Europeans were able to do it. Can America take the hint?

If having to buy seed every growing season was not economical, then why would the farmers do it year after year? Why whould Monsanto be making money?

They don't. They save seeds from the previous year's crop and plant those. But if you buy seeds from Monsanto, you can't save seeds. If you do, you will be sued for stealing their patented protected GMO technology. You are forced to repurchase every year.

And because the wind carries pollen into neighbouring fields, some of the neighbouring farmer's seeds may be cross pollinated from the Monsanto field and if the neighbour saves his seeds, Monsanto will sue him too for stealing their technology even though the neighbour had no dealings whatsoever with Monsanto, and didn't want his seeds contaminated with GMO.
and that is bad because?

Its not bad at all. To compensate for the added cost of buying seed every planting, something has to be better about GMO seeds.

You're kidding right? GMO is like fixing what ain't broke! Ancient civilization seemed to manage without it, so why aren't we taking the hint?

Ancient civilzation also had famines due to random bug/weed/disease epidemics, as well as far too low of a yield to sustain our current population.

They also thought the sun went to sleep at night, and that regular bleeding balanced the "4 humors."

All GMO does is focus and accelerate the normal mutations we find in biology all the time.
Daily Kos: Monsanto throws in the towel in Europe

Despite throwing money at the political process via lobbyists the efforts of Monsanto have not been effective in convincing anyone their products are worthy of European consumers and farmers alike. Because of this the company has decided to discontinue lobbying in Europe in the face of overwhelming distrust in the chemical company's promises of abundant healthy crops.

This is good news for European farmers and consumers alike. For the farmers they will no longer be in perpetual debt because they would have to buy Monsanto's seeds every year instead of planting the seeds from the crop before. The farmers will also save money because those same seeds require chemical additives that can only be bought from Monsanto, and I'm sure priced accordingly. The consumers will feel safer knowing a chemical company known for causing extensive harm with their untested products will not be controlling their food supply.

Can Americans get the same message across to Monsanto?

Why would anyone buy a product that places them into debt?

The chemical additives - whatever it is that makes the seed a hybrid? It produces food that can kill you. I believe anytime you get into genetically modifying a seed, anything that God created perfectly? You are asking for trouble. Why fix what isn't broken? I'll tell you why. A few years ago I met someone who was at the top echelons of Monsanto and the goal is the control of all food world wide. If they control the food, they control the people.

This individual actually told me it will be a good thing for China to lead the NWO as USA doesn't deserve to lead it. I told them if one company owns all the seed and it doesn't reproduce they control the food. If they control the food they control the people. Their reply was, "Don't you think I know that?" ( true story )

All of the people at the top in Monsanto are raving Liberals who have checked their brains at the door. I'm thoroughly disgusted by the people at Monsanto. - Jeremiah
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and that is bad because?

Its not bad at all. To compensate for the added cost of buying seed every planting, something has to be better about GMO seeds.

You're kidding right? GMO is like fixing what ain't broke! Ancient civilization seemed to manage without it, so why aren't we taking the hint?

You need to ask him, better for who? Better for Monsanto? Yes. They have found a way to control the food production of the world. Better for you? No. GM food has been found to make people sick with numerous diseases including cancer. Better for them? Yes, the Monsanto Company is part of the umbrella of groups who believe that depopulating the earth is a very important matter. ( Monsanto is also sending business to pharmaceutical cartels by making people sick - those who can afford it - will be paying the pharm companies for the cure to their particular disease - never waste a good crisis, folks ) They have certainly covered all the angles here.

If Monsanto was the company that worked in tandem with our leading world food hunger programs worldwide ( and they were - program was defunded in 2011 ) then we can eventually learn about mass deaths due to eating that food on the continent of Africa in the near future. So whatever wars didn't finish off the people, the GM food they are feeding the refugees is guaranteed to finish them off.

Then the continent of Africa can become the playground of the elite globalists when it is all over. To me the bottom line is these people have no conscience, there is not soul in these people - to speak of - it is beyond comprehension that so many people could be involved in something so evil. Yet everything I'm seeing tells me they are that and far more.

- Jeremiah
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Daily Kos: Monsanto throws in the towel in Europe

Despite throwing money at the political process via lobbyists the efforts of Monsanto have not been effective in convincing anyone their products are worthy of European consumers and farmers alike. Because of this the company has decided to discontinue lobbying in Europe in the face of overwhelming distrust in the chemical company's promises of abundant healthy crops.

This is good news for European farmers and consumers alike. For the farmers they will no longer be in perpetual debt because they would have to buy Monsanto's seeds every year instead of planting the seeds from the crop before. The farmers will also save money because those same seeds require chemical additives that can only be bought from Monsanto, and I'm sure priced accordingly. The consumers will feel safer knowing a chemical company known for causing extensive harm with their untested products will not be controlling their food supply.

Can Americans get the same message across to Monsanto?

Why would anyone buy a product that places them into debt?

The chemical additives - whatever it is that makes the seed a hybrid? It produces food that can kill you. I believe anytime you get into genetically modifying a seed, anything that God created perfectly? You are asking for trouble. Why fix what isn't broken? I'll tell you why. A few years ago I met someone who was at the top echelons of Monsanto and the goal is the control of all food world wide. If they control the food, they control the people.

This individual actually told me it will be a good thing for China to lead the NWO as USA doesn't deserve to lead it. I told them if one company owns all the seed and it doesn't reproduce they control the food. If they control the food they control the people. Their reply was, "Don't you think I know that?" ( true story )

All of the people at the top in Monsanto are raving Liberals who have checked their brains at the door. I'm thoroughly disgusted by the people at Monsanto. - Jeremiah

Anything can kill you. Its called allergies.

There is no proof that any of the GMO products that have been approved are poisonous/cancerous/badnoodevilous.
Why would anyone buy a product that places them into debt?

The chemical additives - whatever it is that makes the seed a hybrid? It produces food that can kill you. I believe anytime you get into genetically modifying a seed, anything that God created perfectly? You are asking for trouble. Why fix what isn't broken? I'll tell you why. A few years ago I met someone who was at the top echelons of Monsanto and the goal is the control of all food world wide. If they control the food, they control the people.

This individual actually told me it will be a good thing for China to lead the NWO as USA doesn't deserve to lead it. I told them if one company owns all the seed and it doesn't reproduce they control the food. If they control the food they control the people. Their reply was, "Don't you think I know that?" ( true story )

All of the people at the top in Monsanto are raving Liberals who have checked their brains at the door. I'm thoroughly disgusted by the people at Monsanto. - Jeremiah

Anything can kill you. Its called allergies.

There is no proof that any of the GMO products that have been approved are poisonous/cancerous/badnoodevilous.

oh yes it has. There are scientists who have discovered the reason for erectile dysfunction and impotency in men is caused by GM Foods Monsanto is sending to Asia, Middle East and Continent of Africa - through world food programs - it is also causing infertility so that the women cannot get pregnant and have more children. It's working. Don't you tell me it isn't working. I am reading middle easterners blog about why the sudden huge problem with impotency and infertility in their people? They thought it was in their water. It's both. Fluoride is made by Monsantos best buddy SOLVAY - who hold patent of Fluoride that goes into all of your water ( and is unsafe ) toothpaste ( again unsafe - Fluoride is a poison - use an toothpaste with no fluoride ) which creates infertility and impotency and the food they are eating if it came from Monsanto seed is GM and will not only make them impotent and infertile but will kill them also.

If the Islamic World is wondering where these problems are coming from they should turn their attention towards Monsanto and Solvay for starters. IMO.

To do what these companies are doing to people is nothing short of criminal. They are playing God. ( literally ) - Jeremiah
Why would anyone buy a product that places them into debt?

The chemical additives - whatever it is that makes the seed a hybrid? It produces food that can kill you. I believe anytime you get into genetically modifying a seed, anything that God created perfectly? You are asking for trouble. Why fix what isn't broken? I'll tell you why. A few years ago I met someone who was at the top echelons of Monsanto and the goal is the control of all food world wide. If they control the food, they control the people.

This individual actually told me it will be a good thing for China to lead the NWO as USA doesn't deserve to lead it. I told them if one company owns all the seed and it doesn't reproduce they control the food. If they control the food they control the people. Their reply was, "Don't you think I know that?" ( true story )

All of the people at the top in Monsanto are raving Liberals who have checked their brains at the door. I'm thoroughly disgusted by the people at Monsanto. - Jeremiah

Anything can kill you. Its called allergies.

There is no proof that any of the GMO products that have been approved are poisonous/cancerous/badnoodevilous.

Interesting fact. Scientists, researchers, scientific field - doctors - are dying mysteriously. Some were hit and runs by cars, others dropped dead of heart attacks, still others have been murdered in what is made to look like a random murder. I remember reading a blog discussion about what was going on and was it safe to even be a scientist these days on some of these top secret programs Monsanto and others had going on. The scientists that know what is going on are afraid to speak up. In fear for their lives. Off the record - they will tell you. On record? Good luck with that one. - Jeremiah
The chemical additives - whatever it is that makes the seed a hybrid? It produces food that can kill you. I believe anytime you get into genetically modifying a seed, anything that God created perfectly? You are asking for trouble. Why fix what isn't broken? I'll tell you why. A few years ago I met someone who was at the top echelons of Monsanto and the goal is the control of all food world wide. If they control the food, they control the people.

This individual actually told me it will be a good thing for China to lead the NWO as USA doesn't deserve to lead it. I told them if one company owns all the seed and it doesn't reproduce they control the food. If they control the food they control the people. Their reply was, "Don't you think I know that?" ( true story )

All of the people at the top in Monsanto are raving Liberals who have checked their brains at the door. I'm thoroughly disgusted by the people at Monsanto. - Jeremiah

Anything can kill you. Its called allergies.

There is no proof that any of the GMO products that have been approved are poisonous/cancerous/badnoodevilous.

oh yes it has. There are scientists who have discovered the reason for erectile dysfunction and impotency in men is caused by GM Foods Monsanto is sending to Asia, Middle East and Continent of Africa - through world food programs - it is also causing infertility so that the women cannot get pregnant and have more children. It's working. Don't you tell me it isn't working. I am reading middle easterners blog about why the sudden huge problem with impotency and infertility in their people? They thought it was in their water. It's both. Fluoride is made by Monsantos best buddy SOLVAY - who hold patent of Fluoride that goes into all of your water ( and is unsafe ) toothpaste ( again unsafe - Fluoride is a poison - use an toothpaste with no fluoride ) which creates infertility and impotency and the food they are eating if it came from Monsanto seed is GM and will not only make them impotent and infertile but will kill them also.

If the Islamic World is wondering where these problems are coming from they should turn their attention towards Monsanto and Solvay for starters. IMO.

To do what these companies are doing to people is nothing short of criminal. They are playing God. ( literally ) - Jeremiah

And ZERO proof provided by you, just conspiracy theories.

Flouride??? Really??
The chemical additives - whatever it is that makes the seed a hybrid? It produces food that can kill you. I believe anytime you get into genetically modifying a seed, anything that God created perfectly? You are asking for trouble. Why fix what isn't broken? I'll tell you why. A few years ago I met someone who was at the top echelons of Monsanto and the goal is the control of all food world wide. If they control the food, they control the people.

This individual actually told me it will be a good thing for China to lead the NWO as USA doesn't deserve to lead it. I told them if one company owns all the seed and it doesn't reproduce they control the food. If they control the food they control the people. Their reply was, "Don't you think I know that?" ( true story )

All of the people at the top in Monsanto are raving Liberals who have checked their brains at the door. I'm thoroughly disgusted by the people at Monsanto. - Jeremiah

Anything can kill you. Its called allergies.

There is no proof that any of the GMO products that have been approved are poisonous/cancerous/badnoodevilous.

Interesting fact. Scientists, researchers, scientific field - doctors - are dying mysteriously. Some were hit and runs by cars, others dropped dead of heart attacks, still others have been murdered in what is made to look like a random murder. I remember reading a blog discussion about what was going on and was it safe to even be a scientist these days on some of these top secret programs Monsanto and others had going on. The scientists that know what is going on are afraid to speak up. In fear for their lives. Off the record - they will tell you. On record? Good luck with that one. - Jeremiah

That is not a fact. its wild ass speculation.
I'm no fan of GMO foods, but the claims made here about health dangers are grossly exaggerated. There are concerns about the safety of these foods, but the greater danger is Monsanto driving farmers out of business or forcing them to buy their seeds.
I'm no fan of GMO foods, but the claims made here about health dangers are grossly exaggerated. There are concerns about the safety of these foods, but the greater danger is Monsanto driving farmers out of business or forcing them to buy their seeds.

How does a company force you to buy thier seeds?
These doctors tell you about as much as they can without facing a lawsuit. They have to be careful because SOLVAY has gone after people before who have tried to stop their poisoning of the worlds population through fluoride. ( they hold the patent & the monopoly on fluoride ) The head of Bilderberg is a Solvay by birth and his name is Etienne Davignon.

The truth is Fluoride isn't safe at any level and should not be in toothpaste either. Big money and lobbyists have kept the truth from coming out. Listen to the doctors as they explain Flouride is a poison.

If it wasn't why do you think the warning label on fluoride toothpaste warns to contact emergency room / contact poison control center immediately if your child swallows it? It's a poison. So why is in your water, Marty? Duh!!!

[ame=]Doctor Exposes Fluoride as Poison - YouTube[/ame]
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Before you run off to start that other thread on Fuchishima, Marty. Here is a book you should read. The author is a man named Dr. Connitt. I'd read it and learn more about what the truth is concerning Fluoride in your water. The good news is there is fluoride free toothpaste out there and fluoride free bottled water - be sure to check the label. - Every time you take a shower you are getting more fluoride absorbed into your skin - it would be good to look invest in a filter that can remove the fluoride completely.

Title of the Book by Dr. Connitt:

The Case Against Fluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics That Keep It There
These doctors tell you about as much as they can without facing a lawsuit. They have to be careful because SOLVAY has gone after people before who have tried to stop their poisoning of the worlds population through fluoride. ( they hold the monopoly on fluoride ) The head of Bilderberg is a Solvay by birth and his name is Etienne Davignon.

The truth is Fluoride isn't safe at any level and should not be in toothpaste either. Big money and lobbyists have kept the truth from coming out. Listen to the doctors as they explain Flouride is a poison.

If it wasn't why do you think the warning label on fluoride toothpaste warns to contact emergency room / contact poison control center immediately if your child swallows it? It's a poison. So why is in your water, Marty? Duh!!!

Doctor Exposes Fluoride as Poison - YouTube

Because a child is smaller than an adult, and adult toothpaste has a flouride concentration based on an adult's body mass. Toxicity is basically measured in mg/kg, and since children have less kg, the dose for them is less.

There is also a difference between exposure via mucous membranes (in your mouth when you brush) and through the digestive system, which is FAR more efficent in getting substances into your bloodstream.

The labels are based on overly cautious companies who probably sued when a 2 yr old ate a whole tube of giant toothpaste and got sick. again, think mg/kg and dose location.

As for in water, the dose is so low that you would have to drink 1,000's of gallons in a few minutes to get the mg/kg up to where you would be in trouble.

And how much money is the flouride production business worth?

Soluble fluoride salts, of which sodium fluoride is the most common, are only mildly toxic, although they have resulted in both accidental and suicidal deaths from acute poisoning.[3] The lethal dose for most adult humans is estimated at 5 to 10 g (which is equivalent to 32 to 64 mg/kg elemental fluoride/kg body weight).[

Fluoride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
These doctors tell you about as much as they can without facing a lawsuit. They have to be careful because SOLVAY has gone after people before who have tried to stop their poisoning of the worlds population through fluoride. ( they hold the monopoly on fluoride ) The head of Bilderberg is a Solvay by birth and his name is Etienne Davignon.

The truth is Fluoride isn't safe at any level and should not be in toothpaste either. Big money and lobbyists have kept the truth from coming out. Listen to the doctors as they explain Flouride is a poison.

If it wasn't why do you think the warning label on fluoride toothpaste warns to contact emergency room / contact poison control center immediately if your child swallows it? It's a poison. So why is in your water, Marty? Duh!!!

Doctor Exposes Fluoride as Poison - YouTube

Because a child is smaller than an adult, and adult toothpaste has a flouride concentration based on an adult's body mass. Toxicity is basically measured in mg/kg, and since children have less kg, the dose for them is less.

There is also a difference between exposure via mucous membranes (in your mouth when you brush) and through the digestive system, which is FAR more efficent in getting substances into your bloodstream.

The labels are based on overly cautious companies who probably sued when a 2 yr old ate a whole tube of giant toothpaste and got sick. again, think mg/kg and dose location.

As for in water, the dose is so low that you would have to drink 1,000's of gallons in a few minutes to get the mg/kg up to where you would be in trouble.

And how much money is the flouride production business worth?

Soluble fluoride salts, of which sodium fluoride is the most common, are only mildly toxic, although they have resulted in both accidental and suicidal deaths from acute poisoning.[3] The lethal dose for most adult humans is estimated at 5 to 10 g (which is equivalent to 32 to 64 mg/kg elemental fluoride/kg body weight).[

Fluoride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Total lie and you know it, Marty. If I didn't know better I'd say you were trying to do some damage control here.

First of all I'd recommend you read the book and educate yourself on the elitists, globalist agenda involved in this up to their necks. Powerful lobbyists, people getting rich off of it - they won't stop. People must educate themselves on the issue of fluoride poisoning.

As to how much money there is in fluoride? Do some research and look up what the Belgian Solvay family owns and controls as leaders of NGO's such as Bilderberg - Tril - Lat, CFR, some they have kept their name off membership list even though they were at the head - money can buy anything, can't it?

They also own the global pharmaceutical cartels such as SOLVAC so when you start getting sick they make money off that end of it too. Never waste a good crisis, right?

These doctors tell you about as much as they can without facing a lawsuit. They have to be careful because SOLVAY has gone after people before who have tried to stop their poisoning of the worlds population through fluoride. ( they hold the monopoly on fluoride ) The head of Bilderberg is a Solvay by birth and his name is Etienne Davignon.

The truth is Fluoride isn't safe at any level and should not be in toothpaste either. Big money and lobbyists have kept the truth from coming out. Listen to the doctors as they explain Flouride is a poison.

If it wasn't why do you think the warning label on fluoride toothpaste warns to contact emergency room / contact poison control center immediately if your child swallows it? It's a poison. So why is in your water, Marty? Duh!!!

Doctor Exposes Fluoride as Poison - YouTube

Because a child is smaller than an adult, and adult toothpaste has a flouride concentration based on an adult's body mass. Toxicity is basically measured in mg/kg, and since children have less kg, the dose for them is less.

There is also a difference between exposure via mucous membranes (in your mouth when you brush) and through the digestive system, which is FAR more efficent in getting substances into your bloodstream.

The labels are based on overly cautious companies who probably sued when a 2 yr old ate a whole tube of giant toothpaste and got sick. again, think mg/kg and dose location.

As for in water, the dose is so low that you would have to drink 1,000's of gallons in a few minutes to get the mg/kg up to where you would be in trouble.

And how much money is the flouride production business worth?

Soluble fluoride salts, of which sodium fluoride is the most common, are only mildly toxic, although they have resulted in both accidental and suicidal deaths from acute poisoning.[3] The lethal dose for most adult humans is estimated at 5 to 10 g (which is equivalent to 32 to 64 mg/kg elemental fluoride/kg body weight).[

Fluoride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Total lie and you know it, Marty. If I didn't know better I'd say you were trying to do some damage control here.

First of all I'd recommend you read the book and educate yourself on the elitists, globalist agenda involved in this up to their necks. Powerful lobbyists, people getting rich off of it - they won't stop. People must educate themselves on the issue of fluoride poisoning.

As to how much money there is in fluoride? Do some research and look up what the Belgian Solvay family owns and controls as leaders of NGO's such as Bilderberg - Tril - Lat, CFR, some they have kept their name off membership list even though they were at the head - money can buy anything, can't it?

They also own the global pharmaceutical cartels such as SOLVAC so when you start getting sick they make money off that end of it too. Never waste a good crisis, right?


Oh god you are a conspiracy nutbag, or a troll. Either way FOAD, or actually try some actual science and not your tinfoil hat wearing idiocy.
No, I just follow the money trail, Marty. Which European bank received the largest "loan" from the debt ceiling crisis? A bank owned by Solvay. If you think you are getting that money back I've got some swamp land I'd like to sell you. Go back to sleep. You're useless in this discussion.

The purpose of a farmer is to grow a crop to cover his expenses, and provide a profit. When a consumer buys cars/homes/appliances etc it is not as part of a business to make money. The comparison is not valid.

If having to buy seed every growing season was not economical, then why would the farmers do it year after year? Why whould Monsanto be making money?

They do it because they make more money buying seeds every year than the doing things the old way. The increased productivity more than compensates for the cost of the seeds.

These anti GMO nutburgers are just using scare tactics to get GMO foods outlawed. Millions of people will starve if they get their way.

Has it been proven that GMO foods are decreasing the famine problem around the world, or either our country? Do they yield a larger surplus than non-GMO foods?

Their idea of reducing the famine problem is killing the people off with GMO Foods. If there are no more starving people left it is mission accomplished for these evil people. Why do you think they were the suppliers to World Food Hunger Organizations? This is their contribution to the population problem. - Jeremiah
No, I just follow the money trail, Marty. Which European bank received the largest "loan" from the debt ceiling crisis? A bank owned by Solvay. If you think you are getting that money back I've got some swamp land I'd like to sell you. Go back to sleep. You're useless in this discussion.


The typical line of the conspiracy nut. You can't back anything you say with actual proof or peer reviewed documentation, so you call your opposite a "sheep" and keep on with your idiotic rambling.

Not going to happen you poor poor simpleton.
They do it because they make more money buying seeds every year than the doing things the old way. The increased productivity more than compensates for the cost of the seeds.

These anti GMO nutburgers are just using scare tactics to get GMO foods outlawed. Millions of people will starve if they get their way.

Has it been proven that GMO foods are decreasing the famine problem around the world, or either our country? Do they yield a larger surplus than non-GMO foods?

Their idea of reducing the famine problem is killing the people off with GMO Foods. If there are no more starving people left it is mission accomplished for these evil people. Why do you think they were the suppliers to World Food Hunger Organizations? This is their contribution to the population problem. - Jeremiah

Again show some proof or shut up.

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