibly skilled at targeting and exploiting vulnerable people. Not Esteban, since there is no evidende of that or that he is Muslim - but in general. They target the mentally unbalanced and mentally ill and exploit their illness to further their agenda.
There's evidence that he sported a Muslim beard with no mustache, a keffiyeh scarf, and did the islamic 'Only One God' finger salute to Allah. There's definitely evidence of that.

View attachment 105550
He has a mustache, it's just a shitty one.

The "One God" thing is also Christian. What about bayonets pointed upward? What does that mean to you? The Gadsden flag, a favorite of the Tea Party? Should the FBI arrest these "radicals"?
2q2jq11.jpg having a beard identifies a perp as a Muslim...

ISIS is incredibly skilled at targeting and exploiting vulnerable people. Not Esteban, since there is no evidende of that or that he is Muslim - but in general. They target the mentally unbalanced and mentally ill and exploit their illness to further their agenda.
There's evidence that he sported a Muslim beard with no mustache, a keffiyeh scarf, and did the islamic 'Only One God' finger salute to Allah. There's definitely evidence of that.

View attachment 105550
He has a mustache, it's just a shitty one.

The "One God" thing is also Christian. What about bayonets pointed upward? What does that mean to you? The Gadsden flag, a favorite of the Tea Party? Should the FBI arrest these "radicals"?
Keffiyeh scarves aren't christian.
He is in a vehicle. Kind of hard to do. and this-

International Business TimesHow A Young Tunisian Man Went From Rapper To ISIS Fighter: A ...
Marwan al-Dwiri (left) with an alleged ISIS fighter showing the ISIS hand signal in Iraq. April 1, 2015 Photo: Facebook/ Zief Supras

The GuardianInto the heart of terror: behind Isis lines | World news | The ...
Into the heart of terror: behind Isis lines | World news | The Guardian


Sep 5, 2014 - ISIS hand signal.jpg. ... The Islamic State militants, known as ISIS, are now using a single, raised index finger as the symbol of their cause. It's a well-known sign of power and victory around the world, but for ISIS, it has a more sinister meaning.
If that's what he's trying to do, he's doing it wrong. The gesture is to point up at the sky signifying "oneness of Allah". The same gesture is used by certain Born Again Christians to me "Jesus is Lord".

The meaning of the ISIS hand sign

Stephen Curry Talks About His Christian Faith; Warriors Point Guard In GOAT Conversation

And since (a) I'm half Hispanic myself, and (b) I was in the media for nearly 20 years.

We've been over this, Mac. Working at Taco Bell doesn't make you half Hispanic, and appearing in gay porn doesn't make you "in the media".
It's beginning to look like Santiago's may have been one of the many thousands of young minds that were badly damaged while serving his country in Iraq.

You know. That country chock full o' WMD's and mushroom clouds that we needed to invade 'n stuff.

That data doesn't usually show up in the war casualty counts.

Maybe we should add five. Collateral damage.
He spent 11 months in Iraq.
During that time he NEVER ONCE was within five miles of ANY actual firefights.
He changed the oil and filters on combat vehicles.
What is known about Estaban Santiago. He was a war veteran. He was honerably discharged. He was under psychiatric treatment. His family and law enforcement have said he has a history of mental illness problems.

Ft. Lauderdale Gunman Esteban Santiago Was Being Prosecuted for Strangling His Girlfriend

Santiago served in the U.S. military, first in the Puerto Rico Army National Guard in 2007, according to the Department of Defense. He was deployed to Iraq in April 2010 as a combat engineer and returned to the U.S. in early 2011. In November 2014, after moving to Alaska, he joined the Alaska National Guard. Santiago was honorably discharged four months ago, according to ABC News.

Santiago’s sibling, Bryan, described his brother as “pro-American” and “spiritual.”

Santiago visited an FBI office in Anchorage in 2016, claiming voices were telling him to fight for ISIS, according to CBS News. Santiago also reportedly believed he was being controlled by the CIA to watch ISIS videos. Santiago’s brother said he had since been receiving psychological counseling.

Esteban Santiago: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

ABC News reported that Santiago “worked for a security company called Signal 88 in Anchorage…In November, he showed up to the FBI’s field office in Anchorage, where he espoused conspiracy theories, including one claim the U.S. government was trying to force him to watch ISIS videos.” ABC reported that Santiago allegedly “appeared incoherent at times,” so he was referred to local law enforcement to have his mental health evaluated. (Anchorage police referred Heavy to the FBI for any questions.)

The man heard voices. And he wasn't Muslim.
That's odd.
His computer shows he has been a frequent visitor to a dozen radical Islamist websites since 2007.
Maybe spending ten years as a 'regular' on these sites could have had just a tiny bit of influence on him.
You have no clue whether he had converted to Islam or not.
Leave your 'conjecture' at the door.
And it's a no-brainer that the guy was mentally ill, that's usually the kind of person that does a mass shooting.
Every member of ISIS is mentally ill.
Every follower of radical Islam is mentally ill.
As desperate as you all LIB want the shooter to be simply 'mentally ill' it's not working.
As more FACTS are revealed about the shooter the undeniable facts will prove he was another radicalized convert to radical Islam.
CNN has sunk so low they are 'photoshopping' the shooter's face to make him appear 'White'.
Pretty fucking pathetic but not unexpected.
Where in there does it say he wasn't a Muslim?

More to the point - where does it say he was?
Agreed. This is getting silly. It doesn't say he wasn't an alien invader from Mars either. Should we think it's a viable possibility? No.

Santiago was hear voices, obviously a sign of mental health problems. Probably schizophrenia since the voices were telling him what to do over a period of time. We'll know more about his background and connections in a few least those of us who don't believe the CIA killed JFK and is running ISIS.

And all it does is obscure the very real need for more mental health funding and help.

True. Anyone affiliated with Islam should be committed.

You saying religious people are nuts?
Islam is NOT a religion!
It's a cult made up of violent misogynist perverts who USE the name Islam to abuse women and commit violence on innocent people.
Look at the 'young muslim men' hanging around street corners in Europe's inner cities. These assholes are NOT there trying to spread the word of Islam. They are there to act like the fucking subhumans they are. Not one in ten thousand has the slightest clue or interest in the cult of Islam.

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