Europe's Forthcoming Energy Crisis - President Trump Warned Germany About Reliance On Russia - They Laughed. They Won't Be Laughing This Winter.


So why is everything being shut down in the middle of Summer?

Soon you might be able to state that 0% of EU gas is supplied by Russia. I am not thinking that will be a happy data point from the EU perspective.

It's too bad that Trump is not POTUS right now. Like how he sent hospital ships to the NYC and LA harbors during the pandemic, he would be mobilizing American energy production right now to help Europe's populace survive the coming crisis.

Meanwhile, Biden is doing squat.

Biden has already been doing that but in reality EU has been doing that themselves with US gas producers and other gas producers around the world.
Sorry but Trump was pretty much incompetent, he rarely solved nothing... We need actual adults not people who tried to blackmail Ukraine with arms...

Putin was emboldened by Trump, He perceived America as stupid and weak when he met Trump and knew how he helped get him elected. Most of the world knows Trump is a conman, he really has little to no skills in running a country. He was reasonable at getting elected but that was after years of GOP irresponsible fear mongering, it was pretty easy to see that Mitch thought he could control the
Indeed, a day late and a dollar short. Who, including blind men could foresee this coming?
Germany could have warned Trump that their health system is not up to scratch...
Germany was paying for vaccine research on the vaccine most used by Americans.

Then COVID hit and US had over million dead Americans...
No one was laughing, guess Germany was concentrating on the wrong things..
Well, they probably aren't, but we know you wish they were.

In fact, quite the contrary, the Germans have prepared for this contingency.

If this situation shows anything, it's why we should ALL try to replace fossil fuels with clean energy.

On the contrary:

Biden has already been doing that but in reality EU has been doing that themselves with US gas producers and other gas producers around the world.
Sorry but Trump was pretty much incompetent, he rarely solved nothing... We need actual adults not people who tried to blackmail Ukraine with arms...

Putin was emboldened by Trump, He perceived America as stupid and weak when he met Trump and knew how he helped get him elected. Most of the world knows Trump is a conman, he really has little to no skills in running a country. He was reasonable at getting elected but that was after years of GOP irresponsible fear mongering, it was pretty easy to see that Mitch thought he could control the

Germany could have warned Trump that their health system is not up to scratch...
Germany was paying for vaccine research on the vaccine most used by Americans.

Then COVID hit and US had over million dead Americans...
No one was laughing, guess Germany was concentrating on the wrong things..

While Maoist/DSA Democrats delayed the distribution of the 'vaccines' until after the the 2020 fraudulent election.

All well and good, but those new homes and apartments in Germany and Europe are all electric without fireplaces to burn wood or coal.
Looks like many will be heading to their "Dachas" in the country like Dr. Zhivago...
We don't, Trump warned them. They laughed at him and now they will pay for their stupidity. Too bad it will be the citizens that will pay. If you rely on natural gas as your heating source, in the United States. You will also pay, thanks Biden.

You need to stop drinking the orange Koolaid.

Getting rid of Trump was great.
Throwing his ass in prison will be better!

So why is everything being shut down in the middle of Summer?

Soon you might be able to state that 0% of EU gas is supplied by Russia. I am not thinking that will be a happy data point from the EU perspective.

It's too bad that Trump is not POTUS right now. Like how he sent hospital ships to the NYC and LA harbors during the pandemic, he would be mobilizing American energy production right now to help Europe's populace survive the coming crisis.

Meanwhile, Biden is doing squat.

Biden has already been doing that but in reality EU has been doing that themselves with US gas producers and other gas producers around the world.
Sorry but Trump was pretty much incompetent, he rarely solved nothing... We need actual adults not people who tried to blackmail Ukraine with arms...

Putin was emboldened by Trump, He perceived America as stupid and weak when he met Trump and knew how he helped get him elected. Most of the world knows Trump is a conman, he really has little to no skills in running a country. He was reasonable at getting elected but that was after years of GOP irresponsible fear mongering, it was pretty easy to see that Mitch thought he could radicalise the base and control them, the didn't figure out it could be hijacked off him. we really need to "hope" that you liberals will create some kind of disaster, Joey! Our biggest problem is keeping track of them all! The Afghan pullout? The border? Fentanyl overdoses? Baby formula shortages? Gas prices nearly double? Violent crime out of control? Rolling blackouts? Inflation at record highs?
At this point...we're just hoping we make it through until November so we can vote you idiots out of office and return some sanity to Washington!
Nice list. I know you could continue. I could.
Trump is not smart academically and struggles with short attention span...
I entirely disagree with this. Having watched many many hours of Trump speaking, I have noticed what a great grasp of complicated subjects and detailed numbers that most people can't grasp. You won't normally see this in short clips posted on CNN or MSNBC - that's not an insult, just a fact, and I can understand how others might not be able to watch a full two-hour Trump speech.
Trump also lacks the ability to understand the consequences of his actions...
I tend to agree with you on this for some of his actions.

Putin is smarter but Ukraine was a massive mistake.. It exposed his weakness which going on for decades. Putin is also a criminal, he head of a criminal organisation..
I don't know enough to have an opinion if Putin is smarter, but Putin is hyped up to be stronger than he really is for sure, and his invasion of Ukraine seems clearly unjust with a huge toll on innocents.

There is only one way out for Europe to avoid this incoming energy crisis! ONLY ONE.






As simple as that....even a child would understand it.:)

Biden has already been doing that but in reality EU has been doing that themselves with US gas producers and other gas producers around the world.
Sorry but Trump was pretty much incompetent, he rarely solved nothing... We need actual adults not people who tried to blackmail Ukraine with arms...

Putin was emboldened by Trump, He perceived America as stupid and weak when he met Trump and knew how he helped get him elected. Most of the world knows Trump is a conman, he really has little to no skills in running a country. He was reasonable at getting elected but that was after years of GOP irresponsible fear mongering, it was pretty easy to see that Mitch thought he could control the

Germany could have warned Trump that their health system is not up to scratch...
Germany was paying for vaccine research on the vaccine most used by Americans.

Then COVID hit and US had over million dead Americans...
No one was laughing, guess Germany was concentrating on the wrong things..
My gosh the end of your post is hilarious.

Trump funded the vaccines (six - three eventually authorized in his final month, way ahead of everyone's wildest expectations), and more died under Biden's first year than Trump's final one, despite Biden having the benefit of the vaccines. But we are getting way off-topic.

Biden has already been doing that but in reality EU has been doing that themselves with US gas producers and other gas producers around the world.
Sorry but Trump was pretty much incompetent, he rarely solved nothing... We need actual adults not people who tried to blackmail Ukraine with arms...

Putin was emboldened by Trump, He perceived America as stupid and weak when he met Trump and knew how he helped get him elected. Most of the world knows Trump is a conman, he really has little to no skills in running a country. He was reasonable at getting elected but that was after years of GOP irresponsible fear mongering, it was pretty easy to see that Mitch thought he could radicalise the base and control them, the didn't figure out it could be hijacked off him.
Blackmailed Ukraine with arms? Aren’t we sending them billions in arms now?

If Putin was so in charge with Trump, WTF did he wait until Bidumb was in office?

You people have an insane view of how the world works. It probably starts as basic as your ability to identify a man or woman. And gets worse from there,

Biden has already been doing that but in reality EU has been doing that themselves with US gas producers and other gas producers around the world.
Sorry but Trump was pretty much incompetent, he rarely solved nothing... We need actual adults not people who tried to blackmail Ukraine with arms...

Putin was emboldened by Trump, He perceived America as stupid and weak when he met Trump and knew how he helped get him elected. Most of the world knows Trump is a conman, he really has little to no skills in running a country. He was reasonable at getting elected but that was after years of GOP irresponsible fear mongering, it was pretty easy to see that Mitch thought he could radicalise the base and control them, the didn't figure out it could be hijacked off him.
1. Did Putin attack Ukraine when Trump was president? No, he waited for his whore, Joe Biden to be president
2. Trump was right about Nord Stream 2, Biden was wrong.
3. Here's a list of "always wrong" Joe's "accomplishments"

Everything Xiden, aka “poopy pants” touches turns to shit
How about showering with his daughter Ashley? How fucked-up is that?
The Brits hold him in CONTEMPT for abandoning AFG
The French pulled their ambassador for abandoning AFG
He pissed off the Canadians by killing the KeystoneXL pipeline, that’s 500,000 bbls a day he killed.
Xiden sold us out by approving the Nord Stream 2 pipeline giving Putin cash to modernize his military and invade Ukraine, and his “war on energy” keeps fuel costs high. That's why Xiden is "Putin's Whore".
Hope he enjoys the $3,500,000 the Moscow Mayor's wife sent Hunter
Hope he enjoys the $1,500,000,000 that China gave Hunter to "invest"
Open borders is a catastrophe. Trump had it SOLVED. Now its infected migrants & fentanyl sent all over
Runaway inflation would get worse if the dems pass their "BBB" bill. That will be Solyndra on steroids, not to mention the $200,000,000 for Nancy’s park in San Francisco.
Xiden is ruining the US energy sector with his stupid EOs, he wants Russia to pump more oil?? WTF?
Xiden is so dumb he can't even do fake press conferences to answer "ice cream" questions.
Xiden is a gaffe machine, his brain is defective, and he has the nuclear football, WTF???
Xiden surrendered AFG leaving Americans, $billions of equipment, and interpreters to be slaughtered
Xiden’s DOJ sent the FBI after parents (aka domestic terrorists) who dare to ask questions at school board meetings.
China just passed the US out with their new hypersonic missile.
Stupid Joe wants to pay MIGRANTS $450,000 for breaking US immigration LAWS??????
After promising we would have more than enough Covid testing kits, Joe LIED and FAILED.
Xiden killed Israel’s EastMed gas pipeline to sell gas to the EU, Putin’s whore strikes again.
Xiden killed the development of ANWR, but he’s begging Putin to pump more oil???
Xiden’s “war on energy” is pushing gas and diesel to unaffordable levels, causing “runaway inflation”.
Xiden is letting RUSSIA negotiate the new IRAN agreement???? WTF!!!!!!
Xiden is giving baby formula to migrants when American babies can’t get formula????
Xiden sold 1m bbls of SPR emergency oil to Sinopec, Hunter’s Chinese oil company, that’s treason.
Xiden is turning the US into a banana republic by misusing the FBI and IRS to harass opponents
Now Xiden wants 87,000 armed IRS agents!! WTF???
I could go on and on, but you see Trump was at least 1,000,000x better as president than stupid Joe
There is only one way out for Europe to avoid this incoming energy crisis! ONLY ONE.
As simple as that....even a child would understand it.:)
Nope. Stay the course. Build an energy system that excludes Russian gas. Putin can't be trusted.
The Russian economy is a shambles already. Putin is going to NK with hat in hand to ask for ammunition...thats bad.
Has it really been that great? What we have now was worth that vote? 40-50 year highs in energy costs, inflation, etc.

Has it really?

Um, yeah.

We aren't getting daily death counts in the thousands.
We aren't seeing riots in the streets.
We aren't seeing mass layoffs like we did with Trump.

Oh, boo hoo, I have to pay a whole $4.00 for a gallon of gas... which only sucks if you bought a big old gas guzzling SUV that we told you decades ago you didn't need.
Um, yeah.

We aren't getting daily death counts in the thousands.
We aren't seeing riots in the streets.
We aren't seeing mass layoffs like we did with Trump.

Oh, boo hoo, I have to pay a whole $4.00 for a gallon of gas... which only sucks if you bought a big old gas guzzling SUV that we told you decades ago you didn't need
The leftist riots were not in support of Trump, and who the fuck are you to tell anyone what we don't need???????
Um, yeah.

We aren't getting daily death counts in the thousands.
We aren't seeing riots in the streets.
We aren't seeing mass layoffs like we did with Trump.

Oh, boo hoo, I have to pay a whole $4.00 for a gallon of gas... which only sucks if you bought a big old gas guzzling SUV that we told you decades ago you didn't need.
More people died of Covid under Joe Biden than did under Trump and that was WITH the vaccines and a surplus of ventilators!

The riots in the streets were caused by you leftists, Joey. When you don't get your way at the polls you'll go right back to violent protests. It's what you do!

We saw mass layoffs under Trump because liberal Governors shut down their State's economies! We're seeing mass layoffs NOW because Joe Biden's economic policies are so bad and it's about to get much worse!

As for gas? The only reason we're having to pay double what we did under Trump is because of the left's ridiculous "New Green Deal" policies!
Um, yeah.

We aren't getting daily death counts in the thousands.
We aren't seeing riots in the streets.
We aren't seeing mass layoffs like we did with Trump.

Oh, boo hoo, I have to pay a whole $4.00 for a gallon of gas... which only sucks if you bought a big old gas guzzling SUV that we told you decades ago you didn't need.
We didn’t get daily death counts because the DNC media stopped reporting them. Bidumb has more deaths than Trump did.

Oh so democrats stopped rioting. Maybe you people can learn to control yourselves and they won’t ever happen.

What mass layoffs? The ones from democrats shutting down their states? It sure as hell wasn’t the Trump economy that did that.

Gas was half that. I think I’ll decide what to drive, not you.
So true.

'Winter will be long': Russian oil giant Gazprom taunts the West with sinister video showing Europe freezing over after Moscow switches off gas supplies​

There is no question about it.

As Missouri_Mike and struth said above, they simply shut off the supply.

The video from the Russian State-owned Gazprom shows it for anyone in doubt.

When Russia cuts it off completely it will be for keeps and all that expensive Nordstream2 pipeline goes to waste. Europe will buy natural gas from Qatar. It will really hurt Russia.

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