Europeans were able to do it. Can America take the hint?

Has it been proven that GMO foods are decreasing the famine problem around the world, or either our country? Do they yield a larger surplus than non-GMO foods?

Their idea of reducing the famine problem is killing the people off with GMO Foods. If there are no more starving people left it is mission accomplished for these evil people. Why do you think they were the suppliers to World Food Hunger Organizations? This is their contribution to the population problem. - Jeremiah

Again show some proof or shut up.

I have. It is you who haven't provided any evidence, Marty. * Other than removing any doubt you are clueless on the subject.
Their idea of reducing the famine problem is killing the people off with GMO Foods. If there are no more starving people left it is mission accomplished for these evil people. Why do you think they were the suppliers to World Food Hunger Organizations? This is their contribution to the population problem. - Jeremiah

Again show some proof or shut up.

I have. It is you who haven't provided any evidence, Marty. * Other than removing any doubt you are clueless on the subject.

Some windbag "doctor" who's position is not peer reviewed or even documented is not evidence. If he went into a court of law he would be laughed out of it.

PROOF, not the ramblings of some conspiracy nut with an MD degree.
Some Doctors - plural - as in quite a few - two just in this one video - another one wrote a book - the truth is out there - for those who want it.

Obviously that would exclude you. If you think you'll get the final word on this one you are mistaken.

What MARTYBEGAN - Jeri will Finish. Just a heads up on your strategy because it isn't going to work with me. You're out of your league here, peanut. - Jeri
Some Doctors - plural - as in quite a few - two just in this one video - another one wrote a book - the truth is out there - for those who want it.

Obviously that would exclude you. If you think you'll get the final word on this one you are mistaken.

What MARTYBEGAN - Jeri will Finish. Just a heads up on your strategy because it isn't going to work with me. You're out of your league here, peanut. - Jeri

If you think getting the last word in on a message board is "winning the argument" you are a bigger fool than your posting indicates, and it indicates a herculean level fool.
I won the arguement hands down. You never provided any evidence to the contrary. Only long winded pie in the sky answers or personal attacks - nothing concrete. As to having the final word on a matter? Sure, it counts. What planet are you from?
I won the arguement hands down. You never provided any evidence to the contrary. Only long winded pie in the sky answers or personal attacks - nothing concrete. As to having the final word on a matter? Sure, it counts. What planet are you from?

When you are the one claiming GMO's kill people, it is up to you to prove it. You can't because they don't. When one is making an outrageous claim far outside the norm, it is on them (i.e. YOU, you gutless fucking pussy) to prove it, and prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

Until then you are just another basement dwelling living at home with mama virgin, jacking off to the victoria's secret website.

[ame=]"Stupid!" from UHF - YouTube[/ame]

And again, this is a non realtime message board. people have lives (at least I do, not sure about you, dipshit). So the last word is not the winning word.
I can see you've lost all control here, Marty. It is to be expected. When the debate is lost slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates said that.

Now if you wish to learn more about the dangers of GMO food you can put on your big boy pants and do your own research. I'm not your mommy and when it comes to time you won't be getting a front row seat to mine any longer.

Redeem your own time and go educate yourself on the subject. Good day!

For the Readers:

There is a reason Russia, China and Europe have banned GMO food / GMO crops. Their bad for your health.

Read up:FOOD: There?s a reason GMO crops are being banned | Letters to the Editor - The News TribuneRe: “Let the market decide on bioengineered crops” (TNT, 5-29).
Genetically modified foods have been linked to gastrointestinal problems, neurological problems, arthritis and obesity. Most of the developed world has banned GMOs – the European Union, Russia and China, to name a few. Countries are destroying GMO crops and not accepting new crops.

Not in the U.S. The Department of Agriculture says they are fine. But can the USDA be trusted or does it have a conflict of interest?

Michael Tayler, head of food safety at USDA, is a former Monsanto lawyer.

Thirty members of Congress hold stock in Monsanto.

The list of government employees who have ties to Monsanto goes on and on. How can they be objective?

Recently GMO wheat was found in Oregon, where the seeds were never allowed to be grown. Japan has halted all wheat imports from America. This happened with American rice as well.

Russia’s Vladimir Putin has said that GMO crops could lead to war if America doesn’t stop growing them.

Monsanto is responsible for Agent Orange, Aspertame, terminator seeds and RSTB in cows. It makes Roundup-ready crops, which means the crop is sprayed with pesticides and do not die, but it gets absorbed via osmosis and you eat it.
If this stuff is so safe why are so many other countries banning it and destroying existing crops? Why did Haiti turn down GMO crops while their people starve?
What are you feeding your kids?

Read more here:
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I posted the above for families with children. You need to research this and cook, serve, eat healthy nutricious non GMO Foods. Can you do that? Yes you can! Anyone can! Smile!

I can see you've lost all control here, Marty. It is to be expected. When the debate is lost slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates said that.

Now if you wish to learn more about the dangers of GMO food you can put on your big boy pants and do your own research. I'm not your mommy and when it comes to time you won't be getting a front row seat to mine any longer.

Redeem your own time and go educate yourself on the subject. Good day!


Run away, little girl, run away.

Actually insults/snark are also the tool of someone who realizes they are "debating" with a total idiot. Since you are not posting anything of substance or value, I might as well do the same.

Here is a bunny with a pancake on its head.

I think the problem we are going to face here in America is that Monsanto has too many hands in our politics. Many of the Monsanto big-wigs are now federal government employees, and they also spend millions upon millions of dollars in lobbying efforts for their company. Our politicians are so damn corrupt and greedy that until we get new blood in the government, that hasn't been tainted by Monsanto, they will be untouchable. We should see that from the Monsanto Protection Act.
I think the problem we are going to face here in America is that Monsanto has too many hands in our politics. Many of the Monsanto big-wigs are now federal government employees, and they also spend millions upon millions of dollars in lobbying efforts for their company. Our politicians are so damn corrupt and greedy that until we get new blood in the government, that hasn't been tainted by Monsanto, they will be untouchable. We should see that from the Monsanto Protection Act.

Yes, well when even the head of USDA was former Monsanto Lawyer what does that tell you? The Heads of these World Food Programs? Those are former Directors of Monsanto from the top as well.

It's a monopoly game. They bought everyone else, installed their own players and now they own the board. That is the bottom line. There will be nothing that isn't a Monsanto backed - peer review study -documentation forthcoming to come forth from them because the entire thing is a racket. Meanwhile all of Europe, China, Russia ban GMO food /crops and are demanding America stop growing GMO crops. It is time to pay attention here. - Jeremiah
Why would anyone buy a product that places them into debt?

Perhaps because it was sold to them as a good idea years ago, and that "sell" is now irreversible because it's virtually impossible to switch a GMO plot back to a completely non GMO plot.

Sometimes, folks don't have a choice. What happens when a monsanto seed migrates from one plot to another (via wind) and begins to grow on a non-customer's field?

How could it be impossible to switch to non GMO plot? All that's required is to plant the non GMO seeds.

Damn, must you prove your ignorance everytime you open your mouth?

Monsanto today said it believes the outbreak of genetically modified wheat on a farm in Oregon was likely an “isolated incident” that can’t be explained by either stray seed or pollen flowing into the field.

Monsanto’s statements come a day after the company was hit with the first of will probably be multiple lawsuits accusing the company of negligence that helped trigger turmoil in global wheat markets. The lawsuit on behalf of a Kansas wheat farmer says Monsanto tested the wheat varieties engineered to be resistant to Roundup weed-killer when it “knew there was a high risk that the genetically modified wheat could contaminate other varieties of wheat” on nearby farms
Perhaps because it was sold to them as a good idea years ago, and that "sell" is now irreversible because it's virtually impossible to switch a GMO plot back to a completely non GMO plot.

Sometimes, folks don't have a choice. What happens when a monsanto seed migrates from one plot to another (via wind) and begins to grow on a non-customer's field?

How could it be impossible to switch to non GMO plot? All that's required is to plant the non GMO seeds.

Damn, must you prove your ignorance everytime you open your mouth?

Monsanto today said it believes the outbreak of genetically modified wheat on a farm in Oregon was likely an “isolated incident” that can’t be explained by either stray seed or pollen flowing into the field.

Monsanto’s statements come a day after the company was hit with the first of will probably be multiple lawsuits accusing the company of negligence that helped trigger turmoil in global wheat markets. The lawsuit on behalf of a Kansas wheat farmer says Monsanto tested the wheat varieties engineered to be resistant to Roundup weed-killer when it “knew there was a high risk that the genetically modified wheat could contaminate other varieties of wheat” on nearby farms

It contaminates other varieties of wheat means you can't plant other varieties of wheat? Wheat varieties have been contaminating each other for thousands of years. No one has starved as a result so far.

Being as stupid as you are is quite an achievement.
Perhaps because it was sold to them as a good idea years ago, and that "sell" is now irreversible because it's virtually impossible to switch a GMO plot back to a completely non GMO plot.

Sometimes, folks don't have a choice. What happens when a monsanto seed migrates from one plot to another (via wind) and begins to grow on a non-customer's field?

How could it be impossible to switch to non GMO plot? All that's required is to plant the non GMO seeds.

Is it possible that once a GMO plot has been used, the amount of chemicals sprayed will inhibit natural growth of crops?

No, it's not possible. GMO crops require less pesticides than non-GMO varieties.
Has it been proven that GMO foods are decreasing the famine problem around the world, or either our country? Do they yield a larger surplus than non-GMO foods?

Monsanto | Do GM Crops Increase Yield?

Mexico - yield increases with herbicide tolerant soybean of 9 percent.
Romania – yield increases with herbicide tolerant soybeans have averaged 31 percent.
Philippines – average yield increase of 15 percent with herbicide tolerant corn.
Philippines – average yield increase of 24 percent with insect resistant corn.
Hawaii – virus resistant papaya has increased yields by an average of 40 percent.
India – insect resistant cotton has led to yield increases on average more than 50 percent.

Are you really going to use a Monsanto source lol? Of course they are going to say their crops yield a bigger harvest..

You have proof that they are lying?
If having to buy seed every growing season was not economical, then why would the farmers do it year after year? Why whould Monsanto be making money?

They don't. They save seeds from the previous year's crop and plant those. But if you buy seeds from Monsanto, you can't save seeds. If you do, you will be sued for stealing their patented protected GMO technology. You are forced to repurchase every year.

And because the wind carries pollen into neighbouring fields, some of the neighbouring farmer's seeds may be cross pollinated from the Monsanto field and if the neighbour saves his seeds, Monsanto will sue him too for stealing their technology even though the neighbour had no dealings whatsoever with Monsanto, and didn't want his seeds contaminated with GMO.

Wrong. Monsanto has no valid case against the neighbor who never signed any contracts with it.
Anybody older than fifty should remember the time when the radical left called on the government to protect them from real or perceived threats domestically or anywhere in the world. Today the radical left is oh so careful not to disturb the president's golf outings with uncomfortable questions.
Daily Kos: Monsanto throws in the towel in Europe

Despite throwing money at the political process via lobbyists the efforts of Monsanto have not been effective in convincing anyone their products are worthy of European consumers and farmers alike. Because of this the company has decided to discontinue lobbying in Europe in the face of overwhelming distrust in the chemical company's promises of abundant healthy crops.

This is good news for European farmers and consumers alike. For the farmers they will no longer be in perpetual debt because they would have to buy Monsanto's seeds every year instead of planting the seeds from the crop before. The farmers will also save money because those same seeds require chemical additives that can only be bought from Monsanto, and I'm sure priced accordingly. The consumers will feel safer knowing a chemical company known for causing extensive harm with their untested products will not be controlling their food supply.

Can Americans get the same message across to Monsanto?

Farmers moved to hybrid seeds long before Monsanto.

Hybrid seeds are not reliable in the second generation...requiring the purchase of seed with or without Monsanto.

If you with to make a credible argument...use facts, not myths.

In 1960, 99 percent of all corn planted in the United States, 95 percent of sugar beet, 80 percent of spinach, 80 percent of sunflowers, 62 percent of broccoli, and 60 percent of onions were hybrid.


The main advantage of F1 hybrids in agriculture is also their drawback. When F1 cultivars are used for the breeding of a new generation, their offspring (F2 generation) will vary greatly from one another.

F1 hybrid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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