Even I can't believe this.

EPA Gutting Rule Credited With Coal-plant Toxic Air Cleanup

What EPA? Trump gutted that when he appointed Crooked Snotty Pruitt who gutted it further. Looks like the coal lobbyist punk finished the job. Rump won't stop until everyone is dead but his polluting fat cat buddies.
So, the EPA announced a change in how costs and benefits are analyzed. They also maintain, more mercury and other toxic stuff will not be emitted. Therefore, the OP article has to be fake news.

Reading is such a burden, isn't it? OP:

The EPA move leaves in place standards for emissions of mercury, which damages the developing brains of children and has has been linked to a series of other ailments. But the changes greatly reduce the health benefits that regulators can consider in crafting future[] rules for power plant emissions. That undermines the 2011 mercury rule and limits regulators' ability to tackle the range of soot, heavy metals, toxic gases and other hazards from fossil fuel power plants.

The Trump administration contends the mercury cleanup was not “appropriate and necessary,” a legal benchmark under the country’s landmark Clean Air Act.

The Obama rule led to what electric utilities say was an $18 billion cleanup of mercury and other toxins from the smokestacks of coal-fired power plants. EPA staffers’ own analysis said the rule curbed mercury’s devastating neurological damage to children and prevented thousands of premature deaths annually, among other public health benefits.

Most coal-fired power plants have already made the technological upgrades required by the 2011 mercury rule. Many utilities have urged the Trump administration not to go ahead with Thursday's rollbacks, fearing expensive legal battles will result.

So, while many utilities welcomed the prior standards, and Trump and his servile entourage extol the benefits of "clean coal" (which is a lie), they also gut the very possibility of future improvements, preclude the less toxic results of coal-burning, resulting in downwind disease and thousands of premature deaths. Trumpletons couldn't be any giddier.

I, for one, can't see how the EPA survives intact their subservience to Trump's wrecking of standards all around, or the fall-out emerging from their weasel-worded accounting of their rule change. Like Trump's so-called "judges", this deleterious change to the nation's health will probably outlast Trump's misrule, maybe even by decades.
Typical Republicans - pro-pollution at every turn.

Look who's talking, Dem's don't damage the environment they obliterate it with concrete and human infestation like a giant termite nest.

Hate to break it to you but Republicans infest those environments as well and whine about regulations and building codes.
EPA Gutting Rule Credited With Coal-plant Toxic Air Cleanup

"The Trump administration is gutting an Obama-era rule that compelled coal plants to cut back emissions of mercury and other human health hazards, limiting future regulation of air pollutants by petroleum and coal plants.

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist whose clients have gotten many of the regulatory rollbacks they asked for from the Trump administration, was set to announce the final version of the weakened rule later Thursday."
I thought I had lost the ability to be shocked by the affirmative steps taken by this admin to harm the environment and the public's health. I was wrong.

Nothing like taking advantage of a crisis. This is unbelievable.
Trump just won 4 states
EPA Gutting Rule Credited With Coal-plant Toxic Air Cleanup

"The Trump administration is gutting an Obama-era rule that compelled coal plants to cut back emissions of mercury and other human health hazards, limiting future regulation of air pollutants by petroleum and coal plants.

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist whose clients have gotten many of the regulatory rollbacks they asked for from the Trump administration, was set to announce the final version of the weakened rule later Thursday."
I thought I had lost the ability to be shocked by the affirmative steps taken by this admin to harm the environment and the public's health. I was wrong.

Nothing like taking advantage of a crisis. This is unbelievable.
.....I thought I had lost the ability to be shocked by the TDS of USMB members...I was wrong
..the environment is fine---the Earth is fine.....you want to fk people over by getting their jobs gone ....
It would be cool to have all those coal plants in red states in red counties.
EPA Gutting Rule Credited With Coal-plant Toxic Air Cleanup

"The Trump administration is gutting an Obama-era rule that compelled coal plants to cut back emissions of mercury and other human health hazards, limiting future regulation of air pollutants by petroleum and coal plants.

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist whose clients have gotten many of the regulatory rollbacks they asked for from the Trump administration, was set to announce the final version of the weakened rule later Thursday."
I thought I had lost the ability to be shocked by the affirmative steps taken by this admin to harm the environment and the public's health. I was wrong.

Nothing like taking advantage of a crisis. This is unbelievable.
That was just another Obama reg designed to gut the coal industry. Coal fired power plants are extremely clean these days. There is no statistical data that shows anyone become ill because they live near a coal fired power plant.

The proposal Friday from the Environmental Protection Agency challenges the basis for the Obama regulation. It calculates that the crackdown on mercury and other toxins from coal plants produced only a few million dollars a year in measurable health benefits and was not "appropriate and necessary"—a legal benchmark under the country's landmark Clean Air Act
EPA Gutting Rule Credited With Coal-plant Toxic Air Cleanup

"The Trump administration is gutting an Obama-era rule that compelled coal plants to cut back emissions of mercury and other human health hazards, limiting future regulation of air pollutants by petroleum and coal plants.

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist whose clients have gotten many of the regulatory rollbacks they asked for from the Trump administration, was set to announce the final version of the weakened rule later Thursday."
I thought I had lost the ability to be shocked by the affirmative steps taken by this admin to harm the environment and the public's health. I was wrong.

Nothing like taking advantage of a crisis. This is unbelievable.
.....I thought I had lost the ability to be shocked by the TDS of USMB members...I was wrong
..the environment is fine---the Earth is fine.....you want to fk people over by getting their jobs gone ....
It would be cool to have all those coal plants in red states in red counties.
It will be kewl paying 1/3 of what you pay for electric power.
EPA Gutting Rule Credited With Coal-plant Toxic Air Cleanup

"The Trump administration is gutting an Obama-era rule that compelled coal plants to cut back emissions of mercury and other human health hazards, limiting future regulation of air pollutants by petroleum and coal plants.

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist whose clients have gotten many of the regulatory rollbacks they asked for from the Trump administration, was set to announce the final version of the weakened rule later Thursday."
I thought I had lost the ability to be shocked by the affirmative steps taken by this admin to harm the environment and the public's health. I was wrong.

Nothing like taking advantage of a crisis. This is unbelievable.
I can believe it. Republicans may have kick started environmental movement and created the EPA, but today's Republicans only care about making it cheaper and easier to pass the costs of their business interests to the rest of society. Externalizing business costs if a proven method to keep your cleanup expense low to nonexistent, if you can lobby for an exemption, or to get a rule overturned entirely.
Consumers always pay the cost of environmental regulations, and environmental wackos want to drive those costs into the stratosphere. EPA regulations state that the cost of a regulation has to be lower than the cost of the pollution it eliminates. The days when it could do that are long gone.
EPA Gutting Rule Credited With Coal-plant Toxic Air Cleanup

"The Trump administration is gutting an Obama-era rule that compelled coal plants to cut back emissions of mercury and other human health hazards, limiting future regulation of air pollutants by petroleum and coal plants.

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist whose clients have gotten many of the regulatory rollbacks they asked for from the Trump administration, was set to announce the final version of the weakened rule later Thursday."
I thought I had lost the ability to be shocked by the affirmative steps taken by this admin to harm the environment and the public's health. I was wrong.

Nothing like taking advantage of a crisis. This is unbelievable.
I can believe it. Republicans may have kick started environmental movement and created the EPA, but today's Republicans only care about making it cheaper and easier to pass the costs of their business interests to the rest of society. Externalizing business costs if a proven method to keep your cleanup expense low to nonexistent, if you can lobby for an exemption, or to get a rule overturned entirely.
Here we go with White. Republicans are evil. Trump is as bad as Hitler. Blah blah blah. Zero credibility.
EPA Gutting Rule Credited With Coal-plant Toxic Air Cleanup

"The Trump administration is gutting an Obama-era rule that compelled coal plants to cut back emissions of mercury and other human health hazards, limiting future regulation of air pollutants by petroleum and coal plants.

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist whose clients have gotten many of the regulatory rollbacks they asked for from the Trump administration, was set to announce the final version of the weakened rule later Thursday."
I thought I had lost the ability to be shocked by the affirmative steps taken by this admin to harm the environment and the public's health. I was wrong.

Nothing like taking advantage of a crisis. This is unbelievable.
I can believe it. Republicans may have kick started environmental movement and created the EPA, but today's Republicans only care about making it cheaper and easier to pass the costs of their business interests to the rest of society. Externalizing business costs if a proven method to keep your cleanup expense low to nonexistent, if you can lobby for an exemption, or to get a rule overturned entirely.
Consumers always pay the cost of environmental regulations, and environmental wackos want to drive those costs into the stratosphere. EPA regulations state that the cost of a regulation has to be lower than the cost of the pollution it eliminates. The days when it could do that are long gone.
I do not mind, when paying for a product that the price covers the cost of preventing damage to the environment. I do not like it when it is no longer paid for and I suffer putting up with their pollution, whether I purchased their product or not. Passing the cost on to all Americans for the pollution costs of a business is externalizing their costs, so they can have a higher profit, due to sticking environmental costs out to the public, even though their product and business profits do not benefit all Americans.
EPA Gutting Rule Credited With Coal-plant Toxic Air Cleanup

"The Trump administration is gutting an Obama-era rule that compelled coal plants to cut back emissions of mercury and other human health hazards, limiting future regulation of air pollutants by petroleum and coal plants.

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist whose clients have gotten many of the regulatory rollbacks they asked for from the Trump administration, was set to announce the final version of the weakened rule later Thursday."
I thought I had lost the ability to be shocked by the affirmative steps taken by this admin to harm the environment and the public's health. I was wrong.

Nothing like taking advantage of a crisis. This is unbelievable.
I can believe it. Republicans may have kick started environmental movement and created the EPA, but today's Republicans only care about making it cheaper and easier to pass the costs of their business interests to the rest of society. Externalizing business costs if a proven method to keep your cleanup expense low to nonexistent, if you can lobby for an exemption, or to get a rule overturned entirely.
Consumers always pay the cost of environmental regulations, and environmental wackos want to drive those costs into the stratosphere. EPA regulations state that the cost of a regulation has to be lower than the cost of the pollution it eliminates. The days when it could do that are long gone.
I do not mind, when paying for a product that the price covers the cost of preventing damage to the environment. I do not like it when it is no longer paid for and I suffer putting up with their pollution, whether I purchased their product or not. Passing the cost on to all Americans for the pollution costs of a business is externalizing their costs, so they can have a higher profit, due to sticking environmental costs out to the public, even though their product and business profits do not benefit all Americans.
The issue is not whether it gets paid for. The issue is whether the price is 10 times or 100 times higher than it needs to be. Assholes like you don't give a damn how much of a burden you impose on consumers. Your "cost is no obstacle" attitude towards regulation will drive us all into the poor house. If the price of gas went to $10/gal you would be one of the loudest complainers. You would be accusing those greedy capitalists of robbery. However, all intelligent people know that dumbasses like you are the reason for high prices.
EPA Gutting Rule Credited With Coal-plant Toxic Air Cleanup

"The Trump administration is gutting an Obama-era rule that compelled coal plants to cut back emissions of mercury and other human health hazards, limiting future regulation of air pollutants by petroleum and coal plants.

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist whose clients have gotten many of the regulatory rollbacks they asked for from the Trump administration, was set to announce the final version of the weakened rule later Thursday."
I thought I had lost the ability to be shocked by the affirmative steps taken by this admin to harm the environment and the public's health. I was wrong.

Nothing like taking advantage of a crisis. This is unbelievable.
I can believe it. Republicans may have kick started environmental movement and created the EPA, but today's Republicans only care about making it cheaper and easier to pass the costs of their business interests to the rest of society. Externalizing business costs if a proven method to keep your cleanup expense low to nonexistent, if you can lobby for an exemption, or to get a rule overturned entirely.

There is a balance. Democrats use Environmental regs as a power play to the point that some regs are egregious and actually stifle/hurt “business interests”. Nothing wrong with business interests.
EPA Gutting Rule Credited With Coal-plant Toxic Air Cleanup

"The Trump administration is gutting an Obama-era rule that compelled coal plants to cut back emissions of mercury and other human health hazards, limiting future regulation of air pollutants by petroleum and coal plants.

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist whose clients have gotten many of the regulatory rollbacks they asked for from the Trump administration, was set to announce the final version of the weakened rule later Thursday."
I thought I had lost the ability to be shocked by the affirmative steps taken by this admin to harm the environment and the public's health. I was wrong.

Nothing like taking advantage of a crisis. This is unbelievable.
I can believe it. Republicans may have kick started environmental movement and created the EPA, but today's Republicans only care about making it cheaper and easier to pass the costs of their business interests to the rest of society. Externalizing business costs if a proven method to keep your cleanup expense low to nonexistent, if you can lobby for an exemption, or to get a rule overturned entirely.
Consumers always pay the cost of environmental regulations, and environmental wackos want to drive those costs into the stratosphere. EPA regulations state that the cost of a regulation has to be lower than the cost of the pollution it eliminates. The days when it could do that are long gone.
I do not mind, when paying for a product that the price covers the cost of preventing damage to the environment. I do not like it when it is no longer paid for and I suffer putting up with their pollution, whether I purchased their product or not. Passing the cost on to all Americans for the pollution costs of a business is externalizing their costs, so they can have a higher profit, due to sticking environmental costs out to the public, even though their product and business profits do not benefit all Americans.
The issue is not whether it gets paid for. The issue is whether the price is 10 times or 100 times higher than it needs to be. Assholes like you don't give a damn how much of a burden you impose on consumers. Your "cost is no obstacle" attitude towards regulation will drive us all into the poor house. If the price of gas went to $10/gal you would be one of the loudest complainers. You would be accusing those greedy capitalists of robbery. However, all intelligent people know that dumbasses like you are the reason for high prices.
Talk about over simplifing to the point of nonsense! We should do what it takes to be competitive here. It is not like they are smarter than Americans and we just are too stupid to redesign, retool manufacture and compete. That thinking is for anit-American losers. As for $10.00 /gal gas, we did not outsource the oil and gas industry, which is why we are number 1 or 2 in the world, even though we have less to pump.
EPA Gutting Rule Credited With Coal-plant Toxic Air Cleanup

"The Trump administration is gutting an Obama-era rule that compelled coal plants to cut back emissions of mercury and other human health hazards, limiting future regulation of air pollutants by petroleum and coal plants.

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist whose clients have gotten many of the regulatory rollbacks they asked for from the Trump administration, was set to announce the final version of the weakened rule later Thursday."
I thought I had lost the ability to be shocked by the affirmative steps taken by this admin to harm the environment and the public's health. I was wrong.

Nothing like taking advantage of a crisis. This is unbelievable.
I can believe it. Republicans may have kick started environmental movement and created the EPA, but today's Republicans only care about making it cheaper and easier to pass the costs of their business interests to the rest of society. Externalizing business costs if a proven method to keep your cleanup expense low to nonexistent, if you can lobby for an exemption, or to get a rule overturned entirely.

There is a balance. Democrats use Environmental regs as a power play to the point that some regs are egregious and actually stifle/hurt “business interests”. Nothing wrong with business interests.
Correct. Nothing wrong with business interest, at all, but must balance and be responsible. I hear Donnie, moved to allow more mercury and heavy metal release in coal using industry last week. Anybody needing more mercury and heavy metals in their water table, rivers, lakes and streams. I liked it when the republicans took the conservative view on the environment. No more.
Uh, not really-

Mercury and Air Toxics Standards for Power Plants: Revised Supplemental Finding and Residual Risk and Technology Review Final Rule
• On April 16, 2020, EPA completed a reconsideration of the appropriate and necessary finding for the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS), correcting flaws in the approach to considering costs and benefits while ensuring that hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions from power plants continue to be appropriately controlled.
• Under this action, no more mercury or any other hazardous air pollutant will be emitted into the air than before. EPA is maintaining its mercury and air toxics emissions standards as Administrator Wheeler announced nearly a year ago.
• EPA is not removing coal- and oil-fired power plants from the list of affected source categories for regulation under section 112 of the Clean Air Act (CAA), so MATS remains in effect.


EPA Gutting Rule Credited With Coal-plant Toxic Air Cleanup

"The Trump administration is gutting an Obama-era rule that compelled coal plants to cut back emissions of mercury and other human health hazards, limiting future regulation of air pollutants by petroleum and coal plants.

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist whose clients have gotten many of the regulatory rollbacks they asked for from the Trump administration, was set to announce the final version of the weakened rule later Thursday."
I thought I had lost the ability to be shocked by the affirmative steps taken by this admin to harm the environment and the public's health. I was wrong.

Nothing like taking advantage of a crisis. This is unbelievable.
I can believe it. Republicans may have kick started environmental movement and created the EPA, but today's Republicans only care about making it cheaper and easier to pass the costs of their business interests to the rest of society. Externalizing business costs if a proven method to keep your cleanup expense low to nonexistent, if you can lobby for an exemption, or to get a rule overturned entirely.
Consumers always pay the cost of environmental regulations, and environmental wackos want to drive those costs into the stratosphere. EPA regulations state that the cost of a regulation has to be lower than the cost of the pollution it eliminates. The days when it could do that are long gone.
I do not mind, when paying for a product that the price covers the cost of preventing damage to the environment. I do not like it when it is no longer paid for and I suffer putting up with their pollution, whether I purchased their product or not. Passing the cost on to all Americans for the pollution costs of a business is externalizing their costs, so they can have a higher profit, due to sticking environmental costs out to the public, even though their product and business profits do not benefit all Americans.
The issue is not whether it gets paid for. The issue is whether the price is 10 times or 100 times higher than it needs to be. Assholes like you don't give a damn how much of a burden you impose on consumers. Your "cost is no obstacle" attitude towards regulation will drive us all into the poor house. If the price of gas went to $10/gal you would be one of the loudest complainers. You would be accusing those greedy capitalists of robbery. However, all intelligent people know that dumbasses like you are the reason for high prices.
Talk about over simplifing to the point of nonsense! We should do what it takes to be competitive here. It is not like they are smarter than Americans and we just are too stupid to redesign, retool manufacture and compete. That thinking is for anit-American losers. As for $10.00 /gal gas, we did not outsource the oil and gas industry, which is why we are number 1 or 2 in the world, even though we have less to pump.
Who is "they?" How are we going to be competitive when morons like you are trying to impose crippling environmental regulations on our industry? You and your fellow morons want to outlaw fracking, which is the only reason gas didn't go to $10/gal.

You are too stupid for words.

Here's a clue for you, moron: manufacturers pass all their costs onto consumers. Who else do you imagine can pay for them? When you increase their costs, you increase the price the consumer pays.

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