Etch-A-Sketch: it's the new flip-flop

You're calling me a fucking racist? Fuck you dick weed. I hate racism in all it's ugly forms, and you insult me with this? Go away child you have way to much to learn to be here.............

Then that makes you a fucking idiot.

Because how can you think Romney will be any different than Bush? Bush who when he left office we were bleeding 7 million jobs. On Obama's watch we are at least adding 300,000 jobs a month. What you do consider success? Completely destroying the middle class? I bet you didn't think Clinton was doing a good job either, huh? :cuckoo:

And Romney agrees with Paul Ryan and the tea baggers in the House. If it weren't for them, we'd be adding 600,000 jobs a month. Their cuts are designed to hurt Obama's job numbers. And you fell for it. Again, :cuckoo:

Bull Shit.

This is the longest so called recovery on record, but to you stupid fuck Obamabots that's still Bush's fault. This administration has done little but fuck shit up and you all want to lick Obamas asshole. What the fuck is wrong with you.

What other President in history refused to talk about their signature legislation on it's 2 year anniversary? And Why? Because next week it goes in front of the Supreme Court. WHy? Because it's a piece of shit unconstitutional piece of crap. But that doesn't bother Obamabots. Kids singing praises to him in school, doesn't matter he deserves it right?

No I don't believe Romney will be a good President. But I believe he'll be a better president than Mr Transparent I won Obama.

Obama knows his arguments are weak, and seeing the damage he's done? he know's he's in deep shit.
As a centrist, I will tell you the truth.

A moderate does not need Hard core principles to win, they only need your vote!

Sadly, but true, now shake your computer screens and oh wait, your computer does not work that way, does it??:tongue:
Bull Shit.

This is the longest so called recovery on record, but to you stupid fuck Obamabots that's still Bush's fault. This administration has done little but fuck shit up and you all want to lick Obamas asshole. What the fuck is wrong with you.

What other President in history refused to talk about their signature legislation on it's 2 year anniversary? And Why? Because next week it goes in front of the Supreme Court. WHy? Because it's a piece of shit unconstitutional piece of crap. But that doesn't bother Obamabots. Kids singing praises to him in school, doesn't matter he deserves it right?

No I don't believe Romney will be a good President. But I believe he'll be a better president than Mr Transparent I won Obama.

Actually, it is quite similar in length and severity to Reagan's first term.

And, obviously, recoveries before and including the Great Depression were often a lot worse than this one.

Which brings us to why this recovery is so grueling:

The scope of the economic collapse was simply the most extensive since 1929, and the circumstances were very similar.

Over-leveraging and over-valuation of investments were widespread and commonplace.

We had one bubble on top of another, and when the second one burst, tens of trillions of dollars in capital disappeared overnight.

This is pretty much exactly what happened in 1929, with pretty much the same results.

As far as the "2nd anniversary celebration" of a "signature legislation" is concerned, why would anyone go celebrating a legislation that hasn't really been tested in the field as of yet?
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That would be like flying onto an aircraft carrier and claiming "Mission Accomplished" before the war was over...
That would be like flying onto an aircraft carrier and claiming "Mission Accomplished" before the war was over...

I thought you had more sense than that. The carriers mission was over, people who do not have their head up their ass know this.

LWC has to dredge the bottom of the barrel to continue the mantra to blame Bush.

Oh, come on people, it was just a funny comparison, you know, a joke, I wasn't actually blaming anything on Bush.
As I look through all the topics being discussed today, I have to say that the Republicans have to admit at this point they are in big trouble. Things couldn't be any worse. This is worse than Palin/McCain or Gore and whoever he chose to run with him. Romney is a horrible candidate!

But Republicans will turn up the volume on Obamacare and Solyndra and Tea Baggers and Abortion and Gun Rights and gas prices.

They want to make this election about Obama. If its just about Obama, they think they can win. Then people will vote for Romney as a lesser of two evils. But if people get to know Romney, and OH BOY are we going to let them know about Romney, then he doesn't have a chance in hell.

And because of the long GOP primaries, Obama hasn't had to spend a dime yet. Why bother until the GOP makes their choice.

And meanwhile the GOP are doing Obama's job for him. And so is Romney. Puts his foot in his mouth every chance he gets. And Santorum is no different. They've both said enough already to hang themselves 5 times each. Both are on record saying they don't care about unemployment. What a joke. Is this a joke? Are they going to nominate Jeb at the last minute or Mark Rubio? LOL.

And this is Romney's main problem. He's not a likable person. You wouldn't want to have a beer with him even if his whacked out cult let him drink beer.
You're calling me a fucking racist? Fuck you dick weed. I hate racism in all it's ugly forms, and you insult me with this? Go away child you have way to much to learn to be here.............

Yup... calling you out, bub...

I'm sorry but you have to be at least partially intelligent to call me out. You have lost any and all credibility when you attacked my integrity. Sergeants are funny that way.......
You're calling me a fucking racist? Fuck you dick weed. I hate racism in all it's ugly forms, and you insult me with this? Go away child you have way to much to learn to be here.............

Yup... calling you out, bub...

I'm sorry but you have to be at least partially intelligent to call me out. You have lost any and all credibility when you attacked my integrity. Sergeants are funny that way.......

Dude, I was a sergeant, too. Only an SSG, mind you, MOS 76Y30.... But hey, whatever, guy, you put a uniform on an asshole, he's still an asshole.

Frankly, your irrational hatred for Obama calls you out...

I don't think he's a good president, but I don't think he's the center of all evil in the universe, either.
Please. He can barely handle two has-beens like Santorum and Gingrich.

He won't have the huge money advantage, Obama will have more money.

he won't have the Media digging up shit on Obama like they did in the primary, they'll be too busy digging up shit on him. Expect to hear a lot more about baptisms for Holocaust vicitms and laid off AmPad workers.

Not to mention Romney penchant for saying really, really stupid shit. And he's got another 7 months to say even dumber stuff.

Idiot, he was talking about their strategy of taking on Obamination.

They will plan out their attack on Obamination once this GOP circus is over.....uh, start over on the real evil one.

The mission of eliminating the Iraqi military and Saddam from power was accomplished, dumbass.

The rebuilding of Iraq took longer than expected over the dumb mistake of not allowing the Sunnis to have a say in the new Iraq because they were tied to Saddam. It was kinda like telling the Nazis they couldn't help rebuild Germany.

That would be like flying onto an aircraft carrier and claiming "Mission Accomplished" before the war was over...
Blah, blah, blah.....the liberal chimes in, don't worry over your Obamination.....:eusa_shhh:

Please. He can barely handle two has-beens like Santorum and Gingrich.

He won't have the huge money advantage, Obama will have more money.

he won't have the Media digging up shit on Obama like they did in the primary, they'll be too busy digging up shit on him. Expect to hear a lot more about baptisms for Holocaust vicitms and laid off AmPad workers.

Not to mention Romney penchant for saying really, really stupid shit. And he's got another 7 months to say even dumber stuff.

Idiot, he was talking about their strategy of taking on Obamination.

They will plan out their attack on Obamination once this GOP circus is over.....uh, start over on the real evil one.

And today, the former PM of Iraq says that the Iranians are running the place.

So I'm not seeing how that was a great improvement, exactly.

The mission of eliminating the Iraqi military and Saddam from power was accomplished, dumbass.

The rebuilding of Iraq took longer than expected over the dumb mistake of not allowing the Sunnis to have a say in the new Iraq because they were tied to Saddam. It was kinda like telling the Nazis they couldn't help rebuild Germany.

That would be like flying onto an aircraft carrier and claiming "Mission Accomplished" before the war was over...
Yup... calling you out, bub...

I'm sorry but you have to be at least partially intelligent to call me out. You have lost any and all credibility when you attacked my integrity. Sergeants are funny that way.......

Dude, I was a sergeant, too. Only an SSG, mind you, MOS 76Y30.... But hey, whatever, guy, you put a uniform on an asshole, he's still an asshole.

Frankly, your irrational hatred for Obama calls you out...

I don't think he's a good president, but I don't think he's the center of all evil in the universe, either.

Yes I can be an asshole. Was my job for a while even. But you will not attack my service or integrity because you aren't good enough.
I challenge you to show any post I have made where I said I hate Obama, or showed anything but total disdain for racists.

You are the hater here. You have admitted it. And just as stupid as hating a man for the color of his skin you hate a man for his religion.

Fuck off SSG. Don't you have some pencils to count?

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