EU and Canada offering euthanasia for boredom

Zoraya ter Beek, 28, expects to be euthanized in early May.

Her plan, she said, is to be cremated.

“I did not want to burden my partner with having to keep the grave tidy,” ter Beek texted me. “We have not picked an urn yet, but that will be my new house!”
So what is your problem - aren't especially extremist conservatives aka MAGA's, and extremist Lefty/Libs all about "personal freedom" ???
You honesty belief that I would waste my time discussing with some MAGA dolt :auiqs.jpg::cuckoo: - who even denies the FACT of 4 right-out lies??
Be honest you can't count to 4

C'mon work that little idiotic demonrat brain
Your life your choice soon gives way to people fighting and screaming while they are held down for the kill shot. All for your own good, of course.
Nope; your own life - your own choice
Ain't giving you a free pass, onto past 8 weeks Abortionists.
If you don’t want to have an abortion after 8 weeks then don’t get one. Heck of you don’t want to get an abortion at all then don’t get one. It’s your body your choice, no one should be forcing their beliefs onto you

This must be that government run health care the left wants so bad. First they offer MAID to disabled veterans who wanted a wheelchair ramp and now this. Oh but death panels were a delusion right leftists? When it becomes too costly to care for someone they will kill you, when you become a drain on the system they will kill you.

English. Learn it.
Unlike you, I did.

Unneeded bolding. Lose it. It makes you look even dumber than you clearly are.


You bore me. But that’s a terrible basis for suicide and an even worse basis for a government to assist my effort to do so.

No sane person says “I’m bored; therefore I wish to kill myself.” Given that it’s a hallmark of insanity, the government shouldn’t assist the sick-minded person in killing himself or herself. They should instead maybe provide mental health aid.

This must be that government run health care the left wants so bad. First they offer MAID to disabled veterans who wanted a wheelchair ramp and now this. Oh but death panels were a delusion right leftists? When it becomes too costly to care for someone they will kill you, when you become a drain on the system they will kill you.

Some people will do anything to get attention.
If you don’t want to have an abortion after 8 weeks then don’t get one. Heck of you don’t want to get an abortion at all then don’t get one. It’s your body your choice, no one should be forcing their beliefs onto you
NO, it's not "your body - your choice" but about the law that is intended to protect unborn LIFE - towards irresponsible people.

Speed limits and traffic laws were not introduced to simply protect YOUR body and YOUR drunken driver choice - but to protect the health and LIFE of ALL
NO, it's not "your body - your choice" but about the law that is intended to protect unborn LIFE - towards irresponsible people.

Speed limits and traffic laws were not introduced to simply protect YOUR body and YOUR drunken driver choice - but to protect the health and LIFE of ALL
Better to stay n your lane and allow people to exercise freedom of choice. Free will is one of the most important principles humanity has. But I will give ina little bec ypu brought it up and I think it’s a good point. No Abortions On Public Roads.
Better to stay n your lane and allow people to exercise freedom of choice. Free will is one of the most important principles humanity has. But I will give ina little bec ypu brought it up and I think it’s a good point. No Abortions On Public Roads.
You confuse "personal freedom" and "free choice" with propagating and encouraging a selfish/egoistic and irresponsible behavior.
And in order to create/maintain a workable/feasible society - LAWS have been made and introduced to ensure just that - because people are NOT all equal.

Where did I state that I promote "no abortions on public roads"??? - you just make shit up, to suit your personal views onto an irresponsible and lawless lefty/Lib society that promotes a pure egoistic and selfish behavior.

Taking your lefty/Lib mindset into account - human mankind would never have developed, but would be living in caves dominated by club swingers following the principle, fuck the tribes freedom, I have the biggest club so I decide, and WhyTF should I share and contribute, the only one to be free is myself and my sole conviction. Added by forbidding fire - since burning wood and smoke endangers the environment.
Some right-to-die activists want everyone to have access to euthanasia—even young people with mental illness. Are they also making suicide contagious?

Zoraya ter Beek, 28, expects to be euthanized in early May.

Her plan, she said, is to be cremated.

“I did not want to burden my partner with having to keep the grave tidy,” ter Beek texted me. “We have not picked an urn yet, but that will be my new house!”

She added an urn emoji after “house!”

Ter Beek, who lives in a little Dutch town near the German border, once had ambitions to become a psychiatrist, but she was never able to muster the will to finish school or start a career. She said she was hobbled by her depression and autism and borderline personality disorder. Now she was tired of living—despite, she said, being in love with her boyfriend, a 40-

What is wrong with this world?
Hey, at least she isn't killing someone else.

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