Et tu, Mitch???

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OMG let me tell you the Senate vote total on impeachment....53-47 for acquittal. Surprised??
only 20 votes short, too bad, awwww.

There are several reports that were the Senate vote secret, THIRTY GOP senators would vote to impeach the orange turd.


But they're NOT secret...those GOP Senators who dared to vote to impeach would have to face their constituents come election time! They're not going to give you what you so desperately want, Nat! Sorry but it just isn't going to happen!

Keep an eye on Collins, Ernst, Gardner, Romney, Toomey, Burr, etc.....

When it becomes obvious that this is nothing more than another one of the string of political attacks on Trump that the left has unleashed since he became President, Nat...I think the Democrats are going to pay for their actions at the polls! It won't be Democrats from "safe" liberal districts...they'll keep their seats...but for the ones who are from battleground States...THEY are going to pay the price for what Nancy Pelosi has started!
but for the ones who are from battleground States...THEY are going to pay the price for what Nancy Pelosi has started!

Decent price to pay for JUSTICE against the corrupt, orange turd........You know, these democrats swore an oath to the Constitution and NOT to a fucking charlatan.
Well, yet another crack has opened in the Trump dam....

McConnell has openly stated that he won't pull the same crap as he did with Merrick Garland...and NOW he will follow the rules and have an open TRIAL once the House hands over the upcoming Articles of Impeachment.

As we saw with Clinton, ALL Senate members must attend and be silent as the trial unfolds, witnesses testify, documents go into the official record...AND each senator MUST cast an open vote (basically, openly separating the wheat from the chaff.)

Should be fun to watch next Spring...

You still haven't figured it out yet, have you, Nat? McConnell WELCOMES this attempt at impeachment by the Democrats! Democrats in contested States up for election are quaking in their boots right now! This "publicity stunt" by the far left is going to screw them to the wall!
They are aware. They just don't care. Must look very foreign, to a republican. Your breathless post demonstrates that.
Well, yet another crack has opened in the Trump dam....

McConnell has openly stated that he won't pull the same crap as he did with Merrick Garland...and NOW he will follow the rules and have an open TRIAL once the House hands over the upcoming Articles of Impeachment.

As we saw with Clinton, ALL Senate members must attend and be silent as the trial unfolds, witnesses testify, documents go into the official record...AND each senator MUST cast an open vote (basically, openly separating the wheat from the chaff.)

Should be fun to watch next Spring...

Actually you're lying, he said the senate would take it up. That could mean many things, from assigning it to a committee where it would likely die, or not trying all the charges. The Articles of impeachment against Andrew Jackson contained 11 counts, the senate chose to try him on only 3. Palousey is playing games with procedures, nothing says McConnell can't do the same.

OMG let me tell you the Senate vote total on impeachment....53-47 for acquittal. Surprised??
only 20 votes short, too bad, awwww.

The democrat presidential candidates will be upstaged by Trump all day and all night and all year.

If the vote is as you suggest (and hope for), and the evidence presented is sufficient to prove guilt beyond any reasonable doubt, then the GOP Senators will have put the last nail in the coffin of the Republican Party.

History doesn't bear that out. Clinton entered into a plea deal to avoid jail in AR and there was no doubt about his guilt, the commiecrats refused to do their constitutional duty, they gained seats. But even a conviction does not guarantee removal, it up to the senate to set punishment.

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