Et tu, Mitch???

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The post seems to originate with somebody named Dalhia Lithwick's (Slate) opinion of McConnell's duty as Senate Majority leader. It's pure fantasy.
The post seems to originate with somebody named Dalhia Lithwick's (Slate) opinion of McConnell's duty as Senate Majority leader. It's pure fantasy.
No, sorry. Again (please read thread before commenting):

"The Kentucky Republican told NPR in an interview several months ago that “if the House were to act, the Senate immediately goes into a trial.”
Article II, Section 4. Text of Article 2, Section 4: The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Would High Crimes and Misdemeanors entail "Abuse of Power"...."Emolument Breaches," "Obstruction of Justice," "Breaches of Campaign Finance Laws" al......????
Your fantasy crime list forgot the "collusion" that we'd been hearing for 3 fucking years before it turned into a Mueller nothingburger.
The short answer to your fantasy crime list is "NO". You will have to beat Trump in 2020 to remove him. Good luck with that.
Your fantasy crime list forgot the "collusion" that we'd been hearing for 3 fucking years before it turned into a Mueller nothingburger

If you had graduated from middle school, you'd know that "collusion" is not a legal crime...but an ethical one.

Eat your "nothingburger" and deal with the upcoming
Article II, Section 4. Text of Article 2, Section 4: The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Would High Crimes and Misdemeanors entail "Abuse of Power"...."Emolument Breaches," "Obstruction of Justice," "Breaches of Campaign Finance Laws" al......????
Your fantasy crime list forgot the "collusion" that we'd been hearing for 3 fucking years before it turned into a Mueller nothingburger.
The short answer to your fantasy crime list is "NO". You will have to beat Trump in 2020 to remove him. Good luck with that.
Hmm, collusion seemed fairly clear. Collusion is not a legal term. It just means, "to cooperate via a secret understanding". Clearly that happened.

What will be interesting is the, no doubt, freakish Roger Stone trial.
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The post seems to originate with somebody named Dalhia Lithwick's (Slate) opinion of McConnell's duty as Senate Majority leader. It's pure fantasy.
No, sorry. Again (please read thread before commenting):

"The Kentucky Republican told NPR in an interview several months ago that “if the House were to act, the Senate immediately goes into a trial.”
Why does the Constitutional duty of the Senate come as a surprise? Democrats know they can't win in the ballot box so they spin an old interview into something that will keep up the fantasy for the radicals of bypassing an election. You might as well consider PBS and Slate reporters as tools of foreign agents who seek to undermine America's system of government.
Your fantasy crime list forgot the "collusion" that we'd been hearing for 3 fucking years before it turned into a Mueller nothingburger

If you had graduated from middle school, you'd know that "collusion" is not a legal crime...but an ethical one.

Eat your "nothingburger" and deal with the upcoming

***Goalpost move alert****
Your fantasy crime list forgot the "collusion" that we'd been hearing for 3 fucking years before it turned into a Mueller nothingburger

If you had graduated from middle school, you'd know that "collusion" is not a legal crime...but an ethical one.

Eat your "nothingburger" and deal with the upcoming

Even the most illiterate posters here know that collusion is used instead of conspiracy.
You can explain it to the idiots at the ABA who still use "collusion" to describe the hoax crime

Mueller finds no collusion with Russia, leaves obstruction question open
Mueller finds no collusion with Russia, leaves obstruction question open
53-47 for acquittal. Surprised??

Keep an eye out for these republican senators...Ernst, Sasse, Romney, Gardner, Collins, Burr, etc.

You bet your ass we'll be watching them like hawks. Its one thing saying something is "not cool", and quite another to say its impeachable. Any votes to remove Trump by Republicans means bye-bye at the next primary. They know they can't fuck with Trump's 90% approval among Republicans.
Well, yet another crack has opened in the Trump dam....

McConnell has openly stated that he won't pull the same crap as he did with Merrick Garland...and NOW he will follow the rules and have an open TRIAL once the House hands over the upcoming Articles of Impeachment.

As we saw with Clinton, ALL Senate members must attend and be silent as the trial unfolds, witnesses testify, documents go into the official record...AND each senator MUST cast an open vote (basically, openly separating the wheat from the chaff.)

Should be fun to watch next Spring...
I'll believe it when I see it. Republicans lie.
Well, yet another crack has opened in the Trump dam....

McConnell has openly stated that he won't pull the same crap as he did with Merrick Garland...and NOW he will follow the rules and have an open TRIAL once the House hands over the upcoming Articles of Impeachment.

As we saw with Clinton, ALL Senate members must attend and be silent as the trial unfolds, witnesses testify, documents go into the official record...AND each senator MUST cast an open vote (basically, openly separating the wheat from the chaff.)

Should be fun to watch next Spring...
Call us when The House of Representatives casts open and public votes on beginning an official impeachment.
OMG let me tell you the Senate vote total on impeachment....53-47 for acquittal. Surprised??
only 20 votes short, too bad, awwww.

The democrat presidential candidates will be upstaged by Trump all day and all night and all year.

If the vote is as you suggest (and hope for), and the evidence presented is sufficient to prove guilt beyond any reasonable doubt, then the GOP Senators will have put the last nail in the coffin of the Republican Party.

OMG, removing Trump will never happen. This is Trumps "Lucy" gag on the dems.
I still say that the vote will be 53-47 for acquittal in the Senate.
There can be no "guilt" because there is no crime.

What you are suggesting and hope for is that every Senate Republican puts themselves and their party before their oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.

Not at all. You need a serious crime before voting to remove a president. You democrats excused Bill Clinton of proven perjury, not one voted to convict, so please don't play the "oath of office" card. Trump isn't accused of any crime, so says Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law Professor.
Alan Dershowitz: Impeachment inquiry will backfire on Dems

Abuse of Power in squashing legal subpoenas is a criminal offense, obstruction of justice; attempting to bribe a foreign gov't /president is a crime. Both are felonies and both have can be presented to the "jury" as committed by trump beyond a reasonable doubt. Paying off a sexual encounter weeks before the election violates a campaign finance law. Separating parents from children is child abuse and ought to be one of the several allegations he has ordered his subordinates to engage, violating Immigration law and morality.

Parents can sue civilly President Trump for the life long damage done to children, and I'm surprised immigration lawyers have not pursued such a suit.
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53-47 for acquittal. Surprised??

Keep an eye out for these republican senators...Ernst, Sasse, Romney, Gardner, Collins, Burr, etc.

You bet your ass we'll be watching them like hawks. Its one thing saying something is "not cool", and quite another to say its impeachable. Any votes to remove Trump by Republicans means bye-bye at the next primary. They know they can't fuck with Trump's 90% approval among Republicans.

Don't cry too much.....(I know, I know, fake news, right??)

CNN Poll: Support for impeaching Trump rises among independents and Republicans

CNN Poll: Support for impeaching Trump rises among independents and Republicans -

About 15% of Republicans NOW favor Trump's impeachment.....The DAM HAS BROKEN.....You can bet that the 15% will increase in the next few months....Leaving ONLY the Trump Cult Members (like you) to be left behind still kissing the fat turd's ass........................LOL
OMG let me tell you the Senate vote total on impeachment....53-47 for acquittal. Surprised??
only 20 votes short, too bad, awwww.

The democrat presidential candidates will be upstaged by Trump all day and all night and all year.

If the vote is as you suggest (and hope for), and the evidence presented is sufficient to prove guilt beyond any reasonable doubt, then the GOP Senators will have put the last nail in the coffin of the Republican Party.

OMG, removing Trump will never happen. This is Trumps "Lucy" gag on the dems.
I still say that the vote will be 53-47 for acquittal in the Senate.
There can be no "guilt" because there is no crime.

What you are suggesting and hope for is that every Senate Republican puts themselves and their party before their oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.

Not at all. You need a serious crime before voting to remove a president. You democrats excused Bill Clinton of proven perjury, not one voted to convict, so please don't play the "oath of office" card. Trump isn't accused of any crime, so says Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law Professor.
Alan Dershowitz: Impeachment inquiry will backfire on Dems

Abuse of Power in squashing legal subpoenas is a criminal offense, obstruction of justice; attempting to bribe a foreign gov't /president is a crime. Both are felonies and both have can be presented to the "jury" as committed by trump beyond a reasonable doubt. Paying off a sexual encounter weeks before the election violates a campaign finance law. Separating parents from children is child abuse and ought to be one of the several allegations he has ordered his subordinates to engage, violating Immigration law and morality.

Parents can sue civilly President Trump for the life long damage done to children, and I'm surprised immigration lawyers have not pursued such a suit.

1. There was no abuse of power regarding Ukraine, just ask Alan Dershowitz, distinguished Harvard Law Professor:

2. There is no abuse of power squashing subpoenas, its called executive privilege. No Republican senator would vote to remove for this

3. Paying off Stormy is not a crime either, here's Alan again

Dershowitz: Candidate Entitled To Pay Hush Money, Committed No Election Crime

4. Temporarily separating illegal parents from their children is not a crime. All criminals are separated form their children when the parents go to jail. If you don't want6 to be separated, don't enter the US illegally.

5. Good luck trying to sue Trump for "damage" done to kids whose parents entered the US illegally. Stop playing retarded lawyer. Even ambulance chasers know that is impossible to prove.

So your bullshit "articles of impeachment" would get thrown out of any US court. Let alone Republican Senators protecting the presidency from socialist bullshit.
If the vote is as you suggest (and hope for), and the evidence presented is sufficient to prove guilt beyond any reasonable doubt, then the GOP Senators will have put the last nail in the coffin of the Republican Party.

OMG, removing Trump will never happen. This is Trumps "Lucy" gag on the dems.
I still say that the vote will be 53-47 for acquittal in the Senate.
There can be no "guilt" because there is no crime.

What you are suggesting and hope for is that every Senate Republican puts themselves and their party before their oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.

Not at all. You need a serious crime before voting to remove a president. You democrats excused Bill Clinton of proven perjury, not one voted to convict, so please don't play the "oath of office" card. Trump isn't accused of any crime, so says Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law Professor.
Alan Dershowitz: Impeachment inquiry will backfire on Dems

Abuse of Power in squashing legal subpoenas is a criminal offense, obstruction of justice; attempting to bribe a foreign gov't /president is a crime. Both are felonies and both have can be presented to the "jury" as committed by trump beyond a reasonable doubt. Paying off a sexual encounter weeks before the election violates a campaign finance law. Separating parents from children is child abuse and ought to be one of the several allegations he has ordered his subordinates to engage, violating Immigration law and morality.

Parents can sue civilly President Trump for the life long damage done to children, and I'm surprised immigration lawyers have not pursued such a suit.

1. There was no abuse of power regarding Ukraine, just ask Alan Dershowitz, distinguished Harvard Law Professor:

2. There is no abuse of power squashing subpoenas, its called executive privilege. No Republican senator would vote to remove for this

3. Paying off Stormy is not a crime either, here's Alan again

Dershowitz: Candidate Entitled To Pay Hush Money, Committed No Election Crime

4. Temporarily separating illegal parents from their children is not a crime. All criminals are separated form their children when the parents go to jail. If you don't want6 to be separated, don't enter the US illegally.

5. Good luck trying to sue Trump for "damage" done to kids whose parents entered the US illegally. Stop playing retarded lawyer. Even ambulance chasers know that is impossible to prove.

So your bullshit "articles of impeachment" would get thrown out of any US court. Let alone Republican Senators protecting the presidency from socialist bullshit.

Nice spin, time will tell; the eventual outcome in the Senate is a given. The bar to remove Trump will fail, Moscow Mitch will set the table, and justice will not be part of the menu.

I'm counting on reasonable doubt, if the people see the evidence and find it both credible and worthy enough to have trump fired, it will come back to damage the GOP for decades.
OMG let me tell you the Senate vote total on impeachment....53-47 for acquittal. Surprised??
only 20 votes short, too bad, awwww.

The democrat presidential candidates will be upstaged by Trump all day and all night and all year.

If the vote is as you suggest (and hope for), and the evidence presented is sufficient to prove guilt beyond any reasonable doubt, then the GOP Senators will have put the last nail in the coffin of the Republican Party.

OMG, removing Trump will never happen. This is Trumps "Lucy" gag on the dems.
I still say that the vote will be 53-47 for acquittal in the Senate.
There can be no "guilt" because there is no crime.

What you are suggesting and hope for is that every Senate Republican puts themselves and their party before their oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.

Not at all. You need a serious crime before voting to remove a president. You democrats excused Bill Clinton of proven perjury, not one voted to convict, so please don't play the "oath of office" card. Trump isn't accused of any crime, so says Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law Professor.
Alan Dershowitz: Impeachment inquiry will backfire on Dems

Abuse of Power in squashing legal subpoenas is a criminal offense, obstruction of justice; attempting to bribe a foreign gov't /president is a crime. Both are felonies and both have can be presented to the "jury" as committed by trump beyond a reasonable doubt. Paying off a sexual encounter weeks before the election violates a campaign finance law. Separating parents from children is child abuse and ought to be one of the several allegations he has ordered his subordinates to engage, violating Immigration law and morality.

Parents can sue civilly President Trump for the life long damage done to children, and I'm surprised immigration lawyers have not pursued such a suit.

Yet Mueller investigated all of this and did not cite a single crime the The President Committed.

Joe Biden committed crimes, The President did not.

Why are you afraid of Democracy and the 2020 Election?

So now your "Crying Wolf" has boiled down to relying on gossip, hearsay, and rumors?
I'm counting on reasonable doubt, if the people see the evidence and find it both credible and worthy enough to have trump fired, it will come back to damage the GOP for decades.

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