Et tu, Mitch???

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Well, yet another crack has opened in the Trump dam....

McConnell has openly stated that he won't pull the same crap as he did with Merrick Garland...and NOW he will follow the rules and have an open TRIAL once the House hands over the upcoming Articles of Impeachment.

As we saw with Clinton, ALL Senate members must attend and be silent as the trial unfolds, witnesses testify, documents go into the official record...AND each senator MUST cast an open vote (basically, openly separating the wheat from the chaff.)

Should be fun to watch next Spring...
Please link to the source where Mitch was quoted saying that he would have "an open trial".
I dare you.
You can't because he never uttered those words!

Calm down, "open trial" is the televised one...just like Clinton's....C-SPAN carried it all.
Well look at you...counting your chickens before they're hatched, first you need a vote....and before that you need the Justice Department to send charges to the House.
Well, yet another crack has opened in the Trump dam....

McConnell has openly stated that he won't pull the same crap as he did with Merrick Garland...and NOW he will follow the rules and have an open TRIAL once the House hands over the upcoming Articles of Impeachment.

As we saw with Clinton, ALL Senate members must attend and be silent as the trial unfolds, witnesses testify, documents go into the official record...AND each senator MUST cast an open vote (basically, openly separating the wheat from the chaff.)

Should be fun to watch next Spring...

McConnell has the LOWEST approval ratings than ANY other senator.......and he is underwater in HIS own state......

Mitch may have had enough in defending the orange turd.

What to know about Mitch McConnell's Senate reelection bid in Kentucky
Don't confuse McConnell's approval rating outside of Kentucky with his approval rating inside Kentucky. Trump is +16 in Kentucky, and Mitch is on the Trump team. If the democrats are dumb enough to try and defeat Mitch in KY they need a billionaire, Mitch is loaded for bear. Maybe Steyer or Bloomburg can waste more of their money running against Mitch? The democrats don't have anyone running that stands a prayer of beating McConnell.

Poll: 33% of Kentucky voters approve of McConnell

Poll: McConnell is most unpopular senator
Well, yet another crack has opened in the Trump dam....

McConnell has openly stated that he won't pull the same crap as he did with Merrick Garland...and NOW he will follow the rules and have an open TRIAL once the House hands over the upcoming Articles of Impeachment.

As we saw with Clinton, ALL Senate members must attend and be silent as the trial unfolds, witnesses testify, documents go into the official record...AND each senator MUST cast an open vote (basically, openly separating the wheat from the chaff.)

Should be fun to watch next Spring...

Read....and then go back to bed....

McConnell: Senate 'has no choice' but to hold trial if House ...

McConnell says Senate would have to hold a trial if House ...
The democrats don't have anyone running that stands a prayer of beating McConnell.
Of course we do. His name is Donald Trumpovich.
I think we're both victims of our surroundings. Out here in the hinterlands there are no voters other than Trump voters.
Where you are in an urban plantation I imagine there are no Trump voters.
2020 will be another surprise election for one of us.
Will the suburbs go blue, or red?
Will Trump win again in WI, MI and PA?
Remember how 2016 went? Trump didn't have a path to 270 electoral votes...

Well look at you...counting your chickens before they're hatched, first you need a vote....and before that you need the Justice Department to send charges to the House.

Quickly fire your civic lessons' GED teacher....
Out here in the hinterlands there are no voters other than Trump voters.
Right. And when moscow Mitch decides that trump could ruin his legacy, he will split. And then the angry trumpkins will throw him out of office.
Well, yet another crack has opened in the Trump dam....

McConnell has openly stated that he won't pull the same crap as he did with Merrick Garland...and NOW he will follow the rules and have an open TRIAL once the House hands over the upcoming Articles of Impeachment.

As we saw with Clinton, ALL Senate members must attend and be silent as the trial unfolds, witnesses testify, documents go into the official record...AND each senator MUST cast an open vote (basically, openly separating the wheat from the chaff.)

Should be fun to watch next Spring...

McConnell has the LOWEST approval ratings than ANY other senator.......and he is underwater in HIS own state......

Mitch may have had enough in defending the orange turd.

What to know about Mitch McConnell's Senate reelection bid in Kentucky
Don't confuse McConnell's approval rating outside of Kentucky with his approval rating inside Kentucky. Trump is +16 in Kentucky, and Mitch is on the Trump team. If the democrats are dumb enough to try and defeat Mitch in KY they need a billionaire, Mitch is loaded for bear. Maybe Steyer or Bloomburg can waste more of their money running against Mitch? The democrats don't have anyone running that stands a prayer of beating McConnell.

Poll: 33% of Kentucky voters approve of McConnell

Poll: McConnell is most unpopular senator

From your article:
"Despite low approval ratings, McConnell holds a razor-thin lead against a generic Democratic opponent. About 45 percent of Kentucky voters say they would vote for the Senate leader and 42 percent say they would support a “Democratic opponent.” About 12 percent are unsure."

After the voters think about the democrat's policies, and when Trump is on the ballot, Mitch is unbeatable. His seat is not on any of the senate projections as toss-up or leans GOP. Its in the solid GOP bucket.
Out here in the hinterlands there are no voters other than Trump voters.
Right. And when moscow Mitch decides that trump could ruin his legacy, he will split. And then the angry trumpkins will throw him out of office.
Where do you get that "Moscow Mitch" shit?
If the NYT or MSM comes up with some bullshit nickname you think the folks in KY give a fuck?
Trump enjoys a 90% approval rating among republicans, if Mitch retires we'll wish him well.
But with the money he's raising I don't see him retiring. Keep dreaming.
Well, yet another crack has opened in the Trump dam....

McConnell has openly stated that he won't pull the same crap as he did with Merrick Garland...and NOW he will follow the rules and have an open TRIAL once the House hands over the upcoming Articles of Impeachment.

As we saw with Clinton, ALL Senate members must attend and be silent as the trial unfolds, witnesses testify, documents go into the official record...AND each senator MUST cast an open vote (basically, openly separating the wheat from the chaff.)

Should be fun to watch next Spring...

Read....and then go back to bed....

McConnell: Senate 'has no choice' but to hold trial if House ...

McConnell says Senate would have to hold a trial if House ...
NPR or the National Pravda Network

News for Democrat Communists is using an old statement from 4 months ago and attempting to apply it to now.
Mitch already told the House not to bother with bringing that weak-assed (the whistleblower) shit up to the Senate.
Well look at you...counting your chickens before they're hatched, first you need a vote....and before that you need the Justice Department to send charges to the House.

Quickly fire your civic lessons' GED teacher....
I have a H.S. Diploma....penis-breath.

Maybe you need to read the steps needed to carry out an impeachment, Mkay?

Process of Impeachment—7 Steps

Process of Impeachment

A. 7 Steps of Impeachment:

1. Justice Department or an independent council investigates charges & presents them to the House Judiciary Committee

2. House Judiciary Committee (HJC) reviews evidence

3. HJC drafts Articles of Impeachment

4. HJC debates Articles of Impeachment (Nixon)

5. Entire House of Representatives debates Articles of Impeachment & votes on them (Simple Majority)

a. If this happens, President is considered Impeached

6. Senate holds the Trial "Will the official be kicked out of office"

a. House Judiciary Committee acts as the prosecution-- presents evidence against the accused

b. Accused chooses own lawyers to present defense

c. Chief Justice of Supreme Court acts as Judge and rules on admissibility of evidence

d. Senate acts as the Jury

7. A 2/3 majority of the Senate must vote against accused to remove the person from office (Andrew Johnson, Clinton)
Point being that we aren't any closer to impeachment then the day the Democrats found out Hillary lost.

But this is a very sad day for America........the Democraps have no choice but to lie about the president until they can get that motherfucker out office.

Where do you get that "Moscow Mitch" shit?
Because he puts russian interests ahead of american interests, when it benefits the GOP. I really shouldn't have to explain that to you.

I don't predict he is retiring. I may change my mind, as the environment changes. If it gets to the point where Mitch thinks his legacy is in danger of being summed up as the #1 bitchboy to a criminal, mentally ill president, he will split.

Dubbing him "Moscow Mitch" is just a reminder that he is being watched.

What's the difference between Edward Snowden and this **** whistleblower?

Snowden was a patriot......this **** is a lying bitch who is pissed that Hillary isn't president.
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Where do you get that "Moscow Mitch" shit?
Because he puts russian interests ahead of american interests, when it benefits the GOP. I really shouldn't have to explain that to you.

I don't predict he is retiring. I may change my mind, as the environment changes. If it gets to the point where Mitch thinks his legacy is in danger of being summed up as the #1 bitchboy to a criminal, mentally ill president, he will split.

Dubbing him "Moscow Mitch" is just a reminder that he is being watched.
He doesn't put Russian interests ahead of US interests. I only found one poor example:
Some democrats want Mitch to approve $600m for election security, Mitch calls it "McCarthyism".

'Moscow Mitch': Democrats Push McConnell, But Kentucky Loyalists Stand By Him
Mitch maintains that the country has done enough to deal with election security following Russian meddling of the 2016 U.S. elections.
"There won't be votes on things that are unrelated to having a successful election in 2020. Don't buy the spin," McConnell said in a brief press conference.
If you read the article, the KY voters aren't influenced by the democrats' tactics.
Well look at you...counting your chickens before they're hatched, first you need a vote....and before that you need the Justice Department to send charges to the House.

Quickly fire your civic lessons' GED teacher....
I have a H.S. Diploma....penis-breath.

Maybe you need to read the steps needed to carry out an impeachment, Mkay?

Process of Impeachment—7 Steps

Process of Impeachment

A. 7 Steps of Impeachment:

1. Justice Department or an independent council investigates charges & presents them to the House Judiciary Committee

2. House Judiciary Committee (HJC) reviews evidence

3. HJC drafts Articles of Impeachment

4. HJC debates Articles of Impeachment (Nixon)

5. Entire House of Representatives debates Articles of Impeachment & votes on them (Simple Majority)

a. If this happens, President is considered Impeached

6. Senate holds the Trial "Will the official be kicked out of office"

a. House Judiciary Committee acts as the prosecution-- presents evidence against the accused

b. Accused chooses own lawyers to present defense

c. Chief Justice of Supreme Court acts as Judge and rules on admissibility of evidence

d. Senate acts as the Jury

7. A 2/3 majority of the Senate must vote against accused to remove the person from office (Andrew Johnson, Clinton)

MORON.......did you NOT state in post #102 that " need the Justice Department to send charges to the House."????

That proves that you're a fucking idiot...does it not???.........APOLOGIZE.................LMAO
He doesn't put Russian interests ahead of US interests.
He absolutely has and does. He does it by putting GOP interests first. When they align with russian interests over american interests, as incidental as that may be, it still is what it is. And he should be called for it.
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