Europe's Forthcoming Energy Crisis - President Trump Warned Germany About Reliance On Russia - They Laughed. They Won't Be Laughing This Winter.

More people died of Covid under Joe Biden than did under Trump and that was WITH the vaccines and a surplus of ventilators!

The riots in the streets were caused by you leftists, Joey. When you don't get your way at the polls you'll go right back to violent protests. It's what you do!

We saw mass layoffs under Trump because liberal Governors shut down their State's economies! We're seeing mass layoffs NOW because Joe Biden's economic policies are so bad and it's about to get much worse!

As for gas? The only reason we're having to pay double what we did under Trump is because of the left's ridiculous "New Green Deal" policies!

550,000 died of COVID when Trump was president.
More people died of Covid under Joe Biden than did under Trump and that was WITH the vaccines and a surplus of ventilators!

The riots in the streets were caused by you leftists, Joey. When you don't get your way at the polls you'll go right back to violent protests. It's what you do!

We saw mass layoffs under Trump because liberal Governors shut down their State's economies! We're seeing mass layoffs NOW because Joe Biden's economic policies are so bad and it's about to get much worse!

As for gas? The only reason we're having to pay double what we did under Trump is because of the left's ridiculous "New Green Deal" policies!

US natural gas is twice the cost of Russian gas and the Europeans would have to invest billions in infrastructure to receive and distribute US gas.
You do realize nobody believes you, Ted? France is starting up the nuclear reactors it shut down. Other EU nations are reversing anti fossil fuel legislation. They know they screwed up getting in bed with the Russians and now they're scrambling to keep from freezing this winter!
I don't think you get European Politics... We can implement stuff for this winter but in 2 years time everything will be sorted... Putin is fucked, Europe won't source Gas from Russia and he will be beholden to China who will screw him over... They have only one pipeline which would expose China if anything happened it...
550,000 died of COVID when Trump was president.
Trump was there to set up the response and he screwed that up.

When he left his political supporters went on an anti vaccination campaign and he did nothing to stop them. These were irresponsible politicians who following his footsteps were there just troll the Libs.

He himself was less than supportive himself..

Just look at this:


New York started as the worst by a long way and look who ended up leading the deaths. Trump & Co got there own supporters killed...

Biden cried for them, because they were fellow Americans, Trump & Co celebrated as they were owning the Libs..
Trump was there to set up the response and he screwed that up.

When he left his political supporters went on an anti vaccination campaign and he did nothing to stop them. These were irresponsible politicians who following his footsteps were there just troll the Libs.

He himself was less than supportive himself..

Just look at this:

View attachment 693917

New York started as the worst by a long way and look who ended up leading the deaths. Trump & Co got there own supporters killed...

Biden cried for them, because they were fellow Americans, Trump & Co celebrated as they were owning the Libs..

COVID was nuisance for Trump. It interfered with his campaign rallies. He threw out the pandemic handbook that was used to fight the spread of Ebola and Zika viruses and turned the problem over to Jared Kushner who was also in charge of peace in the Middle East.
US natural gas is twice the cost of Russian gas and the Europeans would have to invest billions in infrastructure to receive and distribute US gas.
They have...

They started doing it when he invaded Crimea... We all knew Putin was going to try and leverage his position, the guy wants the Soviet Union back...

This is inconvenient but it is manageable... EU will store a lot and they will generally move away while also working with Quatar to get alternative supply..

Won't be one solution but many...
COVID was nuisance for Trump. It interfered with his campaign rallies. He threw out the pandemic handbook that was used to fight the spread of Ebola and Zika viruses and turned the problem over to Jared Kushner who was also in charge of peace in the Middle East.
Did he not give it to Pence until he found out he could go on TV everyday...
Germans are getting ready. I was in Frankfurt and Munich last week and found the store shelves were bare of blankets, sweathers (except gaudy touristy ones) and thermal underware. Their leaders may be stupid but the general population is not. Well, until it comes to choosing leaders.
Please tell us the store...

Europe doesn't panic like that and they already own plenty clothes including the ones you described..

Must have been a pretty good sale...
They have...

They started doing it when he invaded Crimea... We all knew Putin was going to try and leverage his position, the guy wants the Soviet Union back...

This is inconvenient but it is manageable... EU will store a lot and they will generally move away while also working with Quatar to get alternative supply..

Won't be one solution but many...

The numbers I've seen are 20-25% of Europe's natural gas comes from Russia.
While Maoist/DSA Democrats delayed the distribution of the 'vaccines' until after the the 2020 fraudulent election.

Right, please post proof the Maoist/DSA Democrats delayed the distribution of the 'vaccines'... How fucking incompetent is Trump that he couldn't defeat them, hwat did Trump do to take out these Maoists in government...

Show us all this proof... Don't want anyone calling you a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist..
When Russia cuts it off completely it will be for keeps and all that expensive Nordstream2 pipeline goes to waste. Europe will buy natural gas from Qatar. It will really hurt Russia.
It will be pretty simple...

Europe will in a few years be off Russian Gas... Russia will be looking at China and India... Europe and US will politely explain to the lads that if the don't hold up sanctions that extra tarrifs goes on there exports... 2-5% sanction tax...Just enough to say, stop it...
COVID was nuisance for Trump. It interfered with his campaign rallies. He threw out the pandemic handbook that was used to fight the spread of Ebola and Zika viruses and turned the problem over to Jared Kushner who was also in charge of peace in the Middle East.
That would be the Jarad Kushner who got historic peace accords signed between various Arab nations and Israel?
Trump didn't turn the problem over to Kushner...he listened to Anthony Fauci. We all make mistakes...thinking that Fauci was the guy to run Covid was one of Trump's BIGGEST!
Neither will we, especially those living up north thanks to the democrats' war on fossil fuels.
That would be the Jarad Kushner who got historic peace accords signed between various Arab nations and Israel?
Trump didn't turn the problem over to Kushner...he listened to Anthony Fauci. We all make mistakes...thinking that Fauci was the guy to run Covid was one of Trump's BIGGEST!

Trump claimed he knew more than Dr Fauci and his generals and his lawyers. Trump said he was his own advisor.

Remember this from 1997?

US natural gas is twice the cost of Russian gas and the Europeans would have to invest billions in infrastructure to receive and distribute US gas.
Gee, let's think about the perils of trusting another country to provide you with what you need to light and heat your homes! Europe is now learning that lesson the hard way!

You on the left are now forcing the US to rely on electric vehicles...vehicles that are made with materials mined in (that's right folks!) China!!! Now if one were intelligent one would wonder at the wisdom of putting our primary means of travel in the hands of our biggest rival!

Europe is FUBARED because they trusted Russia. We will be just as FUBARED if we trust China to provide us with materials we need to exist! Only an idiot wouldn't see this coming a mile off!
Trump claimed he knew more than Dr Fauci and his generals and his lawyers. Trump said he was his own advisor.

Remember this from 1997?

With all due respect, Surada? You and I BOTH know more than Fauci! The guy got it wrong so many times it bordered on farce! He's the moron who helped unleash the pandemic on the world in the first place with his love of "gain of function" research into super viruses!
Gee, let's think about the perils of trusting another country to provide you with what you need to light and heat your homes! Europe is now learning that lesson the hard way!

You on the left are now forcing the US to rely on electric vehicles...vehicles that are made with materials mined in (that's right folks!) China!!! Now if one were intelligent one would wonder at the wisdom of putting our primary means of travel in the hands of our biggest rival!

Europe is FUBARED because they trusted Russia. We will be just as FUBARED if we trust China to provide us with materials we need to exist! Only an idiot wouldn't see this coming a mile off!

There's plenty of lithium in Chile, Peru and Afghanistan.

You don't know anything about Europe. They get 20-25% of their natural gas from Russia.
With all due respect, Surada? You and I BOTH know more than Fauci! The guy got it wrong so many times it bordered on farce! He's the moron who helped unleash the pandemic on the world in the first place with his love of "gain of function" research into super viruses!

Nope. I'm not an epidemiologist and neither are you.
Trump claimed he knew more than Dr Fauci and his generals and his lawyers. Trump said he was his own advisor.

Remember this from 1997?

So you bring up Kushner...then when I point out the fantastic job Kushner DID with the Middle East...your response is some interview Trump did with Howard Stern 25 years ago about "nailing" Princess Di? Seriously? Could you possibly be any more of a light weight?

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