Even I can't believe this.

EPA Gutting Rule Credited With Coal-plant Toxic Air Cleanup

"The Trump administration is gutting an Obama-era rule that compelled coal plants to cut back emissions of mercury and other human health hazards, limiting future regulation of air pollutants by petroleum and coal plants.

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist whose clients have gotten many of the regulatory rollbacks they asked for from the Trump administration, was set to announce the final version of the weakened rule later Thursday."
I thought I had lost the ability to be shocked by the affirmative steps taken by this admin to harm the environment and the public's health. I was wrong.

Nothing like taking advantage of a crisis. This is unbelievable.
Not surprised. They are also pushing to detain immigrant children in border patrol facilities for longer rather than let them go with sponsers. Effing regressives.
Link? And note my post above for the truth of the topic.

vanityfair really???
looking like you do its best to stick with the make up articles,,,
Cleaning emissions is beyond easy and has zero costs attached. It's up to citizens to be watchdogs and whistleblowers.
Really? "Cleaning emissions is beyond easy and has zero costs"
So auto prices went up 10 fold since the feds required emission standards. Coincidence? I think not
With our newer electronic controls we no longer need the emissions on diesls as when they are properly tuned they emit very little carbon. The 12-20 grand exhaust systems are not necessary but the EPA mandates them. Follow the money..
EPA Gutting Rule Credited With Coal-plant Toxic Air Cleanup

"The Trump administration is gutting an Obama-era rule that compelled coal plants to cut back emissions of mercury and other human health hazards, limiting future regulation of air pollutants by petroleum and coal plants.

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist whose clients have gotten many of the regulatory rollbacks they asked for from the Trump administration, was set to announce the final version of the weakened rule later Thursday."
I thought I had lost the ability to be shocked by the affirmative steps taken by this admin to harm the environment and the public's health. I was wrong.

Nothing like taking advantage of a crisis. This is unbelievable.

They are rolling back a ruling that was designed to make it impossible to use coal for power generation economically and staying with the old rules that still limited to minuscule levels the amount of these materials allowed to go "up the stack"

No air pollution control equipment is being dismantled by this ruling, the plants still have to me extremely stringent standards. The new standards were designed to ban via regulation, nothing more or less.
Cleaning emissions is beyond easy and has zero costs attached. It's up to citizens to be watchdogs and whistleblowers.

Bullshit. Scrubbing units cost nothing to build or operate? Electrostatic precipitators cost nothing to build or operate? Bag filter assemblies cost nothing to build or operate?

I got a Masters in ChemE and have taken several courses on air pollution control, both in college and as continuing education, please show me this magical zero cost air pollution control technology.
EPA Gutting Rule Credited With Coal-plant Toxic Air Cleanup

"The Trump administration is gutting an Obama-era rule that compelled coal plants to cut back emissions of mercury and other human health hazards, limiting future regulation of air pollutants by petroleum and coal plants.

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist whose clients have gotten many of the regulatory rollbacks they asked for from the Trump administration, was set to announce the final version of the weakened rule later Thursday."
I thought I had lost the ability to be shocked by the affirmative steps taken by this admin to harm the environment and the public's health. I was wrong.

Nothing like taking advantage of a crisis. This is unbelievable.

They are rolling back a ruling that was designed to make it impossible to use coal for power generation economically with the old rule that still limited to minuscule levels the amount of these materials allowed to go "up the stack"

No air pollution control equipment is being dismantled by this ruling, the plants still have to me extremely stringent standards. The new standards were designed to ban via regulation, nothing more or less.

The Obama regulations were designed to kill coal as a viable option and tripple prices on electricity to support wind and solars high prices and costs.
Cleaning emissions is beyond easy and has zero costs attached. It's up to citizens to be watchdogs and whistleblowers.
Really? "Cleaning emissions is beyond easy and has zero costs"
So auto prices went up 10 fold since the feds required emission standards. Coincidence? I think not
Coincidence? Fuck no.

Profit taking.

Do you actually know the profit per vehicle made by the manufacturers.

When you ask designers to get more mileage for a given car weight and configuration, prices go up.
when you make them install things like catalytic converters, prices go up.
Cleaning emissions is beyond easy and has zero costs attached. It's up to citizens to be watchdogs and whistleblowers.
Really? "Cleaning emissions is beyond easy and has zero costs"
So auto prices went up 10 fold since the feds required emission standards. Coincidence? I think not
Coincidence? Fuck no.

Profit taking.

Do you actually know the profit per vehicle made by the manufacturers.

When you ask designers to get more mileage for a given car weight and configuration, prices go up.
when you make them install things like catalytic converters, prices go up.
Do you?

Catalytic converters have been around for nearly 40 years BTW.
Cleaning emissions is beyond easy and has zero costs attached. It's up to citizens to be watchdogs and whistleblowers.
Really? "Cleaning emissions is beyond easy and has zero costs"
So auto prices went up 10 fold since the feds required emission standards. Coincidence? I think not
Coincidence? Fuck no.

Profit taking.

Do you actually know the profit per vehicle made by the manufacturers.

When you ask designers to get more mileage for a given car weight and configuration, prices go up.
when you make them install things like catalytic converters, prices go up.
Do you?

Catalytic converters have been around for nearly 40 years BTW.

And the materials to make them keep getting more and more expensive.

I wasn't the one claiming "profit taking" was the cause of increases in car cost, you were. Now back it up, bitch, or shut your stinking trap.
Barry Soetoro promised to destroy the coal industry if he got elected. He got elected. His EPA embarked on a program to bring that promise to fruition, using laws passed by Congress as their authorization, and using discretion that Congress never foresaw when it passed the laws.

The advance of science in environmentalism has created a monster. We are now able to detect substances in our air, water, and in the ground at levels never before imagined. We used to talk about PPM and now we talk routinely about PPB.

Everyone in the world of toxins knows the axiom that "Everything is poisonous and everything is safe; it's all about the dosage."

We consume sub-microscopic amounts of arsenic, rat shit, and other poisons ALL THE TIME, and it is completely harmless because the dosage is so small that they cannot harm us. Mercury that comes from coal emissions is in the same category. The amounts that are released into the air are so small that they are simply irrelevant from a human health standpoint.

But the EPA has tools that can DETECT the mercury at these harmless levels, so they promulgate laws to ostensibly make us safer, but the real purpose is to make coal fired power plants economically obsolete.

All Hail TRUMP! Four More Years!
Take a few minuets and learn about where the technology came from. This was first used in our Chemical Munitions Disposal Plant at Tooele Army Depot, South Area also know known as the Desert Chemical Munitions Storage Area. The CAMDS site was where we destroyed 80% of the US chemical and biological stock piles. That technology was employed by the DOE in our power plants to remove particulate emissions in the late 70's early 80's to stop acid rain.

I worked here and the Dugway Proving grounds years ago..

Your link makes no mention of scrubbing Mercury vapor ... I've been following the news coming out of Umatilla, there's been no mention of Mercury there ... I'm curious why you think there's heavy metals in these chemical weapons, being this is highly classified information ... gee whiz ... the military would have stressed never discussing classified information all the days of your life ... 40 years later and it's still a felony for me to describe the outside of a crypto machine, I can't even tell what color they were painted ...

Ash Grove Cement Plant in Eastern Oregon is shutting down because the Mercury scrubbers are too expensive and not very effective ... the problem is with the limestone they're processing and there's none available in the local area that's free enough of Mercury to run profitably ... and it's currently illegal to burn coal for electricity in Oregon, all the power plants were shut down ... starting in 2029 it will be illegal for Oregon electric companies to purchase coal-fired electricity on the wholesale market ... although the Federal Government has sole authority over railroads and ocean shipping within Oregon, that 20 feet between railroad hopper and collier IS under Oregon jurisdiction ... ha ha ... and it's been zoned "no coal" ... ha ha ...

You seem confused about the differences between "particulates" which are chunks of material, and "vapor" which is a gas ... Mercury boils at about 350ºC ... coal plants run over 500ºC, cement plants way above that ...

Current scrubbing technologies remove 99.998% of all particulates. This means there is no mercury coming from these plants any more.

I'd like a citation that backs up this claim ... Mercury is a vapor, not a particulate ... the one you provided doesn't seem to mention mercury at all ...
When was the last time you went to see the doctor and he told you you weren't getting enough mercury in your diet?

The Trump Administration's Proposed Mercury Rollback Is Based on Flawed Analysis

The Trump administration has been trying to dismantle Obama-era mercury regulations since October 2018. It based a decision to rollback the rule based on an analysis the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that found its decision “appropriate and necessary.”

Surprise, that analysis also appears to be pretty flawed. In a study published in Science on Thursday, researchers argue that the EPA’s analysis “ignores scientific evidence, economic best practice, and its own guidance.”
Deep flaws in a mercury regulatory analysis
EPA Gutting Rule Credited With Coal-plant Toxic Air Cleanup

"The Trump administration is gutting an Obama-era rule that compelled coal plants to cut back emissions of mercury and other human health hazards, limiting future regulation of air pollutants by petroleum and coal plants.

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist whose clients have gotten many of the regulatory rollbacks they asked for from the Trump administration, was set to announce the final version of the weakened rule later Thursday."
I thought I had lost the ability to be shocked by the affirmative steps taken by this admin to harm the environment and the public's health. I was wrong.

Nothing like taking advantage of a crisis. This is unbelievable.
From the EPA's comment:

This action is about responding to the U.S. Supreme Court and cost benefit analysis in regulations.
  • In 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court held that EPA had failed to consider the cost of compliance when proposing regulation of hazardous air pollutants from coal and oil fired power plants.
  • EPA is now appropriately responding to that Supreme Court decision and directive to EPA.
  • For EPA to regulate HAP emissions from coal- and oil-fired power plants under the Clean Air Act, it must make a finding that such regulation is appropriate and necessary (i.e., the A&N finding). The A&N finding must consider the cost and benefits of reducing those HAP emissions.
  • EPA’s information demonstrated MATS was projected to cost up to $9.6 billion annually while the monetizable benefits derived from mercury emission reductions were valued at up to $6 million annually.

Sounds to me like Obama, in typical eco-communist fashion, made arbitrary rules for coal plants to follow, KNOWING they would be cost-prohibitive and put coal plants out of business.

This type of dishonest, backdoor, forced obsolescence should be rejected at every turn.

EPA Gutting Rule Credited With Coal-plant Toxic Air Cleanup

"The Trump administration is gutting an Obama-era rule that compelled coal plants to cut back emissions of mercury and other human health hazards, limiting future regulation of air pollutants by petroleum and coal plants.

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist whose clients have gotten many of the regulatory rollbacks they asked for from the Trump administration, was set to announce the final version of the weakened rule later Thursday."
I thought I had lost the ability to be shocked by the affirmative steps taken by this admin to harm the environment and the public's health. I was wrong.

Nothing like taking advantage of a crisis. This is unbelievable.
Not surprised. They are also pushing to detain immigrant children in border patrol facilities for longer rather than let them go with sponsers. Effing regressives.
Link? And note my post above for the truth of the topic.

Reported anonymously, and used the word supposedly, yet politico admits to this-
HHS said there are no policy changes to announce at the refugee office.

So, sounds like another case of faux outrage over something that is not happening. When there is proof, then real outrage can ensue. Otherwise much ado about an imagined possibility.

Of course they deny it and the Trump Administration has an established habit of not consulting with the affected agencies prior to implementing new plans.

Another source.

After the Trump administration abruptly installed a new hard-line leader last month, the health department’s refugee office is pushing to implement immigration policies favored by White House senior adviser Stephen Miller, according to four health department officials and internal documents reviewed by POLITICO.

The office — which takes custody of thousands of migrant children — is now seeking to delay placing migrant children in shelters operated by the health department, which would instead leave those children in the custody of the Border Patrol for an extended length of time, according to an internal email sent last week and reviewed by POLITICO.
EPA Gutting Rule Credited With Coal-plant Toxic Air Cleanup

"The Trump administration is gutting an Obama-era rule that compelled coal plants to cut back emissions of mercury and other human health hazards, limiting future regulation of air pollutants by petroleum and coal plants.

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist whose clients have gotten many of the regulatory rollbacks they asked for from the Trump administration, was set to announce the final version of the weakened rule later Thursday."
I thought I had lost the ability to be shocked by the affirmative steps taken by this admin to harm the environment and the public's health. I was wrong.

Nothing like taking advantage of a crisis. This is unbelievable.
From the EPA's comment:

This action is about responding to the U.S. Supreme Court and cost benefit analysis in regulations.
  • In 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court held that EPA had failed to consider the cost of compliance when proposing regulation of hazardous air pollutants from coal and oil fired power plants.
  • EPA is now appropriately responding to that Supreme Court decision and directive to EPA.
  • For EPA to regulate HAP emissions from coal- and oil-fired power plants under the Clean Air Act, it must make a finding that such regulation is appropriate and necessary (i.e., the A&N finding). The A&N finding must consider the cost and benefits of reducing those HAP emissions.
  • EPA’s information demonstrated MATS was projected to cost up to $9.6 billion annually while the monetizable benefits derived from mercury emission reductions were valued at up to $6 million annually.

Sounds to me like Obama, in typical eco-communist fashion, made arbitrary rules for coal plants to follow, KNOWING they would be cost-prohibitive and put coal plants out of business.

This type of dishonest, backdoor, forced obsolescence should be rejected at every turn.


Typical Republicans - pro-pollution at every turn.
EPA Gutting Rule Credited With Coal-plant Toxic Air Cleanup

"The Trump administration is gutting an Obama-era rule that compelled coal plants to cut back emissions of mercury and other human health hazards, limiting future regulation of air pollutants by petroleum and coal plants.

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist whose clients have gotten many of the regulatory rollbacks they asked for from the Trump administration, was set to announce the final version of the weakened rule later Thursday."
I thought I had lost the ability to be shocked by the affirmative steps taken by this admin to harm the environment and the public's health. I was wrong.

Nothing like taking advantage of a crisis. This is unbelievable.
From the EPA's comment:

This action is about responding to the U.S. Supreme Court and cost benefit analysis in regulations.
  • In 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court held that EPA had failed to consider the cost of compliance when proposing regulation of hazardous air pollutants from coal and oil fired power plants.
  • EPA is now appropriately responding to that Supreme Court decision and directive to EPA.
  • For EPA to regulate HAP emissions from coal- and oil-fired power plants under the Clean Air Act, it must make a finding that such regulation is appropriate and necessary (i.e., the A&N finding). The A&N finding must consider the cost and benefits of reducing those HAP emissions.
  • EPA’s information demonstrated MATS was projected to cost up to $9.6 billion annually while the monetizable benefits derived from mercury emission reductions were valued at up to $6 million annually.

Sounds to me like Obama, in typical eco-communist fashion, made arbitrary rules for coal plants to follow, KNOWING they would be cost-prohibitive and put coal plants out of business.

This type of dishonest, backdoor, forced obsolescence should be rejected at every turn.


Typical Republicans - pro-pollution at every turn.
  1. Not a Republican
  2. The SCOTUS found that the EPA (as directed by Obama) failed to comply with the A&N requirements of the Clean Air Act.
  3. Histrionics much?

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