Evangelical Christians Must Pay For Trading Faith For Power, Morality Lost Forever

1) In conflating their religion with far-right politics, they have alienated at least half of the population. That's 50% of potential converts lost.

Those who wallow in sin like a pig in slop always were alienated from God. It will make a poor excuse.

"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first."
Jesus Christ
White Evangelical Christians en masse and other Christians voting for the likes of Donald Trump and Roy Moore have done irreparable damage to their faith. They now have absolutely no moral authority outside the cult they have become.

Evangelical Christians must pay for trading faith for power, morality lost forever

They have done just that, outed themselves entirely on their phoney claim to be Christians. They are not Christians. You cannot support a self-admitted sexual predator and support an accused pedophile and call yourself a Christian.
So says your totally insane version of the Christian faith. What is so "evil" about Doug Jones? moore stalked teenage girls

Uh, Doug Jones is a member of the party that uses the government to pure their values of of racism, sexism, perversion, and socialism. I'm more worried about Jones lowering the age of consent than Moore, because his party favors a lowering the age of consent, while Republicans don't.
I truly believe that evangelicals have lost sight of their mission. According to the N.T., their mission is to spread the gospel and make as many converts as they can. Their mission is NOT to try to legislate their beliefs via political activity. Consider what their misguided efforts politically has already done and will continue to do in regards to their TRUE mission:

1) In conflating their religion with far-right politics, they have alienated at least half of the population. That's 50% of potential converts lost.

No one on the right is trying to legislate Christianity. The real problem with Christians is that many of them are Satanists bent on promoting foreign policy to support the Antichrist (Israel/Jews) while leaving freedom of Christians in America at the mercy of Christ-hating libtards.

Voting for Trump is a response to libtards going to war with Christians and conservatives. You're an idiot for getting cause and effect backwards.

But then again, evangelicals love to believe that they are being persecuted,

Hey fucktard, when Christian bakers are facing six-digits fines for refusing to make sodomite art, or when Christians are being taxed to pay for the indoctrinating their children against Christianity in public schools, that's persecution.
Churches played a significant role in politics from time of our founding through the civil war.

Who said, we have to check our values at the door when we exercise our secular rights?

If my values are sanctity of life, subsidiarity, fiscal accountability and sanctity of marriage why shouldn't they inform my vote?

Whatever your values and beliefs are, they ARE going to inform your vote. That's what values and beliefs DO. It's their purpose. If they don't inform your choices, then they aren't really what you believe at all.

It's insane that leftists have actually convinced people that they not only can believe something without it affecting their daily lives, but that they actually SHOULD.
So says your totally insane version of the Christian faith. What is so "evil" about Doug Jones? moore stalked teenage girls

Uh, Doug Jones is a member of the party that uses the government to pure their values of of racism, sexism, perversion, and socialism. I'm more worried about Jones lowering the age of consent than Moore, because his party favors a lowering the age of consent, while Republicans don't.

You are truly out of your mind. The Republican party owns racism and sexism at this point, since they have made these hatreds their top priority. The Democratic party does not. I don't think "perversion" or "socialism" come into the picture at all. The Republicans have adopted a sham version of the Christian religion that specializes in authoritarianism, which is a sick mentality peddled by men who think that they are qualified to be leaders, but who are dumb as fence posts. would want as a leader a crazy man who thinks with his private parts and can't cope with the simplest of concepts and who thinks that he is superior to women, blacks, LGBTs, and just about everyone else?
Like the Clintons are paragons of virtue....... :slap:
I voted for Trump and lost not one iota of my faith.
Hillary stood by and defended her husband. Something most people used to call "Christian".

Trump screws every woman he can, is a serial adulterer and boasts about assaulting women.

So to you, Trump is more moral?

That's the problem with the Evangelicals.
I truly believe that evangelicals have lost sight of their mission. According to the N.T., their mission is to spread the gospel and make as many converts as they can. Their mission is NOT to try to legislate their beliefs via political activity. Consider what their misguided efforts politically has already done and will continue to do in regards to their TRUE mission:

1) In conflating their religion with far-right politics, they have alienated at least half of the population. That's 50% of potential converts lost.

2) In supporting Trump, who is the polar opposite of everything Jesus stands for, they have alienated EVERYBODY outside of their evangelical bubble. There go countless other potential converts!

3) The more political power they acquire, the more we will see that, once in power, they will prove to be every bit as corrupt as any non-Christian politician. Consider Mike Pence, who lies constantly to excuse, deny, or cover-up Trump's insane behavior. He acts like a total groveling sycophant and treats Trump as one would treat a king. Believe me, potential converts notice this kind of thing.

I am hopeful that, years from now, evangelicals will finally realize the error of their decades-long push for political power, at the expense of the Great Commission, and they will finally hit their knees in sackcloth and ashes. Too bad they are too short-sighted to see this now. I mean, the signs are all there, and everybody else sees it, but they are too consumed with their lust for power to notice the obvious.

But then again, evangelicals love to believe that they are being persecuted, and any backlash that results from their own misguided values will probably be dismissed with their typical whiny "we're being persecuted" bullshit. They are making themselves pariahs, but they are too busy pointing the finger at others to recognize that they did to themselves.
Far right politics? You mean like sanctity of life? Or the concept of subsidiarity? Which far right politics are you talking about?

But putting that aside for a moment, if it is as you say it is, how come the Democrats are the ones losing ground? Seems to me the majority of people are tired of THEIR far left politics.

I don't see the Democrats losing ground. Remember last November's elections? I've never been a member of a political party. However, I made sure that I voted for Northam for governor of Virginia. Gillespie, like all the right-wing republicans, just spent his life talking trash and pseudo-religious babbling and would have been a disaster for Virginians.
I truly believe that evangelicals have lost sight of their mission. According to the N.T., their mission is to spread the gospel and make as many converts as they can. Their mission is NOT to try to legislate their beliefs via political activity. Consider what their misguided efforts politically has already done and will continue to do in regards to their TRUE mission:

1) In conflating their religion with far-right politics, they have alienated at least half of the population. That's 50% of potential converts lost.

2) In supporting Trump, who is the polar opposite of everything Jesus stands for, they have alienated EVERYBODY outside of their evangelical bubble. There go countless other potential converts!

3) The more political power they acquire, the more we will see that, once in power, they will prove to be every bit as corrupt as any non-Christian politician. Consider Mike Pence, who lies constantly to excuse, deny, or cover-up Trump's insane behavior. He acts like a total groveling sycophant and treats Trump as one would treat a king. Believe me, potential converts notice this kind of thing.

I am hopeful that, years from now, evangelicals will finally realize the error of their decades-long push for political power, at the expense of the Great Commission, and they will finally hit their knees in sackcloth and ashes. Too bad they are too short-sighted to see this now. I mean, the signs are all there, and everybody else sees it, but they are too consumed with their lust for power to notice the obvious.

But then again, evangelicals love to believe that they are being persecuted, and any backlash that results from their own misguided values will probably be dismissed with their typical whiny "we're being persecuted" bullshit. They are making themselves pariahs, but they are too busy pointing the finger at others to recognize that they did to themselves.
Far right politics? You mean like sanctity of life? Or the concept of subsidiarity? Which far right politics are you talking about?

But putting that aside for a moment, if it is as you say it is, how come the Democrats are the ones losing ground? Seems to me the majority of people are tired of THEIR far left politics.

I don't see the Democrats losing ground. Remember last November's elections? I've never been a member of a political party. However, I made sure that I voted for Northam for governor of Virginia. Gillespie, like all the right-wing republicans, just spent his life talking trash and pseudo-religious babbling and would have been a disaster for Virginians.
Maybe. Path not taken.

But I think they are losing ground. And I think it is because they tacked too hard left. They ran off all the Blue Dogs.

I've read authors refer to the political evangelists as "dogs of satan." While that's a bit to harsh for me, I can see and appreciate the logic behind that statement.
So says your totally insane version of the Christian faith. What is so "evil" about Doug Jones? moore stalked teenage girls

Uh, Doug Jones is a member of the party that uses the government to pure their values of of racism, sexism, perversion, and socialism. I'm more worried about Jones lowering the age of consent than Moore, because his party favors a lowering the age of consent, while Republicans don't.

You are truly out of your mind. The Republican party owns racism and sexism at this point, since they have made these hatreds their top priority. The Democratic party does not. I don't think "perversion" or "socialism" come into the picture at all. The Republicans have adopted a sham version of the Christian religion that specializes in authoritarianism, which is a sick mentality peddled by men who think that they are qualified to be leaders, but who are dumb as fence posts. would want as a leader a crazy man who thinks with his private parts and can't cope with the simplest of concepts and who thinks that he is superior to women, blacks, LGBTs, and just about everyone else?

Why? Because YOU have declared them racist and sexist? Just because you try to shove it into their hands, doesn't mean they own it. The Democrats don't just get to declare their documented history of Jim Crow, the KKK, segregation, Teddy Kennedy, and Bill Clinton null and void and have it be true. And I think you wildly overestimate how much YOUR declarations and condemnations matter to the grand scheme of things. Do us all a favor and hold your breath waiting for someone to ask or care what you think is correct Christian behavior.

While you're spluttering and raving about how awful Donald Trump and those who voted for him are, please keep in mind that he only won because the Democrat candidate was so much worse. They could have run literally anyone else in the nation and beat him; instead, they chose to keep relying on their own lazy tactics of browbeating and bullying and screaming the Big Lie over and over in an attempt to convince people it was reality. That crap has reached the point of diminishing returns big time. They have no one to blame but themselves.
Like the Clintons are paragons of virtue....... :slap:
I voted for Trump and lost not one iota of my faith.
Hillary stood by and defended her husband. Something most people used to call "Christian".

Trump screws every woman he can, is a serial adulterer and boasts about assaulting women.

So to you, Trump is more moral?

That's the problem with the Evangelicals.

I realize that you're trying valiantly to discuss something about which you know less than nothing, but I can assure you that no one EVER called any aspect of Hillary's behavior "Christian".

As with virtually everyone on this board who discovered morality five minutes ago and now wants to set himself up as Grand High Arbiter of Christianity, you need to deal with the fact that NO ONE is the slightest bit interested in your dictates or your approval.
I truly believe that evangelicals have lost sight of their mission. According to the N.T., their mission is to spread the gospel and make as many converts as they can. Their mission is NOT to try to legislate their beliefs via political activity. Consider what their misguided efforts politically has already done and will continue to do in regards to their TRUE mission:

1) In conflating their religion with far-right politics, they have alienated at least half of the population. That's 50% of potential converts lost.

2) In supporting Trump, who is the polar opposite of everything Jesus stands for, they have alienated EVERYBODY outside of their evangelical bubble. There go countless other potential converts!

3) The more political power they acquire, the more we will see that, once in power, they will prove to be every bit as corrupt as any non-Christian politician. Consider Mike Pence, who lies constantly to excuse, deny, or cover-up Trump's insane behavior. He acts like a total groveling sycophant and treats Trump as one would treat a king. Believe me, potential converts notice this kind of thing.

I am hopeful that, years from now, evangelicals will finally realize the error of their decades-long push for political power, at the expense of the Great Commission, and they will finally hit their knees in sackcloth and ashes. Too bad they are too short-sighted to see this now. I mean, the signs are all there, and everybody else sees it, but they are too consumed with their lust for power to notice the obvious.

But then again, evangelicals love to believe that they are being persecuted, and any backlash that results from their own misguided values will probably be dismissed with their typical whiny "we're being persecuted" bullshit. They are making themselves pariahs, but they are too busy pointing the finger at others to recognize that they did to themselves.
Far right politics? You mean like sanctity of life? Or the concept of subsidiarity? Which far right politics are you talking about?

But putting that aside for a moment, if it is as you say it is, how come the Democrats are the ones losing ground? Seems to me the majority of people are tired of THEIR far left politics.

I don't see the Democrats losing ground. Remember last November's elections? I've never been a member of a political party. However, I made sure that I voted for Northam for governor of Virginia. Gillespie, like all the right-wing republicans, just spent his life talking trash and pseudo-religious babbling and would have been a disaster for Virginians.

You don't see a lot of things that are right in front of your nose. That's perfectly fine. Democrat delusions seem to be serving people well at the moment.
Republicans like to pretend they are the moral authority but the evidence shows they are the worst of two evils. Justice democrats are at least trying to salvage the democratic party from ruin.

Christians, especially evangelical christians will continue to believe their own lies long after they get their heads handed to them in the upcoming civil war.
You obviously haven't watched how the crazy antifa fools fare at their *protests* when they try to rough up rightwingers.

Not too worried about the *upcoming civil war* lol.
Like the Clintons are paragons of virtue....... :slap:
I voted for Trump and lost not one iota of my faith.
Hillary stood by and defended her husband. Something most people used to call "Christian".

Trump screws every woman he can, is a serial adulterer and boasts about assaulting women.

So to you, Trump is more moral?

That's the problem with the Evangelicals.

I realize that you're trying valiantly to discuss something about which you know less than nothing, but I can assure you that no one EVER called any aspect of Hillary's behavior "Christian".

As with virtually everyone on this board who discovered morality five minutes ago and now wants to set himself up as Grand High Arbiter of Christianity, you need to deal with the fact that NO ONE is the slightest bit interested in your dictates or your approval.

Look, it was trashy bullshit artists like graham and jeffress and perkins, and you stupid followers who have tried to set themselves up as "grand high arbiters" of Christianity, and in front of open mikes. They, and you, are the ones going around carrying on and sputtering that something is a "Christian belief," or somebody else "isn't a Christian." Remember what happened to President Obama. It's you people who are running around making openly misogynist statements about women "knowing their place" and keeping themselves sexually available on demand, and making unfair and sometimes threatening statements about LGBTs and Muslims. It is you people who support an ugly bearded middle-aged man who said on television that men should sink their teeth into teenage girls before they have a chance to grow up. It is you people who keeping saying that Hillary Clinton is not a Christian when she's been a Methodist her whole life and has behaved according to Christian principles, although YOU stated above that "no one EVER called an aspect" of Ms. Clinton's behavior "Christian." It's you people who think that you just thought up "morality."

The Christian faith and the Republican Party are no where near the same thing. It's time that you dismounted from your high horse.
Like the Clintons are paragons of virtue....... :slap:
I voted for Trump and lost not one iota of my faith.
Hillary stood by and defended her husband. Something most people used to call "Christian".

Trump screws every woman he can, is a serial adulterer and boasts about assaulting women.

So to you, Trump is more moral?

That's the problem with the Evangelicals.

I realize that you're trying valiantly to discuss something about which you know less than nothing, but I can assure you that no one EVER called any aspect of Hillary's behavior "Christian".

As with virtually everyone on this board who discovered morality five minutes ago and now wants to set himself up as Grand High Arbiter of Christianity, you need to deal with the fact that NO ONE is the slightest bit interested in your dictates or your approval.

Look, it was trashy bullshit artists like graham and jeffress and perkins, and you stupid followers who have tried to set themselves up as "grand high arbiters" of Christianity, and in front of open mikes. They, and you, are the ones going around carrying on and sputtering that something is a "Christian belief," or somebody else "isn't a Christian." Remember what happened to President Obama. It's you people who are running around making openly misogynist statements about women "knowing their place" and keeping themselves sexually available on demand, and making unfair and sometimes threatening statements about LGBTs and Muslims. It is you people who support an ugly bearded middle-aged man who said on television that men should sink their teeth into teenage girls before they have a chance to grow up. It is you people who keeping saying that Hillary Clinton is not a Christian when she's been a Methodist her whole life and has behaved according to Christian principles, although YOU stated above that "no one EVER called an aspect" of Ms. Clinton's behavior "Christian." It's you people who think that you just thought up "morality."

The Christian faith and the Republican Party are no where near the same thing. It's time that you dismounted from your high horse.

No, Chuckles, the only people setting themselves up as arbiters of Christianity are twerps like you, who don't even espouse it but are convinced that the world is breathlessly waiting for them to dictate how to practice beliefs they don't share. Everyone else is just stating what they personally believe and how they feel it should best be applied to their decisions. I haven't actually noticed anyone saying someone "isn't a Christian" except for a bunch of people who will proudly tell you THEY aren't, either.

And since I don't even know who Graham, Jeffress (?), and Perkins ARE without going and looking it up (which I'm not planning to do), you can save yourself the effort of screeching about how I'm a "follower" of any of them. If you want to snipe at me for making misogynist statements, I invite you to find one of them and quote it for me. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline to work myself into a defensive lather about the your disapproval of me. In fact, I'm going to have to decline to give a tin shit about it in any way.

The same goes for anything else you want to accuse me of doing or supporting. Prove it, dipshit, or learn to live with the fact that I consider you a pathetic joke desperately struggling for legitimacy.
Like the Clintons are paragons of virtue....... :slap:
I voted for Trump and lost not one iota of my faith.
Hillary stood by and defended her husband. Something most people used to call "Christian".

Trump screws every woman he can, is a serial adulterer and boasts about assaulting women.

So to you, Trump is more moral?

That's the problem with the Evangelicals.

I realize that you're trying valiantly to discuss something about which you know less than nothing, but I can assure you that no one EVER called any aspect of Hillary's behavior "Christian".

As with virtually everyone on this board who discovered morality five minutes ago and now wants to set himself up as Grand High Arbiter of Christianity, you need to deal with the fact that NO ONE is the slightest bit interested in your dictates or your approval.

Look, it was trashy bullshit artists like graham and jeffress and perkins, and you stupid followers who have tried to set themselves up as "grand high arbiters" of Christianity, and in front of open mikes. They, and you, are the ones going around carrying on and sputtering that something is a "Christian belief," or somebody else "isn't a Christian." Remember what happened to President Obama. It's you people who are running around making openly misogynist statements about women "knowing their place" and keeping themselves sexually available on demand, and making unfair and sometimes threatening statements about LGBTs and Muslims. It is you people who support an ugly bearded middle-aged man who said on television that men should sink their teeth into teenage girls before they have a chance to grow up. It is you people who keeping saying that Hillary Clinton is not a Christian when she's been a Methodist her whole life and has behaved according to Christian principles, although YOU stated above that "no one EVER called an aspect" of Ms. Clinton's behavior "Christian." It's you people who think that you just thought up "morality."

The Christian faith and the Republican Party are no where near the same thing. It's time that you dismounted from your high horse.

No, Chuckles, the only people setting themselves up as arbiters of Christianity are twerps like you, who don't even espouse it but are convinced that the world is breathlessly waiting for them to dictate how to practice beliefs they don't share. Everyone else is just stating what they personally believe and how they feel it should best be applied to their decisions. I haven't actually noticed anyone saying someone "isn't a Christian" except for a bunch of people who will proudly tell you THEY aren't, either.

And since I don't even know who Graham, Jeffress (?), and Perkins ARE without going and looking it up (which I'm not planning to do), you can save yourself the effort of screeching about how I'm a "follower" of any of them. If you want to snipe at me for making misogynist statements, I invite you to find one of them and quote it for me. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline to work myself into a defensive lather about the your disapproval of me. In fact, I'm going to have to decline to give a tin shit about it in any way.

The same goes for anything else you want to accuse me of doing or supporting. Prove it, dipshit, or learn to live with the fact that I consider you a pathetic joke desperately struggling for legitimacy.

And you are a pathetic and easily duped person hawking a bogus ideology. You can't even say anything coherent about your "religion" and don't seem to be familiar with what's in it. I can't help you.
Like the Clintons are paragons of virtue....... :slap:
I voted for Trump and lost not one iota of my faith.
Hillary stood by and defended her husband. Something most people used to call "Christian".

Trump screws every woman he can, is a serial adulterer and boasts about assaulting women.

So to you, Trump is more moral?

That's the problem with the Evangelicals.

Whenever Trump ejaculates all over little aids in the oval office, right under his wife's nose, then lies like a thief about it, let me know.

That you approve of Bill the Spill is the problem with the ungodly....
Like the Clintons are paragons of virtue....... :slap:
I voted for Trump and lost not one iota of my faith.
Hillary stood by and defended her husband. Something most people used to call "Christian".

Trump screws every woman he can, is a serial adulterer and boasts about assaulting women.

So to you, Trump is more moral?

That's the problem with the Evangelicals.

I realize that you're trying valiantly to discuss something about which you know less than nothing, but I can assure you that no one EVER called any aspect of Hillary's behavior "Christian".

As with virtually everyone on this board who discovered morality five minutes ago and now wants to set himself up as Grand High Arbiter of Christianity, you need to deal with the fact that NO ONE is the slightest bit interested in your dictates or your approval.

Look, it was trashy bullshit artists like graham and jeffress and perkins, and you stupid followers who have tried to set themselves up as "grand high arbiters" of Christianity, and in front of open mikes. They, and you, are the ones going around carrying on and sputtering that something is a "Christian belief," or somebody else "isn't a Christian." Remember what happened to President Obama. It's you people who are running around making openly misogynist statements about women "knowing their place" and keeping themselves sexually available on demand, and making unfair and sometimes threatening statements about LGBTs and Muslims. It is you people who support an ugly bearded middle-aged man who said on television that men should sink their teeth into teenage girls before they have a chance to grow up. It is you people who keeping saying that Hillary Clinton is not a Christian when she's been a Methodist her whole life and has behaved according to Christian principles, although YOU stated above that "no one EVER called an aspect" of Ms. Clinton's behavior "Christian." It's you people who think that you just thought up "morality."

The Christian faith and the Republican Party are no where near the same thing. It's time that you dismounted from your high horse.

No, Chuckles, the only people setting themselves up as arbiters of Christianity are twerps like you, who don't even espouse it but are convinced that the world is breathlessly waiting for them to dictate how to practice beliefs they don't share. Everyone else is just stating what they personally believe and how they feel it should best be applied to their decisions. I haven't actually noticed anyone saying someone "isn't a Christian" except for a bunch of people who will proudly tell you THEY aren't, either.

And since I don't even know who Graham, Jeffress (?), and Perkins ARE without going and looking it up (which I'm not planning to do), you can save yourself the effort of screeching about how I'm a "follower" of any of them. If you want to snipe at me for making misogynist statements, I invite you to find one of them and quote it for me. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline to work myself into a defensive lather about the your disapproval of me. In fact, I'm going to have to decline to give a tin shit about it in any way.

The same goes for anything else you want to accuse me of doing or supporting. Prove it, dipshit, or learn to live with the fact that I consider you a pathetic joke desperately struggling for legitimacy.

And you are a pathetic and easily duped person hawking a bogus ideology. You can't even say anything coherent about your "religion" and don't seem to be familiar with what's in it. I can't help you.

Does it hurt to be as delusionally conceited as you are, or are you accustomed to it like any other birth defect?

I don't recall saying ANYTHING about "my religion", as that would require me to give a fuck what you think of it. What I have said, and will continue to say - admittedly, with very little hope that it will puncture the steel bubble of pompous self-importance around you - is that YOUR OPINION OF RELIGION DOESN'T MATTER. Because you don't matter. No one wants your approval. No one needs your sanction of their beliefs. No one has asked you if their practice and application of their religion to their decisions is okay with you, because no one cares.

There is never going to be a time when ANYONE is EVER going to look to you to tell them what Christianity is or how Christians should behave. I'm dubious that anyone considers you reliable or noticeable enough to ask you what time it is, let alone how to live.

By all means, withhold your unsolicited "help", because I have no desire whatsoever to become like you.

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