European heatwave deaths could skyrocket: climate study


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
European heatwave deaths could skyrocket: climate study
August 5, 2017 by Mariëtte Le Roux

People refresh themselves in the Trocadero fountain in Paris, on June 19, 2017, as the French capital is placed on heatwave alert as temperatures were set to soar in the coming days

Deaths due to extreme weather in Europe could increase fifty-fold from an estimated 3,000 per year recently to 152,000 by century's end if global warming is not reined in, researchers warned Saturday.

European heatwave deaths could skyrocket: climate study

Very concerning...Of course, the caveidiots will just call it fake and made up! Dumb.
The annual peak in deaths during the French Summer has been a phenomenon since the post-war era. During the traditional hot and humid summers of Europe, the French take extended holidays. The country practically shuts down during the month of August.

With many French families taking overseas holidays and aged-care homes minimally staffed, the elderly population succumb to heat-related deaths like so many May Flies.

During the infamous European Summer of 2003, heat-related deaths in France alone topped 15,000, mostly of the elderly.
European heatwave deaths could skyrocket: climate study
August 5, 2017 by Mariëtte Le Roux

People refresh themselves in the Trocadero fountain in Paris, on June 19, 2017, as the French capital is placed on heatwave alert as temperatures were set to soar in the coming days

Deaths due to extreme weather in Europe could increase fifty-fold from an estimated 3,000 per year recently to 152,000 by century's end if global warming is not reined in, researchers warned Saturday.

European heatwave deaths could skyrocket: climate study

Very concerning...Of course, the caveidiots will just call it fake and made up! Dumb.

Moar theory predicated on model shit.................:gay:

But heres what we know...........3 winters ago, 4 million would have died in Europe if the grid was powered just by renewables. The Thames froze over for the first time in over 80 years. THANK GOD for fossil fuels that saved many, many lives.
We are hovering around record lows here in Mizzouri..

And I am frying here in oregon!
What are you 12 years old?

Your in a La Niña pattern.. it is always dryer and warmer in this pattern where you are. IT IS A REGIONAL EVENT and not uncommon.
More facts pulled out of Silly Billy's ample ass.

ENSO Alert System Status: Not Active ENSO-Neutral conditions are present.* Equatorial sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are near-to-above average across the central and east-central Pacific Ocean. ENSO-Neutral is favored (50 to ~55% chance) into the Northern Hemisphere winter 2017-18.*

The latest weekly SST departures are: Niño 4 0.2ºC Niño 3.4 0.0ºC Niño 3 0.1ºC Niño 1+2 0.0ºC

Looks like we will be in ENSO neutral conditions for some time to come. Yet, thus far, this is the second warmest year on record.
European heatwave deaths could skyrocket: climate study
August 5, 2017 by Mariëtte Le Roux

People refresh themselves in the Trocadero fountain in Paris, on June 19, 2017, as the French capital is placed on heatwave alert as temperatures were set to soar in the coming days

Deaths due to extreme weather in Europe could increase fifty-fold from an estimated 3,000 per year recently to 152,000 by century's end if global warming is not reined in, researchers warned Saturday.

European heatwave deaths could skyrocket: climate study

Very concerning...Of course, the caveidiots will just call it fake and made up! Dumb.

No nit wit, we call it climate change. The kind that has been going on since this ball of gas and debris congealed into a planet. Try learning some real science for once.
We are hovering around record lows here in Mizzouri..

And I am frying here in oregon!
What are you 12 years old?

Your in a La Niña pattern.. it is always dryer and warmer in this pattern where you are. IT IS A REGIONAL EVENT and not uncommon.

Notice anything about science rock's posts?...none of them are about science..they are all pseudoscience chock full of adverbs...could, might, possible, capable, etc. etc. etc. Not a real piece of science in any of it.
We are hovering around record lows here in Mizzouri..

And I am frying here in oregon!
What are you 12 years old?

Your in a La Niña pattern.. it is always dryer and warmer in this pattern where you are. IT IS A REGIONAL EVENT and not uncommon.
More facts pulled out of Silly Billy's ample ass.

ENSO Alert System Status: Not Active ENSO-Neutral conditions are present.* Equatorial sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are near-to-above average across the central and east-central Pacific Ocean. ENSO-Neutral is favored (50 to ~55% chance) into the Northern Hemisphere winter 2017-18.*

The latest weekly SST departures are: Niño 4 0.2ºC Niño 3.4 0.0ºC Niño 3 0.1ºC Niño 1+2 0.0ºC

Looks like we will be in ENSO neutral conditions for some time to come. Yet, thus far, this is the second warmest year on record.

in the satellite record which is what 39 year old?
I do agree that deaths may increase...what with their heavy reliance on green energy, and the exorbitant utility bills, combined with absolutely crazy taxes required to support their failing socialist system I have little doubt that people, especially the poor are having to decide whether to eat, or turn on the air conditioning...or even a fan...the same would happen here if our utility costs were so high that people had to decide between flipping a switch or eating a sandwitch.
You've never been to Europe, have you. Why don't you find us some articles about Europe's poor starving from their utility bills.
You've never been to Europe, have you. Why don't you find us some articles about Europe's poor starving from their utility bills.

How hard do you have to look skid mark? In 2003 more than 35,000 died because of a warm blip that lasted for 8 lousy days and was no hotter than a Chicago, or Detroit warm spell.

Most of the victims were elderly, people on fixed incomes. They died when the "suffocating" temperatures reached all the way up to nations where air conditioning is rare. Which prompts the question, why is air conditioning rare in a developed, industrial region of the world?

It doesn't take much looking to see the reason. All one need do is look at the impact that environmentalism has had on the energy policies of those nations. Very, very steep energy taxes have been imposed in europe in an effort to reduce energy consumption. At that time, their energy costs were as much as 25% more than we were paying here...combine that with the fact that the average incomes in most of those countries are considerably lower than here and that just makes the cost of electricity all the more expensive. As a result, millions have decided to forgo an appliance that is as commonplace here as roofing shingles. Air conditioning has simply become unaffordable in europe....and as a result, they die in their tens of thousands in temperatures that aren't even high enough to warrant cancelling a baseball game here, even in the northern states.

And it is only going to get worse as failing green energy weasels its way into the grid.
European heatwave deaths could skyrocket: climate study
August 5, 2017 by Mariëtte Le Roux

People refresh themselves in the Trocadero fountain in Paris, on June 19, 2017, as the French capital is placed on heatwave alert as temperatures were set to soar in the coming days

Deaths due to extreme weather in Europe could increase fifty-fold from an estimated 3,000 per year recently to 152,000 by century's end if global warming is not reined in, researchers warned Saturday.

European heatwave deaths could skyrocket: climate study

Very concerning...Of course, the caveidiots will just call it fake and made up! Dumb.

So millions will die unless we put the AGWCult in charge of the world economy. You sound like Kim Jong only less sane.

We never even had climate change before the Industrial Age, right?

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