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Evangelicals explain their support for Trump. It's the racism that stands out.

Trump donated millions to abortionists.

And the rubes are okay with that.

"He made money off the deaths of the unborn. That makes it okay!"

Not recently.

Oh, man. That's priceless.

I had no idea God has a statute of limitations for aiding and abetting the murder of the unborn!

Trump's position on something 20 years ago wasn't relevant in 16'. I'm obviously talking to a fool. Carry on.

It was to people of integrity. You must be the 'other' guy.
In the 90's "Bake or die" wasn't being pushed on them
In the 90's the whole transgender thing and bathroom thing wasn't being pushed for acceptance or else.

Right now their choice was between a party that despises them and wants to eventually break them, and an asshole with flaws who want's at worst to leave them alone and at best reserve their issues to the State/Local level.

and you wonder why they held their noses and support him?

Evangelicals would rather condemn homosexuals than serial adulterers

I don't see adulterers trying to get evangelicals to accept their adultery "or else".

This is one of the things most progressives don't get. People don't like being forced to accept things they don't like, and the sure as hell don't like government doing the forcing.
Ever find it curious that devout Christians will bake a cake for an adulterer but not a homosexual?

You are not comparing the right concepts. Have any of these bakers been asked to bake a cake celebrating a person's adultery?

In all these cases the defendants said they would provide goods of a point of sale nature to the plaintiffs, just not a wedding cake. So they probably do sell to other sinners, they have just not been asked to bake a cake celebrating those specific sins.

Why do you have to lie to make your point?
The wedding celebrates adultery

Why bake a cake ?

Wow, you got caught in your own concept, and now are "acting' stupid to get out.

I have shown why evangelicals would prefer a flawed Trump over a Democrat, and you just can't or won't see it.
Evangelicals oppose

Healthcare for children
Food for poor families
Financial aid for single mothers

But baking a cake for a gay wedding?
They are outraged

More lies.

A lot of them oppose government doing the work of charities, charities many of them support of their own free will.

It's about force. Forced charity, forced baking, forced political beliefs, OR ELSE.
Judgment Days

In a small Alabama town, an evangelical congregation reckons with God, President Trump and the meaning of morality

A few leaders have publicly dissented from such views, aware of the Southern Baptist history of whiffing on the big moral questions of the day — such as during the civil rights era, when most pastors either defended segregation or remained silent. The president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s ethics commission, Russell Moore, asked whether Christians were “really ready to trade unity with our black and brown brothers and sisters for this angry politician?” One prominent black pastor, Lawrence Ware, left the denomination altogether, writing that the widespread reluctance to criticize Trump on racial issues revealed a “deep commitment to white supremacy.” The new president of the Southern Baptist Convention, J.D. Greear, said church culture had “grown too comfortable with power and the dangers that power brings.”

But all those discussions were taking place far from the rank-and-file. The Southern Baptists who filled the pews every Sunday were making their own moral calculations about Trump in the privacy of a thousand church sanctuaries in cities and towns such as Luverne, population 2,700, an hour south of the state capital of Montgomery.

It was a place where it was hard to drive a mile in any direction without passing some church or sign about the wages of sin, where conversations about politics happened in nodding circles before Sunday school, or at the Chicken Shack after, and few people paid attention to some national Southern Baptist leader.

This is a really good read for all those of us who absolutely cannot grasp how people who call themselves people of faith have embraced an obviously unchristian man.

Most of it seems to be a reaction to Obama, and the lies they chose to believe about him. Which - I mean, that's not really any surprise.

What is going to be a surprise is when they get turned away at the pearly gates.

Donald Trump seems the farthest any person with Christian values would support
Unless you’re a hack who hates your country
Keep in mind...many of them are pushing for the End TImes as they know it.
They were correct. Trump is trying to drain the Obama Swamp and the Swamp Creatures are outraged.

Drain the swamp? :21::21::21::21::21:

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You see, they have a TOTALLY different definition of "swamp" than normal people do.
Adultery. Casinos. Beauty pageants. Greed. Lust. Envy. Porn stars. Multiple marriages. Fraudulent ripoff schools. Vodka. Pussy grabbing. Pathological lying. Daily false witnessing.
What's an evangelical not to like?
Trump wasn't trying to be elected Pope.
No one said he was.

But plenty of people actually believe this fuckwit was sent by God. That's some seriously deluded thinking.
This country would probably be gone by now if Hillary had won, and plenty of people thought she was a shoe-in in 2014-2015.
People said the same thing about what would happen if Obama won.

They were correct. Trump is trying to drain the Obama Swamp and the Swamp Creatures are outraged.

You sound just like an extreme leftist.
This is a really good read for all those of us who absolutely cannot grasp how people who call themselves people of faith have embraced an obviously unchristian man.
Most of it seems to be a reaction to Obama, and the lies they chose to believe about him. Which - I mean, that's not really any surprise.
What is going to be a surprise is when they get turned away at the pearly gates.
Always quite humorous when atheist liberals like you try to lecture Christian people about their faith and how they should practice it. ... :cuckoo: ... :lol: :lol:
These people are not Christians, even though they advertise themselves as such. They are an abomination.
Funny how those who reject the Christian God feel comfortable defining what a Christian is. Silly hypocrites!
Judgment Days

In a small Alabama town, an evangelical congregation reckons with God, President Trump and the meaning of morality

A few leaders have publicly dissented from such views, aware of the Southern Baptist history of whiffing on the big moral questions of the day — such as during the civil rights era, when most pastors either defended segregation or remained silent. The president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s ethics commission, Russell Moore, asked whether Christians were “really ready to trade unity with our black and brown brothers and sisters for this angry politician?” One prominent black pastor, Lawrence Ware, left the denomination altogether, writing that the widespread reluctance to criticize Trump on racial issues revealed a “deep commitment to white supremacy.” The new president of the Southern Baptist Convention, J.D. Greear, said church culture had “grown too comfortable with power and the dangers that power brings.”

But all those discussions were taking place far from the rank-and-file. The Southern Baptists who filled the pews every Sunday were making their own moral calculations about Trump in the privacy of a thousand church sanctuaries in cities and towns such as Luverne, population 2,700, an hour south of the state capital of Montgomery.

It was a place where it was hard to drive a mile in any direction without passing some church or sign about the wages of sin, where conversations about politics happened in nodding circles before Sunday school, or at the Chicken Shack after, and few people paid attention to some national Southern Baptist leader.

This is a really good read for all those of us who absolutely cannot grasp how people who call themselves people of faith have embraced an obviously unchristian man.

Most of it seems to be a reaction to Obama, and the lies they chose to believe about him. Which - I mean, that's not really any surprise.

What is going to be a surprise is when they get turned away at the pearly gates.

Donald Trump seems the farthest any person with Christian values would support
Or any values at all, for that matter.

May they never attempt to take the high road again. And if they do, we shall laugh and laugh. Oh, the humor.

No decent person takes the high road anymore, liberal progressives have churned it into a goat trail. No group in history has ever done more to kill off high horses, churn up high roads and bring low the high grounds. Then, they want to lecture the rest of us on morality.
"No decent person takes the high road anymore"....Is that the 11th Commandment for fundies?
Evangelicals oppose

Healthcare for children
Food for poor families
Financial aid for single mothers

But baking a cake for a gay wedding?
They are outraged

More lies.

A lot of them oppose government doing the work of charities, charities many of them support of their own free will.

It's about force. Forced charity, forced baking, forced political beliefs, OR ELSE.
Helping people is not force

Tax dollars can be used for war....why do Christians oppose using them to help starving families?
When the crazy left starts lecturing Americans about "Christian faith" you know they are gone off the deep end.
I'm a Bill Buckley/Ronald Reagan conservative, dipshit. You tards are so far off the conservative reservation it isn't even funny any more.

Trump is leading all of you to the far left cave and you don't even know it. He is a far left New York limousine liberal, and a textbook huckster.

He has you actually cheering his adultery, turning a blind eye to his massive overspending, and approving of his Keynesian economic policy. He has you prostrate before a KGB thug.

And three milliseconds after he announces he is making single payer healthcare his number one domestic agenda item, you will line up to give your approval of that, too.

You all make me sick.
I am sure William Buckley and Ronald Reagan would turn a blind eye as the country erupts from riots and violence almost exclusively from the Democrats.....

Oh wait....


PTBCG - Proud to be College Graduate
I used to be optimistic my Republican Party would recover from its insanity. I used to be optimistic they would throw out the liars, hypocrites, bigots, and idiots who infected the party and were destroying it from within.

That is no longer the case. Through apathy and misguided self-destructive appeasement of the invaders, the GOP has committed suicide. The cancer has metastasized.

Trump is not the disease. He is the crooked psychic healer come to gouge the ignorant family members around the bedside of the dying body for all they are worth.

The extreme right has hijacked the GOP party using the same techniques of the extreme left.
Judgment Days

In a small Alabama town, an evangelical congregation reckons with God, President Trump and the meaning of morality

A few leaders have publicly dissented from such views, aware of the Southern Baptist history of whiffing on the big moral questions of the day — such as during the civil rights era, when most pastors either defended segregation or remained silent. The president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s ethics commission, Russell Moore, asked whether Christians were “really ready to trade unity with our black and brown brothers and sisters for this angry politician?” One prominent black pastor, Lawrence Ware, left the denomination altogether, writing that the widespread reluctance to criticize Trump on racial issues revealed a “deep commitment to white supremacy.” The new president of the Southern Baptist Convention, J.D. Greear, said church culture had “grown too comfortable with power and the dangers that power brings.”

But all those discussions were taking place far from the rank-and-file. The Southern Baptists who filled the pews every Sunday were making their own moral calculations about Trump in the privacy of a thousand church sanctuaries in cities and towns such as Luverne, population 2,700, an hour south of the state capital of Montgomery.

It was a place where it was hard to drive a mile in any direction without passing some church or sign about the wages of sin, where conversations about politics happened in nodding circles before Sunday school, or at the Chicken Shack after, and few people paid attention to some national Southern Baptist leader.

This is a really good read for all those of us who absolutely cannot grasp how people who call themselves people of faith have embraced an obviously unchristian man.

Most of it seems to be a reaction to Obama, and the lies they chose to believe about him. Which - I mean, that's not really any surprise.

What is going to be a surprise is when they get turned away at the pearly gates.
Turned away from the pearly gates? Are you saying that there are rules and regulations that you have to follow to get into heaven? Do they ask questions at the gate and then decide whether you belong there? Well damn. Who'd have thunk that Heaven didn't have open borders. My, my.

Would you recognize a Bible if you saw one?
Well I wasn't foolish enough to spend 30 years in a church that I didn't believe in, if that's what you mean. I'm just finding my daily amusement in the hypocrisy you're displaying. Carry on.
I used to be optimistic my Republican Party would recover from its insanity. I used to be optimistic they would throw out the liars, hypocrites, bigots, and idiots who infected the party and were destroying it from within.

That is no longer the case. Through apathy and misguided self-destructive appeasement of the invaders, the GOP has committed suicide. The cancer has metastasized.

Trump is not the disease. He is the crooked psychic healer come to gouge the ignorant family members around the bedside of the dying body for all they are worth.
Follow the money....from church leader to politician to business leader to NRA leaders, I bet dollars to donuts they are addicted to the money laundered from the Russian mob.
In the 90's "Bake or die" wasn't being pushed on them
In the 90's the whole transgender thing and bathroom thing wasn't being pushed for acceptance or else.

Right now their choice was between a party that despises them and wants to eventually break them, and an asshole with flaws who want's at worst to leave them alone and at best reserve their issues to the State/Local level.

and you wonder why they held their noses and support him?

Evangelicals would rather condemn homosexuals than serial adulterers

I don't see adulterers trying to get evangelicals to accept their adultery "or else".

This is one of the things most progressives don't get. People don't like being forced to accept things they don't like, and the sure as hell don't like government doing the forcing.
Ever find it curious that devout Christians will bake a cake for an adulterer but not a homosexual?
Well, it's not as if adultery is mentioned in the bible or anything.......so, sure.
I remember the outrage evangelicals had over Bill Clinton’s womanizing

Strangely silent about Trump
The difference is that Slick Willie was in public office as governor and later president when he pursued his extracurricular activities.

While Trump's indiscretions took place as a private citizen before he was elected for political office. ... :cool:
Last edited:
In the 90's "Bake or die" wasn't being pushed on them
In the 90's the whole transgender thing and bathroom thing wasn't being pushed for acceptance or else.

Right now their choice was between a party that despises them and wants to eventually break them, and an asshole with flaws who want's at worst to leave them alone and at best reserve their issues to the State/Local level.

and you wonder why they held their noses and support him?

Evangelicals would rather condemn homosexuals than serial adulterers

I don't see adulterers trying to get evangelicals to accept their adultery "or else".

This is one of the things most progressives don't get. People don't like being forced to accept things they don't like, and the sure as hell don't like government doing the forcing.
Ever find it curious that devout Christians will bake a cake for an adulterer but not a homosexual?
Well, it's not as if adultery is mentioned in the bible or anything.......so, sure.
Even had a commandment written about it
Nothing about homosexuality


Homosexuality? Nope
Judgment Days

In a small Alabama town, an evangelical congregation reckons with God, President Trump and the meaning of morality

A few leaders have publicly dissented from such views, aware of the Southern Baptist history of whiffing on the big moral questions of the day — such as during the civil rights era, when most pastors either defended segregation or remained silent. The president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s ethics commission, Russell Moore, asked whether Christians were “really ready to trade unity with our black and brown brothers and sisters for this angry politician?” One prominent black pastor, Lawrence Ware, left the denomination altogether, writing that the widespread reluctance to criticize Trump on racial issues revealed a “deep commitment to white supremacy.” The new president of the Southern Baptist Convention, J.D. Greear, said church culture had “grown too comfortable with power and the dangers that power brings.”

But all those discussions were taking place far from the rank-and-file. The Southern Baptists who filled the pews every Sunday were making their own moral calculations about Trump in the privacy of a thousand church sanctuaries in cities and towns such as Luverne, population 2,700, an hour south of the state capital of Montgomery.

It was a place where it was hard to drive a mile in any direction without passing some church or sign about the wages of sin, where conversations about politics happened in nodding circles before Sunday school, or at the Chicken Shack after, and few people paid attention to some national Southern Baptist leader.

This is a really good read for all those of us who absolutely cannot grasp how people who call themselves people of faith have embraced an obviously unchristian man.

Most of it seems to be a reaction to Obama, and the lies they chose to believe about him. Which - I mean, that's not really any surprise.

What is going to be a surprise is when they get turned away at the pearly gates.

Donald Trump seems the farthest any person with Christian values would support
Unless you’re a hack who hates your country
Keep in mind...many of them are pushing for the End TImes as they know it.

Why type something so patently absurd? One cannot "push" for the end times.

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