European Nations Consider Recognizing Palestinian State

What should we do with all the Palestinian people?
Send them to the moon?
Dig a big hole & bury them?
Bring them to Detroit?

I'm all ears

The cynical response to your questions, would probably be the same that southern slave owners would have given in our country's 1840s and 1850s........and the need for a "second-class" labor force is pretty obvious.
Let's see if I can make any sense of M14penis extension's question.....
Palestinians cannot make claim to the "land in question" because they are not a nation........
Israel (who is a nation) will not make claim to the "land in question" because they're too damn embarrased to legally claim what isn't theirs?
Do I have it even remotely correct?
Please do try to pay attention.
"International law" -- law that governs the conduct and interaction between states.

To what state does the West Bank belong, under international law?
What state has standing to contest the "occupation" under international law?
If the West Bank was never part of Jordan, how can there be any question or controversy under international law?
If Jordan gave up its claim in the West Bank - and then later ratified that concession by treaty w/ Israel - how can Israel "occupy" the West Bank? How can there be any any question or controversy under international law?

We both understand that you have not addressed the questions asked here because you know you cannot.
I think the world should be willing to recognize the rights of the Palestinians to have State as long as the Palestinians are willing to recognize Israels rights too.
That will never happen.

Never is too absolute. Most likely it will not happen anytime soon. The Israelis consider the West Bank (Samara and Judea) part of Israel and the Arabs consider all of Palestine as their state. As long as they are at this impasse there will be no resolution.
"INternational law" is NOT something that Israel has adhered to since it became a state-nation...... (I prefer to call it a state since it is virtually the 51st in our country with the way they control our congress.)

That stated, would anyone care to mention how MANY sanctions the U.N. has tried to impose on Israel for her blatant disregard to international laws?
"INternational law" is NOT something that Israel has adhered to since it became a state-nation...... (I prefer to call it a state since it is virtually the 51st in our country with the way they control our congress.)
We both understand that you have not addressed the questions asked here because you know you cannot.
As plainly as I can state it, THERE IS NO INTERNATIONAL LAW to govern what is happening in the area......Israel forces and Palestinian radicals are NOT following any laws, ethics or morality..
Heck, if there were adherence to International Laws, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Perle, Rumsfeld, et al., would have been arrested and sentenced.
As plainly as I can state it, THERE IS NO INTERNATIONAL LAW to govern what is happening in the area
And so, any argument as to what Israel can/cannot/must/must not do in regards to International Law and the West Bank is immediately negated.
Thank you.
Some of the usual dingbats (closeted Israelis? or simply Obama haters?) on other threads have asked if Palestinians are "winning".....and, of course, the answer is negative if you speak of battlefield victories....A bunch of Palestinians with rocks and small weaponry cannot ever defeat an Israel who has been receiving billions of US dollars to boost their armed forces.

However, European nations and the U.N. may have had enough....and what Palestinians cannot win in battlefileds, they are winning in the world theatre......Other countries who may not be subjected to the lobbying muscles that the Israeli lobby has on the U.S. congress, have come to realize who the victims really are in the Israeli-Palestinian struggle.....and after almost 70 years of discord and blood in the region, these other countries are poised to hand over to Israel a political defeat.

European Nations Consider Recognizing Palestinian State - WSJ

From the WSJ article.....

Some of the U.S.’s closest European allies are threatening to follow Sweden and unilaterally recognize a Palestinian state if steps aren’t taken to revive the Middle East peace process, according to senior U.S. and European officials.

This emerging position in some of Europe’s capitals is placing the Obama administration in a diplomatic bind reflecting its own strained relationship with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the breakdown this spring of U.S.-led talks between the Israelis and Palestinians.

We’re not going to wait forever,” said a senior European official, referring to his country’s potential move to recognize a Palestinian state. “Other European countries are poised to follow Sweden.”
Sweden? God damn you faggot liberals live in a fairy tail world
And so, any argument as to what Israel can/cannot/must/must not do in regards to International Law and the West Bank is immediately negated.
Thank you.

I guess my previous response was not plain enough......Let's see:

The current Israeli government is an outlaw....International law is not adhered to by the current regime.....Plain enough?
Who the hell defends Europe?
Oh yea the USA

Don't be a dunce.......We are in Europe to:

1. defend the oil flow from the middle east
2. make billions for defense contractors
3. appease European governments by spending more billions into their economies
God damn you faggot liberals live in a fairy tail world

Besides the "beautiful prose" you seem to like.....Learn how to spell...."tail" is what you have between your legs....."tale" means fable, a story, etc.

Now, I'll anxiously await your profane response.
Yours is an unsupportable, bigoted opinion.

So, criticizing the Israeli government makes me a bigot???

Actually, as the title of this thread implies and the content addresses, virtually ALL European governments and the rest of the planet seem to share my "bigoted" dislike for the Israeli government......
Will you take it up with them also?
Yours is an unsupportable, bigoted opinion.
So, criticizing the Israeli government makes me a bigot???
No....that your opinion is unsupportable and that no amount of information to the contrary will get you to change it makes you a bigot.
You know that you cannot support your opinion that "he current Israeli government is an outlaw", and you do not care.
virtually ALL European governments and the rest of the planet seem to share my "bigoted" dislike for the Israeli government...
Argumentum ad populum - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Who the hell defends Europe?
Oh yea the USA

Don't be a dunce.......We are in Europe to:

1. defend the oil flow from the middle east
2. make billions for defense contractors
3. appease European governments by spending more billions into their economies

Most people believe the official government narrative on foreign policy, i.e., spreading freedom, saving the world from barbarians and "national security".

Republican information sources never talk about geopolitics or the degree to which say the Cold War (or its replacement The War on Terrorism) gives us a context to intervene in resource-rich parts of the 3rd world so that we can get the resources our economy and profit-makers require.

It's not just oil. Vietnam and Nicaragua manufacture clothing for our retailers, and communist China, with its deeply oppressed labor market, is the best manufacturing ally our capitalists have ever had . (Capitalism likes cheap labor a lot more than freedom. Profit is funny that way)

The biggest threat to the global system is when a freedom-loving middle class sprouts up next to an American supply chain in a foreign country. Do you know what would befall the Iraqi people if they decided to kick out Exxon and nationalize their energy market, keeping profits closer to home? Look what happened to Mossedeq, who wouldn't play ball with western energy needs.

Superpowers want control of global resources. Their massive economies require it. Our lifestyle requires it. We can either own the bloodshed or we can become Republicans and tell ourselves feel-good stories about how freedom is on the march.

I choose to accept the fact that we, as a nation, live in a jungle ... and we are the lion. Sucks not to be us.
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No....that your opinion is unsupportable and that no amount of information to the contrary will get you to change it makes you a bigot.
You know that you cannot support your opinion that "he current Israeli government is an outlaw", and you do not care.

In other words, you di NOT read the original article about European nations considering recognition of Palestine, which is an explicit CONDEMNATION of current Israeli policies toward Palestinians.....

If you don't like it, take it up with Europe, south America, Australia, etc.

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