EU vows crackdown on Poland & Hungary.

So, the EU isn't Liberal?

Now who's being clueless?
Everyone who is free and well-informed is liberal LOL

Republicans, and Democrats are both pretty ignorant, on the whole.

Poland gets much more correctly, having healthcare by the state at a much lower cost than the USA. In fact Poles pay about 1/4th of the USA on healthcare spending.

Of course, Poland's correct on denouncing Islamic refugees, and on cracking down on Abortion.

Poland's also correct in standing up to what Jew Norman Finkelstein calls the Holocaust industry.

Poland also has much lower taxes than the USA.

Yet, Poland's education results as shown by the PISA scores are higher, same thing with Poland's literacy rate.

Poland's also smart in supplementing family monetary government incomes, to encourage a healthy birthrate.

My only gripe with Poland is that more should be done to limit coal pollution.

Poles pay about 1/4th of the USA on healthcare spending.

Poles have about 1/4th of the USA per capita GDP.

Sure, incomes are higher in the USA vs Poland.
So are prices higher too.

So poor people spend less on heathcare….and on everything else. Great job!

First off, Poland's income is slightly ahead of the Global average.

Second off, Numbeo kind of proved that the cost of living vs income in Poland vs the USA are similar.
In fact Numbeo favored Poland a little.

Seems like Poland's in quite a bit better shape, now-a-days vs the USA.
Everyone who is free and well-informed is liberal LOL

Republicans, and Democrats are both pretty ignorant, on the whole.

Poland gets much more correctly, having healthcare by the state at a much lower cost than the USA. In fact Poles pay about 1/4th of the USA on healthcare spending.

Of course, Poland's correct on denouncing Islamic refugees, and on cracking down on Abortion.

Poland's also correct in standing up to what Jew Norman Finkelstein calls the Holocaust industry.

Poland also has much lower taxes than the USA.

Yet, Poland's education results as shown by the PISA scores are higher, same thing with Poland's literacy rate.

Poland's also smart in supplementing family monetary government incomes, to encourage a healthy birthrate.

My only gripe with Poland is that more should be done to limit coal pollution.

Poles pay about 1/4th of the USA on healthcare spending.

Poles have about 1/4th of the USA per capita GDP.

Sure, incomes are higher in the USA vs Poland.
So are prices higher too.

So poor people spend less on heathcare….and on everything else. Great job!

First off, Poland's income is slightly ahead of the Global average.

Second off, Numbeo kind of proved that the cost of living vs income in Poland vs the USA are similar.
In fact Numbeo favored Poland a little.

Seems like Poland's in quite a bit better shape, now-a-days vs the USA.

First off, Poland's income is slightly ahead of the Global average.

So what? You were comparing them to the US.

Seems like Poland's in quite a bit better shape, now-a-days vs the USA.

If $14K GDP per capita means "quite a bit better".
go back to "russia" white nigi&er , maskli will take care of all your problems

Russia has some outrageous demands for Poland, but so does the EU, and America / Israel.

Russia demands Poland keeps Soviet memorials.

EU demands Poland allows in Islamic refugees.

America / Israel demand Poland pay Jews compensations.

Wow, I wouldn't be so quick to say Russia's a worse enemy.

The West are Polish traitors, always have been.

At least Russia is Slavic & Right-Wing.

At least some Western Europeans are Catholic, and Conservative, like Italy, Austria, and to a lesser extent portions of French, and Irish culture.

Its Germanic Protestants which are the worst, and least likely to fit with Poles, having played a big role in the EU Liberalism, and in prosecuting Poland for what ever nonsense they can make up.

Germanic Protestants are garbage, and should just go extinct already.
i see for poles like you - civilization and Asiatic mongols juchi are the same, so its clear you dont belong to our western part of the world, your place is Asia . maskal hordes will take care , without NATO you are 0 . wait for new rapes and massacres

Massacre - Historian Norman Davies described as "an orgy of killing" of isolated ... The massacre of Praga dented Suvorov and the Russian ...
Both of those shitholes are taking the piss.

Hmm, so why does Poland score higher educational PISA scores, higher literacy rates, have less murder, less crime, less drug abuse, less single mothers, and less gangs + terrorism than the shithole of the UK?

Ireland ( Northern ) is part of the UK, and who want to mate with a Polish woman when you know she will be the size of a bus after one kid?

Look, Poland is a waste and always has been and no matter how much propaganda you attempt your Utopia is like Russia to most non-Polish and just another Slovak shithole...

So obey the E.U. or face their wrath...

Poland's a waste?
Yet, Poland helped save Europe from Islam with Jan III Sobieski in the Battle of Vienna, helped save Europe from Soviets with Jozef Pilsudski in the Polish - Soviet war.
Poles like Kosciuzko, and Pulaski helped found the USA.
Pole Ryszard Kuklinski helped prevent WW3 by disclosing Soviet secrets to the USA, CIA.
Poles with Solidarity lead by Lech Walesa, propped up by Pope Jan Pawel II, and with Zbigniew Brzezinski's engineering of the Afghan-Soviet war, played a pivotal part of ending the Soviet Union.

Even the scientific revolution is said to have started with Copernicus of Poland.

Now, Poland's standing at the forefront against the Islamic & Soviet invasions of Europe once again.

Western Europeans are clueless.
Who was it who said that Poland was like England without a channel? The EU pisses me off because Americans used to be able to spend three months in each of 27 countries and then go back and do it again. Now they can spent three months in the entire EU. Does not Help communications and understanding....

How is Poland like England, exactly?

England had been looting, shooting, enslaving, and oppressing huge portions of the globe.
Then did a 180 and let a bunch of non-Whites destroy their culture.

Its like Western European nations are like the crazed gun man who kills a bunch of people, before turning the gun on himself.

Western Europeans in general are absolutely insane, ignorant, and out of control.

I have very little respect for such a delusional, and idiotic peoples.
Back in the old days they had the same kind of nobles and taste for freedom, but of course they have no channel so things got a little dicey didn't they. As Charles de Gaulle would say, Anglo Americans are always complimenting themselves on how wonderful and tough and strong they are hiding behind the channel and the Atlantic ocean and letting other people get run over all the time LOL... Perfidious Albion and Savage capitalists etc... Franco stands for Francophile. My point is countries like people are all the same, only their environment causes the differences.
Republicans, and Democrats are both pretty ignorant, on the whole.

Poland gets much more correctly, having healthcare by the state at a much lower cost than the USA. In fact Poles pay about 1/4th of the USA on healthcare spending.

Of course, Poland's correct on denouncing Islamic refugees, and on cracking down on Abortion.

Poland's also correct in standing up to what Jew Norman Finkelstein calls the Holocaust industry.

Poland also has much lower taxes than the USA.

Yet, Poland's education results as shown by the PISA scores are higher, same thing with Poland's literacy rate.

Poland's also smart in supplementing family monetary government incomes, to encourage a healthy birthrate.

My only gripe with Poland is that more should be done to limit coal pollution.

Poles pay about 1/4th of the USA on healthcare spending.

Poles have about 1/4th of the USA per capita GDP.

Sure, incomes are higher in the USA vs Poland.
So are prices higher too.

So poor people spend less on heathcare….and on everything else. Great job!

First off, Poland's income is slightly ahead of the Global average.

Second off, Numbeo kind of proved that the cost of living vs income in Poland vs the USA are similar.
In fact Numbeo favored Poland a little.

Seems like Poland's in quite a bit better shape, now-a-days vs the USA.

First off, Poland's income is slightly ahead of the Global average.

So what? You were comparing them to the US.

Seems like Poland's in quite a bit better shape, now-a-days vs the USA.

If $14K GDP per capita means "quite a bit better".

So, ONLY the amount of income makes for a better life quality?
NOT the income to cost of living, crime rate, murder rate, gangs, terrorism rate, single mothers rate, drug abuse rate etc. etc.??????
go back to "russia" white nigi&er , maskli will take care of all your problems

Russia has some outrageous demands for Poland, but so does the EU, and America / Israel.

Russia demands Poland keeps Soviet memorials.

EU demands Poland allows in Islamic refugees.

America / Israel demand Poland pay Jews compensations.

Wow, I wouldn't be so quick to say Russia's a worse enemy.

The West are Polish traitors, always have been.

At least Russia is Slavic & Right-Wing.

At least some Western Europeans are Catholic, and Conservative, like Italy, Austria, and to a lesser extent portions of French, and Irish culture.

Its Germanic Protestants which are the worst, and least likely to fit with Poles, having played a big role in the EU Liberalism, and in prosecuting Poland for what ever nonsense they can make up.

Germanic Protestants are garbage, and should just go extinct already.
i see for poles like you - civilization and Asiatic mongols juchi are the same, so its clear you dont belong to our western part of the world, your place is Asia . maskal hordes will take care , without NATO you are 0 . wait for new rapes and massacres

Massacre - Historian Norman Davies described as "an orgy of killing" of isolated ... The massacre of Praga dented Suvorov and the Russian ...

Russia is technically apart of Western civilization, being White, and Christian.

Russia isn't plagued by as much Liberal idiocy as the West.
They don't think as much that the most important priorities are Gays, Feminism, Islamic Refugees, Jews, Political Correctness etc;

Western Europeans are pretty disfunctional, and so are Russians.

Poles make most White people, and most of the World look like savages, so sorry to say.

Although, Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians, Estonians, Finns, Slovenians, Croats, Northern & Central Italians, among perhaps a few others are fairly solid.
Poles pay about 1/4th of the USA on healthcare spending.

Poles have about 1/4th of the USA per capita GDP.

Sure, incomes are higher in the USA vs Poland.
So are prices higher too.

So poor people spend less on heathcare….and on everything else. Great job!

First off, Poland's income is slightly ahead of the Global average.

Second off, Numbeo kind of proved that the cost of living vs income in Poland vs the USA are similar.
In fact Numbeo favored Poland a little.

Seems like Poland's in quite a bit better shape, now-a-days vs the USA.

First off, Poland's income is slightly ahead of the Global average.

So what? You were comparing them to the US.

Seems like Poland's in quite a bit better shape, now-a-days vs the USA.

If $14K GDP per capita means "quite a bit better".

So, ONLY the amount of income makes for a better life quality?
NOT the income to cost of living, crime rate, murder rate, gangs, terrorism rate, single mothers rate, drug abuse rate etc. etc.??????

So, ONLY the amount of income makes for a better life quality?

Personally, spending makes me happy. Improves my life.
Poles don't have a lot to spend.....compared to Americans.

NOT the income to cost of living,

Things aren't that much cheaper in Poland.

crime rate, murder rate, gangs, terrorism rate, single mothers rate, drug abuse rate etc. etc.??????

I live in a good neighborhood.
The EU is showing enormous restraint with these countries. As a parent you hope that they take note but sometimes you have to put your foot down. Racist,gay-bashers have no place in an advanced society. They need to catch up before they are shown the door and join Putins Kleptocratic superstate.

I look at it a different way, TT.

The EU is led by Germany- a nation who has never adequately apologized for WWII, and France who disrespected their sacred alliance with Poland in 1939.

Eff them both.

Instead, Poland and Hungary need to get together with other outstanding nations in Central Europe like Czechia and Slovakia, and even recruit among Americans willing to defend their homeland.

Ignacy Paderewski recruited 100,000 Poles in America to fight back in 1917 when the nation was threatened by Eurotrash Vermin.

A Too Little Known Story: The Polish Army from America and Poland’s Rebirth — Polish American Congress
Sure, incomes are higher in the USA vs Poland.
So are prices higher too.

So poor people spend less on heathcare….and on everything else. Great job!

First off, Poland's income is slightly ahead of the Global average.

Second off, Numbeo kind of proved that the cost of living vs income in Poland vs the USA are similar.
In fact Numbeo favored Poland a little.

Seems like Poland's in quite a bit better shape, now-a-days vs the USA.

First off, Poland's income is slightly ahead of the Global average.

So what? You were comparing them to the US.

Seems like Poland's in quite a bit better shape, now-a-days vs the USA.

If $14K GDP per capita means "quite a bit better".

So, ONLY the amount of income makes for a better life quality?
NOT the income to cost of living, crime rate, murder rate, gangs, terrorism rate, single mothers rate, drug abuse rate etc. etc.??????

So, ONLY the amount of income makes for a better life quality?

Personally, spending makes me happy. Improves my life.
Poles don't have a lot to spend.....compared to Americans.

NOT the income to cost of living,

Things aren't that much cheaper in Poland.

crime rate, murder rate, gangs, terrorism rate, single mothers rate, drug abuse rate etc. etc.??????

I live in a good neighborhood.

Not really.
Cost Of Living Comparison Between Poland And United States
go back to "russia" white nigi&er , maskli will take care of all your problems

Russia has some outrageous demands for Poland, but so does the EU, and America / Israel.

Russia demands Poland keeps Soviet memorials.

EU demands Poland allows in Islamic refugees.

America / Israel demand Poland pay Jews compensations.

Wow, I wouldn't be so quick to say Russia's a worse enemy.

The West are Polish traitors, always have been.

At least Russia is Slavic & Right-Wing.

At least some Western Europeans are Catholic, and Conservative, like Italy, Austria, and to a lesser extent portions of French, and Irish culture.

Its Germanic Protestants which are the worst, and least likely to fit with Poles, having played a big role in the EU Liberalism, and in prosecuting Poland for what ever nonsense they can make up.

Germanic Protestants are garbage, and should just go extinct already.
i see for poles like you - civilization and Asiatic mongols juchi are the same, so its clear you dont belong to our western part of the world, your place is Asia . maskal hordes will take care , without NATO you are 0 . wait for new rapes and massacres

Massacre - Historian Norman Davies described as "an orgy of killing" of isolated ... The massacre of Praga dented Suvorov and the Russian ...

Russia is technically apart of Western civilization, being White, and Christian.

Russia isn't plagued by as much Liberal idiocy as the West.
They don't think as much that the most important priorities are Gays, Feminism, Islamic Refugees, Jews, Political Correctness etc;

Western Europeans are pretty disfunctional, and so are Russians.

Poles make most White people, and most of the World look like savages, so sorry to say.

Although, Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians, Estonians, Finns, Slovenians, Croats, Northern & Central Italians, among perhaps a few others are fairly solid.
The only cure for problems in democracy is more democracy. Giving people choice and freedom is the answer. Central Europe will get it more and more. Thank God for the American Constitution in America, and for the EU in Europe. Otherwise right wingers and nationalists would have the continent at each other's throats again. Your right-wing tendencies in Poland and hungary are pretty typical after a another GOP economic meltdown. And of course the ridiculous destruction of the Middle East. Try and remain calm LOL.... And stop using religion as a weapon against people and their freedoms...
The EU is showing enormous restraint with these countries. As a parent you hope that they take note but sometimes you have to put your foot down. Racist,gay-bashers have no place in an advanced society. They need to catch up before they are shown the door and join Putins Kleptocratic superstate.

I look at it a different way, TT.

The EU is led by Germany- a nation who has never adequately apologized for WWII, and France who disrespected their sacred alliance with Poland in 1939.

Eff them both.

Instead, Poland and Hungary need to get together with other outstanding nations in Central Europe like Czechia and Slovakia, and even recruit among Americans willing to defend their homeland.

Ignacy Paderewski recruited 100,000 Poles in America to fight back in 1917 when the nation was threatened by Eurotrash Vermin.

A Too Little Known Story: The Polish Army from America and Poland’s Rebirth — Polish American Congress

French were historically more pro-Polish than most other Western Europeans, if not all of them.
Really, the only people who supported Poles during the Partitions were the French, who pushed for the Duchy of Warsaw in the early 1800's.

Besides, French are at least Catholic, and even seem to be a bit more Nationalistic than many other Western Europeans, considering how LePenn has done better than Right-Wing parties in the Germanic Protestant countries.
go back to "russia" white nigi&er , maskli will take care of all your problems

Russia has some outrageous demands for Poland, but so does the EU, and America / Israel.

Russia demands Poland keeps Soviet memorials.

EU demands Poland allows in Islamic refugees.

America / Israel demand Poland pay Jews compensations.

Wow, I wouldn't be so quick to say Russia's a worse enemy.

The West are Polish traitors, always have been.

At least Russia is Slavic & Right-Wing.

At least some Western Europeans are Catholic, and Conservative, like Italy, Austria, and to a lesser extent portions of French, and Irish culture.

Its Germanic Protestants which are the worst, and least likely to fit with Poles, having played a big role in the EU Liberalism, and in prosecuting Poland for what ever nonsense they can make up.

Germanic Protestants are garbage, and should just go extinct already.
i see for poles like you - civilization and Asiatic mongols juchi are the same, so its clear you dont belong to our western part of the world, your place is Asia . maskal hordes will take care , without NATO you are 0 . wait for new rapes and massacres

Massacre - Historian Norman Davies described as "an orgy of killing" of isolated ... The massacre of Praga dented Suvorov and the Russian ...

Russia is technically apart of Western civilization, being White, and Christian.

Russia isn't plagued by as much Liberal idiocy as the West.
They don't think as much that the most important priorities are Gays, Feminism, Islamic Refugees, Jews, Political Correctness etc;

Western Europeans are pretty disfunctional, and so are Russians.

Poles make most White people, and most of the World look like savages, so sorry to say.

Although, Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians, Estonians, Finns, Slovenians, Croats, Northern & Central Italians, among perhaps a few others are fairly solid.
The only cure for problems in democracy is more democracy. Giving people choice and freedom is the answer. Central Europe will get it more and more. Thank God for the American Constitution in America, and for the EU in Europe. Otherwise right wingers and nationalists would have the continent at each other's throats again. Your right-wing tendencies in Poland and hungary are pretty typical after a another GOP economic meltdown. And of course the ridiculous destruction of the Middle East. Try and remain calm LOL.... And stop using religion as a weapon against people and their freedoms...

So, it's Democracy that many Western European states are pushing for shoving Islamic refugees down every other Nations throats
that people are jailed in Western Europe for thought crimes due to criticizing groups like Muslims, Africans, Jews, Gays etc.?????????
The EU is showing enormous restraint with these countries. As a parent you hope that they take note but sometimes you have to put your foot down. Racist,gay-bashers have no place in an advanced society. They need to catch up before they are shown the door and join Putins Kleptocratic superstate.

I look at it a different way, TT.

The EU is led by Germany- a nation who has never adequately apologized for WWII, and France who disrespected their sacred alliance with Poland in 1939.

Eff them both.

Instead, Poland and Hungary need to get together with other outstanding nations in Central Europe like Czechia and Slovakia, and even recruit among Americans willing to defend their homeland.

Ignacy Paderewski recruited 100,000 Poles in America to fight back in 1917 when the nation was threatened by Eurotrash Vermin.

A Too Little Known Story: The Polish Army from America and Poland’s Rebirth — Polish American Congress
Crack on with that. All those places are net beneficiaries of EU membership. They wont be missed if they set up their own little bloc. But you know that is a fantasy. They know where their best interests lie.
The EU is showing enormous restraint with these countries. As a parent you hope that they take note but sometimes you have to put your foot down. Racist,gay-bashers have no place in an advanced society. They need to catch up before they are shown the door and join Putins Kleptocratic superstate.

I look at it a different way, TT.

The EU is led by Germany- a nation who has never adequately apologized for WWII, and France who disrespected their sacred alliance with Poland in 1939.

Eff them both.

Instead, Poland and Hungary need to get together with other outstanding nations in Central Europe like Czechia and Slovakia, and even recruit among Americans willing to defend their homeland.

Ignacy Paderewski recruited 100,000 Poles in America to fight back in 1917 when the nation was threatened by Eurotrash Vermin.

A Too Little Known Story: The Polish Army from America and Poland’s Rebirth — Polish American Congress
Crack on with that. All those places are net beneficiaries of EU membership. They wont be missed if they set up their own little bloc. But you know that is a fantasy. They know where their best interests lie.

Like Wales is an economic beneficiary of the UK?
So poor people spend less on heathcare….and on everything else. Great job!

First off, Poland's income is slightly ahead of the Global average.

Second off, Numbeo kind of proved that the cost of living vs income in Poland vs the USA are similar.
In fact Numbeo favored Poland a little.

Seems like Poland's in quite a bit better shape, now-a-days vs the USA.

First off, Poland's income is slightly ahead of the Global average.

So what? You were comparing them to the US.

Seems like Poland's in quite a bit better shape, now-a-days vs the USA.

If $14K GDP per capita means "quite a bit better".

So, ONLY the amount of income makes for a better life quality?
NOT the income to cost of living, crime rate, murder rate, gangs, terrorism rate, single mothers rate, drug abuse rate etc. etc.??????

So, ONLY the amount of income makes for a better life quality?

Personally, spending makes me happy. Improves my life.
Poles don't have a lot to spend.....compared to Americans.

NOT the income to cost of living,

Things aren't that much cheaper in Poland.

crime rate, murder rate, gangs, terrorism rate, single mothers rate, drug abuse rate etc. etc.??????

I live in a good neighborhood.

Not really.
Cost Of Living Comparison Between Poland And United States
Those internet prices in Europe really piss me off. Our cable companies are screwing the hell out of us in the United States.
The EU is showing enormous restraint with these countries. As a parent you hope that they take note but sometimes you have to put your foot down. Racist,gay-bashers have no place in an advanced society. They need to catch up before they are shown the door and join Putins Kleptocratic superstate.

I look at it a different way, TT.

The EU is led by Germany- a nation who has never adequately apologized for WWII, and France who disrespected their sacred alliance with Poland in 1939.

Eff them both.

Instead, Poland and Hungary need to get together with other outstanding nations in Central Europe like Czechia and Slovakia, and even recruit among Americans willing to defend their homeland.

Ignacy Paderewski recruited 100,000 Poles in America to fight back in 1917 when the nation was threatened by Eurotrash Vermin.

A Too Little Known Story: The Polish Army from America and Poland’s Rebirth — Polish American Congress
Crack on with that. All those places are net beneficiaries of EU membership. They wont be missed if they set up their own little bloc. But you know that is a fantasy. They know where their best interests lie.

Like Wales is an economic beneficiary of the UK?
It isnt.
go back to "russia" white nigi&er , maskli will take care of all your problems

Russia has some outrageous demands for Poland, but so does the EU, and America / Israel.

Russia demands Poland keeps Soviet memorials.

EU demands Poland allows in Islamic refugees.

America / Israel demand Poland pay Jews compensations.

Wow, I wouldn't be so quick to say Russia's a worse enemy.

The West are Polish traitors, always have been.

At least Russia is Slavic & Right-Wing.

At least some Western Europeans are Catholic, and Conservative, like Italy, Austria, and to a lesser extent portions of French, and Irish culture.

Its Germanic Protestants which are the worst, and least likely to fit with Poles, having played a big role in the EU Liberalism, and in prosecuting Poland for what ever nonsense they can make up.

Germanic Protestants are garbage, and should just go extinct already.
i see for poles like you - civilization and Asiatic mongols juchi are the same, so its clear you dont belong to our western part of the world, your place is Asia . maskal hordes will take care , without NATO you are 0 . wait for new rapes and massacres

Massacre - Historian Norman Davies described as "an orgy of killing" of isolated ... The massacre of Praga dented Suvorov and the Russian ...

Russia is technically apart of Western civilization, being White, and Christian.

Russia isn't plagued by as much Liberal idiocy as the West.
They don't think as much that the most important priorities are Gays, Feminism, Islamic Refugees, Jews, Political Correctness etc;

Western Europeans are pretty disfunctional, and so are Russians.

Poles make most White people, and most of the World look like savages, so sorry to say.

Although, Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians, Estonians, Finns, Slovenians, Croats, Northern & Central Italians, among perhaps a few others are fairly solid.
The only cure for problems in democracy is more democracy. Giving people choice and freedom is the answer. Central Europe will get it more and more. Thank God for the American Constitution in America, and for the EU in Europe. Otherwise right wingers and nationalists would have the continent at each other's throats again. Your right-wing tendencies in Poland and hungary are pretty typical after a another GOP economic meltdown. And of course the ridiculous destruction of the Middle East. Try and remain calm LOL.... And stop using religion as a weapon against people and their freedoms...

So, it's Democracy that many Western European states are pushing for shoving Islamic refugees down every other Nations throats
that people are jailed in Western Europe for thought crimes due to criticizing groups like Muslims, Africans, Jews, Gays etc.?????????
They also let Poland and Hungary off easy then didn't they? Tolerance for others of all kinds is what you call progress and civilization....
The EU is showing enormous restraint with these countries. As a parent you hope that they take note but sometimes you have to put your foot down. Racist,gay-bashers have no place in an advanced society. They need to catch up before they are shown the door and join Putins Kleptocratic superstate.

I look at it a different way, TT.

The EU is led by Germany- a nation who has never adequately apologized for WWII, and France who disrespected their sacred alliance with Poland in 1939.

Eff them both.

Instead, Poland and Hungary need to get together with other outstanding nations in Central Europe like Czechia and Slovakia, and even recruit among Americans willing to defend their homeland.

Ignacy Paderewski recruited 100,000 Poles in America to fight back in 1917 when the nation was threatened by Eurotrash Vermin.

A Too Little Known Story: The Polish Army from America and Poland’s Rebirth — Polish American Congress
Crack on with that. All those places are net beneficiaries of EU membership. They wont be missed if they set up their own little bloc. But you know that is a fantasy. They know where their best interests lie.

Like Wales is an economic beneficiary of the UK?
It isnt.

Yup, Wales is poorer than England, and largely propped up by the UK.
Russia has some outrageous demands for Poland, but so does the EU, and America / Israel.

Russia demands Poland keeps Soviet memorials.

EU demands Poland allows in Islamic refugees.

America / Israel demand Poland pay Jews compensations.

Wow, I wouldn't be so quick to say Russia's a worse enemy.

The West are Polish traitors, always have been.

At least Russia is Slavic & Right-Wing.

At least some Western Europeans are Catholic, and Conservative, like Italy, Austria, and to a lesser extent portions of French, and Irish culture.

Its Germanic Protestants which are the worst, and least likely to fit with Poles, having played a big role in the EU Liberalism, and in prosecuting Poland for what ever nonsense they can make up.

Germanic Protestants are garbage, and should just go extinct already.
i see for poles like you - civilization and Asiatic mongols juchi are the same, so its clear you dont belong to our western part of the world, your place is Asia . maskal hordes will take care , without NATO you are 0 . wait for new rapes and massacres

Massacre - Historian Norman Davies described as "an orgy of killing" of isolated ... The massacre of Praga dented Suvorov and the Russian ...

Russia is technically apart of Western civilization, being White, and Christian.

Russia isn't plagued by as much Liberal idiocy as the West.
They don't think as much that the most important priorities are Gays, Feminism, Islamic Refugees, Jews, Political Correctness etc;

Western Europeans are pretty disfunctional, and so are Russians.

Poles make most White people, and most of the World look like savages, so sorry to say.

Although, Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians, Estonians, Finns, Slovenians, Croats, Northern & Central Italians, among perhaps a few others are fairly solid.
The only cure for problems in democracy is more democracy. Giving people choice and freedom is the answer. Central Europe will get it more and more. Thank God for the American Constitution in America, and for the EU in Europe. Otherwise right wingers and nationalists would have the continent at each other's throats again. Your right-wing tendencies in Poland and hungary are pretty typical after a another GOP economic meltdown. And of course the ridiculous destruction of the Middle East. Try and remain calm LOL.... And stop using religion as a weapon against people and their freedoms...

So, it's Democracy that many Western European states are pushing for shoving Islamic refugees down every other Nations throats
that people are jailed in Western Europe for thought crimes due to criticizing groups like Muslims, Africans, Jews, Gays etc.?????????
They also let Poland and Hungary off easy then didn't they? Tolerance for others of all kinds is what you call progress and civilization....
Like I said, thank God for the constitution in the United States and the EU...
Russia has some outrageous demands for Poland, but so does the EU, and America / Israel.

Russia demands Poland keeps Soviet memorials.

EU demands Poland allows in Islamic refugees.

America / Israel demand Poland pay Jews compensations.

Wow, I wouldn't be so quick to say Russia's a worse enemy.

The West are Polish traitors, always have been.

At least Russia is Slavic & Right-Wing.

At least some Western Europeans are Catholic, and Conservative, like Italy, Austria, and to a lesser extent portions of French, and Irish culture.

Its Germanic Protestants which are the worst, and least likely to fit with Poles, having played a big role in the EU Liberalism, and in prosecuting Poland for what ever nonsense they can make up.

Germanic Protestants are garbage, and should just go extinct already.
i see for poles like you - civilization and Asiatic mongols juchi are the same, so its clear you dont belong to our western part of the world, your place is Asia . maskal hordes will take care , without NATO you are 0 . wait for new rapes and massacres

Massacre - Historian Norman Davies described as "an orgy of killing" of isolated ... The massacre of Praga dented Suvorov and the Russian ...

Russia is technically apart of Western civilization, being White, and Christian.

Russia isn't plagued by as much Liberal idiocy as the West.
They don't think as much that the most important priorities are Gays, Feminism, Islamic Refugees, Jews, Political Correctness etc;

Western Europeans are pretty disfunctional, and so are Russians.

Poles make most White people, and most of the World look like savages, so sorry to say.

Although, Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians, Estonians, Finns, Slovenians, Croats, Northern & Central Italians, among perhaps a few others are fairly solid.
The only cure for problems in democracy is more democracy. Giving people choice and freedom is the answer. Central Europe will get it more and more. Thank God for the American Constitution in America, and for the EU in Europe. Otherwise right wingers and nationalists would have the continent at each other's throats again. Your right-wing tendencies in Poland and hungary are pretty typical after a another GOP economic meltdown. And of course the ridiculous destruction of the Middle East. Try and remain calm LOL.... And stop using religion as a weapon against people and their freedoms...

So, it's Democracy that many Western European states are pushing for shoving Islamic refugees down every other Nations throats
that people are jailed in Western Europe for thought crimes due to criticizing groups like Muslims, Africans, Jews, Gays etc.?????????
They also let Poland and Hungary off easy then they? Tolerance for others of all kinds is what you call progress and civilization....

Tolerance for ills, and inferiority begets degradation.

Do you have any evidence that Muslims are compatible, or equal?

If not why do we want them in our society?

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